fAQI TWO - Gracia Shoes Three Reasons Why You Should Wear Therm lsti-Glassy. styles plus comfortable lasts, - 2nd Durability and built-in arclt ..- rests. 3rdj Priced- lower per quality than, any similar make on the market; Stocked in Sizes and Widths From F PAILY EDITION Dude Woman A to.-EEK. AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes D, Saturday, October 12, 1940 EDITORIAL and in their presence he ordered the police to see that, tun n A tci1-tiif nrl i n Wmtr Vnvlr ctofo Tllol A survey made by the War-Time Prices and Trade Board for the first; year of the war finds that the cost of living in that time has advanced 4. per cent. Part of this advance is in clothing and part in food. Rents have also figured in the survey, that being the reason for the order of the board, covering the district from which complaints had been received. Prince Rupert was not included in the original order, possibly because house rents were very, low before the recent advance. Should there be complaints of extortionate rents, action would undoubtedly follow. ReasomTo Be Thankful - - - Prince Rupert has every reason to be thankful. The city has not been bombed or subjected to direct warfare and there is no present likelihood of such an event hap pening. The city is prosperous as it has not been for a number of years. Surely if any place has reason to be thankful, it is Prince Rupert. But there are some who have sons or daughters or, close friends either fighting at the front or in the danger area,' To these we suggest they should be thankful that' they have been privileged to bear sons or daughters who have the ability and courage to take their places in the forefront of this fight for freedom. Mothers and fathers of such are to be envied. We are not suggesting that Monday shall be kept as a solemn 'occasion. If the weather-is suitable, games will be played; young people .will dance, many will visit the picture theati'e. What we ask is that all remember and be thankful fbr- their wonderful pnviliges in this time of trial. OPEN SOON 8-5 or Green 802 Evenings. FOR SALE Heintzman & Co. ! Phone Black 888. (242) Fully modem. Good condition. 2 BrouP the Daily news? jhttirday, Ofr-for I9q . SPORT GHAT - ... ... There ar'n't enough organized j Legue. Ses.onT .Get Hnde.r..May games-la Canada and youthful Brl- uewoer :iM,-nm - Awamng waf gUf3ts get sufflclwt .iiorciiirjcs exercise. So a Toronto newspaper ! reporter discovered In conversation With eight teams In competition. wUn tne war guests themselves at the Prince Rupert Bridge League a Toronto school where 63 of the will inaugurate the winter season's newH:onMrs both sexes and, all activities with opening of play on scnool agM arfc in attendance, October 24, Teams entered: are - "That'- fnet" rieriarerf JTe,. Nor- Prince Rupert Dairy, Ramblers, man. "Nobody seems to think of WANTED Woman who can cook, knows everybody in England play; No other. Phone Blue 503. CIO cricket. "Because we have to,' 6th Avenue West. (tf) added another. "It was compulsorj at the school I went to, and not too WANTED to exchange use of 7 well llkedi x never cared for the room furnished house In Van- iThatv imiii vmi never author of the Cappy Ricks stones,; couver for four or five room fur- Peter B. Kyne, - --- -- wonderful," reier d. rvvne, uuiuui ui uic vcj.r saw saw a a g00d gooa game gameifS us ... . .-I 1 1 1 ' n nished ! cVi or? Vim, use co in n t)itrMa Prince Pnr,rf Rupert ... .... had not written a book for six years until this year whenj retorted an he came out with an American tale "The Dude Woman." i phone 644-'bson- saw anything to tt but t . a . i i t r v. r.anA in o it is not a very ionj; siury. in iacif w uc icau " i never r men walk iniT ing slowly slowly between between two two wickets," FOK.'SALK ' the girl said. Local Man Now In Command of mayor said he took action only J after consulting with a -1 ju- for sale seven roomed house Ui, (Ivirn Knat S, ; ... - -. i i 1 with with tarn two lntc; lots. Terms Terms. Phnno Phone Tlloplr Black WUUl venue court judge ana alter careiui stuuy or tne wnoie j situation and its effect upon young people. Hofaie Production - As a result of the war the price of anthracite coal in Eastern Canada, has been advanced from a dollar and a half tjhtwo dollars a ton. The rate of exchange is directly responyple for this, 486. (246; HOUSES FOR SALE j Lieutenant James Bryant, who I went overseas last spring, has com- FOR SALE 420 Dunsmuir Street, pieted his training and Is now In 5 room house in excellent con- charge of his own motor torpedo dltion. 2 bedrooms. Fully mod- boat, one of the Wasp type, operat-ern, concrete piles. Good base- ine in the area between Britain ment. $2500. $1000 cash-balance and the European continent. His monthly. Immediate possession, articular boat Is th flotilla leader. There is said to be a large area of anthracite coal in'22i eth Ave. East. 5 room house. he beins the man in the the Grourtdhog section of British Columbia. All that is needed is a comparatively short spur line connecting with Kitwanga or Hazelton "or through to Stewart. If the Alaska Highway should go through the Groundhog Valley it would be easy to develop the mine. The coal could be shipped east by water and the rate of exchange would not affect its price. Cost of Living; bedrooms, laree Dantrv and back : Lieut. Bryant says the men in HALIBUT New IN JELLY tlon received. In some of our fish-. lng ports varying quantities of, cheeks are sold in the fresh state lor local consumption, or frozen; while small quantiUes of heads are ed a.' bait by crab fishermen. It! a been claimed that much lareer ,r"nUtles could be more profitably' ttilUed If the cheeks could be, canned successfully and. as a result t.f several enquiries received during 1 the patt few year concerning the possibilities of such a venture, the writer began some exneriments early this year. An -accentable pro-i auer ha. been developed by means or the procedure about to be- described. Cheeks are. obtained from select- led halibut heads. After the cheeks have teen -cut from.- the heads the skin is removed and-the cheeks are then brined after which they are spread in a single layer on galvanized wire trays which are stacked Into a retort and. cooked. After a brief cooling at room temperature, the cheeks, are packed Into a-pound flat enamelled cans and Into each can Is poured one- ounce ot a Jelly solution, sufficiently hot to run through the' fish: flesh. The cans; are then single seamed and exhausted. After double seaming verandah. New foundations, I charge of these boats are a fine i the cans are processed for 80 mln fenced garden. Taxes $34. $2000 Iot of many nationalities but good'utes at 240 degrees P- and are re cash. $2200: terms with $1000 mixers. It is understood that; in moved from the retort after cool-cash. Immedlae possession. Own- addition to torpedo work, these, lng under pressure. The. Jelly solu-er leaving town. boats are engaged In rescue, work;; tlon ls prepared by dissolving 3. per . a convoy work or any duties, requlr- cent, of agar agar and 8 per cent, of nfv. v 343 8th Ave. East. Moaern 7; room ing speed. He says they are : kept animal gelatine In water by heating foundations. Z Full n tM basement, CTT fui- busy storm .t. 311 the tlme lQ very iThe agar, . . .. agar . ls.used because because i jus nace, fireplace in living room. 4 bedrooms. $3000 cash or $3500, terms $2500 cash with balance, $40 per month at 5 balance-monthly. Taxes $50 -per ) year. H.. G. HELGERSON.LTI), 6th Street (242) PERSONAL NOW IS TOE TME-. TO. GET, A GOVERNMENT Job as Clerk; Postman, Customs. Clerkv.Steno., etc. held since war' began. Free Booklet, M. C o. Schools? Ltd., Winnipeg Oldest In. Canada. No agents. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER. garten with ourj help, Canadian j Kindergarten Institute care M. C. C. Schools.. Winnipeg? Man. MENt WANT NORMAL FSP, VIM? Try, OSTREX TONIC tablets; SU-mulants and oyster-concentrates j aid. to normal . pep. Results with first package or maker returns low prices Call, write McCutch-eon's and all other good drug stores. weather. Four Dominion-wide exams I Stanley Saville left on last even Jelly has. the advantage-of remain- lng firm at summer temperatures, whereaa. a moderately; strong gelatine. Jellv may become- liquid at 70 inz's train for a AtId to Smither ' deifreee.ir. TTia.fnrm.. . - i - ,wuKi sirro a raurtJ 2 Houses on 1 Lot. 416 and 418 6th Mrs. Saville Is already in the in. transparent Jelly whereas the' lat-i Ave. East. 2 :storeyT7 room house, terlor. 4 oed rooms, furnace. Fully, modern. Immediate possession and 3. rooms and: attlcs bath. Whole property for $4000; Half cash- ' ter Imparts more flayor. Agar agar 7" -l ... When you want at Reliabley .Gbmfortabl, Dependable Taxi Servico PHONE 13 21 Hour Servieo ati Regular llatts J. H; BULGER Optometrist? Boy l Bulk. B14fc Fresli Local Haw. and ; Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY; 1 POONl Ml is, taefcommerclal name applied to the-diledi gelatinous extract of cer-tainispecfes of red algae (seaweed), V and has found wide application In the preparation of many foodstuffs such as dessert Jellies, candies. ' fish, meats, fruits, ice cream, . i r f soups, p Preparation of Cheeks Choke Fish Food whe canned tn this manner. " halibut cheeks do not lose their Mr By P. A. SUNUtKLAiu coj01. an(j characteristic delicate In our. time halibut Is regardedas fav01- a osS which has often been one of. the choicest food fishes but tne CXperience 0f those who have it wa not always so wumr.. attempted to can naiiDuWriiesn in .Canadian National Recreation A- nlwnvs ride. But vou don't even fi.hmpn there claimed that final nrniinrt. ThA frPMlnc hn in Quat?in?s and cwB:)y- ride a bicycle. I brought my bicycle good nshing was often spoiled when somfr instances caused a slight Providing eight teams can be ob- wltn and mtle stare the- cod away me boys the hailbut drove darkening, ol the. flesh but offers ; lajucu, wic i,(iuuage League win sc. a jj jn ponder. under way on October 21. Five teams are already entered Operators. Eagles, Falcons. Bears and Canadian Legion. dlssiflED WANTED WANTED Room for two glrL? Phone Black 270 between 6 and 8, evenings. (241? jean didn't mean to be crltleal, for she hastened to add that otherwise Canada is a pretty good place. But the lack of exercise also bothr ered some of her pals. They rather thoroughly analyzed Canadian school- and on the whole found them good. "Except that you have absolutely no games," said Jean Ncrman. "Of course, you don't have cricket." said Jean Cummlng. 'Cricket, goodness, who wants cricket? Such a slow game. I hate it," protested Jean Norman. The reporter .was shocked anc said as much. Everybody In Canad: from the banks, Strange as It seems an advantage in that the texture today, in the earlier history of the becomes even more tender. Since halibut fishery only the head and contact with air during cold stor-flnr of the fish were utilized, the a?P Caur5 the. cheeks to discolor, rest belnsr thrown away as undesir- cnre should. be taken In protecting able for food. In 1898, halibut fins, the product by employlng molsture-a by-product of the smoked halibut proof cellophane or other suitable industry, sold at about $8 per Dar- wranplng material. The Invitingly rel of 200 pounds. Thus there were whit color, so characteristic of certain portions of-the body of the halibut flesh. Is best preserved when fish which were considered more or fresh cheeks are used In the can lesy of a delicacy. The heads and nlng process, nape? of cod, striped bass and other enpeloe n.prp rnnlriprprt psnppiallv ' delicious. The so-called "cheeks" or portlonj of halibut and salmon have a char-' acteristlc flavor and richness. This' U well known to fishermen, fish! flesh taken from a slice near the. that most people who get Started want to sit Up Until.lt FOR SALE One Safe. Typewriter -we used to play lacrosse at our two reduction plants in British Col- is finished. It is a storv of the cattle country of thet Desk, Office Desk. Collart is school," Jean Cummlng sighed. , umbla which utilize the heads fori-gl A morion emitri'wpcf Piirimislv Ptifiuo-h for Sl modem McCaffery Ltd. "Ths Th, first first day day we were here we thLs purpose, according to lnforma- story it is free from dirt or even a suggestion of it. For SAle 7-room house. 2 lots, any one who wishes to pass a pleasant two or three hours $2000 cash. $2200 terms. Phone wunoui anv nreacninir. wunout any uiru ami m a iwuuv oiu . mi outdoor surrounding, we recommend "Dude Woman." Sp uriou$ Literature Mavor LaGuardia of New York, chairman of the (241) jointJilefence commission, is not only doing his best to in a-i cond. Large enough to defend this continent atrainst the German and Italian1 live cn board. Moored at Lip- forces. He is trying to defend the young people of his' trt j. cheap for cash. Terms to i i . h Aj .m..i. fj i u He I reliable party. Phone 118 from state ao-ainst the bad effects of salacious literature. recently arranged- an interview with forty magazine publishers of forty-two magazines considered objectionable MOTORVESSEL "ODD" 32 length, 9.6 beam. 2.6 darft. 15 h.p. 6 cyl arked for a couple of lacrosse sticks and two of us batted a ball about at recess and six boys came and looked at us and said, 'Ho, ho, girls trying to play lacrosse.' Lacrosse In England s a girl's game, but here boys olay it, only not the same." engine. Cabin, pilothouse and The Rirls have seen a basenaii game galley. Sleep 3 comfortably, 5 ana HKea it ana are looKing lor-lf necessary. ' Real offshore boat, ward to Ice hockey this winter. They are aireaay planning next seasons tennis, 'KINCOLTTR t i 4- MARRIAGE vogue and Mr-,, s r , came the bride of w son of Mr. and Mi Stewart. The mar i. Thus jiboui one nuiiu. f me pasi. ine experiments ' nave.aiso crowded birfhe neon! .. . -. . .1 rvf . ..... . . , ,i .1 tv.1 ricn uns Huui uuub. ui tAum mat rn rnri mo tf n rrman . . " iintiM " as wi as visitors tro.T. c tne- eastern cuaii, " - - prior to canning-mem wunoui any Alyamh and other Musketeers, Sons of Norway, Orotto. waIkina: anywhere in Canada. You it had no market value, and anreeiahlv detractive effect nn the Norman Oreen. tin- . , . ionaiy. officiated The bride was f?i- by her father and of the couple wer' Mr Charier S. Barton E ding costume weri : wa music- appropn.it casion. . Pollowinsr the cfn;tr. was b wedding feast 'V hill, the entire ponui . trio -cutrotown pe.; :( vlted. After dinner sneecher by Indian A; nillrtt, Simon SmvO. i arnndfathert. ChRr'"- M; Tomen Adm of A.-rtri'nelllof Sam Linci: 'h. Charles Leeson r and others. The couple rer-rlv 1 handsome sift int-lni from oreanlzMlons wiu borne out for salmon through ana-!MlM Emi,Jr SmJthe Becomes nride' identified lyses. In white and red spring sal-1 ur "ni htewart At mon the percentage of fat in the I Interestinc Ceremony head Is about twice that of a slice A marriage of widespread inter- since 1870 and there are at present 'Mlss 13111,7 smythe, daughter or Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. E C orrived' In the city , taken near the tall of the fish. 'est to the native people of the Naas Rupert Thursday ni?.rr The heads of halibut have been RlTer took place at 2 o'clock Thurs-1 chlkan, left on generally used for oil manufacture dav afternoon at Klncollth wher. train for a trip i., C B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used " -;v :Jt 3 Ml FURNITURE 7- HEATERS In perfr-ct :ondltlon. From Jar- i-x-t ;-.' fMn 5: KIX'ONDt TlOM'n KITCHEN RANGES For r ai Al . XUIX IEKASONAULE PRICES. 12 RECONDITIONED TYPEWRITERS G99 t0 S4l In perfect order. From iy&U V 1 ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE In good snaps. Special S5.50,oS12 22.50 NEW FURNITURE 8 KITCHEN RANGES AU 2-tone enamel for wood mid ck: Made of highest quality material. 65 t0 $98 4 THREE-QUARTER SIZE REDS COi Jfl complete. Special brice ?nw" 20 STRING-FILLED MATTRESSES In all slzs of CI (t JJl) fine materials and patterns. Special ?JLUtwv 6 STUDIO COUCHES All spring-filled, In all new muM..-J colors including- green, red and brown. Can be mudi into double bed or single bed. Regular $45. 365l) 18 THREE-HECE CHESTERFIELDS In all colors and nude rf the finest materials. Very durable 7 t0 SS construction v'" V"" Phone BLACK 321 Next Door to B.C. Clothlen THIRD AVENCT "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily tanadian rish & told Mc irage Prince Rpert (Jq jj. Britlsn Oolb If you have something to sell, a classified advertise iittthis paper will soon let you know if there ia a buyers the city,