ror (ice -BulM BC. Payroll" 1 If' mine pi Writing nf Pacific Milk: "One! of its particularly applicable I - list?.' write;. Mr T.P.S.. "was In ; rice puddings It never scorch-1 .. ' JttDZXtt-KWn' 'MM ffTTITlin I II 1 j2oz. T.20- 25oz: 2L30- 40k 3.40 - mmWm mm "JUST THAT MUCH BETTER" United I K2B This-advertisement is' not .published at displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Bfltlih Columbia SKATING Kvery Night -From .7 U' SI'X'IAli MONDAY 21st FIRST 5 Couples FREE WEDNESDAY 23rd FALNITE Two for the Price of One Every Saturday Afternoon 2-5 CARD OF THANKS ed and It. blended wonderfully into a creamy dish. For other) Mr. James Black and family puddings, too, we found it un- )wish to convey their most sincere surpassed. thanks for assistance given, and exPres$tons ' sympathy fror re-Y mniVin A I I r 1 1 nlll VI M tr K ' celved in their recent sad bereave- Irradiated and Vacuum Packed ment. LOCAL. NEWS' NOTES Just say "Three Two please." Meeting to organize Interdenominational Young People's Society. United Church, October 30, 8 p.m. Mrs. Louis Peterson was the wln- ner of a box of apples which was I donated by. Mrs. Peter Leland and raffled at the Lutheran Ladles' Aidj , rjazaar Jast week; O. W. Laidler; general sales man-j agsr of W: lis Malkln Co. Ltd,, ar-I rived In the city on the Catala this j morning from Vancouver, being there on one' of 'his periodical visits- to the local business; W. M.-Cummlngs, Alice Arm postmaster, after a visit to- the city, sailed by the Catala this morning on his return north. George Little and daughter, Miss Clara Little, arrived in the" city fr6m the Interior on Saturday- afternoon' way freight train and are leaving by this evening's train on their return to Terrace. Mrs. Helen Keobke and son, who arrived In the city last week from Whltehorse, sailed this morning on the Catala for Alice Arm where they will pay a visit with Mrs. Keobke's mother, Mrs. Helen Nu-clch. Mlss-H; Suehiro will sail tomorrow afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancovyen Capt. W. P. Atmour sailed by the Dr j p rarfP. s. j HimtPr nnri ' Cardena Saturday, evening on hU .'' 1. rntTB TW TO WIS . 'return e r . .v. th Vancouver? after a brief J. I tXl HCl ICbUliiCU UUUie uii wic - power cruiser Edac Sunday night business visit to the-city. Il spot cos's you only half a from a ten-day leisurely hunting Just say "Three Two please." IF NOSE CLOGS AT NIGHT Real Relief Put 3punxue Va-tro-uol up each nostril . . . (1) It Ehrlnia swollen membranes; (2) Soothes Irritation; (3) Help flush nasal passages, clearing mucus; relieving transient congestion. VICKSVATRONOL and Resolved" RT. H0N.VWINST0M CHURCHILL-: "The 'British Empire stands invincible . . . . Our people are united and resolved as they have never been before . . . . with the conviction of final victory burning unquenchable in our hearts." In these ringing words of confidence, Prime Minister Winston Churchill has expressed the fighting spirit of the British people their grim determinatibn-to prosecute this war until tyranny is ended and freedom; finally triumphs. " United and resolved" symbolizes- the spirit of nearly four million Canadians Banded together for mutual protection through the great, c?6-operative enterprise of life insurance. Thesegood citizens know that life insurance has weathered every stormih the past 1001 years and that it promotes national security arid sfaljiiity. It is goodf citizenship to own jf 0 lISUKftlt '4 THIS MESSAGE IS SPONSORED BY I iffe INSURANCE COMPANIES OMR ATINO IM CANADA I Dally News classified advertise ments can't make customers but they usually can find them. Try one. (tf) Herbert Morgan of the Daily News typographical staff sailed Friday night on the-Princess Adelaide for a-holiday trip to Vancouver McCIymont Park BaseBalli Winner In the Junior1 baseball series at the week-end McCIymont Park took the fifth game from Fraser Street Tigers by a score- of 7 to 5. There Is one more game to decide the championship. Next' week Fraser Street will have1 a new pitcher from the Vancouver Leagues, Glllis. Teams were; . Fraser Street Postuk; Blll.Heth-erington, Kingston,1 Jones; Gurvich, Vuckovich, Gillisand Davis. McCIymont Park Bmg; Astoria, jSlmundsen, Zburaj Mentenko, Pav- to Try it in the Dally News and fishing cruise around Porcher Inlet. They got a couple of deer ukls- ciccone and Macdonald. ifled column. (tf) Island and as far south as Baker and also some trout. Umnlre was Kosta Killas; WWflets- From The Waterfront V- - ' Having made a call at Kittmaat northbound was one of the reasons for Union steamer Cardena, Capt John Bdden, being late In not arriving from the south until 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon Among the passengers aboard the Cardena going through to Vancouver were F: W. Stone, manager of Goose Bay cannery, and Ralph Hart, accountant, and their wives; Arthur Hay, manager of Bruns wick cannery, and Mrs. Hay; N. K. Williams, manager of Boswell cannery, and A. McLeod, accountant of Claxton cannery, and Mrs. McLeod; Union steamer Catala: Capt. James FJndlay, arrived in port it 1:15 this morning from the south and sailed a few hours later for Stew-art and other northern points whence she will return here tomof-row afternoon southbound. Announcements All'adTerttseTnenti-in. tliii ctl-f tmniwlll be charged for full ' month-at 25c a -word: i Gyro Hallowe'en Hoedown, Octo ber 31. P. T, A. Telephone Bridge, Octo-i ber 25: Irish Auxiliary Dance. Armory Barracks. October' 25. Dry Canteen Tea, October 26. Canadian Legion Bazaar Uovi 1. Cambrai Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. November 1, Salvation Army Sale, Nov. 6) Anglican-Bazaar: November'7;. Moose Hall. November, 8. , 102nd-Auxiliary .Dance; Armory, November' 8. Presbyterian" Bazaar November Hospital tea and i dance; Novem ber? 15 Lutheran. Circle Bazaar. Metro-pole" Hall. November 16. . St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Novembers. United W. A. Sale November 21. Eastern Star Ball, November 22. Moose Hall. "JET" STOVE POLISH Keeps Steel Stove Tops Bright, It doesn't blacken, and cleans them while hot ALL B. C. STORES Our Famous Ed sun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO: Phone 58 nd 558 Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 ! Valuable Premiums Given FREE witii our cash : coupons on your purchases. It will pay to save them. Ask us about our coupon plan. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars HaveMore1 Cents" Opposlte'Canadlan'-Leglon NEW ROYAL. HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A nOMK'AWAV' FROM"' HOME" R'.cs ';5c up 50 Rooms Hot &' Cold Water Prtact Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 P.O. Box 111 To Our Many Friends and Customer-Sin the City an&Districti As TeportedJn the press recently, we have dispascilroffouf business-(0 Watts Nickerson. Through the years, since 1911 when the business was es tablishcd, we have always endeavored to supply our customers with the-best quality onlri beliving thattthey would prefer knrrwn quality at'a faifprice rattier than an Inferior make at lower cost.' That-this policy has been justified Is attested to by the V support that you, our' friends and customers, have given us' since- we-Tirst'opened'our doors for business. We are deeply-appreciative of your patronage and loyaltyjvy Please accept our grateful thanks. Accounts due1 this firm may be paid'at' the store in theM regular way. M We are confident that'our successors, Watts & Nickerson, will c-ontinue to serve you well and bespeak for them a 1. continuance of the support youMiave so generously ac corded' us. CB:Eiii-iii,ta.aiiiia,csi:E . Bryant & Co., Ltd XM. BULGER Optometrist Koyal Bank Bide. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHj VALENTIN DAIRY? PHONK 57 Used Furniture '1 S-piecc Dining Room Suite Buffet, round table wilH three leaves and six chairs Iron Single Bed. Spring and Mattress Dressers. Buffets, Wash Stands, Rocking Chairs Kitchen Range Fitter with Impeerial Oil Burner Kitchen Range For burning coal or wood Oil Heater. Coal Heater, Wood Heater Large Mirror Size 52"x 53" Electric Singer Sewing Machine, table model Electric Hoover Vacuum Cleaner, Realty, Premier Spic Span Bridge Lamps, Standard Lamps. Table Lamps Remington Standard Typewriter. No. 10 Speed-0 Print Machine R.C.A. Victor Radio Watches 21 jewels Waltham. 17 jewels and 7 jewels Wall Clock, Electric Irons, Electric Shaving Outfit Come, Look Around Our Used Furniture Department. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE UUILOING -:- THIRD AVENUE rhone Green 916 Store Hours 8:30 a.m- to 5:S0 p.m. I RAILVAY 9 I CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific 13 To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S S. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 pin. To Vancouver Direct SS. "Princess Louise" SB. "Princess NorahV Oct 5th; 17th, 28th' Nov. 7th, 18th, 28th To Ketchikan; Wrangfll, Juneau and Skasway S S. "Princess Louise" S S. "Princess Norah" Oct. 12th" and' 24th Nov. 3rd, 14th, 24th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian PacUlc Services7 TlcketJ and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Ajent - Prince Rupert, Bl C.