... o t wr 12, mu tZa B2IE? KBWS own Boss "i (IBI! U a:l.M In otlu lb (in. and a T COARSE FOR THE PIPE CUT FINE TOR EOU.ING V0UR OWN Could I enjoy my food, my work or my tobacco any Letter with a Unlit white collar around mv neck? No, I know what 1 like! I like being my own Iwss, in the opeu air, wilh the changes that farming brings in every season. Hut 1 like the same tobacco year in and year out, the tobacco that I can smoke and enjoy all day and every day. I've tried Yin all and you can lake it from me that, for all 'round smoking pleasure, there is no other tobacco just like Old Chum. RRRMMRaRRRKRRRRRRRRMRRRRpRRM tyjHilill:VJH;lJ;IKM!H: n;ilMHH:WJ:?WlirT!?FMHf;H PERTH MATTRESS Special features. In;;ulaiO coubi!1 buoyant centre, handles OfT XAP MATTRESS s?e -I f UTY KEST' MATTnESS Bl.;i fi)r jeep rilONE 773 IfATPU For Your New C.,- TUInvn Tnv! Flf Call- o fnONE Supertuft $29.50 S24.00 $42.50 For Service I And Dependability 5 LTD. Complete Line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY PHONE 117 NURSING CLASSES Interest Being Shown In Red Cross Courses Lectures ..Arranged Red Cross home nursing classes, under the direction of Mtss E. D. Priestley R. N., public health nurse, commenced this week. They are be mg conducted Tuesday evenings and Friday afternoons In the dormitory of the Fire Hall. While a considerable number havevalready enrouea, mere is room for more who would avail themselves of this valuable Instruction. Miss Priestley Is assisted on Tues day evenings by Mrs. L. B. Lambly R. N. and Mrs. A. C. K. Sloan R. N. and on Friday afternoons, Mrs. II. F. Wearmouth R. N., with Mrs. Alex McRae R. N. and Mrs. O. A. Hunter R. N., are in charee. Lectures are to be given by Miss Priestly in Infant care and kind red subjects, by Drs. R. C. Bamford and J. Munthe on dental care and Mrs. E. J. Jenner and Miss Jean Irving on dietetics. NO PAPER MONDAY Monday, beta? Thanksgiving Day and a public holiday, there will be no issue of the Dally News. Th? next regular edition will appear Tuesday afternoon. Announcements All advertisement In this edema will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole, Oc-tooer 12. Barracks. October 25. Canadian Legion Bazaar Nov. 1. Cambral Dance,, Oddfellows' Hall. ber 15. November 1,1 Salvation Army Sale, Nov. 6. Anglican Bazaar. November 7.. Sonja's Bazaar, November 8. Moose Hall. 102nd Auxiliary Dance. Armory, November 8. 14. w Presbyterian Bazaar November Hospital tea and dance. Novem Only Seven FUR COATS left which were brought in by customers to be sold. Come In and get one at your own price. New shipments in the latest styles arrived yesterday. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good f rT' STOVE JJtVi POLISH Keeps Steel Stove Tops Bright, It doesn't blacken, and cleans them while hot ALL It. C. STORES Grocery Store CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY Monday, October 14 Confectionery open until G p.m. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents-Opposite Canadian Legion 1 LOCAL NEWS NOf ES Just say "Three Two please." Mrs. A. Hampton and child sailed this morning on the .Cardena for Vancouver. Miss R. Flnley sailed this morning on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. W. O. Fulton left on last evening's train for a trip to Terrace and Smlthers. William Tobey, after spending the past week in the city, is sailing by the Princess Louise tonight on his return to Tulsequah. Mrs. F. W. Allen, wno nas DeeniCouver. Mr. and Mrs. S." H Leslie and Orange Bazaar, Metropolc Hall, j ,MrJ j s BlacK'who has been October 16. United Church ' Supper, Oct. 17. ! C C. F. Dance Octbbcr 17. Queen Mary Dance. Octbber 18. Navy Auxiliary Tea. October Legion Hall. 19. Gvrn Hallowe'en Hoedowrii Octo ber 31. .. . ' : spending the past three weeks In the south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Caih for Old Goto. Baiter's . .v. j k. hospital with tt broken law ten 'south, other Iniur X. W. BTO from the on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. !fecu"g .aBd.5' g" F!tlton gj' mt-Margaret K. Clark has beenl'ed successful in her Registered Nurse's P T. A. Telephone Bridge, Octo-1 examinations. She received her ber 25. training at the Royal Jubilee Hos- nltal. Victoria. Miss Clark, who Irish Auxiliary Dance. Armory graduated In May of this i'ear. Is the youn?est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clark of this city. First Aid Slibwer For Miss Margaret Fritz On Monday, Thanksgiving Day.j Miss Tona Blafn was hostess at a Post Office wickets will be open delightful shower party in honor of from 8 a. m. to 12 noon. The lobby Ml8, Margaret p-rite whose marriage will be open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. y Montgomery wiU take place Just say "Three Two please.", Rev. H. G. Funaton. Rastor of First Presbyieriaa Church; rBtajjw to the city on the Princess Louise this evenlhe from a, trtp to Van-. visiting here for the past few weeks, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last Mr. and Mrs. Clark McLean,' wtiC night on her return to Vancouver, jhave been on a motor trip througl (the Interior followed 'by a vlsitnh Funeral Notice. W. E. Drake, general manager of Edward Ltpsett Ltd., after a brief business visit to the city, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on H. W. Birch, managing secretary of the Prince Rupert General Hos- family, for many years residents of jpltal, sailed last night on the Prnr this city, left on last evening's train cess Adelaide for Victoria to attend for Cornwall, Ontario, where they) the annual conventtop of the Bri-wlll make their future home. itlsh Columbia Hospitals Association: I Lieut. Col. S. D.. Johnston M. C, iV. D., officer commanding, Prince Rupert garrison area, has been con fined to his home on Graham Avenue for the past few days with a sprained ankle suffered In a fall. . . . 77 . Hugh MaeDonaia, road supenn tendent for Atlln district witfc headquarters at Stewart, Is sa,ljlng by the Princess Louise tonight for a trip to Atlln area on official 1 Robert Walker was yesterday charged In city police Court with assaulting Hedman Anderson, occasioning actual bodily harm. The. alleged assault occurred the latter . . . . . it tr T T . .1 . ":;r; " : Anderson m amee been in The funeral of the late William Burke will take place on Monday. Requiem Mass will be celebrated at ' 9 a.m. In the Church of the An- Commencement classes. City Hall nunclation. The funeral service will Tuesday 8 pjn. For further infor-be at the B. C. Undertakers chapel matlon phone S. Jurmaln. Black at 2 pjn. All Canadian Legion mem-577, bers are asked to attend. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH Organist Miss Swanna Olafson A.T.C.M. Leader Senior Cholr--J. S. Wilson Leader Junior Choir II. T. Lock Minister Rev. J. C. Jackson SUNDAY', OCTOBER 13, 1910 THANKSGIVING SUNDAY 11 a.m. The Junior Choir: "Praise, O Praise The Lord of Harvest" ' . J. Hamilton. Sermon "Roots, and Fruits." 7:30 nm.The Senior Choir: "Angel Voices, Ever Singing" Rev. E. Vine Hall. "O Lord, How Manifold Are Thy Works' J. Barnby. ' Sermon: "Life's Unearned Increment." ' ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner 8th and 9th Ave East J. II. Myrwang? Pastor Res. 237 4th Ave. E Phone Black 982 Mrs. I. Feness, Organist airs. J. II. Myrwang, S.S. Supl. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13TH 11:00 a jn. Divine Services In English. Special Music. 12:15 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class." 1 7:30 p.m. The pastor will begin a series of Sermon-Lectures on the topic: "What do the Scriptures teach concerning he' Sacra"" ment of Holy Baptism?" This will be in English, with necpssalry explanations also in Norwegian. . , ' All are cordially Invited to these services '" 1 '"'W!"' "f' ' "" SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19TH iri-fin n m iPnnflrmatlnn cla&s meets at church. . . r; (: n"I ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAU (Chuich of England) " Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Organist, Peter Lien 8 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 a.m, Sunday School. ., 11 a.m, Morning Prayer and Sermon. Rt. Rev. G. A. Rlx D. D., Bishop of Caledonia. . Anthem "Angel Voices Ever Singing." 7:30 Evening. Prayer and Sermon. Preacher The Dean. Subject Thanksgiving. The Offertory at all services will be for the Missionary Society of "the Canadian Church 50's. 100's ass 1 oz. tation was made-to MissiFrltz of a lovely wall mirror. Delicious refreshment were served, pink and iUvit predominating In the table ! decorations. , Those present were: Mrsj. Beale Mrs. Oritflth, Mrs. William Rich ards. Misj Sheila Stuart; Miss Dorothy McDonald. Miss Joan Cross, Mis- Nancy Rorie, Miss Molly Ellison, Miss May Murrayi Miss. Gertrude Turgeon, Miss Rose Monte- fln.,shortlv- The eveni8 was enjoyably ano, Miss Leah Basso-Bert, Miss . At 4.-i.iriT),n.nin. 7:30 Thursday, eve nln the fire ; m Qf court whlgt Arnwtr Mlss ,3 department ; had a call to a -,5. wn,lam manM!SsPatByrne,MlssMargar; neyfireattneresMer oi iRich!lr(iS( Mlsg gtuart &nA Fr itz, M. Husoy, Miss Tona Blalul Hemmons, Conrad Street. NO dam-. , T. rflthlp Mr. 3 Rmm The case of Harry LewlsKnutsen, J Vancouver, are expected' to Jt sen, charged under the Defence" of to the slty on the Catala $ Canada regulations, nas oeen mr- nignt. ther adjourned until October 19. For being the inmate of a disorderly house, Shirley Wood was $50 and costs by Justice of the Pease W. D. Vance In city police. his return to Vancouver. court yesterday. EXAMINATION IFOR INSPECTOR QF STEAM-BOILERS AND MACHINERY Competitive examinations for Inspector of Steam-Boilers' and' Machinery will be held at the Office of the Chief Inspector of BMlers in the Workmen's Compensation and Labour Building," 411Dunsmulr Street; Vancouver, B.C., commencing October-21str. 1940, at 10:00 a.m. .' Application forms and further Information may b obtained from he Chief Inspector at the above address. A. N. BAKER, Civil Service CommlssTdrierr Highest Potency Liaiibut Li ver Capsules .75 1.25 3.00 Oil PURE HALIBUT LIVER OIL Vi oz. .50 1.00 fmes Ltd. t. ufie. Pioneer Druqgists The Keiall Store Phones 81 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 1Z to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. zxcaaeeasaut I & 82 a Used Furniture Bed, complete Two-inch continuous steel pbstiwith centre panel, coil spring and felt mattress; size 4-0, walnut finish Bed, complete Two-inch continuous post,-, coil spring and felt mattress, size 4-G. Restmore steel folding camp cot, size 2-G. Steel Crib walnut finish, size 25x41". Chest drawers Good size with 5 useful drawers. Monarch range Fitted with oil burner. Monarch range For burning coal or wood. Circulator heater Medium size, for burning coal. R.C.A. Victor Radio Small size. " Watches 21-jewel Waltham, 17-jewel' Gruen, 7-jewel Waltham. English Pram, doll pram, baby high chair; Kitchen chairs, tables For kitchen or dining room) Come, Look Around Our Used Furniture. Department. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING Phone Green 916 -t- THIRD AVENUE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:39 p.BT. IN- ! J t f.. if Ml 1