fORKLESS" INSURANCE , i r oust of 'Commons. Trying To Aid Canned Salmon !rketing Measures Given Apples tnd Lobsteri Not Applicable OTTAWA. Julv 13! (CP) Mar (tint maeiirps niirh n werp ac- 'Oflln! fanaHtan onnlp! nnfl lob- sterj cannot be applied to British oiumbia canned salmon, Hon. j.i IProVS of no nrlvantaoo tn t.hp pan- Ined Salmon Inrinttrv. Mr. Michaud said. Packard Will UK In make tngmes Will Carry Out Order For Britain Which Ford Turned Down WArtttvttyvj n n .Tnlv 13: (CP).The Packard Motor Corporation will nroduce 9000 Rolls- Royce airplane engines for Great- ritain and United States. Tne Order oi fa ii ni-tfaln Is p.nncem- - vm AMA iMk ItHUl (di had been turned down by the ford Motor Corporation. Three thousand of the engines will be Ior the United States government and 6000 for Britain. SAVED BY SIHEK Amrv a-om.-. tim ii- (CP) uiin7'iiAh f fi aIa i ,nr vn vpmp l rrm. ... . . . IaaIaJ suvriiimnnr hn rnaiir rnn ,hi:lcu BUCIIAIIEST. July 13: (CP)- Roumanla reported that It wasj w .A Crrkt1anr1 onHi WftlPJl. I .UV Tiilrttw nnlnei rtf filiate foenftn. , EJ1 1 a 1 1 U i u,mv" -. tut fvv j iiiiiv-oo uiitviuM - j . .ttlAa ti'sra rft hpflW flndl1UlA f ai TiirVau'i tviiifnol aeclctanpol I r MC1V - WV . . . . . 1L 4... DnAl..! t. A Al. - 1. !- m i4tMi Ti I r 1 f f'tui li ui v. uue k inu i :arn ffnvprnmpni. i imi, ii t- : 1I liac "nrnnf fhnf Tirlrpv nlannpfi i ..t Krntland and one In Wales, with th Alliea for an attack on i .1 Inlnrf1 Vfanv homhft DAnmnnH I r rtroDncd on a town in norm- ist England. There were also night , . I I IL. -V MWM MMB AMM a T K MB 1 a V Km m m mm hi A . IrtllAH I I III I I Q B n ?. 1 A Oerman bomber was shot down . r. ... l a m f h mm m a w. m m i NARIOBI, Kenya. colony. Juiy npd 'day assault by heavy Italian mech anlzed forces and artillery L to b, introduced n'Moyale . strong; ' Parliament Ufll UlllCill. t- imade an unsuccessful attack, two Ihnlrur VirnnohK down. Althouch heavily outnumbered. Ithe small British garrison Is stllU holding all positions against me Italian assault at Mayale, u was stated this afternoon by the. British Army hearquarters in Cairo. BANK HEAD TO RESIGN Mlchaud. federal minister of fish-1 . . . Unconfrmed Reports inai won "instates. Such measures would tagu Norman Is Reliring And Will Be Succeeded uy Loru. Catto rrkvnnM. Jiilv 13: (CP) Uncon- UV-iiw-l firmed reports in London arc to u ffook that Montagu Norman will tiic resign as Governor of . the Bank of England. Lord oai o regarded as the chief candidate t0 succeed him. Bulletins 17,000 FRENCH ARRESTS LONDON-Exchange Telegraph reports it has learned reliably that seventeen thousand political arrests have been made In Nazi-occupied sections of France. UNITED STATES CALL WASHINGTON By next spring It is estimated 1,200,000 Americans will be under arms. The whole National Guard has been called out for Intensive training with a view to being ready to train the conscripts, M tt Can Melt Airplane Engines Distance Of 250 Miles NEW YORK, July 13: (CP) . TWO FLIERS At Nlckolal Tesla, noted Inventor, claims to have devised a beam, basrd on a newly-found principle of nhvslcs. bv which an airplane engine can be melted at a distance of 250 miles. Tesla has otierea me invention to the United States government. LOSE LIVES Double Tragedy in Crash at Bran don Today dived Into a field four mues weoi of Brandon. REUNION ON THE GO DERBY, Eng., July 13: (CP) Bryan Harrison, evacuee irom Kent, was sitting on a fence watching trains go up tne ueroy-shlre slope when he heard his ,name called from a passing troop train. Ills father was in tne train, back from Flanders. IN ENGLISH SOIL RT MARY CRAY. Eng.. July 13: irpPirst French soldier to die In England from wounds received In the Dunkerque retreat was burled lit this Kent village with full; military, honors. .. PHOVNCIAL I II3I3 A !-. (VICTOIMA, B.C. ? TomorrbW sT ides f f. .-A" IP MM High 9:19 am 165 ft. Rupert-Moderate to 21:22 p.m. 19.7 ft. prince t Low 2:53 a.m. 55 ft. and cool winds, mostly cloudy wath v 14:49 pm. 7.8 ft. scattered showers. ,-lth r NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRIT)ISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRICE: i CENTS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1940. ! " 1 URlNfi DOWN 'Laval Is Named NAZI 11 SHIPS, (H ' Yr Npw hmnrA Planes Destroyed as, triiTcu . ... - o-IJ. , RBlt 01 BriUin VICHY, July 13: (CP) Chief of 8tate Petaln has named Former , 1 iPremler Pierre Laval as Vlce- rp A HAITI 1 0(13. v V (President and his successor as Again j (dictator of France. General Max- mland, Scotland and Wales All 0j defence. There was a meeting 1 following completion of Its forma-LONDON, July 13: (CD An Air tlon tlinistry communique said that In, un enemy uim vw j ,-.ctrrtav as me iwyai nu 111 a v lllll. A TOrCt CvIHU'U , VIA m t Am mW4 . ,.. nff toll In me course ui whhuwu i Ji nr n a i i nii pm i ..nm ir rauuiK -..Ami. making 34 Nazi planes n.,ut - . - V KrA!lfnt OOWn 111 kWU UMO, :i ui . u . . . . . hfl WPK H 1 1 f 1 1 11 il JUIICC " . ... noumanla Sav it U Itcadv lo sever une io "- - ..rnrfk rnmmenccd. Ai the aerial combat between . n..iiAi mmI flcntianv rparh - mm A v lr( r 1 1 if 1 1 1 nuu v Ma-.! - . .- nk of Intensity today. ... t..i. .srri4 out further raid I1B ilBbU . . WITH TURKS Entente With Turkey U. S. TROOPS ORDERED TO ALASKA . i . .vii mm maVes the total now Called to NEW BEAM IS FOUND CUBA HAS ELECTION Republic Is Choosing a President On July 14 j Ramon San Martin, presidential ' Batista, ex-chlef of the Cuban army, and Dr. Grau San Martin, aj I.... ....M..) nf rormer revolutionary yicoiucm, thp reDubllc. lead the government and opposition parties, respectively ... The Agrarian party has its own residential candidate. Dr. Reln- ialdo Marquez Camacho, Havana University professor. In the consistuent assembly el- elections last November 15, the seven political parties forming the Kor.lal-Democratic coalition Dacn- ntr Batista got 709,721 votes; the oppostion, led by Dr. Grau Sani Martin, cornered oniy Batista was tne army sergeaiu who on September 4, 1933, led a coup d'etat which ousted an com missioned officers. For years he could have had the presidency by ..).. ii. (rnvlnnother couD. but he CnOSe 10 re- BRANDON, Man, uuy.-. --".,, CQmmand and leave Rosenman Jr., a Brandon nying hnstructo;. were killed this from public life. morning when their plane nose SUB SUNK BY TANKER Crew Arriving In Dublin Makes This Claim Got One OI iwo Attackers mmi.TM .Tnlv 13: (CP) The crew of the British Canker Athe- lalr of Liverpool, which was tor-nedoed and sunk July 2 four hund red miles southwest oi tire, claims that their ship was responsible for sinking one oi the two attack ing German submarines. The surviving crew was landed In two lifeboats. t t ..t JMfrk tr24i JXr mm AH ' .ftaam JaaaaBvd With orders to sail to Alaska and protect United States' Interests there, some three hundreu and mi.n of the U.S, army are shown here &olng aboard the S.5. St. Mlhlel at Seattle. ACCEDED TO Thirty-Two BY BRITAIN Iear ?,ds i Burma Railway Being Closed To , Shipment Of War Materials To China nrinj a terrinc aosnzni overi ii i iui i imw: ,., t..i.. n. sie?;isier southwest coast town thU after- If i lUVUJy vyi. t A$f.oclaled Press repcrts thatGreat today. LONDON, July 13: (CFb-Resi-tratlon of all Britons of 32 years of The age for military service commenced oon observers said tne oerman . ,,,. u... t,.. with the extension oi uruains i uiihaiu uu wwwu.w - 4 ... ... i hthM t-nMr- ! nnnflrpntlv. llalLin Ilnahlp To Drive Br tisll . u rrram tho addition of the aODrOXl- . - ' - IllCIlt Ul wa. uiaitciiam un-t .... , amigfd and were driven off wmi-1 Defenders uui.ui Jioyaie "n Bu-rma raljway to Cftlna, The ban, mately 30'),uuu miny-iwo-jcr-om CALLING UP SINGLE MEN Up Military Se t vice First Under New Canadian Plan OTTAWA. July 13: (CP) Ihe compulsory national plan for Canada single men will first be called up for mill- minister of national services, announced to the House of nowevej, unurajiu., .,u - - . n,ht. to foodstuffs, movement of tne corow uuw I?"1 apply 1.. .v.-kiiLui-uju-t-vArf' itwrnw-M-thi" mOtitllfatlorTare the:5' There win be two Lsts oFreg. v. - , . ilttl(AWlUtt W vw wff- I . M ft It- MM . . . slsting largely oi oouin niuwus, wa. gjven following a conierence hayd .hot: only staved on a tnree- on of Sir Robert Craigie, British am-j bassador. with Foreign Minister Arlta. . i (the Kenya-Ethiopian frontier, but. BrHaln agreed to close the, in a mil ntjr-thrust. inflicted !n n iconunuea iiai u laiuo. viAaw irvMpx nti the Italians. Brl-!,ut7 ftrrrtfiotirttto wtppn nritaln i Island iv w i Ut6Vkiavw ------- juiy u; xvsi'j Miuiatci jiisn iieaunuaiicia "- ana japan proceea, IviANA, f Labor Norman McLarty gave no-Jforcements are.enroute. The Ital-j lice today of Introduction of an un-Mans had staged a general Dom- LmnTnvMAMf KM 1 In rhfl Kirrlmonf Italian ClanCS alSO Istered manpower one Immedl ate, one postponed. J Married men and those engaged in essential industries I will be placed on a postponed list and will be subject to call later: i Men marrying after July 15 will be considered unmarried. There will be only .a very few ( definite grounds of exemption The national service measure ......... .nm r"hv was nassea dy uie acnan; j.-.- TZ tl ns" come' Sut terday. Precedent in Senate The most active campaign ever I procedure w,asIcreaie" "l, 1 : k. Hon. J. G. Gardiner sat in the seen m ouoa i u . -c- ; . advise the unnni" M il (TPnrin rv 1. 1 i.x Aiiii iri. Senate government leader, Hon. Raoul Dandurand. VOLCANO ERUPTING killed or Injured and tnat tniriy others were reported missing. COULD GIVE EIRE HELP Baltic States lAre Cut Off From Germany LONDON, July 13: (CP) Rail-j way service and communication between Germany and the Baltic States of Esthonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been suspended for some days, according to vices received here. FINN SHIP TORPEDOED I CO-ORDINATE -! WAR EFFORT Selassie as the lawful government of Ethiopia, R. A. Butler, under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, told th House of Commons that Brl- and east Africa and Ethiopia." TURKEY IN NO DANGER Premier Gives Assurance To As sembly Joint Control Of Dardanelles ANKARA, July 13: (CP) The ' Premier of Turkey told the Na tional Assembly that the country, was In no danger irom ioreigu azsression. Joint control of the Dardanelles by Turkey and Russia' Is predicted. Halibut Sales American Resolute, 40,000, 9.9c and 7.5c, Pacific. Lots N., 26,000, 10.4c and 7c Stor age. Thrasher, 1,500, 10.2c and 7c, At' Un. Tntrrirt h 12.500. 10.4c and 7c, o - . - Rnval. wourarrt. 14.000. 10.1c and 7.2c, Rtoraee. . Southend, 17,500, 10.4c and 7c. . , Atlln. Great Britain In Position To Assist! Advance IL, 23,000, 10.4c and 7c, Strongly In Repelling Possible .Atlln. Invasion. I parma, 17,000, 10.5c and 7c, Ed- ; 'mundsiand Walker. LONDON. July 13: (CP) While. (hope has been given up of Indue- ins Eire to withdraw irom its i policy of neutrality in the war, It' Is stated officially that Great Brl-i tain Is now In a position, should it become necessary, to send large forces to the defence of that coun- trv in the event of an Invasion. No Initiative, however, would be taken in Interfering with the neutrality of Eire. TO TELL THE TOWNS tendon. Julv 13: (CP) Sign nosts have been taken down all nvpr En eland recently, but The News Chronicle points out most vlllazes are Identified by trade Baseball Scores National League Philadelphia 6, Pittsburg 3. American League Cleveland 1, Philadelphia 0. GOING EASY ON TEA ijondok. Julv 13: (CP)-Oon CHILDREN sumption of tea has risen since the start of the war and the mm Islrv of food points out there - - .... would be 50,000 tons of snipping available available for ior vital vital commodities commoames it signs and church boards. . ... ,day Instead of four, IN CANADA Two Thousand Arrive From Great Britain and More Are Coming Met Submarines Convoying British Warship Be-' lieved to Have Sunk U-Boat HALIFAX, July 13: (CP) Nearly two thousand children sent from Great Britain to be guests of Can adian families for the duration of the war were aboard two liners dockinc at an eastern Canadian . . port yesterday. A third ship laden Crew Of Freighter Petsamo Land ... ehlldren was renorted close be- Safely At Cork Following Attack h,nd K was stated that they were brought out under a private plan. CORK, July 13: (CP)-Crew of convoy with the children had forty-two of the 4500-ton Finnish encounters with Na2i submarine ireignter t-eisamo n v ueen British ambushes but escorting war here following the torpedoing and snips hi d drove t the u-boats boat off and and on, one sinking of the vessel off the west coast of Eire. Is believed to have been sunk. In addition to the children, there were mothers in many cases on board as well as some prominent individuals including Sir Norman Angell, noted writer, and Lady Ansel! and the newspaper correspon dent from Paris known as "Pertin-ax" ax who wno escaped escapeu from uum France riauvc auci after Great Britain And Ethiopia Unite a warrant had been issued for his With View To Defeating Italy arrest. In North Africa Two hundred Canadian soldiers - returning home from England were LONDON. July 13: (CP) In Qin oVwvirrt tho rpfucee shins. connection witn nis announcement They ...... Will Be Required r, . a t To T,b. Take . . ... reC0(mVze the eovernment of Emporor Halle GREEK SHIP DESTROYED Ethiopian forces will co- tlsh and ghlpper Bufnj And v., -lion. J.G.Gardiner, .oramaie an aa.. u Abandoned Off Columbia .. . i 'damage tne enemy s eiiurt m Ulver . ASTORIAJul? ".13VqP)-ATbe Greek- steamer Hellenic Shipper i has been abandoned one hundred miles off Astoria at the moutbTof 'the Columbia River following a mysterious fire.. The crew put off In lifeboats and all were rescued safely by fishing boats. The vessel I was bound for Honolulu. Evacuation Has ;Been Postponed Warships Not Available to Provide For Escort of Children LONDON, July 13: (CP) It was announced that the government had postponed Indefinitely plans to evacuate children to Canada' and the United States. The reason for Storage. . , ... -..--hir,. Atlas 33 000, 9.6c and 7.5C, Booui. une suayciwiun s Visitor v ' 8, 000, 9.7c and 7.5c, Royal., cannot be spared to provide escort vessels which are considered neces- Nineteen Killed or Injured by New Canadian sary In view of the German u-boaw Japanese Lava Flow Clipper 11, i'.ouu. - threat as indicated Dy tne suik-uis ; Storage. I last week of the Arandora Star. TOKYO July 13: (CP) The vol- Unome, 12,500, 10c and 7c, Pacific. Meantime children can be sent on " - m nVA O nnH rI ft ..tail. cano Mlyake Is reported eruptlnj, Domino n., ",uuu, u . private responsiDinty. and dispatches say nineteen were. Former Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain will discuss evacuation plans in Parliament next Tuesday. Japan Fires On Ships Of Gt. Britain? LONDON. July 13: (CP) There Is no confirmation here and Toklo denies reports from Moscow that Japanese naval vessels fired on two British ships oft the central Chinese coast, killing six members of their drews. The report was orglnally published In a small Chinese vernacular newspaper at Shanghai, the Chinese American Dally News. The boats were hot bonaflde British boats, but were rather Chinese "chicken boats' with no Occidental officers. They might have been smugglers. BAR GOLD LONDON, tCT) The Montreal u!iuu;e ui u b tea drinkers drink three cups a 'market was unchanged today at $37.54 per fine ounce. 5