Thursday the Prince Rupert s and Labor Council, alter "me Minister and the coun "itiilUS citui io U 11 lit IV ken adjusted. u 11 o'clock. mkA reoorted ftftemnnn t K rm 44mA rtl T 1 ir V hnicf ni I hot-rrnc I PflPl -sawVA O Of Conservatives With Giving ing Out Islam Reiterates Resistance Russian Bear Stirring Out British Military Secret , OTTAWA, Oct. 12: (CP)-Hon. C. G. Power, day charrrprl Won. R. R. Hanson. Conservative eader, with hntrnvinir a "secret not of the Canadian overnment but of Britain." Major rower was com- pntm tt t i. t- riv.r.irtf-ntn'n i;isl . Y""b un ililll&Ull a pftvu u ui""' ; , xm in which the Conservative leader said that pn tkA. i -r ... tr i nna- viiiiii.riiiii nririi.'n n rniMii ivri i . t nuiiiiti w w - - ? for training outside the British Commonwealth viiii inir ti i n v ii, i. m iiiuiiii fiii lit- iiiiliuu k w -ivvi liir TTiniinrr rno t:i i ii iit'ii i. iiiiii Liiwhv" lllllll W VSV - - - 1 , - I1l5Lv: I V llllrllll UVU11 .UMViVV.ii"w O . . 63SVa 10 the very same proposal ne rejecu-u in ne. British trainees were already at Kingston, On- 11U. Major Twer's statement said: "As I understand w' nanson s at. nresent encacea in tne msname s H it er." m I T . virT a Zi i iiii 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 l ilt: j. j v 'hh-.ti f are s of the measure of his success but I should say by betraying a secret not of the Canadian gov-rnment but nf nv,'rn?w Ka mkv Kave made one rc- w ATTITUDE BUCHAREST, Oct. 12: (CP)-Germanv's drive to council Addressed by j. Bruce the east took form today with the arrival of trucklqads . itt Ia U'nrbpra anil I flf flurrO'lll HnlfllOVC M'lfll flvflfl ImirntiAtu min'nn ,1,.,.. v... nr.- I it. ; r xt : i r " i Liitr mini ukmijii ill Ln.i ihtiiiihi inn riT rnp ( imnn an nam. swastika banners through Bucharest streets while plan squadrons roared back and lortn over the city, Tne Nazis irtmir lu rouune qusuicss, coming arew attention to DossiDie c uu utuigrr .ddressed by Jack Bruce, or- new moves bv the Rome-Berlin lve more are expected. The Ger- .u- ni.vmKflr. nnH tlrwt-i- 41 n.i man itrnnns and mlllta rui pnn'n i ..- tr DinA nf 'ii.u . it iu. mpnt n rp hpl n a mnvpH In hv mil Carpenters' Union who re-'warning of British-Rumanian re- and down th Danube River on . f.u.j.uin. u a. . . a harirp n TTi a 1 1 v 11111 li iriivi.iui lhi an n t mi a npnnm inn nurca n'j n nnpn - a - - i - . . n-J-- TAmai TTIffrwf i i i i. i-. flrPPPA flilrf TllfkV ATP. nf i "IS"1' IU 1 A t.-1-Vt - aav- l I lill Hll 1 1 111 LI It" W HhC Ul X 111 IkCV Ol 1 tits, most of whom had' to advance toward Trkey. There Turly by way of the Black Sea them af the public meeting light before Bruce was In fine form and to all who were there. His sea In Bessarabia I . . ...1 i-V. . V. A I . . race aim tunmui. wiui uic maman irontier. m tnai u nni u) dp nan a mp irnrvprs nrp near the Ru- Is now considered, inevitable. Indeed, It is anticipated hourly and w. ,.,ff(m,, riA!lt would be surprising If It does not n,' ;w A unartlcome today. Some of the embassy . I. .n-l.J l.ft ol. it war ana aiso tnav wnen , , . . ... . . I . .. ' rnrfv nnrt Sir Reginald Hoard and n ann aii if a na iin t - j t - snashed labor will take Its u,e a,f AT? r 111 place in the management on Monaay Ior i5l,anul enr"UM: e country's affairs to make "wmc- rt" ""S" c"" "tt'c 'hat rafter all the horror of maae Ior 'K " uu"mi ' the prace shall not be again !Un,td statc minister to look af- Jthc- who by .their narrower unusn ukrn t .. ... . .. .. Th "In ImMallnn mid" nf Qer- mp ik.,nian i Dlanes over the oriiisn em- UK - while Italy will move against Greece, according to the plan which It Is said to have been evolved by Chancellor Adolf Hitler md Premier Benito Mussolini. Italian experts, It Is report ed, will come to Rumania to assist In the construction of air base$ at Constanza and elsewhere on the Black'SeaT- Any attempted Nazi advance across Turkey and Syria towards Egypt will be met with two million bayonets, said an official statement today at Ankara, the capital of Turkey. The Turkish Prime Minister and the Russian ambassador had a long talk at Ankara today. That Rumania Is endeavourlnc; to avoid a break with the United States was Indicated when Pre mier Ion Antonescu called -per- ibassv in Bucharest yesterday fur- ..cnnnllv nt thp office nf the Ulll- 1 tub V v uvvutv. 1 - - I - nv tKs i,i uuti. v m r i 1 1 1 v Hii niiLuiia an ivuiuuinu vriv inn nrrpcr ni n i . r rpninan. . . " . ii 4A litrntA ilia I . 1ti n w rjni m mitt or nr were luriuaiiy aunacu tu ""an Ampncan on niitu. wikj wtu iu SOFTENING Down In Face Of American Firmness TOKYO. Oct. 12: (CP) The Unl ted States advice to Americans to leave the Orient appears to have States, an Informed source The new tack in Japanese public utterances may be taken as a result of failure to slacken the United States pressure, it Is said. Meanwhile, excitement at Shan-hal, accentuated by the assassina tion early Friday morning or tne Chinese puppet mayor of Japanese-occupied Shanghai; still runs high. There is no intention, American authorities have already said, o withdrawing 1600 marines from the International settlement there. GOVERNOR ISJAMED OTTAWA, Oct. 12? (CP) R. F. McWllllams K. C. of Winnipeg, has been appointed Lieutenant Gover nor of Manitoba effective wqvem ber 1. Damage And Casualties In British Isles Being Held Down Liverpool Hotel Demolished Crash In Wales Nail Airmen Who Bailed Out- Action Elsewhere . . .. . i r , - . u.ii., - iu. ..iu,u. At "i- least ivur four uci ..i.v i u.. hlntlv norwonv wilt mnv nn I in uc',MJru "u ii itu u uu uin, vf in fi will l in n 1 1 w- it u i id h i ihiiiiii. i - was further significance to an already complicated situation by the word that Russia was to establish five air bases on the Black LONDON, Oct. 12: ( CP t Alter a nleht of scattered attacks over twelve parts of England northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest as well as Scotland and Wales, there were four daylight air raid alarms in London today. The fourth wa- the 203rd. of the war. Considering the extent of the raids, an "tflclal statement said that damage land casualties In London were and elsewhere "very light." German planes Woui and rabbin?1! ncreas- country at once. If they remained erated after the American lega-ing began and rents in this city. The dele- it would be at their own hsk. tion had intervened. gave farU showin? that in jn addition to the parading of cases rents hnd hn raUed tu nicciao nf Na7l uiiicvia ttnu v jwtt- . uch as 100 percent. ThU ROidiers through the streets, all' being taken directly to!mftnner of oerman war equip ment, including armored cars, tanks and planes, Is being moved Into Rumania, ine entry wi German military forces Is un- signs Tnal japanese Are Backing doubtedly being conducted on permission of Rumania. Eight high-ranking officers of the German one Brit'sh In the course of which It Is estimated that the ene my have been using from two to three hundred planes nightly. Manchester was among the cities raided last night. In the first of today's raids on London four bombs were dropped and several persons were killed in the destruction of buildings In one area. In the second raid of the day workers' homes were struck. The third resulted in no damage. Fierce fighting between Royal Air Force and enemy planes attended the raids. . offlHMi. nmnnir' icivciuus oauie wa luumn i-j.j inHnred softened -ft. attitudi among .,UUV" a rdc "rC: tVip 7 TTnitpHi' at an altitude of over 20,000 feet said enemy being sent back although a few got through and went on towards London. During last nights attack there was a direct hit on a bus which was thrown into a store, several per sons being killed. A number o: shops and buildings were struck and a water main was broken. Three Dorniers Down I Llverpool three German Dorniers were broucht down while others were chased away. This was at 6:30 ! p.m. The Snowden Hills of Wales' were being combed today for the crew of a German raider which was seen to ball out of their falling plane. During Thursday night's raids, bombs fell on four houses in a Welsh town, killing two women. Other Welsh districts were attacked but escaped with slight damage and : lew i;aauuiLit'd. I Ancient stained glass windows of DfOavpd almost twelve hours by Canterbury Cathedral, seat of the, Neatheuior.ecast Tomorrow's TTdes 11 prince Rupert and Queen Char-ctte High 11:42 ajn. 19.5 It. Islands moderate to fresh 23:58 p.m. 19.0 It. jjterly winds, r - Joudy and Low 5:32 pjn. 62 It. oUd with occas P,jOV?tCu 18:00 p.m. 6.0 It. Aim i tk. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER - ifjf-' If PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1940. price: t CENTS ermany Is Occupying Rumania r i . c .IP-. azis unvc into ooutn eastern urope Now I aking rorm; Object ' w Is Believed Turkey And Greece sn r with-! n nUKl 1 bo ARE HEARD Military Forces Pour Into Bucharest Britons Arc Mov AIR RAIDS KEEPING UP Bulletins : WILLIAM BURKE DIES j William Burke, well known lo cal ex-service man, having served in the Spanish-American War as well as In the First Great War with the 102nd. Battalion, passed away last niffht In the Prince Kupert General Hospital. He had ments. There will be requim high mass at the Church of the Annunciation Monday morning and interment that afternoon under Canadian Legion auspices. ST. CATHERINES WINS TORONTO St. Catherine's went one un In the senior box la- to 10. making the game count now two to one. BATTLE IS ENLARGING Big Guns and Naval Units Also in Action More Devastating It. A. F. Raids. LONDON, Oct. 12 : With air raiding continuing and big cross Channel guns in action and naval u :i its moving into battle, the Battle of Britain has increased in fcrccity and scope. A big gun duel across the Channel last night was very spectacular... The Germans fired at random and little material damage was done to the Dover shore. In spite of fog and unfavorable weather, the Royal Air Force crossed into Germany and over the Channel invasion bases during th night and again did heavy damage to oil plants, factories, docks and airdromes at many points. All planes returned safe. Kiel, Bremen, Hamburg and Wilhelmshafen were visited and the coast from Rotterdam I to Cherbourg. Last night In SRt air battle over, troyers at Brest, Off the Isle of Wight German submarines were reported to have engager British destroyers but there was no statement as to results. Prince Rupert Legion Defence Corps WEEKLY ORDERS heavy fog down the coast, C.PJI.' senior archbishop. of the Church of steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S.I England, were damaged In a recent . October 14 to 19 K Gray, Is not due until 7:15 this air raid, It was disclosed last night, j Monday No parade. Thanks-evening from Vancouver. Tho) The Germans are believed to have I Blvlng Day is a statutory holiday, vessel will sail soon thereafter in. been dropping many more time! Tuesday and Thursday School 'continuation of her voyage to A1-. bombs than before as fewer explo- of Instruction at the Armory, 8 aska Islons are heard during the raids. P-m I INCREASE IN TRADE Interesting Diversion Of Commerce In Western Hemisphere WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 12 Due to the blockade ol Europe by war conditions, there has been a great increase In trade between (United States ana the Latin Am prlrnn rnunt.rlps Pftr thp first either In Canada or elsewhere, ac- ccrdlng to Captain Loudon Hamilton, In whose rooms at Christ Church, Oxfo:d, the Oxford Group was founded, and Eric Bentley of CHOOSING PRESIDENT State Electoral College Votes Can Be Split When Popular Vote Close NEW YORK, Oct. 12: (CP) In the presidential elections Tuesday, November 5, the people of the United States choose electors.. The been a patient in the hospital for twelve months of the war. United electors cast the votes for preslden . .,, d ,,. ,! a long time and went from there to i statcs export, to Latin America in-1 tlal candidates. Snowden Hills Being Scoured For;the cu. ,Iomc ,n the Dyer Apart. ; cent whUe The M1 yotes , the electoral fi'hter was lost with the pilot s?fe, said an official statement on today's raids. Some house and business establishments in London were hit, said the statement. In Liverpool a number of prrsons were feared buried in the wreckage of a hotel during the night. A school and. church wr re also struck in I Iverpool. was aptain delivered against Lon don althouah Liverpool had two night raids In one of which a hotel was hit. traDning staff and guests in the wreckage out of which soni" were dug out still alive with others known to be still burled. Commercial building. and dwellings in Liverpool were hit but an official statement declared that no military targets had been struck. A. on Thursday nleht when raiders broke off . the London attack earlier than usual, strong antiaircraft fire and misty fog caused the abandonment of the Nazis' night attack earlier than on any night since the Intensive air raid- U. S. AND RUSSIA WASHINGTON The Upited States hai conceded two' economic fa vers tn Russia. Chartering of tankers will be permitted to carry oil to Vladivostok. Bars will be raised on the delivery of machine tools to the Soviet. MINISTER QUITS LONDON The Rumanian min- j ister to Great Britain has resign- ed, rayin; that he cannot be associated with a government that would betray the nation to a foreign country. sJrhe-bruntof the attack-liutJilsut: nUht .btfeatlne Vancouver-1! ports from that source were 31 per-lcollege are divided among the state cent higher. I according to population. The actual OXFORD GROUP IS ACTIVE Prominent Visitors To Prince Rupert Tell Something Of Work They Are Doing In England measure of a state s electors is the total of senators and representa tlves to which it Is entitled. Usually the entire electoral vote of a state is cast for one candidate but occasionally the votes of a state are divided. This can happen when the popular vote is very close, the , popular vote Is very close. The usual explanation is that voters in considerable number believe they are voting for the whole party ticket when they mark an X after the name of one "of that nartv't plolnrs V1pfnra1 ontji, ar. There is nothing weak or dta-i"' 4V; , I counted individually and, If the top , v , .1, n, Oxford , n . i- loyal about the Group nn .Wf' , rf . minority party gets a few more votes than, say, the bottom man on the majority list, there is an elec toral vote for the presentlal can- la,d)date wh was not the popular Torcnto. leader of the group Canada, who were in the city this I cholce 01 the Ute' ' ' week. According to Captain Ham- greatest piurauty given a canai- cross rHamn'nnshln final lat utnn the first nersons in Sweden ' oala m lM las?lV .elections was in. jntoA6ffef'' th'eir-stTvlces W-foT'forjlWaHrt SteateSt?wa la'lKJl.Th'e" Finland against Russia were mem-' "J-10-" eicctorar advantage of bers of ths Oxford Group of that , Franklin D. Roosevelt over Alf M. country. What Is true In Sweden Landon in 1936 was considerably has been true elsewhere. The group more lop-sided than was the popu-'ls gaining strength today In Ca- lar vote. Mr. Roosevelt received 27,-nada and In all countries where 476,673 votes to 16,679,583 for Mr. the fight !s loins on aialnst an Landon. The popular advantage aggressor. An example of the type wa,s approximately seven to four cf work that is being done in Bri- whereas the electoral vote was in tain by members of the group Is the ratio of approximately 65 to 1. a recent appeal which was printed and distributed In the north of England as follows: How To Play Your Part f Forget yourself in helping your-neighbors. In days of tension this casts out your own fears and wor ries. Help them to carry out all Yuletide instructions about air raids, evacuation, rationing and waste. Keep the moral standards of the nation high. Don't weaken the r- home front by trying to wangle Christmas baking supplies, are something for yourself on the already being featured in local re-quiet. Make a break with all the tall stores. New dried fruits such personal indulgence, selfishness as raisins and currants, peel, etc. jand private wars which undermine are in. The supply is good except national moral and unity. Every- for dates of which the market is body has his part to play in the bare and which are not expected moral re-armament of the nation, before December at the earliest. Be a rumor-stopper. Those who Tea is subject to another ad-love their country sacrifice the vance of from 4 to 8c. per pound, luxury of being able to pass on supplies are getting scarce owing the "news." Any patriot shoots a to the war situation In the Bast, rumor dead on sight. Face the Potatoes are plentiful this fall facts but don't exaggerate them, and prices are low. There is a Prepare to meet them instead. fine crop in this district and gen-Faith, confidence and cheerful- erally. ness are as contagious as fear, de- An "enormous white explosion," presslon and grumbling , louowea Dy iires, resuuea irom release of bombs at Wiihelm- shaven, pilots said. Cherbourg was reported a raging mass of flames. Direct hits were made on des- MARKET HAS 'XMAS GOODS Baking Supplies Already Here Potatoes Plentiful-Apples being Cleaned Up. A carload of onions has arrived from the Okanaean. The onion The secret of steadiness and in- crop is unusually large and prices ner strength Is to listen to God are firm. and do what He says. God speaks. Owing to the crop failure in directly to the heart of every man Nova Scotia due to a storm, apple and woman who is prepared to stocks are , getting cleaned up. listen and obey. Write down the There Is a' strong demand for thoughts He gives you. His voice British Columbia apples and Mac-can be heard wherever you are (intosh Reds have already advanc-ln the home, in the factory, in -- 5C. per box. the air-raid shelter, in the first-1 aid post. J LONDON SILVER I Forearm yourself by listening to LONDON, Oct. 12: London silver .God first thing every momine ' prlce was unchangcd yesterday at .This provides a clear plan for j 23 7.15 pence. eacn aay ana uie power w wore , with other people In complete unl-l , ty. In a time of listening God 'to God and obey Him is the high-takes away fear and fortifies est form of national service for against uncertainty, hardship or everybody everywhere." bereavement; He gives foresight ( The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor and cool Judgment. He offers of York (Alderman R J, Pelleyn). limitless reserves of energy and. The Lady Mayoress (Mrs. R. J.. initiative. Pulleyn). A British general who has fought I The Sheriff, of York (J. H. . through two wars said this: "Tele- Moore). phone wires may be cut, wireless' The Sheriff's Lady (Mrs. J, H. stations be destroyed, but no bom- Moore). . 1 i ''aCuiK t bardment can stop messages from Lady Lawson-Tancrcd. God coming through if we are Canon A. R, Lee, Rural Dean of willing to receive them. To listen York, 1 4