PAD! TWO- TSKiDAHY NEWS Campacs and Sun Rays SPORT SHOES FOR . VACATION TIME The Height of Comfort and Wear in Every Pair F DAILY EDITION PENMAN'S HOSIERY AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue II. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion 02 Local .Headers, per line, per Insertion , 2 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Paid In Advance, per month 50 By Mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 By Mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMREK OF THE CANADIAN PIIESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for republication of all tiewa despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press in this paper and also th local news published therein. All rWrta of republication of special dospotohes therein are also reserved Saturday, July 13, 1940 EDITORIALS WINNING THE WAR Some people are not quite sure what they can do to help win the war. Here is one opportunity to enjoy a good picture and help the war effort at one and the same time. Buy two war stamps Monday at the Capitol Theatre and go to the show free. This is a fine gesture on the part of the moving picture industry throughout the country. Everywhere on Monday this chain is using the same method of helping to popularize the purchasing of war stamps. There is no rake-off for the theatres. The whole proceeds go to the government. LOSING GOOD CITIZENS Prince Rupert will soon be losing two good citizens. F. A. MacCallum, manager of the Hank of Montreal has been transferred to Kamloops and, with Mrs. MacCallum, ...ill 1- - 1 ? 11 n .' . . '! win ue leaving in me course oi tne next tew weeks, possibly the first week in August. Both have been active in the affairs of the city and have shown themselves keen in forwarding the interests of the community. Their departure will be regretted. RUSSIA KEEPING OUT Evidently Russia plans to keep out of the war. According to reports she has agreed to hold back from further advances into the Balkans and she has entered into friendly discussiqns with the British ambassador. In that way she can watch the trend of events before taking any further action affecting other countries. Judging from past experiences Russia is a very uncertain quantity. That country must realiue that she is in no danger as a result of British victories but she is in danger if Germany should manage to destroy the British Empire. Doubtless, Stalin remembers having read that one of Germany's aims has been to capture for that country from Russia the fertile grain fields of the Ukraine. DEVIL'S COMMANDMENT Here is a paragraph that has been going the rounds but is-well worth repeating: '' There is an 'answer the people of Canada must give to Hitler and Mussolini and the millions who have too willingly enslaved themselves to the Devil's First t .nmmnnrl- ment "There is none other God but Might." We say toi them that this commandment is not upon the tables of our' law. We worship at another shrine. They have challeng-i ed us, our religion, our ideals, and our way of life. That challenge we have accented. We shall meet it rnnll v. nrifli . ,, w , ., t-i ,t . " in wie euu uwuuv u. rur mere is one weapon, one resource, one invincible armament, which our enemy lacks the Power of the Spirit. 1 BRITISH WELCOMING COMMITTEE FOR NAZIS' Tense, expectant, England watches the Channel, on constant vigil against any possible Nazi invasion of the British Isles. As the Nazi blittk teg captures more French coastal ports, the Url-tlsh channel towns are heavily fortified in preparation. Here are two of England's giant shore de fence guns. DRY DOCK WINS GAME In Thursday night's regular football game between the newly reorganized Irish Fusiliers and the Dry Dock, the Dry Dock beat the Fusiliers 5 to 3. The Irish are taking the place bf the Navy team, most of whom were called to Esquimau for naval training. FOOTBALL TOMORROW 2:30 DRY DOCK vs. VELVET Dominion Day Finals FOll SALE NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT Job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Three Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free. Booklet, M. C, C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg Oldest In Canada. No agents. WANTED GIRL Wanted for Phone Blue 610. house Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MDk VALENTIN DATRY PHONE t57 work (1661 CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress LAME ARM IMPROVES TULSA, Okla., July 13: rCP) Dizzy Dean, trying to rekindle the $185,000 bonfire In his right arm with southwestern sunshine, is op-timistc over the prelminary results. "It's 1 1 .tng better, says the Dizzy One of his new "slde-wheeler" delivery that he is attempting to develop as a means of relieving the muscle misery that has plagued him. "The new. delivery still throws me off balance a little but we're working on that." Dizzy doesn't even consider the possibility that he won't be able to make the grade again with the Cubs and his Texas league fans seem to have the same philosphy all except one of Dizzy's staunch- , est friends!' She doesn't attend baseball games, but she has It all flgurediiit what- Dizzy can"do If his arm fails him permanently. The lady Is 87 years old and she Is Dizzy's grandmother, Mrs. C. M. Dean of Beggs, Oklahoma. I Her Idea: If Dizzy Is ever washed ' out of baseball she thinks he I Would make a fine preacher. i Dutch Reuther, the scout who BARGAIN for Immediate sale. 42 was vsent along with Dizzy from foot cabin cruiser. Accommodates the Chicago Cubs to coach him seven persons. 20 h.p. heavy duty while he tries to reconstruct his marine engine. Phone 564. pitching form, says he now can (166) see improvement In Dizzy's perfor- ' mance. FOR SALE 22 Browning repeater jany iyal Fans ' regular $35.00, Cash $20.00. Mod Tne cot;crete evidence that Dlz ern bedroom suite Including lsn.t doIng s0 badly was dlspiayed bedstead, dresser. COil Spring to the narkfH pranrlstflnH In Ihp ?dnl?eM' aSh $25m Phone, first two Sunday ball games that MISCELLANEOUS LESSONS in typewriting. Also high asm under trying conditions have speed typewriting and shorthand' convinced his Oiler teammates that given mornings, afternoons or Dean Is determined his return to evenings. Phone Red 923. the Texas League will be a short PERSONAL YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. Manitoba. tt INCREASE YOUR INCOME Sell shoes. Highest commissions. Free Selling equipment. Write The Ritchie-Bart Shoes Ltd., 455 Craig St. West, Montreal. (115) (160) In the Texas League. Dlz won both games. . j His persistence and his enthusl- (one and that he soon will be back with the Cubs. The whole thing, of course, was Dizzy's idea at the start. His brother Paul once returned to the Texas circuit and he Is now doing all right with the New York Giants. "Paul's 100 percent better for having returned to the Texas League," says Dizzy, who feels that If Paul did it, he can too. LEADING" IN JOWLS With seven wins and but one loss, Dave Borland's rink Is still leading the standing In the Canadian Na tlonal Recreation Association's Lawn Bowling Club. Angus Mac donald's rink is second with seven wins and two losses while Ben Dal-garno, Dave MacPhee and Frank Dlbb rinks are tied for third place with seven wins and three losses. The standing to date Ii follows: Won Lost Pts. D. O. Borland 7 A. Macdonald 7 B. Dalgarno : 7 D, A. MacPhee 7 F. Dibb .7 J. Frewf.... ....wi..a.5 J. Paul .......5 R. M. Winslow ....k...:..4 G. P. Tinker .....A T. McMeekln 3 ..T W. D. Vance ...2 J. Pre'ece I 2 V A Ttncrara 1 R. E. Benson 1 I 2 3 3 3 4 .5 S 0 3. '5 6 6 10 CLEVELAND 1 IS LEADING; Indians Are Back on Top In Ameri- can League j NEW YORK, July 13: (CP) In Thursday's major league baseball the Boston Bees lost one game aird won the other In a double-header with the Chicago Cubs. In three ' night games Cincinnati defeated the Brooklyn Dodgers, New York Giants beat the St. Louis Cardinals, while the third night game between Pittsburg and Philadelphia wa3 postponed on account of rain. In the American League the Cleveland Indians moved back into first place by defeating the Philadelphia Athletics. The Detroit Tigers went back Into second place Jwhen they lost to the Washington i Senators. The Chicago White Sox '...Ant , tV. . 1 r.- while the New York Yankees beat the St. Louis Browns. IRISH ON TOP In last night's Senior Leaeue Softball games, Stone's Clothiers: beat Grotto by a score of 9 to 7, j wnne me irisn msmers aeieated Q. and S. Grocery by a score of 16 to 6. In the first game the play was close and both teams did well. Stone's outhlt Grotto 10 to 9. Two base hits were made by Montesano, WIndle, Schroder and Johnson. The second game between the Irish and Q. and S. was a very onesided affair. Fitch, the Q. and S. pitcher, was replaced in the third inning by Arlington who pitched the rest of the game for Q. and S. The teams were as follows: Stone's Hewslck, Johnson, Lind say (ph WIndle, J. Schoder. Schoder, Teed (c) Clarke, Afney. Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Roofs, Electrical Appliances, Oil Burners Cleaned, Plumbing and Painting 224 Seventh Ave., W. Phone BLACK 735 i ,Hre Chief H. T. Lock and daugh-1 ter, Marie, will sail next Tuesday afternoon on the Catala (or a trip to Victoria on vacation. ' Harry Long, 0. and B. foreman for the Canadian National Railway Is sailing thU afternwn on the Prince Rupert for a holiday trip to Vancouver. E. Grotto Slmundson, Beynon, Morgan 4c), Stiles (p), Yacgar, Montesano, Nelson, Callan, Kel-lett. Score by Innings: 123456 7 T Stones 0 2 2 0 0 2 49 Grotto 0 0 2 0 2 2 17 Q. and S. Rush, Pierce, Stegavlg, Fitch (c), Arlington (p), Mcintosh, Naylor, Astoria, Spear c). Irish Fusiliers Gray, Bennett, Scott, Brown, (p), Depuls, MacKinnon, Sorehson (c), A. J. Smith. J.W. Smith, Knight. Score by innings: 1234567 T Q- and S. 2 1 0 0 0 2 13 Fusiliers .2 2 9 1 1 0 1-16 Umpires were Brown. Pierce, sl mundson and Hewslck. Scorekeeper was D. Montesano. League standings: W Irish Fusiliers" 2 Grotto i Stone's i Three Sisters 0 Q. and S. n Pet 1000 .500 ..500 .000 .000 Congoleum 18x27. Each Congoleiim 18x36. Each Window Shades 36x72. Each Pack Sack 8 oz 35c 50c day, Juv ,r.uly 13, 1840 Dr. J. Munthe Successor to Dr. 11. O. John&e. Now lias Ills Of.'loe In (,e BESNElt BLOCK LUMBER CEMENT. SASH and 1)00118 Conipleie Line of lluilillnj Supplies Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Phone 117 ,.hone m YOUR WAR EFFORT Will Be More Effective With A Modern SINGER Seving Machine Famous for Active Service Around the World Made in Canada Canadian Material Canadian Workmen for Positive Savings Consult your "New Fashions" booklet lor Spring and Summer Free for the asking Featuring Fashions and Fabrics, as' well as patterns and sewing aids that enable you and your home to keep stylish, prosperous and progressive, and actually save money at the same time. Sec the Newer Models at Your Singer Service Centre ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building:, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. rhone GREEN 916 Mats & Rag Rugs Assorted Kexolcum Mats 18x36. Each .. 30c Contoleum 27x36.-Each IU Huts 24x48. Each .u........ Trapper Nelson's Pack Board-Complete with bag Prospector Wedge Tent 0x8. 6 oz. 95c 95c TENTS and PACK BOARDS Wall Tents 6x8, 2-foot wall nA 8 oz $11.UU $2.00 7.50 $8.50 II