YiBM row i EYES Licencee for XnmonnU Fall-rue Frames, The Newest In Eye-Wear JEWELER Modal B-62 $34.95 tomplrle urilb ballrtiti. EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewclcry Repairing, Hand Engraving Max Heilb CHAS DODDIEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment eiioroner DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties COAT SAL Latest Fall and Winter ' Caracal Untrimmed Sport Sty Reduced Up To Fur Trimmed !es 30 0; !0 Not obsolete coat but new fall arrivals which have proven so popular. Tailored models. A style for every taste and a price for every purse. Offered te the very heart of the season. DO.VT MISS THIS SALE! "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" 11 THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phytic RLfE 907 Model is NEW . . . BETTER ECONOMICAL to OPERATE EVER BEFORE! Right! never before have we been able 10 offer such values . . . measured in performance and operating cost ... as we can give you now in the 3-62 sets. Check th esc features: Complete stan dud wave broadcast band including some police calls, low battery drain, automatic volume control, beautiful cabinet design, distance booster for more stations. Has the new l'A volt "A" battery, and new 1,4 volt tubes for longer battery life. ... and many Other advanced features. THAN An ommndini nloa bctjine ci kmbitury driia. superb tone and quality, d i 1 1 1 n c booKrr lot iactmti tmithitj, rtqnuiulr lianhed tabic R)l cabinet. Dew taty-to ttad dial. "THE BEST inUESTlTlEIlT in EtlTERTRinniEnT 1 EUER mflDE" This New RCA Victor 1JM1 Battery Saver m la - MORE fejsvt 5 - JT cart) a compltte range of new RCA Victor BMttrj uli. TLere's a riodtl far tirry purse and borne. if 3IaiI Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are going ths Eame. !NAVY TEA ' SUCCESS I Fine Affair Saturday SatunU, afternoon by the Navy 9 m a n i time Is .opportune, CHIROPRACTOR Stanlej YV. Coltor., D.CPh.C. Wallace Block. Phone 618 Large Stock of the Latest Styles in FUR COATS JUST ARRIVED All are invited to come in and look our stock over. Prices to suit everyone. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good 2 For Ladies and Gentlemen's J TAILORING T.LEE Second-hand Suits, Overcoats J Raincoats, and Working J Pants. Bargain. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing 3dAv, Phone Green 960 P.0.975 J Everything in Novelties At I Eva's Novelty j1 SHOP 25 3rd. Ave. West la O ao9i o?e9teettettttbc69 Pyrites rrriae imUhe ! f is about Uosed , Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacher AJlA. Certificate PHONE RED 814 TEM flATLT KTW1 BASKETBALL IS STARTED: ! On the Junior basketball front- Afternoon Fra5er Street Tigers defeated Mc- Results in S1G3 Being Realixed Street-Arney 12 Pav- the ha. Legion Hail. In spite of inclement weather conditions, a large number of ladies called and the gratifying mm cf was realized. Tais nonev will be used for the purchase -f materials with which to make 'cmforts for the many local boys who are on naval service. The hall wa- handsomely decorated for the .--! sl-n with fall flowers. Mr?. J. H. McLeod, president of he Auxiliary, received the guests ind Mrs. C. C. Mills was general convener, assisted by Mrs. Ben Dal--arno and Mrs. Jack Armstrong. Pouring were Mrs. Denyer. Mrs.' Shelford Darton. Mrs. L. W. Ker-and Mrs. J. R. Eifert. The ser-viteurs were Mrs. C. H. FJkins. Mrs . L. Holtby. Mrs. D. G. Borland. Irs. Charles Anderson. Mrs. Russell "amercn. Mrs. T. A. McMeekin, Mrs. J. A. Smith. Mrs. Frank Dibb. Miss "race Clarke Miss Gwen Palmer, 'fiss Ton a Biain and Miss Amy 4rmstrone. The cashier was Mrs. V C. Clarke. Mrs. James Simpson, Mrs. W. W. . O'Neill and Mrs. H. B. Eastman -tad charge of the home cooking able. Mrs. Thomas McMeekin and Mrs. T. J. Fortune attended to the raf-'les. the winners being: Hand made quilt, donated by Mrs. Tack Armstrong, won by D. A. Eastman. Thicken, donated by Bulkley Market, won by Mrs. Ben Dalgarno. Cushion, donated by Mr3. A. C "larke. won by Miss Gwen Palmer Book of Caoitol Theatre tickets, -on by Miss Gwen Palmer. : Northern Pyrites Ready To Produce1 "mother' Active Season of Development on Ecstali River Property Nears Completion After another season of develop-1 nen work which was concentrated the main shaft and tunnel and ught the property to a stage vhere It is now ready for produc-ion whenever the management d&- 'tdes ft hat the :hc Northern "stall River '.own. During the past summer' ome forty men have been employed jn the property under the sup-1 :rintendency of E. E. Mason. 1 00HKI0HHKHOtKHKKHJOrOirt a likis (4) 2f. Hlagston (4). Postuk, Alexander 3f, Gumch, Vuckovlch 11. 10 21. Zbuxa 3f, Hoitestod I0. MacdoaaM 6 3f, and Pierce. Ftaser Street will play High Clymont Park in the fir game of Scbooi ta a P S tanighl h k f vi and on Saturday night will meet nser Street was dressed in all The ProwIers-.T rvm.nutj.lv ctortsfni ti tra a JJJT,Z Lt Z ZOM uniform which was very Umpire was Dominic Montesano. was top scorer Scorekeeper was G. Gooeh a guest was Norman MacKeown who lent Don't be a bulb -watcher. Yoo won't have to if you keep a supply of Edison Mazda lamps always on hand. Put a pre-tested Edison Mazda Lamp in every empty socket. They give more light, stay brighter and use no more power. MADE IN CANADA i l AM PS . ;t CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC HiZ Complete Line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY PHONE 116 LTD. The Rcxall Store Phones 81 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 D.m. PHONE 117 COUGHS & COLDS Ormes Horehound and Honey 50c Rcxall White Pine and Tar 25c and 50c Rexall Bronchial Syrup . 50c Ormes ltd. Pioneer Druq&tets & 82 Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday Octeber: kwmmv of REVELRY, RHYTHM AND ROMANCE! Alt yf lvcli i mi itw t a4 m, ik ! A gvr wi Salif tnk he hit lglit iU; fi4 Alt. la tkt rMiU'ttt, SMtia'til fwn Atw that ert nvJ t l t TONIGHT TUES. WED. 2 Shows Nightly, 7:00 and 9:00 ."SWA H .Atlkl AT. HEAR lh bogeif tin -up of song Ms ever eorraUtd, inthding: "Say tl Over end Over A9olnlM..."Mrl Myl" "My Kind of Country" and "Drums in the Night." with EtliN DREW-ANDY DEVINE PHIL HARRIS - viicmi int UUIAICMUU'DUIIS IIT e.uicim.. .ROCHESTER (At 7j"V9 II EXTRA The passing Parade Presents "A War In the Wilderness' Cartoon "Ants in the Plants Sport "Sink or Swim" THE CONSOLIDATED MININ(; & SMKl.TIvr COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate. Superphosphates, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Hrand Metals .Mercury, Gold, Silver, Lead. Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth Antimony and Zinc DusU -Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works 25 Felt MattressesIn all sizes. Special 12 Chesterfield Suites Latest jrtvlcs and colors in Phone BLACK 321 Inn. B.C. B. C. Furniture Co. NeU and Used Furniture 1 Reconditioned Oil Ranges -Complete with 24fl ' SlO pump and tank. From 1 Electric Washer In perfect shape. j22 JQ 6 Heaters In perfect condition. TO J2 QO fij gQ j ''SlIIZIZI S12.95 3 Typewriters-Of various makes. TO 00 22 50 S27 New Furniture 6 Unpainted Display Tables Very durable and strongly constructed Regular $45.00, now 30 Springfilled Felt Mattresses Of the very finest materials and patterns, reg. $22.50, now makes. From S6.75 24 Table Lamps Latest styles and C-f QC TO QQ Q? finest shades, real values 2 Chiffrobes With 1 round mirror and 1 full length w .rdrobe and plenty-of drawer space. QOQ flfl $16.50 87.50 th- finest 75.00 TO 98"" Next Door to B.C. Clothiers WATPU For Your New .Super Deluxe Taxi Fleet TUIKD AVENC . cv. Call- XT For Service And Dependability