(um ana iiouana en aausiicu uii nui ncing Given Enemy L liable to Hold Single Airport .zi The Hague Was Never Taken IV Iselgian military authorities announced today Heicium and Holland had been given all the aid thev requested from Great Britain and France in rcsist-Jie German invasion. British and French forces had (1 Belgian and Dutch in contact with the enemy who i ul.l -t 1I : i t i Jted A communique at being such place where there Hague which the Oer-'wwe no troop apparent, no alr- ( .aimea yeeraay w craft and no railway facilities. This. but which it now 0f course, la lntended-to Justify the was never In their air attacking by the Nazis of any J '.ed that the Germans community, giving the German air uiven oui oi iiouana force a free hand to dron bombs v four hours. The, anywhere whkh U Just what they aders. said the same ' are doing. iu in uivtaic aim i ne rrepared ( . PCQ I TV, The tltlll.h British mlnUln. of f home V, ....... t attacks not only on Nanry area yesterday. 1 Bi ' -ii air ministry said that ,, ministry se- leuritv urnfri lh rtrttUh thai "u-o yrs bu, " 0T mut all be prepared" as a result of be onunued u nn by thejawmBny., i0Und lnvjUon on Holland. Belgium : government last night warned every but they are being nrtU)n on lh. look-out for n isled by anU-alrcraft; trtMnm ,.nA,n h nam. I Allied pursuit ptanlchute m Oreat BrlUln. he Western Front has x The Mt MtaWry announced that i" . "d from the North 8e nrituk .i i. c ir Annihilate Parachutists have adopted a policy .'.rig the l , . . . V. 4 lrtl1 v H!c In -a it" a Air Force lieias in almi--.I... .. . .Roval. in imtiK imu us. : Lin'- uii" and ana force loreej are are riAn .nrt nwnun tnun. an : what it la believed i a .ht on rtPivUn frH y iana oawc. tor)'. No lew than four German rport nas oeen re-.armored traMi were claimed to " Aiiirs and, despite have been destroyed near Atx-la-l Cum Nazi claims to tne CtapeUe at a point where a rall-memy are not In way from Germany crosM the: a tingle air base in frontier. j have lost heavily upwards of two hun-p.ane destroyed -.tcrdam alone the assisted In destroy-us large Oerman Datch Incendiary shells set fire to large hotel from which Oerman were operating. The fire spread rapidly, threatening thin Oerman line. The Belgians, including the members of the fire department, stood by and watched the of them large trans- hotels and the enemy soldiers burn. wl,ich had brought Back in Holland. Germany's plane troops. and parachute troops, attempting to fight their way through Rotter dam, were driven back Into danger-' mil nnfliHnn hv ftia nttni.tr w9 m panicnuic lnforM1 Dutch trrwrui onri th" principal object te to ending of Dutch artillery, botage behind the line u ,nnounwd that ui.in8 wuv "" "- Air Force of Great Britain attack-" i, this type of warfare. enemy occupy airdromes with' jr. -.an parachute troop, it markfd auccM yesterday, pldylng i i h Rotterdam last night, ftn ,mportent part In driving the ; j telnforccraenU but Germans out of every one of ' lard pressed by thethem ' a. with the Belgians, werer : j '1 I '.A'.ng fast In the East, rt i) H ur and other cltle ln.irOlS KeDOrt ybon bed afealn, last night as! y:j Rp Maflp 111 U lliaUU "7 rnnt!niii.rt thMr wide- D..L!' I n persons were killed and.l UUllt JLaiCI ured in (German bombing OTTAWA, May 11: (CP-Publl- the Sirlos report on Dominion . nrnvlnclal relations. 4 been bombed yesterday, whi.h -.. havP been made P .ast night, there wcre.no next Monday( has been deferred until next Thursday. ine report military authorities vc-.-hii hn fhrf at the opening '53t Allied and German ad-;of Parliament next Thursday, IK-rl were ln contact alone . " 1 13 UllllUUilllU. y ncn-:hLuxembourcr frontier. I . ' " -i f"jins a report of bombing of Ftn m rural Kent and raids on towns In the Netherlands iwglum, the British govern- KS'JCd a statement mibllelv Halibut Sales Buddy, American 7,800, 10c It and 7.5c. --. wai urcai uruain re-1 ,ft. h 7Rv Pa "We right to take any action! ",vul" " wwd appropriate In the cvejUCmc' Germanv. Prnnfn ininl t '- -""- l"v-T,, nntam in this warnlnn of ""' roPrate action" ln the event' . UranUS mblng of civilian populations,. '"uncement similar to that, BAR OOIJ) J' cal limn In hMnrr vnnr?A tttr 4V-I mmmt rn L. . wvilltk 1I1HU- U V L.l-1 1 I I rV n Mlm . 1 fl I pct cnvfsi-r.vMnM4 r M i i . u 4 h a Tndon --iuti:tib ivu:aiibmiu;nn!e OI Dar kuiu uu . fn took opportunity to re- market was unchanged today at Definition of open towns $37.54 per fine ounce. Bulletins BRITONS ATTACKED ROME Reliable quarters re- ported Sir Percy Loraine, British ambassador, is preparing to protest to Italian authorities f ' K iii-m uatn ui an ijuiuls aim uuwg unven Oil ail against a reported assault on T umz-reig run Dcen ci- , luo nf lh ,,rlli.h rm. bassy staff and appearance of antl-Brillsh pntsers In Rome. Informed sources said that the Britons George la . Bouchere, secretary of the embassy, and Commander llodd, assistant naval attache were attacked and beaten by men plastering post- er on walls last night. LEOISL.ITUIU2 PKOGUES VICTORIA The British Col-umbla Legislature prorogued last night after a special three-day session passed measures giving the government increased con- Into law were an amendment to the Fuel Board Act permitting seizure of property owned by unv netroleum romiunr rrfu -f-rnTor-nfnTS 'supply-petrol leum product at a price set by the board and empowering (he government to engage in the production and sale of perto- ROUMANIAN GOVT. RESIGNS BUCHAREST The government of Premier Georges Tata rescue resigned and King Carol requested the Premier to form a new government representing all shades of political- thought. UNION LEADER KILLED SOUTH WELLINGTON William Atkinson, district vice-president of United Mine Workers' Union, and Fritz Anderson, South Wellington, were killed instantly early today and two others were Injured seriously when their automobile collided with a truck at this Vancouver Island settlement five miles south of Nanaimo. SCOTTISH FOOTBALL Scottish West Ayr 4, Dumbarton 2. Morton 2, Kilmarnock 0. Motherwell 1, St. Mlrren 4. Queen of South 3, Hamilton 2. Alrdrieonlans 4, Third Lanark 2 East Dundee United 1, Hibernians 3. Hearts 2, Dundee 3. International England 1. Scotland 1. PROVINCIAL I LIBRARY 'eather Forecast Tomorrows Tides a p ivULv " vvii vital- le I and Fresh to strong cast High 3:50 an. 19.6 It. Ping to southeast. Cloudy 17:00 p.m. 173 ft. xl with occasional showers. Low 10:45 a.m. 3.9 ft. 22:49 pjn. 8.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS II COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CIX No, 112 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1940. PRICE: i CENTS erman Blitzkrieg Badly Halted .1. "V I I IT I . A I . m .mm ttacl i Jv wiands urns nto everse rv Ate. iS And Dutch re Reinforced By Allied Help1 Dancins In i ww. II I nr. it r i? e i nrfii i i First Assault On Maginot Line Keicn rui Under Ban : t BERLIN. May 11. --Owing to the gravity of the situation 4- following the Invasion of Ho!- land and Belgium, all dances have been banned in the Reich i 4 NAZIS ARE CONDEMNED BY RUSSIA Russia Says LowUnds Invasion In-Compatible With Socialistic Principles i LONDON, May 11- A startling dispatch in the Dally Herald from Moscow said that Soviet Rursia of Holland and Belgium as a ruth lew use of force. "We cannot sym-1 pathlze with the Imperialistic; melhcd of our dramaUcetehbor" ; a soviet sponeroran u qtroted as saylns. They were not compatible , with Russian principles. SWISS ARE IN ALARM In Readiness For Becoming Involved In Spreading European War BERNE, May 11: (CP) Fearing that it too will become embroiled In the war and comforted little by a German statement that the bombing of a Swiss railway sta tion near the frontier yesterday had been an accident, the Swiss i government ordered general mob- ilization yesterday and a state of alarm. The fighting, in which oppos- Ing aircraft are playing an im- 1 portant part, can be easily heard from Switzerland. Allied airplanes have been violently attacking German troop trains on the Basle-Frankfort i Railway and service through Brenner Pass has been Interrupted. There have been anti-German demonstrations in Lausanne and Zurich and special police guards have been posted to German embassies to prevent recurrence. ADVANTAGE IN WAR IS ALL ON ALLIES' SIDE. COL. NICH0LLS ASSERTS Exhorts Home Folks to Keep Up Courage Rcing So Finely Displayed Hy Fighting Forces "Our navy is the most efficient and modern machine of its kind in the world. The fleet is manned by men who have the courage that our naval men have always had. Thnv nvn rnnt?nntnrr thf f mrlitirmo nf Wnler- nn1 TM-1.- u, , , , t -i r,..tu Canadian , & nnouu emu -itmt: ulgS Of Civilian DOOUla-l 7 At. ,flin nncne Vnnut M'hnn thnif u-avn UnU fn IU,. J i.i.; l .i i i: i i ,, iigiiung ami uu not, mjuihu mir snips and surrender. 1,000, 10.1c ana tc, This was a striking paragraph in an a few visitors at the Commodore i address of Licut.-Col. J. W. Nich6lls, ' whn recenUv returned from a trip The MOIHI Montreal i 1 10 the ast Rnd told. ot the ,,n-iX. nnmorort -tiUp na'AV hMIVIW 5.....V .. ...... T. rf He was speaking to the members of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club and Cafe Thursday. "During the past week we have had news which Is presumed to be not so good. But it Is not sufficient to Justify the pessimism which so (Continued on Page Two) .HIGHWAY SURVEYS i Two Routes One From Haxelton, ' nthr I'rnm Prinr. Cmnvm Coniidered I OTTAWA. May 11: (CP) Further surveys to be made this summer are recommended in an interim report of the Alaska Highway Commission made public yesterday. The Commission offered two alternate routes for the high estimated cost of each just Under $25,000,000. The report consider details involved both in extending sections of the existing highways and construction of links from Prince George or Hazelton through Northern BritUh Columbia to the Yukon boundary, thence through Yukon Territory and in Alaska by way of the Richardson Highway to Fairbanks. Two main routes outlined in the report were: 1. Linking Hazelton to Atlin. 2. Starting from Prince George trol of the oil Industry. Enacted condemned the Oermar invasion' and following the Parsnip and Finlay valleys to Liard River and Frances Lake. . 117 1 I war news POPE GIVES BLESSING VATICAN CITY Pope Pius has sent a message to the rulers of Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg saying that he was praying for their triumph. I IN DUTCH WEST INDIES LONDON w- Aulhoritative ! sources said that Allied forces I had landed in Dutch West Indies Islands of Curacao and Aruba. THE GERMAN STORY BERLIN Chancellor Hitler's headquarters claim that German forces are attacking Belgium and the Netherlands, "throwing back all resistance" and advancing with the aid of parachute troops and air force. KING'S SYMPATHY LONDON King George has sent messages to King Leopold of Belgium and Queen Wilhelmina of Holland expressing his sympathy in view of the "wholly unwarranted invasion." ROOSEVELT'S ATTITUDE WASHINGTON P r es I d e n t Franklin I). Roosevelt expresses himself as being in full sympathy with the protest of Queen Wilhelmina of Holland against the Nazi Invasion but sees no reason to change his feeling that United States should keep out of the war. However, he admits, that United States cannot feel sure that distance will any longer make it immune from war. PATROLLING GREENLAND WASHINGTON United State's destroyers and coastguard vessels are patrolling Greenland to watch any attempt at invasion which would be protested by this country. , BETTER CHANCE BRUSSELS Personally leading the Belgian forces In the war against German invasion, King Leopold, says that Belgium has a much better chance today than it had in 1914. Large Scale Drive Launched; Positions Are Held By Allies I Division of Fifteen Thousand Men Thrown Into Unsuccessful Attack East of Luxembourg French Statement in Regard to Progress of Battle PARIS, May 11: (CP) Germany's first large scale drive against the Maginot Line was launched yesterday in concert with the invasion of the lowlands, French military sources said today. The Germans threw one division fifteen thousand men against the French in an unsuccessful attack east of Luxembourg. The High Com- mand said that the French maln- tained their posiUons. PmRIViIINJI 1 general stafr reported that 1 VI1T1111VJ 'French troops had moved Into "spirltetr tatUe with German In-I AKlNh rf Tr,rTl I antfy ln two sectors of the newly srlJllLi l opened front while the Belgians and Extensive Changes Expected British War Administration But Halifax Will Remain As Foreign Secretary BERLIN BITTER BERLIN, May 111 (CP) Of-ficiaL-Germany doe, not appear. to be very happy over the accession of Rt Hon, Winston Churchill to the Prime Ministry of Great Britain. The Nazi press describes him as a "representative of most brutal imperial istic policies" succeeding the man (referring to Chamberlain) "who hid his intentions behind the guise of humanitarianism." LONDON, May 10: (CP) Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, who formally succeeded Rt. Hon. Neville Cham- 1 berlaln last night as Prime Minister of Great Britain, is busy forming hi.-, new war cabinet but no announcements as to Its personnel were made up to today. It appears to be the general concensus of opinion that Lord Halifax will remain as Foreign Secretary. Some believe that room will be found for Rt. Hon. David Lloyd-George, Britain's Premier of the First Great Var. The reorganization will, It Is , conceded be along extensive lines. 1 As previously announced, the executive committee of the British Labor Party had said before resig- i I nation of Mr. Chamberlain that the Labor Opposition In Parliament , would Join the British cabinet "under a new Prime Minister. In a statement after Mr. Church French sought to stem Nazi advance I" ln the north. and discharge functions with full freedom while necessary arrange ments are being made for the formation of a new administration. Chamberlain, In a broadcast announcing his resignation, said: I )"I had no' doubt that some new and drastic action would have to be taken to restore public confidence, after this week's Commons debate, j By today It was apparent that unity could be attained under some oth-1 er Prime Minister. My duty was' plain." ! The Premier added that he had. told Churchill he would be happy to, be In' a new government. Mr. Chamberlain, who held the' postifor three years, reviewed his! work as Prime Minister and said) thfllnew Nazi Invasion had trulv! 1 put the British nation to the test. BANDITS KIDNAP WOMEN KARACHI. India. May 11: (CP) --Sixteen armed bandits raided the house of the Hindu district governor ln a Hyderabad area and kidnapped the wife and daughter of a Muslim servant. Luxembourg and the country east of the Moselle River was the scene of French nghtlng. A general staff spokesman said that French advance guards are "maintaining our advance" In a series of engagements wlthOer , man patrols. Official sources announced that German bombing planes killed or wounded one hundred French civil-ians in a series of widespread air raids yesterday. The French said their bombers had attacked "several enemy airdromes" during the night ln Canada Back ' Of Lowlan(s OTTAWA, May 11: (CP) Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie Kin? niprf Vile mm o rvwoM support to Belgium and Hoi- land in the "greatest war for the greatest cause." He con- demned in strong language the "treachery and barbar- Ism" of Nazi Germany la its succession 0f intrigues. There seemed to be no limit ln Hit- ler's lust for conquest He said that further steps wert being taken to assist the 111 took over he said he "desires all Mther Land but did not dls- ministers to remain at their posts posts close stalls. A report oh the war would be given at the opening of Parliament next week, the Premier stated. CABINET SHUFFLE Casgraln Made Secretary Of State And McKinnon Becomes Minister of Trade And Commerce OTTAWA, May Hi (CP) Prime .Minister William Lyon MacKenzle King has shuffled his cabinet, appointing Hon. Pierre Casgraln, Speaker of the House of Commons, as Secretary of State and Hon. J. A. McKinnon, former minister without portfolio as ' Minister of Trade and Commerce In succession to Hon. W. D. Euler Who goes to the Senate. '