PJLGILXSFO TKS DAH.T 8SV3 tJ04y, Uar - ' - frW the people 0 pr oianaara uuers rllMiiLy ilX inapie Leais some rMU Mtrty enter-boy In Good' j ' SPORT CHAT mad a make:: Spring's . . . Shape 6M)MINT0ft wo 1 Wt too at hard an their 1 Army, quite a b.- Winding Up Practices Far Imparl-ant VICTORW March It: The Scots art a hardy race spuhad a reuaiv Sric- With Ocean Fans wiui no maioux: LATEST STYLES Vukww Montr Lmts H lilt 0A HI am This Week For Dtftriet ifOOe Davfe Wins Prince Rupert time thty Title StafttA And Gavin II Victoria Aims by a Of tt Army These boy just can t aUnd OMt to win their -Int N Smrtr BJCttt for tnctr mnbI laurels. Julia) Arthur Vanity Maid Miss Atlanta and Plio-Pedic JUST ARRIVED FAMILY SHOE STOMLtD. The Home of Good Shoes USED FURNITURE ODDMENTS 1 a'"- $6.50 r 4-picf:e Bedroom Set $45 00 4 Buffets QG A A Each, from pO.UU Woven Bedsprihg QO A A Each, from p.A.UU 2 Standard tamps and SHades QQ rStioIIomiW0utto'dRurjkr 20 00 Reconditioned Kitchen'Ranges QOI Afl Each, from , pXsUU Heaters For burning coal, wood. QfJ A A Each, from pU.UU 6 -Extension Round Tables Q A Each, from . ?UtlU ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Green 91C TIJIRD ATNXE Stare Hoars 8:3 jn. to 5:2 pjn. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD: Steamers Leare Prince Rupert for VaneooTer: T-SJS. CATALA ITVFP.r TUES- T.S-S. CARDENA FRIDAY1, DAY. 1:30 pjn. 1 1 i3 pjn. Dne Vancouver, Thnr. pjn. Doe Yaneonrer, 3Ion4ay a.m. If Conreniept, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Farther Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Prom FltANK" J. SKI.VNER. Prince Rupert Arent. Third Ate. Phone 54T THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalcium Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Gold Silver - Lead 7inc Cadrnicra Bismuth" Antimony and Zinc Dust Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Trail. B.C. NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX SHOOTING cunnTiMP nousekeepinr Second AVenue Apartments J C OrtXjlJulv AJ T TRY I (Hot Water Heated) ! Adjoinlnc frs. a E. Black; Proprietress IDORA ROLLER ARENA (CenUal H6teh I . . . Lfycnrnave something to sell, a classified advertisement in this . papar will soon let you know if there is a buyer in g At 2 me cuy. Standard Oiler who wM their Northern British Col-ehamjnsnaiaip atnat Ci" 0 Falls this efc ftmnV practices morros night to Pr.ne Hnp-'rt lb what wul bo their they expert , .-j nw u. lasfSMl serf ssnee tney ottan- wrm trom to pnnm 11-5 ;-ll wZT . JTT Menn-0. while night the boys ol the as fatlaws: be lowed to pity start-handed at -'J " Johnny Ma-ray iimmiiiiI it &m IMMnti Lhr AdTmisi ts n irrveso&ent Me In tosh. Datm from Perry Mertni. !!C U-7. va" jm have a BfhS shootin tataa. Ladies ' DaabSrs Miss Franc j Orders haw been issned for an Cros Ctesldy Morgan -nt ta rb .i. - " - wen from Mta Frances mf V tnTn few nd Mrs Lmt. 15-1 J. I ;- k .i Ptct MeBMaan smn from Tom lt- Dbvb and Mi Inlatli from Mlat Pey map or tear of the reaaua may net be abte to trawl smrth to carry TllXTSm ' ' on where they leav off here One . , . thtoe certain m that Pnner Ram- the cotgiasmn M9 fci.. ert isffl be amy rnresentmt as ,OT onr f paired by mjnrtes. . ,i u wmnew ay in reMent ox tne EHt os ref "shments ere ser-ed tfnrina th of the af ternoon by the Elltii He KeTrr Stats Eis Bu TTitki! Eicili's Hntm u Fntedias Afsas! COUGHS, COLDS sra Ko are cipowd to ft- tr- -nd txnrr trtecnj ji drpend or: BV.'-- J Hire too waoid be se jo follow tlwr n -Mr. E. Harrci, Moot Jzw. Sak u "I tad Eocilry', Miitart die fiorit coa(h rrnxdr I hi t rvrr bmL aod nrrr go eat on the road without a bonk to ay crip for protftlicn a curat roid. BWkJr' Mizrure i a aonowi, proven rrmrd .-Jed in tli tjmJi of Canadian boon wixrv . -r tamfia, coid, enppe, brofwrruru, etc, are trw-ct too, it raiet tre coofh awinie iaatandy, turm locji pUepa into eaarr eipeUrd 8u:d. ioc:r-ft tKc air ducra. rorrr v c't i.-.d -r Do- : -rr--Bient But Bcr.fciry i. OYER. 10 MILLION BOTTLES SOLDI mMH FOR HULA AltAUNI- swt rriN$ thc STOMACrt EXAMINATION FOR INSPECTOR OF STEAM BOILERS AND MACHINERY Competitire examinations for Inspector of Steam Boilers and Machinery Till be held at the Office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers in the Workmen's Compensation and Labour BoUding. '411 Ddnsmalr Street. Vaneoorer B C . commeaeiac April 1st. mo. at 1 a-m AppUcation forms and farther information may be obtained from the Chief Inspector at the above address. 'or the provincial channHnrtsrup ffockey Scores s.Tntnv NatiMtal Leatae Torfknto t Arcericans . SUNDAY Amertcaas S, Toronto 1 Bwoa 7. Cuudieu X Chicaco 3. Detroit 1 PaenV Cat Lea toe Portland Varx-mTer J Gr.XF.KAL COXTR.ICTI1RS CASEY and M0RRETT0 Stane .Minjrr. Brtk ar Conerete Mark Eraratin and Laiwtoape Gardening .Maeadam Roadt ar SMeIfc Phone S5 for Merretto or Green 5TT far Casey inoiu Roller Rink Daily Sessions a. Polkras Mon . Toes.. Wed to 11 pm Thnn 7 to :3t. Dance lto2 Friday to . a 38 tr 11 SO Sat Children 10 to 1Z am 2 to M. C to 30 to II Special AfrantemenU Can Be Made for Private SkaUr.f Par: LINZEY & DA VIE PHONES S5 - SSC FREE DELIVERY EASTER NOVELTIES lg) o o O I IV r Ik C f a a a a o a a s a if a i o .o A ;o o a o h o a a a o a o o' o o o- a O' ! o a. a A4- tnlly fine selection of chocolate noveltf 6s. N'6ve"r before featured in the eifcy 15c to $3 Any item reserved till Eaater on request Mak'e your selection while the assortment is complete EASTER CARDS' Ah excellent assortment, reasonably priced 2 for 5c 5C an(l lffc Ormes Ltd Zrfi'' Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Phones SI & S2 Open Daily from 8 a.m till It pjn.-Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.rrt and 7 to 9 p.m. 2 zac o a o o o o 8 COOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOa 30000C000O000O0OOO00 1 IS Sliced Bacon-Per lb. 15 oz 35c Z oz 20c Somethins Xew and Delicious Wheat Puffs Large sacks. Each Wearmouth Local New Laid Etc--Per doz Aunt Dinah Mollawes Per Un Apricots Per Un Pe'aches, Veal Loaf-Per lb. Ur.'uf 25c 29 c 35c 15c 15c 15c 25c held in tlm Moaner Han lvwoay liimht The ehief drtvWk for tiw f Mn Harry CV.si nana at first vaa the laek. 1U e eittr (M sMr nwwaBr the run Sot i to be- dtttnted in their effort to i tufm rnM a br. : conwr and V:rtof .j LIGHT DP ... Fill those empty sachets ?unt AAale uryou hove enough loirpvonor,eoovgh Ighf throwgliovt yoiir Kor; AiV for l&ioci Moida1lompt in their llghtMovJng i tlzet. ttfttrrlJfht.., Ilrtler .SirVif MA&e IN Canada EDISON, MAZDA Lamps CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC u BARRYMORE CARPETS she jrxsr: jrio". i. :: ; trxr s'. rxii ri' Several trades to haae and aver t different sties, all Cm pattern We will appreciate It If joo will call and iiwpert larje stock of Rarrymore- CarpeU. Jnt arrived. Mackenzie's Furniture rhane : Third Avenae rrince Rtl Send a CARD (or EASTER Easter SuWday - March' 24th Chooseuitable cartls from our large C ' to O Co and Iteaatlfulelebtibn; 2rfor OU U Specialize in Fine Cards For EVcrj Occasion; Easter Rabbits, Baskets and Novelty Containers for the Childrcn for Your Easter Party EASTER NAPKINS Pk. of 40' & EASTER-SEA'LS-Pkg; .s. ... l0c EASTER TAf.nV- CAltDS-Fer table I0c