SAVE ' '' flU j Check the prices i of these j . GENERAL if ' ELECTRIC M , L- CLEANERS (H! f Other Makes Cost Dollars More Yon not only save on the original cost of a G-E Geaner, over tfaoe of other makes, but a G-E does tbe cleaning job thoroughly, quickly. Come in and see these house-cleaning tools and other helpful G-E appli- G-E Rtfrf3tJilor ances that save both time 8 models from 184.50 and money. Easy budget terms are available . n c wl CkS AutcBitic Iron S8.9S G-EToastcf S8.95 5 Bodcls from 579.95 Oienrron J3.50 Othtn from 54.95 ; NORTHERN BRITISH COLLDIBIA P0ER COMPANY LIMITED CA N A'D I A NtG EN Eit'A V ELECTRIC The1 Home of Good Shoe I 0 Gracia Shoes Three Reasons Why You Should Wear Them 1st. Classy styles, plus comfortable lasts. 2nd. Durability and built-in arch rests. F 7 3rd, Priced lower per quality than anyr similar make on the market.- v Stoeked'in Sizes and Widths From A to EEE. AMILY SHOE STORE LT D MacKenzie's Furniture 6-PIECE DINNETTE SUITE Buffet, 4'cha'lr's. Table with drop leaL 2 suites only. Special . PHONE 775 $83.50- Letter Box AX EXPLANATION Editor, DaHr News: Insidious rumors have jus, re - . -ed tr eoncerntnf the propeme-present being uiifeed bj the t r-ernment for emergency purpt-iE rK rirmitT nf MeBride S'.rJe' i.'.d :t woakbe apnreoatcd il yja w:j kindly pabhsh this in- order to refute theruB-or$ We arrihrTrfjStered owners of Lc- 1. Slock 3)Sectk.a 5 one it the !ot i in que rtioa. Toii prcpeny Las cot ree'i sold, nor ha- inere been any suggestion or negotiation for a al" lease, rental or occupancy ci thir nrovxrty. Thebu .cSngs were. ereC.ed 'hereon uithtwt-oHr permls-1 aion xau. as we at the moment naa no defiula plan to mak' ase of thej nrAneriv. we- have' cf:f e-.' no ob jection ruiheTnatter otfthe govern ment iv ng it in tin? present em-ttyenej. At the time rnaten u ; were bc:ns isEi-r.b d at the property I met Jhe C.inr City Conn: ; l on the sUcet ad inquired A tarn what it war all about. He informed me. tac ivemmnet had approached nr rtt for ncrmUayi to use tne jcitjr i 'ptrly in that vicinity and yjeh remission had been granted. Later I understood Ln person handling thir matter had assumed that all the properties new used belonged to the city DYBHAVN Si HANSON. LTD. Per John Dybhavn. I DOUBLE abookietic FOR SALE FOR SALE 2005 Graham Ave 1 1110,1 Arm- condition. 2 lots, harbor view. 1 .FOR RENT Kitchenette with el-; ectrlc stove and bedroom. 708 ! Frassr St. irt the rear. 248 MALE HELP WANTED iMANf Wanted to take-over profit able Watkins route in northern British Columbia. Real opportunity to get into a paying business of your own. Complete Information furnished on request". The J. R. Watkins Company. 1010 Albeml St., Vancouver, B.C. (249) "WANTED ADULTS wish to rent furnished suite or house for winter months, commencing Nov. 1. Phone Red 838. tf. WANTED' at once, single bed, com plete. Box 28. Daily News; tl) BOARD AND ROOM BOARD- and- Roonf vacancy. 400 4th Avemie West. Phone Black 965. 'if) EOSF LOST White' forf terrier pup. Phone Black- 409. Reward. tf) THE SEAL01 QUALITfY G0LD seal Fancy Red' Sdckeye PINK SEAL Finest' Pink Salmon Picked' by-' the' only? salmon-cannlne'company' with' an all' the year nrand payroll In Prince ItUpert' 5 WAUMBMH IIITtSM COtVMHA ca iro. fc Laqaer Coid &Mrd o fc At Get (mat f Brkak CcW. HOTEL ARRIVALS - RfflSCHURCK United Churth Congregation Hears A boat General- Coaneti Session A Rrs: United Chun yesterday pastor. Re. J. C. Jakion cor.t ...aed his account of th Genera. Courcu af the Dotted Churth of Canada held recently in W.n- nlgh: from the" besJrmlnr wtth .3 declaration of loyalty the :ju v ci; was ever congous of ih u:anic straggle in whith h ; v.vx-i'' whlen -the ehareh was engaged and stood firaly behind ready- for uttermost sacrifice. The War Se-vice Committee reported on the forty-flTP.-mnherft ffitKd m th-1 rhp- Vin and auxiliary services. The . church was afeo fully supporting the Red' Crosr Society with 5OG00 women to three thousand groups imrkmr xteadllv. Every member of the military, air force and navai J. P. J R. Gate. B. ierrtees had been supplied with a iruu. n a cr v s cair of socks. There was no jnso- Pes and J. R. Seaton. Barrett: ism Dot a sern aa.i . . ti.v r ui4iu trtf f ana ine neru isr lire It W Land and Mrs. A, Brown, 'trst? baekhur of the church and city: C.Raba-:san and J. G. Lp- :t rr sources j n. t uim nuimv- in itth th ehnTn of urban Charles Saul, VancooTer. popuBtions and new rsne-"es wer? Centra, oetog cmtKtT'G to recinv an un- tuatter A -niof the G. G. Badlger F. E. Sjrteer. D. nttsfaetory Tn. 'rue drme-Tcy of th-rhr-h was Grand, L LeCteire. Bar- rett Point; G. Gordon and O. " . Playford. Vancouver: J. W. Mfflier. iT, These BiHmor; J. W. Miller and A. Apple- SroaP ,!f j were referred to h- various com- cn. oarreti; r.. ocsou wu . , Nnbttt. etty: O. Playford. Van- Pn7 . conid?ratian. The Hem? and For- co uver J. t Johnson, city. , . . . ... Prince Kupert by deiatM-cn? frro Hcnan. i R Thistle. C. Haines, F. O. Rad- china-, mc from India, one from ! cliff and D. J. Magnet. Prinze tt? camoi of northern On- Rupert: W. L Thomas. A. E. Cart- rlo and Rev. Peter Kelly, chief ten, A. Bacon. H. T. McLeod, G. Haidas. whose address was ,W. LaHler and W. A. Templston. a notable feature- of a notable jVan-cym S. E: Shaw. Barrett: -oyncu. " j IS. H CreeA Zeballos; Jack Bal- of 4ne wemen's Mls- IkJn. Vancouver: Miss Clara on;ry eo-Jety was an a'tounding ILittle and pesrste Little. Terrace: revshtlm of sueeesful orsaniza-Mr. and Mrt'H. Rrid, Port Esrin- and effKt'v ex-utlon A .,toh: Lee Chon?, Part EssJnTto'' ccinmlisfon. retried verv fully Lr- Y?. Inv-mess: Lyter- S:o-t. tfiti a' preientetion of a stMemcn. R. CaTicbtU straJ. 3?Kat5hen, nr. R. G. lars wa soloist, etv- Birr?tt Rock: Wllma Fenfcm. Sal- n verv- fine rendering of Louise PHONE E. Stn!-s "A Prayer." cash balance $30 per month at a. j. iuGnomme. 5. Now vacant H. G; Helgersonl Tommy Chtlstoff Is sailing to- from" Vancouver" on Friday, sailed Ltd (248) 1 morrow aiternoon on tne uaiaia lor ror? tne- souin again on' in; uar- FOR KEN! a inp to Vancouver. inena naiuroay evening Wlicn you want' a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable Taxi Service 13 21 Hour Service at' Regular Rates- - Every now and then we wish to call'the'attentlon of the'publie to the fact that our coal" is friejfeyou very ai"hot proposition" Aot TAf tYdy The coal we sell lras full of vomi uKtr THE WAV THCVTftEATYH as run-or tne' proper paands. You can quickly prove this to your own satisfaction' by phoning Philpott Evifi & Co, ttd. UNION PHONE C5I C52 STEAMSHIPS Steamer Leave' Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.8. CATALA EVERY TUES DAY, lt30 p.ra. Due-Vancouver. Thnrs. PJO.- LTD TA8; CARUENA FRIDAY, 10138 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If 'Convenient; Please - Purchase Tlcketg at" Of rice Further Information Regardtngf Rewmtloha-and 'Tickets' rrom' FRANK J, 8KIKNEK. Prince .Rupert AieuW Third Ave. Pbone 5' 0VERW1M LID. i CASHorC.O.D. Phone Hi ! 9S2SSfr . - I P, A,ilmer Cut Wax f p' ' 1 vils m 1 1 ,-Xm I Aylrae? Vegetable and Tomjia I 1 iL. SJm I Sonn ftf-a it im mLZfni . , 1 1 VOk -n mjLM' Ajimcr iMjnrirss Lnicntn SSSSSSS Per tin 1 j ' ' .rJr ' Aylmer Tomato Catsup JJp 11 - Avimer urane-joice- ' ; .ou Aylmer Strawberries iZn ' Sfe2l!5 Fruit Aylmer Red nums Qn N 17 oz. 2 tin; Aylmer Sliced Peiches i Au 2's. Per tin I j letter--First grade. 93 ( 15C I 1 Swift's Picnic Hams- ' SpJnaeh, Fer lb- Ul 3 lbs. i ... 1 , ... , ' il' urroonus in wi r 1 II 1-lb. cello I Cucumbers II cduim inp Jf2 j .il4L i Potatoes-G : I New Green Cabbage- ftp ICO-Ib v S1.69 : v Per lb. sack j J- Free Delivery on Orders of' $1 and Over 1 . . ? r - l rnrrn cnnininc 1 1 r Uid J . IJaily After 4:30 p.m. Modern Rooms Steam Batkf I nOAT W.SJ. TROTIEU'S CAFE J L n0CK II Mrs. C. E. Black, rroprlrtWi " . r 1 i "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadiaw Fislr & Cold Storage I'rlDcw Kapert' Co; Ltd. Brltlsn Colum''11 1 1 1 CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for , VANCOUVER Thursday: 11:30 p.m. calling Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains Leave PRINCE RUPERT for the BAST. Monday, Wednesday; Friday, 6 p.m: Air-conditioned' Sleeping and Dining, Cars For Fires, etc. Call -CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 TlHBD A' . PHONE 260 1 !!' m . . f-lnnnfia Air