Lnrhmen in the world today. Prime Mi nisfpr Winer mi 1. t 11 .l I i l i a .. tian It rarrvlncr nn 'hi( onnonrm in I hurcnui urgcu mem iu i einain sieauiast, to the true cause k- - ' 7. , , . -rv'" iteir country in spite of present vicissitudes and. S 7 S crpOSSioiL", 10 juiii uiu rrt-u r rencn cause. Mr. Church- campaign was gave one of his characteristically spirited addresses made lnaus Inaugural k In English, then in French. ( Kever said Mr. Churchill, "will Mete that the soul of France Is lid Instead, he was confident it Jculd continue to live as one of I peat nations of the world. Sis crime, said Mr. Churchill of I'jer. 1U bring retribution which tinj of U3 will live to see." The story was not ended. On Hitler's Track ire ire on his track," growled Prime Minister In typical fash-l L "So are our friends across the and yours too. We will; tintic tnj him and all his gang and . bis workj.' r.C:urchlll invited all French-: to share in the victory over Jer 'II you cannot help us, then I ri do not hinder us. hit torn darkness." PSLAVIA AND REICH ff Tnde Protocol Between ij And Balkan Nation lECRADE. Oct. 21: A new Mpfocol has been signed be- fa Ge-many and Jugoslavia puj the Rotch will take slxty- fot of Jugoslavia's exports. rVKIT TC nun iu INFORMAL Pnwr General Entertained faaily Style by President Roosevelt PARK, Oct. 21: (CP) The ""j if Athlone, Governor General yada, and Princess Alice, with ti Hon. May Smith. Whteek-enH tnfnrmil1 with Ftot and Mrs. Franklin D. - e . ttu-iivstt- 1 m t0 SDcclal inr oHonhoH fn 10 Poughkeepsle to meet r'urday emi, .u oh.i . W"S td.., .j uujaer wrni me -atthehcad of the table AXIS DRIVE IS LOOMING Reports Persist of Demands Being Made Upon Greece Drastic Concessions Sought A tense situation continues in Balkans today but there are no new developments of importance. CAIRO, Oct. 21: (CP) Reports persist here of an impending Axis drive to the East which appears Te shall never stop. Never." , , . f ai "TV aipioma" t,c clrcles telUn of "altan-Qerman ihall ! j n, never give in. Wc i wired to free Europe of the,"CJKUiC 0,1 rt"lc"a Jor wnuonsu, ijtslllence and to save all the; 6 ' tu cessions. Qreek diplomatic sources here say that they have learned the Axis powws we: demanding concisions of Greek territory to Italy and Bulgaria, reorganization of the Oreek government, severance of trade relations with Great Britain and the right to use certain Greek air bases. Turkey and Greece continued their precautions against axis er-crachments. They have evidently been heartened by assurance of British assistance. Half a million Turkish troops are reported massed on the Bulgarian and Oreek frontiers near Adrlanople as a measure precautionary of the Dardanelles. A leading Turkish newspaper on Saturday made a plea for united action against axis Incursions. Ger many would betray even a nation which was a. friend In arms, the newspaper said. It stated that the fear of death must at the outset be surmounted. Better to die fighting for honor than to suffer In dls I honor. J Military talks between Russian ana lumisu ivpiceui-auvvs aic im ported to be taking place at Adrian ople. WARNING TO GT. BRITAIN Says That Axis Is All Ready Strike In Southeast Europe -h- i had ilttU been UCCU 111 , CUllAJllO.4 owvumiWm Vislt her .Benito Mussolini, warned 11 ue bv , famlly got itm,.lpIane l timi time for for rhtiiTh church! tnln tain vesterdav yesterday that that Ax Axis WATTS & NICKERS0N to ROME. Oct. 21-Virglnlo Gayda, who In! editorial spokesman of Premier ureal an- powers Th . """"' were reaay to sirme in wu in ' "ucness of Luxem- Europe it; J.ne unusu - - -v-uaea lunch laces. 7i. uovcrnor General and to -c are visiting New Mnnp resistance 'r Vlrp.ro ni l il. ai- ti...ln erotnrv An- thony Eden of Great Britain was endeavouring to stir up trouble in the Balkans, Gayda charged, Bouncement r pleased to announce that we have acquired the Mtn' Wear business of the Bryant Company Ltd. old R We hope we &haU ,,avc lhe 0PPrtunlty of meeting all otm.r,a.nl custners and trust that those who made our In I; ur re thclr shopping place will feel as much at home nfw Premises. ti0stdThe 0,J store, next to the Bank of Montreal, will be a' f'om tomorrow, Tuesday. started when Japan air raid on Kun- - , mlng, the Chinese terminal of the jroad shortjy after the first trucks "had arrived there enroute to Chung-! king. This, it was stated in Tokyo, ; was only the preface to fiercer and j r Kim mlng but to other strategic points on the winding mountain road. Over the we? k-end there was con-, tlnued bombing of the Chinese sec-1 Hon of the line. Japanese claimed to .have destroyed strategic bridges In Yanam province as well as trucks. Despite bombings, however, trucks ire still moving Chlnaward today in large numbers and at Chungking Chinese officials are greatly hearts ened and enthusiastic. I RUSSIA SENDS NOTES BUDAPEST The Russian goy-ernment is reported to have sent two notes to Berlin seeking explanation of German troop movements In Rumania. " BRAVE OLD LONDON IS TAKING IT Heavy Enemy Air Assault Finds British Capital Unflinching-Widespread Attack Over Week-End LONDON, Oct. 21. The forty-fourth consecutive night of air raiding on London was of shorter duration than usual last night, the all clear coming at 3:30 ain., but the attack was very heavy at first, later lightening off until It was over. The enemy also struck again at the Midlands and the northwest including Liverpool. Last night's attack followed that of Saturday which was admittedly one of the largest scaled and heaviest to date i In the war, damage being severe and an undetermined number being killed and Injured. The enemy planes came over Saturday night in waves of fifteen or twenty every five minutes and dropped clusters of bombs. Many fires were started ana ine piaces struck included a well known hotel and cafe, a hospital, medical school and more dwellings. A number of men were killed when a bomb dropped In a bar. Several persons, Including children were killed in a public underground shelter. The German air siege eased up not only on London Saturday but elsewhere throughout Britain. A single raider, bombed a Midlands town, dropping low over a new Industrial building and then machine gunning some workmen. i No casualties are repun, Press Association reported a aozen bombs dropped on a southeast coast town when Royal Air Force fighters attacked a Junkers plane. PROVINCIAL t LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. MeatHenfoiiecast ! Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert and Queen ;Char-lotte islands Fresh southeast to High 4:55 am. 17.1 ft. loath winds, part cloudy and mtld 16:36 pm. 18.5 ft. ,1th rain. 6. Low 10:42 a.m. 9.1 ft. 1 23:35 pjn. 6.0 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMbJA'S NEWSPAPER IX.' NO. 247. ' ' m j, r. . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1040 PRICE: i CENTS uge Attack By Royal Air Force Churchill Urges Frenchmen Throughout World Stand Firm And Share Victory With Britain LONDON, October 21. In a radio address tn n BOMBING HIGHWAY! But Traffic is Maintained for China On Burma Road HONG KONO, Oct. 21: (CP) Ja- Bulletins NO OCCUPATION YET OTTAWA There will be up occupation by U. S. of bases in Panaris nr mnvfmfn) nf United I States troops into Canada until such an emergency as invasion arises, declared Col. O. M. Biggar, chairman of the Canadian section of the Joint Board of Defence, last night. He said, however, that there must be co-operation on both Atlantic and Taciflc coasts against direct attack by "international gangsters." SQUAMISH FLOODED VANCOUVER After dynamite had been used to .change its crurfe, flood waters of the Souamish River are receding and residents are returning to their homes which almost all had to leave. Provincial Constable D. W. Taylor reports. The line of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway suffered damage. Bridges were washed out and traffic disrupted. Floods at Bella Coola, where two fanilies were marooned, are reported under control. CHASED BY SUBMARINE NEW YORK The British teamer Loch Lomond, which left Svdney, Australia, September I. reported nhe was being chased by a submarine 400 miles.,west of the North Irish coastr Enemy Territory Receives Its , Fiercest and Most Widespread Attack So Far In Present War DICKERING WITH REDSi of h' Engineer and Fireman, Both Widely Known, Die in Bridge Collapse J. C. Carpenter and S. J. Mayer Lose Lives as Locomotive Plunges Into Water at Lome Creek A Canadian National Railways passenger train which Another Invesion Attempt May Have Been Broken Up By Channel Onslaught Northern Italy Suffers Heavily Tass News Asency Denies That con- LONDON, October 21. The Royal Air Force un-ference will Be iieid with ; leashed its fiercest and most extensive and effective air Axis Powers , attack of the war on the enemy yesterday, the fury reach- .v,r 7T, , , , Ing its peak last night when the assault extended to Ber-JTSS Iin an' the waI ? Noen, Italy, It was believed by conference between Moscow and the f'me uurvcrs tnat auumer pussiuie invasion aiiempt Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan is planned. This is stated in comment that Count Ciano, Italian foreign minister, Is to visit either Moscow or Berlin In an effort to bring Moscow into cldser harmony with the -Axis. Captain Eden In Jerusalem Stock Market Shows Decline Averages Are Generally In Short ! Saturday Session I NEW YORK. Oct. 21: Stock trading In Saturday's short trading ression totalled 220,000 shares. Av- JERUSALEM; Oct. 21: Rt. Hon. "ra.'ixs at clos'iig were: industrials, Anthony Etfn, British Secretary of 132.13, oft .27; rails. 28.89, off .07; P'at" for War, arrived Un Jerusa- utilities, 22.20, off .13. Ttvexnarke Tern TALKS TO left Prince Rupert on Friday evening for the East met discussed." with disaster on the Lome Creek bridge about 125 miles i ' i. -j? t. . n i. c?i.. : u i : .1 l'a east 01 i rinct nupeii, ouuuuay mguw, 11& engine unu icim- er plunging off the track after a bridge collapsed and becoming embedded in gravel below flood waters of the creek with Engineer J. u, carpen- DICTATOR Conference Between Sir Samuel, ped Hoare And Francisco Franco . MADRID, Oct. 21: Sir Samuel I Hoare, British ambassador to: Spain, following a visit to Gibraltar, had a lengthy conference Saturday with General Francisco Franco. The talks, it was stated!' later, had been very cordial. Mat-1 irom the cnannel coast was broken up. The Royal Air Force planes ranged over the week-end as far as Tromsoe on the northern coast of Norway where a seaplane base was-attacked, several fires being started and one enemy supply ship being "almost certainly" struck and damaged. One British plane failed to return from Norway. Hour after hour last night the Royal Air Force poured bombs on to invasion bases in the English Channel and further Inland as far as Berlin. Fifteen thousand bombs were dropped within two and a half hours dropping for a time at .the Sunday nl?ht In ttie.. course snpp.ed Irregularly In, early trading xitexii one hundreds mlnute- . The r Is tour b? the Near Eastf .today." " British planes virtuallr swarmed Double Tragedy On Rail Line NEW YORK COPPER NEW YORK, Oct. 21.-Copper was off .03c on the New York metal work with December closing at 11.68c per pound. ter and Fireman S. J. Mayer, both of Smithers, missing and apparently either killed or drowned. Clearing up of the line by wrecking crews rushed from Prince Rupert on one end and Smithers on the other had to be awaited before the scene of the tragedy could be reached, there being other slides and washouts along the line. Railway officials at Prince Rupert announce that all others leeallv on the train were ac counted for and safe although ru-J The accident occurred at 10 o'clock Saturday night after the eastbound train had been delayed for several hours by other slides and washouts further west. The east approach of the bridge evidently collapsed under the weight of the engine. It appears that the engine, lender and one freight car broke off from the rest of the train which was left standing on the bridge un- !tll a locomotive was able to get 'through from the west yesterday afternoon and pull it back to Pacific. Prior to this another slide had developed two miles ttcst of the tragedy and this had to be cleared before the wrecking equipment could be got through. To the east around Hazelton and the Bulkley Canyon there were also slides which were passenger train, ordinarily due at Prince Rupert Saturday night, as well as wrecking equipment from the Smithers end. The slides and washouts have been caused from excessive rains of the past few days. The line was tens, affecting relations of the two countries had been Thoroughly SENTENCED TO DEATH SuDerlntendent James Clark is on found in a burned house In Win- " ' j 11 ' the line directing track repair work, aermere vaiiey There have been several washouts and slides. Provincial police officers have arrived at Lome Creek to search for the bodies of victims. William Upston and Otto Thonj, It Is said, may have been riding the train as transients. HIS FAMILY GONE LONDON, Oct. 21: (CP) Helping, in the search of the debris of his bomb smashed home L'.-CpL Hedley Beedle found the body of his two-year-old son. The soldier collapsed. Later on the bodies of his NO AUTOS FOR SALE Commercial Production Of Cars In England Ceases Silk Stockings Banned LONDON, Oct. 21: Production tain has ceased, it is officially an- j nounccd. After February, British' women will be unable to purchase across the Channel. There were scores of Iwmbers and fighters. ! The vici"us British attack started soon after dusk and followed an artillery duel across the Channel of unprecedented intensity. Berlin admitted that Jast night's raid was theymost.se vere the German capital hadfyet feli , Rome admitted that the vicinity 'of Milan had been heavily hit but Insisted that only non-military objectives had suffered. Premier Mussolini himself was in the vicinity of Milan when the bombs were drop- Frank Sylvester, Cranbrook Indian,' derstood that a lot owned by To Hang For Double Murder CRANBROOK, Oct. 21: (CP) sufficiently repaired this morning Sylvester, 21 year old In ana tne train, wnicn snouia nave'dlan was convicted on a charge arrived here at 11 o'clock Saturday'of murder Saturday and sentenced night is due in at 2:45 this after- by Mr justice A. M. Manson to be noon. : hanged on January 21. Sylvester The bodies of Carpenter and was found responsible for the mors were current In the city that Mayer had not been extricated up!deaths of John Dundle and Harold transients were riding tne engine to this morning. Forester, whose remains were at the time. IS FIFTH COLUMN WORKING LV PRINCE RUPERT? What looks like Fifth Column activity is reported in this military area. Word has been passed around to the effect that military officers here have been profiteering by the government purchase of property for military t purposes. On another page is a denial from one firm that any property I of theirs has been purchased by . . ' 1 1 I 1 ine government. 11 13 aisu uu- Dr. Cade was inadvertently built upon for military purposes but that no claim has been, put in for compensation. The city has sold several lots to the government at Westview but the purchase was not known to the local military authorities until after it had taken place. A number of lots owned by the provincial government are said to have been given free of costs. City property used by the military on Sixth Avenue was given without charge, most of it being park reservation. Investigation shows that local military authorities have had nothing whatever to do with any property transfers and have not benefited to the extent of one dollar from any such transfers. Statements to the contrary might emanate, from fifth column sources and tend to retard the local war and Red Cross efforts. 4 ', CHICAGO WHEAT; V Chicago, Oct. 21. Wheat fu- sllk stockings but will bo able to tures were unchanged ta lower wife and another son were taken have rayon. Silk stockings will be Saturday with December closing at holding up the regular westbound I from the wreckage. exported. E?v2C m n