.arfay, July 13, W45. PRYING FOR NAZI PLANE SECRETS A British aviation rergeant mechanic Is shown carefully tak- German bomber apart piece by piece. The plane Is a Junker 88, latest type of Oerman bomber. It was shot down by Royal An Force fighters. While the expert works Inside the fuselage of the plune. o camouflage net, into which are twisted tree btai:hci and other greenery, protects Mm from the eagle eyes of cncr Oerman planes who would like to "scuttle'' the corpse of the bomber lest it be of any help to the Allies. i L D-i eiegrapu utiica P. '.astern atates The Prlnffi Rupert Chamber ot' j 1 , . . Linen Shower Is Delightful Jensen Mrs. J. Storseth. . 1 w- r jNO BETTER HOSPITAL i Million Dollar Red Cross Effort I lias Produced Best Set-up Of Kind By PAT USSHER Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, July 13: (CP) The finest military hospital In Britain shortly will "be ready to receive members of Canada's fighting forces wounded In war. Officers of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps are convinced that the Canadian Red Cross Hospital, nearlng completion in the' quiet of the countryside, surpasses anything else of its kind here. Built and equipped by the Canadian Red Cross Society. It will shortly be turned over to the R, C. A. M. C. which will staff It. The property, situated on a private cupied by an army of. workmen. Construction began last January jbut frost delayed the foundation i work for a month after that Packages of equipment were being ill! I i li v tiffll III Lilt" .M-I lir 111 LL1U ITVWWAt - m lnhln tv f'OMina ... ---- j . ' WOl itVclliauiC 111 vaiiHua. jtoi r - . j 1 . n 1 . 1. v. inncon nire 1: kvuiimps. I unloaded by men of the R. C. A. Mrs. A. Wicks and Mrs. A. Jensen ' ' ,.,..... 1 II.stes for Miss Blanche , icers Patd ,trite to rwor i ; General Hospital R. C. A. M. C in helping convey tons of freight from a ' nearby ' railway station. , ha been successful In securing o KJI were Joint hostesses Wednesday V . . . -.w, tfi.i I. : , 7.,.. m v, t.n- w. Ont.. quartermaster of the I a -J x- r --- - ... a - a nlA lrAm n1 HAtMHhA It f AU . . . . .,Ht xJlc ucua atiu ucoui viic nii'-i"! - ,m inn liv. iiir i wiua ts i - w a i l The request for a reduction came decorated for the occasion. Bridge then . . . , . , . , V lBUUV,llt t U. . n ' 1111 av Liic naoiA.4av-4 iiiiu. aim 111c ktiuuk wvm.iuu ... wuniu.a at iw wiimiin iu m.. 1 v . ... . fetchinff more m(ney for the Ca- - 1 nun an nfti ft . n itv.'n lhah 1.1 i t v ii l-x. it Will uc ui uai iiLuiai v- i-Tiimina nkA ua ftnwi KTro T rnrn The chamber ls still pressing for'C. Olske and at Chinese checkers ' stretchers from uuiuuii 111 raves mi wsiciii iuji- "c. i WnnHstnrlc Ont . and an ODeraiinZ table from Toronto. Sterilizing . , tliUac v,, pquiproent was brought from. Lance Corporal W. E. Goddard, Holkestad, Mrs.' C. Jensen, Mrs. K. .. .. urionncln hprausp none ........ .... .... r, 1,111 .. r tV.- . 0 , --- -- Mfi.i. a i iLSDecianv impressive wa wc V.U..VLVC vi vavuttu. 1 7- . m-tincr wprp nnntPQ .10 wiui . Taylor. Mrs. Peter Wlngham, mt..,. . . y TOO LATH TO CLASSIFY ,D- Jnsen, Mrs. A. Jensen, M! ' o coke.burnlng r V:T:TI .St"J"!' giant steam kettles in iiays yeuow goia wrist- r oiskc Mrs. wick, Mrs. n.. uai- . -.,,., , ho rnnVp watch. Phone Green 278. H66) r,es. rles,Mrs Mrs. R. R.Brt B. Morgan Morgan, Mrs. Mrs. Sam am "ir"lt: and nH rniH rapers uut Early During This Summer It has been decided to get the rtaUir Van.. nnrlu rtlirlnf? 4 before, to Insure publication. Datlv advertiwnn m the Prlncf It u per News Is sure to bring suits. Co. Ui Dall) dally re- "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Brltlib Columbia U 1 tW IT If MIIL Lllfl LI J UliU H ww Hougan, Mrs. George II 11 Jr.. Mrs f the summer months. That 1 a real estate transaction has just , " --..1.. .. ..... x . j. ,v,ivi num. im as reaay uiuM 11 very aiuicuii, 10 uiaivi; r oeen compieu-u unua w. ...... - chanpln nHvprfUements that ..rehln nf the home - of H. - T. Cross, ne sa a fort - O. Stegavlg, Mrs. u. uisse. wrs. w. or food Heatingi ,' JersUd, Mrs. T. O. Morgan. Mrs ;J- ventllationF and humidity are ,Storseth, Mrs. C. Jackson, Mrs. Pat roned b spec,al apparatus 'philUpson, Miss Margaret Jackson, . flxed to the ceUlng Miss Margaret Slevert, Miss Meg Jn the kltcheri( ready to go Into tSUversides and Miss Sally Jensen. Qn when tne hospltai opens. Cross House Has . Changed Hands was a veteran soiaier u uki. I Corporal John W. Shar'ley, who l used to live In Winnipeg, uorporai Sharley was a chef of the Royal 'Fusiliers 'In the first Great War and has resumed his old job for A. M. C. as the kitchen Is." iiutuhju,i,.i..j u w.v . Equipment Yl OTK come m late. All copy for new on Fourth Avenue has been trans- J .niih nf Toronto. j. .u . .. . . ----- . ,, , ,( nr riprmtv commissjonci w ""ouio De in the Daily news 01- deai ms pUt inrougu u.c -. R d r Cross society Sodetv In in Lon- ui.u 'lee the day before publication t. o. Helgerson Ltd. It Is under- nadlan . pass MHwo Nagata. ReDorU nf nvprnlehl meetinzs .1 that Mr. Cross win remain,""". -"--- .. wulent - 1 v' j uraae urnnc 1 1 a--. , . j 1 the . n tocir nr of nDLamuiK cyu.iJi,. for publication should also be os a tenant for the present. in early,- preferably the night the Canadian Forces in tne rirsi Great War, will staff the hospital. The reinforced brick structure Is laid out around a two-storey administration block. Every other section ls one storey only. General Design TEX DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE1 ; LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Oold. Bulger's tf. First Class Honors Zasue Tokl wa. Peter Griffiths. I I Honors Alko Morita. task otata . clajs HonorsVerna wn. onrt snnnlles for a hospital of this,. ..... kinu. ne paiu uiuuw In which this had seen accomplished. This purchasing job has been in the hands of Major C. a sentt of Toronto, well-known civil engineer, who served in tne last war with the Canadian nn erlneers. ool C. L. T. Arthur, well-known Winnipeg doctor, who served with Pass Sheila Thorn. THEORY Grade IV, History 1 First Class JHonors Sachyue To klwa. 1 Honors Mleke Iwasaki. Grade III, Harmony; History Pass Ikuko Nakashlma. (The results lor Prince Rupert were published In the Dally News a few weeks ago). the full length of .the hospital. It connects all the 15 wards for men. Officers of the R C. A. M. C The ImDOSlng whlte-pnmra en- re t0nfident. t)t two nine In ad- trance to the administration block, dltton to navlllB tne countrv's best is eurmounted with the Canadian designed and equipped military mat of arms. A long enciosea I corridor connects it with various departments. These Include a spe-lahnratorv for Sir Frederick Banting, which will be completed, to his own requirements, x-ray) department, dispensary, operating unit, dining room and kitchen 1 and officers wards. There will be !itir nneratlnff theatres. Back of the administration block. ls an enclosed courtyard ana oacKii of It ajaln a corridor 865 feet long hospital. They're solng to have the best baseball team In the Canadian Active Service Force. Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Serf lce-3 Heated Cars Mrs. M. C. Madlll Is sailing this afternoon on -the Prince Rupert If your paper Is late phone 68 for a trip to Vancouver. ot Blue 709. ; " 1 Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large left on Denny Oaron and.. Bud Beesley yesterday's train for a visit at left on yesterday's train for a visit Lakelse Lake over the week-end. to Salvus. 1 V ! Mrs. Robert Gordon left on ye3- E. J. Smith is sailing thts after- terday's train to Join Mr. Gordon at noon on the Prince Rupert for a Lakelse Lake, trlD to Vancouver. , i i j When you go on your holidays Mr. and .Mrs. H.-S. Meadows are take the Daily News with you. 50c sailing this af ternooh on the Prince will pay for the paper for two Bnnprt for' a holldav visit to Van- months out of town. un couver and Victoria. I E. B. Baker and son, George, are Mrs. F. Magnet returned to the sailing this afternoon on the Prince city on the Princess Adelaide yes- Rupert for a holiday trip to Van-terday afternoon from a. trip to couver. Vancouver. . 1 Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls and daughter, estate, has been leased for a Mr. and Mrs. Mathlas Wesley and Miss Patricia Nlcholls, left on yes nominal rental of one shilling yearly. Costing approximately $1,000,000, it has accomodation under normal conditions for 00 officers and 480 men. If necessary, It can take asl many as 750 men. Canadian newspapermen, on a visit to the hospital, found It oc son, Oliver, of Skeena Crossing re- terday morning's train for a visit to turned tiome on last night's train Smlthers. after a visit to the city. 1 j Lieut. Col. H. L. Sherwood and Inspector C. O. Barber, provincial Lieut. Col. J. H. Prestoq, who have noliee. returned to the cltv on oeen here on military auues, win Thursday night's train from a trip sail by the Prince Rupert this af- to Prince George and Port St. James wrnoon on meir return to victoria. on official duties. ' j Mrs. L. W. Kergln and daughter, Miss Marearet Beattie. who has Dorothy, returned to the city on the been visiting here with .her mother, Princess Adelaide yesterday .after-Mrs. A. U. Beattie. Fifth Avenue noon from a month's visit in Van-East, galls by the Prince Rupert this couver. afternoon on her return to Van- couver. Sidney and Leonard Youngman left for Terrace yesterday to spend Mrs. Olsen returned to the city on a couple of weeks holidaying as the Princess Adelaide yesterday af- guests of Gordon Sample at the ternoon from a trip to Vancouver, Philbert Hotel, aecomnanled bv her mother. Mrs. R - Bovd Youne. who will Dav a visit ' Henry Thomson left for his home hfre. In Terrace yesterday after spending; a week In town. He is the son of Mrs. Joseph Gosse, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thomson of Ter- vlsltlng here for the past several ranee. weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mrs. W. D. Vance returned to the Scott, sailed last night by the Prln- city on the Princess Adelaide yes-cess Adelaide on her return to Van- terday afternoon from Vancouver SUCCEEDED past month, having gone south to attena an isasiern star convention. Mrs. T. Malm nf Rnriipe Creek. 1 N ftHi Cir Atlln, who has been visiting In the 111 lT&VJlJlV city for the past month with her piece, Mrs. Ingwell Hougan, Taylor Official Announcement Made Of i Street, Is leaving soon for Vancbu- Toronto Conservatory Results 'ver and other points in the south For Ocean Falls before returning to her home In the The following ls a list of sue-, cessful candidates in examinations held recently by the Toronto Con servatory of Music In Ocean Palls. The names are arranged In order, of merit: ; PIANO Grade IX First Class Honors Mleke Iwa-. saki. ' Grade VII Pass Margaret Thorn. Grade XI Honors Edith Benson, Tokio Isozakl, Luanna Meunler. i Pass Koko Kabayama, Virginia " Marshall. j Grade V ' First Class Honors Toeko Sasa- guchl. j Grade IV 1 ' north. ! Properties For Sale The City of Prince Rupert ls offering for sale the property described below and will receive ten ders to Thursday July 18, 1940. The lowest nor any tender not 'necessarily accepted: , Lot 7, Block 14, Section 7. I Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, Section 5. Lot 15, Block 26, Section 5. Lot 3, Block 29, Section 8. Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, Section 1 CITY CLERK, City of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert, B.C. Five tnouaano r-i nortert Pass-Rltsuk0 Ikeda. . pe0pie read tne Dally News M uraue in pay8 t0 jet tnem toow what yoa Pass 5atoko Fujlmoto, Hatsuho. hav. tn ,.11 Uchlda. 'j Grade II J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank ftldc NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A DOMIC AWAY FROM HOME" Rates lie tap 60 Rooms Hut i Wold Wnlei frhicr Rupert. B.U rt!n tSI P.O Rni 1 m m m www Open Till 10:00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies . MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY BASEBALL SCORES Prince Rupert W. G. Metcalf, W. R. Bucknall, E. W. Hodgson, C. G. Webber, R. Mayworth and C.( D. Penner, Van couver; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Craven and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Banner, Winnipeg; C. Humphreys and Gor-! don Fox, Allford Bay, H. Patizig,! Ocean Falls; Capt. W. D. Higgs, Vic-1 torla; R. M. Halpenny and R. 3.' Halliburton, Allford Bay. . Central A. Mitchell, city; Gnr. D. Grundy, Gnr. T. Splcer, J. R. Miller and T. Nelson, Barrett Point. Royal T. Jackson, C. Hygard, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Williamson, W. R. Bucknall, Jack Warke and II. Mobile and wife, Vancouver; G. A. Sweder and J. Rees, Barrett Point; D. Lindsay, R. E. Wilcox and D. G Frederick Point. Sheppard, ; This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Miss Lilian Halllwell Is sailing this afternoon on the Cardena for Vancouver and elsewhere in the south to soend the summer vacation. 1 Charles Graham, inspector of mines, ls sailing this afternoon on the Cardena for Butedale enroute to Surf Inlet on official duties. Capt. J. T. Harvey, Capt. G. L.i Stoker, Capt. C. H. Ploy art, Ser-, geant Major W. M. Brown arid Gun-, ner Mike McCaffery sailed yester- day on the Prince Rupert for Stewart on military recruiting duties and will be returning to the city on the Catala next Tuesday. jOiKH9WHWHKHHKHnWHWVlK Miss Ann Wlnslow and Miss Frances Moore returned to the city this week from a vHIt to Evelyn. Miss Wlnslow sailed last night ,on the Princess Adelaide for a visit In VIcf torla. '; Announcements All advertisement in ttii nmn will be charted for full month at 25c Lutheran Tea and Bale. Rev. Myrwang's, 4th Ave. East, July 13. S. O. N. Dance, July is. , S. O. N. Picnic, July 21. L.O.BJV. Bazaar. OcUuer 18th. United Bazaar. November 21 CfiMiteefw Slow Burning CIGARETTE PAPERS NONf flNil AUDI Our Famous Edsun Albert COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coat Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 Cherub Baby Oil Excellent for Chafing, Chapping and Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding Bottle Free with each purchase Both for 40c OrmesLld. Pioneer Druqfftets The Rexall f tore Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Uolidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and '7 to 9 p.m. CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls. Monday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST, i Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Friday at 11 a.m. mm Air-epnditioned Sleeping and, .. Dining Cars For Fares, etc., Call or Write f . CITV TICKET OFFICE, 5?8 THIKD AVE.-Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One v. v. S v ,:1 STi- 4. it. '