EYES Licencee (or Numounts Full-Tue Frames, The Newest in Eye-Wear CLARIFY ADDRESSES gome Changes Noted In Official Designations As Princess Alice Retains Royal Title OTTAWA, July 13: (CP) considerable uncertainty regard ing correct itular designations for. The form "his Governor-General the term "Governor-General" be- jng cunsiuerpa more aignuiea. pjg i .Princess Alice, as daughter of . Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, and fourth son of Queen Victoria, The expression "their Excellen- Victoria. EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewclcry Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Thonc 2G1 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties ,B.. O M.M.G.. G.C.V.5., D.S.O., F. B. C. FufhitoNIi 20 Spring-filled Felt Mattresses Of very finest . . quality, reg. $17.50. Now Phone BLACK 321 Next Door to B.C. Clothiers mi. MIDSUMMER SPECIALS 8 Studio Couches In green and Argonne red. Can be made Into double or single bed. 3 spring-filled cushions. CQA Regular $45.00. Now $12.95 23 3-piece Chesterfields In rust, wine, green, red, mahogany iSXr?S,ted..a!d...!n $75.00 t0 $104.50- 3 Chiffoniers Waterfall design, very latest. Special $20.50 THIRD AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Bteamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: t.8 8. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Doe Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 868 s TUB DAILY KKW0 Saturday, Waterfront Whiffs Canadian Halibut Landings This Season Will Be Little, If Any, Greater Than Last Gill Netters Are Doing Quite Well Trollcrs Not So God or Up to the eve of the closing of fishing in Area No. 2 in which the majority of the vessels of the Prince Rupert fleet operate, halibut mndings at the port of Prince Rupert for the HMO season have reached a total of 10,410,119 i pounds including 4,357,011) pounds from Canadian vessels'! ana o,uoy,iuu pounas irom American ooats. ine grand total is substantially in excess of last year's 8,924,800 pounds at a cor- idena had been delayed on account; responding date. The Canadian to- 01 neayy cannery freights, tal compares with 3,949,300 pounds last year, the big increase for this 1 Capt. W. P. Armour, manager of year being in American fish com- j the Armour Salvage Co., returned to narine with 4.975.500 Dounds a vear the city on the Princess Adelaide cies" is incorrect and never used ag0 'with the 1939 season some yesterday afternoon from a business in this regime. The Governor- i two weeks ionger than 1940 it is ev-: trip to Vancouver. General and Princess Alice, when en possible that, when all returns mentioned together, should be re-lg ini tnis Jear-S Canadian total Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. new f erred to as "his Excellency and'may be smaller than last. In any salmon cannery here is making its her Royal Highness." cas(!i tnere nothing to suggest irst shipment today with the dis- Princess Alice should never be J that It will be much larger. Dur- Patch of 3000 cases of canned referred to as the "Countess of the Dast week ian(iinBs totalled sockeye and coho salmon to Van- ,Athlone," but the title "Princess 732 goo pounds of which 444 100 couver on the steamer .Prince Rup- j Alice. Cpuntess of Athlone," is pounds was from Canadian, vessels ert which loaded at the cannery correct and this may be shortened nnrl oaasnn nnunds from Ampriran this morning. The plant is now f "Princncs Altrp " The ripslirna- . . nnoratinn" ctoorill.r mlfKi nhniit onn .Throughout rrv-H,,t tho the nnmininn Dominion Hiorn there i is i " trices nem sieaay auring me ween """""f "--""j Hon her Royal Highness, Princess wlth ,ho,hleh h, n. .h! ttwk fDr on the payroll. Alice," is .rarely used. Canadian fish 10.7c and 7.5c which wnen tne uovernor-uenerai is th nMfipw tpopIvpH fnr i5nnn Mrs. nharW iiann sailing npt the new. Governor-General and hls'referred to by name name ne ne should jnouio be oe pounds ",B "iU,,c'" and the r low o 9c and 7, 7c which ITu ? contort ThU U understandable be-i . . l consort. Tnis is unaerstanaaoie De- of the Earl Athlone, , (les.,2nated tne wv L and x H recelved for unusual in' ... lne "J ana l- receivea lor hp nnslt.lnn Is ranso cause the position is unusual in t Canada. The Earl of Athlone is correctly referred to as "the Governor- and it may be made slightly more formal by adding K. G. Other letters need only be added when the most formal designation is re- Tuesdoy night on the Camosto, formerly the Prince Charles, is the 2,400 and 4,500 pounds respectively, first passenger to book from Prince For American fish the high price of Rupert since Union Steamships took the week was 9.9c and 7.5c and the over handling of the steamer from low 9c and 7.5c. The " high price was Its local office. Mrs. Haan is sail uenerai ana at secona reierence m khu h nnvomnr. . . . .7 . . Z. ..... . . . . may be styled .. v- repoivAri nv rno h nt-fira rrtr d t i n tr nn nor rornm tr not t-ivmn t ,toshuwiHoSSbs pounds and the ,ow by the Fore- ?ueen chariotte city after a vtsit is is rarelv rarely used used, , . !.u, J ? most for 40'000 pounds. Yesterday here, War1 of Athione. p.n., o.C. n' K.O.. tha f,0, ri, -root nnUr the final day of the week only never be referred to s "her Ex cellency." but invariably as "her Royal lilshness." Shortest and most usual form of address and reference is simply 'Alice." A.D.C. Miss Allrp ITnnl.pr wilt hn s.illlnu retains her royal title. She should npvt TPtrlar ,tnfmn th ra. tala for Vancouver. Canadian fish was in, 50,700 pounds being sold at from 9.5c and 7c to 10.3c and 7c. Salmon gill netting on the Skeena and Naas River is being rewarded with a run of fish which may be said to be considerably above Cromp is sailing this af- erage. The boats have been aver- Twenty -Five Years Ago July 13, 1915 The Russians are sending large "Princess ternoon on the Princess Charlotte aging some forty fish with top boats numbers of : troops from Vladlvos for a holiday trip to Vancouver and getting two or three hundred. Th rock to the Dardanelles. 3-piece STUDIO SETS Very modernistic, very latest material? In brown, green and rust. C7 ftfk Regular $100.0g. Now . 4 Coffee Tables Walnut finbh, very latest 3 Radio -Of very finest $8.50 $9.50 4-piece Bedroom Suites Waterfall design, consists of vanity with round mirror, chiffonier, CHS) intoQ09 (id $4.3U ?UU bedstead and bench 2 Chiffrobcs With 2 mirrors in Eastern hardwood. In very fine style. Reg. $45.00. Now $39.50 result is that the canneries are get- ting a steady flow of sockeye. As Par o Canada's third conting- for the trollers, their run is contln- cnt nas arnvea ai Plymouth on uing light although some parts re- board tne Northland. The Prince ported a ;slightly Improved showing Rupert boys; are on the Grampian VttaSjrs&i i A-i'V tMX-t .... fViit.teamerH-mcei!S5ftdeiaide, port at 4:45 yesterday afternoon "r? ft? ".S' wlnS to the lllness f the Su,tan- from the south and sailed, at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. John Boden, arrived in port at 10:45 this, morning from the south and sailed at 1 p.m, on her return to Vancouver and Waypoints. The Car- CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Coiton, D.C.Ph.C. Wallace Block, rhone 610 IDORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed., Thurs., FrI., 7-11 2-4:30, 6-11 on Sat. HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN Massett, Queen Charlotte Is. B.C. THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin Bl The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors W. H. Malkin Co. (P.R.) Ltd. . mouth todaj-'v Prince Tftisup IzzedDln has Armistice, 1918 Is News To Them White Colony In Peru Jungle Land Would Like Benefit Of Radio PUERTO MALDONADO, Peru, July 13: (CP) A white colony found after more than a quarter-century in the Jungle fastness, of Peru wants to stay there but would like tcy keep in touch with the rest of the world now with' that "new-fangled thing" called, radio. Twb Peruvian army fliers, accompanying a Swedish-American ! expedition exploring to Colorado River, found the group. The fliers PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled FOR SALE LICENSED STEEL BOAT Built at Atlas Boiler Works. New, 33'x 9' 10"x 5. Engine 90 h.p. International truck engine. Coventry & Reynolds reduction gear. Atlas Boiler Works I ; July 13, 194Q H LAST TIMES TONIGHT James Gagncy In "THE ROARING TWENTIES" 2 Shows, 7:00 ana 9:10 LETS ALL GO . . . MONDAY NIGHT Canadian Motion Picture Industry's Coast to Coast "Win The War Campaign" Free Preview Show Monday Night Mickey Rooney in 'Judge Hardy & Son' Ita a free show All the public has to da to attend is to buy at the Thean Box Gii.ce u o Liic Yv'ar Savings Stamps ... the stamps remain your property and you receive into the bargain a free ticket for Monday night's show ONE SHOW ONLY MONDAY NIGHT AT 8:30-I)OORS OPEN 7:30 OUR SLOGAN . . . "STAMP OUT HITLER" said the settlement, made up entirely o Peruvians, is At, . the I mouth of ffte-Pinquen River, a tri butary of the Colorado. 1 ' The Inhabitants, offspring of families or grubber collectors who remained on the Plhquen .after , the crash of the rubber Industry, welcomed the fliers Jubilantly. They plied the two pilots ( wlthnan endless stream of question concerning events during the last 25 years. The First Great War peace and the new war were news to them. Despite their primitive life, members of the colony still have the habits of civilized peoples. Advertising Dally News results. is an iiivestment Classified Ads .bring Benj. H. Harry M.I). EYE DISEASES Lenses Carefully Prescribed 631 BIrks Bldg. Vancouver, B.C. THE SEAL of QUALITY smw "'.otoc'" GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Frince Rupert 5 Just Arrived 5 Shoes for Sister, Brother, and Baby Too! FOR SISTER Both dressy and serviceable styles in blacks, browns, white, and patents. Oxfords and straps. New fashions the Q-t girls like. Priced up from FOR BROTHER They wear so much longer if you buy them at Cut Rate. Up from FOR 1JABY (IllUV Boys who are boys demand rugged hard wearing serviceable shoes. S1.75 Babies' feet are doubly important because they're at that develop- ing stage from O up. Both low shoes and booties in all sizes As low as ... The Cut -Rate Shoe Store PHONE GREEN 615 Mail Orders Promptly Filled THIRD AVENUE Open Saturday Night MacKenzies Furniture 500 'Square Yards PRINTED LINOLEUM At 400 Square Yards INLAID LINOLEUM At 250 Square Yards FELTOL At Phone 775 $1.00 1,50 45c If you have something to sell, a classifiea advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city, . -