COMMANDING OFFICER CAPTAIN STORK EXPECTS THAT ON) THE ARRIVEL OF THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT THE REGIMENT WILL DO CREDIT TO PRINCE RUPERT. Earl Grey's Rifles today pos-|mer of the Duke of Connaught, sess the full complement of} i: is anticipated that the regi- i & drums and bugles for a first class| ment will attain a greater stand- > band.| ard of efficieney than ever before | FIRE IN all ar-/in order to do credit to the city. regimental drum and bugle Th riv Sto sp! for hay bug eon rolr EARL GREY’S RIFLES NOW HAVE | FULL DRUM AND BUGLE BAND | e instruments have ed, announces Captain rk, and the regiment endid training. There one of two more e had some experience The Daily News A Lady Calls but Scoop is Prepared for Minor Troubles —ON WHAT ITY, SIR DOES YOUR PapEeR. MENTION MY name. 1M THE 0.U. ROUNDER DiworRce® sur\re? N = 2 a COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT | — ME Goop NAME 1S PUT ON THE BUM BY SUCH HoORRID > |PUBLICATIONICITY LP THE OoOInT To Ger SQuare! Cease.) CRU-8LL One - CEASE! Fred Lieutenant 8. P. McMordie, who} is in| has recently completed his term | VANCOUVER is room) of special training in military ef- | men who! ficiency at the military training} in a/school, Victoria, has now re- | Hundred and 4 Pitty Thousand le band, and if such men will| ceived his diploma as a _ fully} Dollars’ Worth of Property De- 1¢@ up to Captain Stork for en-; qualified lieutenant. It has been} supplied; arranged that Earl Grey's Rifles} nent they can be with bugles at once. , . . | n view of the forthcoming} parade on Sunday, 14th inst., to visi t to Prinee Rupert this sum-/|St. / stroyed in Business Section of shall hold their annual church| Hastings Street West. Andrew's Church, | Special to Daily News. i | Vancouver, April 4.—Fire early S . Rapes te 3 | last evening on Hastings street j}west destroyed the Sweeny & Snap |}Needhams tailoring premises, | water and smoke damaging the = = : hap } stock of the Thompson Station- jery Company, the stock of the es |Ten Cent store and the Fit Re- form Clothing Store. The dam- Why pay a large rent when you can get a good three-room lages are estimated at $15,000. house and lot in Section 5 for $875.00; only $400 cash, bal- $| One fireman was injured by fall- ance easy. McClymont The lot alone is worth $700. See |ing from a ladder. The blaze at ee time threatened the whole block The loss is covered by in- - 523 Third Ave. }))'°\. ” = At tp, | os Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder ! To fit your son or daughter for a business career you must them a business training. The best place to send them to is the : Nanaimo Business College ‘ho said that the bill was de- signed | establish a Scotfish parliament to deal with matters ec Res eee aaa. 5 catia ts SAME Mes jexclusively relating to Scotland (eat CAO Bo CS, ea A BARS }thus relieving the Lmperial par- e is 4s the nascent business Our shorthand course includes tution in college to Prince Rupert, o ive ees are within reach -™ ose n Syaeene: of of everyone. Its tuition is ersonal, and develops the earwiier ang at individuality of the pupil. Commercial Arithmetic Room and board is cheap Office Routine a in Nanaimo. The pupils Spelling tions of the larger cities It May I Mean all the Dif ference ce “etween Buceess and Fa Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to write shorthand THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE C. E. Perry, Principal 3 i It Is The Trained Man or Woman 2 RULE BILL Wanted — Position as exper- =ljieneed saleslady or chamber- |} work at once. Phone Black 148. ! FOR SCOTLAND |Local Parliament to Controi All Finances Except Customs— Executive Power Still Vested in | London, March 29,—Home rule for Scotland is the objeet of a bill introduced by Dr, Chappel, Liberal member for Stirlingshire, j}liament of much business. It is ; proposed to vest the executive ; power in the Crown, the adminis- | ; ; ; } committee of the Scottish privy }other than customs and excise. owes and control of Imperial eto You | aan | Advertise in Nanaimo, .(. anna! : | are away from the distrac- Typewriting | Arrangements are provided by | : Penmunship }the bill for the adjustment of | “ =i 3 sie i ees As | financial arrangements between | MN) tt CEL eee |}the Scottish parliament and Im- perial parliament. The supreme The Daily News AOI AIS FARM LANDS —IN THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District F ARM IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PAID: UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C tration being carried on by a| | couneil responsible to the Scot-| jtish parliament to impose taxes | parliament is expressly reserved. | “The News” Classified Ads. ==()ne Cent A Word For Each Insertio a a —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES’ HERE— WY AN Ma ASK UNCLE JERRY CNT sce =o - nnd —Drawn for the Daily News by “Hop” \-— > } ae on | RESENTS THAT Lows 4g and 13, block 2, section ta a oe ie pe ent pe annul Lot 1 block 14, sectien 2, § FOR RENT—4-room house, 640 8th ave. cash; bala 1 e “4 Apply Pbone $13. 7 t I 2 Nock s¢ 84 FOR LEASE—Mclntyre Hall; well heated oO a cash, ba and 12 mot and lighted, J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116. | re I e Lot 24, block 7, s¢ $8 FOR RENT 5-room cottage, near McBride, | cash, bal. 1 and 2 ‘th ave. Bainter & Sloah, Phone 387,|Mrs .Carl Will Avpes! the Houn’| Lots 18 and 49, t % cash, ba 12 3 il it il ac cil nh dec ictataiiaacgl Dog Case Dismissed Yesterday ee 4c and 88 i ta re en settlements. We write every known class of “I intend to appeal the case Lot in block 27, section $439 Insurance. Lhe Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Best snap tn the city FOR RENT regarding the shooting of my dog 2 Jots on nd ay el ' ee meres esse mere rmedle the junction 500 for alleged chicken hunting,’ Lots in section 8, $50 down, $2 Store,-2nd Av _ * Store, 2nd Ave ’ a montl ’ , Help Wanted said Mrs. Carl yesterday after ena: fee se Magistrate Carss had dismissed 6 S See me for Insurance of all knids WANT girl attending scuool to help mind} the case I consider that the J iah ki kK | |, baby from 4 to 8. State what expected.| j.,, es ‘ : j t Radebess% 48 ews }dog wa hot without any suffi- ai ereml Pi ug er, F REQUIRED—1 stickerman, 2 carpenters| Client cause whatever, and that ee ee eerie bench hands), and 1 tinsmith, Apply | when I had paid the city its li- PHONE 317 Stephenson & Crum, Hazelton, B GIRL wanted for general house work Ap- : ply Mrs. Dr. Hall, 825 Borden street. 3t| PI et ts ts pe rs es me os cole be WANTED—A rooming house in good lo- cation, to rent or lease, Good tenant. j;) Apply to John Dybhavn. 319 8rd ave. tk lé windows in best business locality. Will lease on good but not exorbitant terms.| ag Box 217, News OMmee. tr show that the dog was really shot! * WANTED—Large store with good show the ise fee IT was entitled to have sper protection for the dog. It GEO. LEEK s a valuable animal, its mate rcs st es rere | }) it / was sold for $700 in the States, 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert enon 301 / Wanted Houses and I was to have sent it there to} > PONY EXI RESS trained. I have a witness to SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS sre | IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH| Baggage, Storage and Forwar COLUMBIA (IN PROBATE Kige or Motor ( IN THE MAYTER OF THE ADMINISTRA. | Seventh Ave. and Fult TION ACT, AND |IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF mistake for another. I am told if when the point regarding breach of the ctiy bylaw! ainst the reckless use of fire | Phone 60 Third Avenue | lanes ceascerpeanacovsuis > CREE ER EB S| 2. (es55 ILE = RIO arms in the streets was dsimissed JO! GASOVICH ALIAS aronar! as Of no account by the City So- KOENIG, DECEASED, INTESTATE Real Estate licitor himself, and intend to Take notice that by order of His Honor NOTICE press this matter sharply, too, as|Judge Young, made the 12th day of ee tm st es es ee er ccle ‘ * “R 5 z March, A. D. 1912, I was appointed admin he shots were fired in a lane in a | istrator of the estate of the said Joe Gaso- Noth I LPOR SAT I bone ree oO eeROG, tee populous part of the city.” | vich, deceased, and all Dartles having claims); after dat I avenue double 0} Bs 2,200; 00K is he said estate are reby squirec end ) pl ir, Bainter & Sloan. Phone 387 —--— a jt fee eeenaite the oie properis vented. 6 ios ” emi ane ‘ e on or before the ist day of April,| the company t Easter Bazaar lA’ D: 4949,-and_all parties indebted to the| Dated at Prince 1 + ~~ The ladies of Baptist chure h | suid estate are required to pay the amount| day of March, 191 i s / |of their indebtedness to me forthwith F Business Chances will hold a bazaar, April 9th and} pated the 12th day of March, A. D. 1912 / 10th in the McIntyre Hall. 2t | Seal cAGEnat ate penne 1 | etre ers crs om semcommsip | \ ape WANTED — Restaurant outfit, especially . a range, also bedding and Cheap furniture | —— a tape wae =) — re siareepeenes a a for about ten rooms, P. 0. box 105, | (pera b> yr ) PRR AZ FESS LD ae Le, aL, aT “1 preeminent nner ier emne ° | + Miscellaneous | P Hy . i . The Paper THE FOR SALLI One dory, one round and one | uF | Nat bottomed boat, also herring nets s A | Thi lot $40 E. Kees, Gen Del. 80-93 fa 66 { | . Y - |} FOR SALE—One 2-dory halibut schooner, | Ay 8) | Wilthga 2 hp. Standard, together with K r i) } all MShing gear Twenty-eight hundred | |y| v | (32,800 dollars A snap Address 1) ‘ | owner 4 j Anderson, Ketehikan, | SF) es ‘ } Alaska 80-F Ga) 99 ln |) WANTED—A large quantity of piles ! i" Specifications can be obtained at Cold |fR r F Storage Plant, Seal Cove 80-4t i ou ome e i FOR SALE—Furnishings of three-room|| } x modern apartment on 2nd ave. Apart- a . iment can be rented. Be 10, News a \ office | | iy WANTEI All kinds f lait sewin : cf . : : : 8 eR ant nes tt Win, Anpié House, fwathire, Bulton and Ny It gives you all the news of your own city and district as well as the principal hap) 6th ave Phone Red 258 6t : Serr. ee er a hole | BOARD and room for two respectable i | in all parts of the world. The news is well edited, its news columns are clean a! EA young men in private family on 1 ave ° . nen . - py’ ; ; ring e Xo tne roommers ane Cte on week UW! some. Itisa paper you need in your home. The advertising columns of the N ing a} Apply KR. L. 8., box 637, City. (@8 Ss 2 _ ane —e a — - = eee oe | i you in touch with opportunities for getting the full value for your money. A § Resoadl. | %| = n MARRY—The Ideal Introduction Club leads | (QS! Be a emer ie | to happiness. Strictly private, high class | |Q¥| EPneennterterirmntereneasetiptermatemeorind In Commercial Printing ern ) ip and reliable, Best in the West. Address | |tays) wr if Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. C, | |S) we have a large stock of . . RHRRBAG BGA i) } WD Bill Heads bahia Letterheads i if Lost and Found g Price Lists Stock Certificates ) id ; ‘ ya | \ Memora : iation { } ee (Large silver cuff link ma ave if | ndum Forms / Articles of Associa i i 6 toward ir returned to Parkin- | Sp) . - : aR Watd lente Go. | = Commercial Cards Wie ReRehe bine 1 filustrated Pamphlets j fi } erms for Loose ‘ ig ———— Leaf System 5 : You ee j thinned Ate ie ete ae ee etn 60a 9a 69 9s 1 ses 9 nS - A ¥ | eee ou Will Pro it... 4 1 i aceare ; Sees onda Weddin Al |by letting us serve you in Cae For society printing, we ensure correctness of style and taste in Visiting Cards, W« \ and selling city property Invitations and Dance Programmes. For any kind of printing from the humble ‘‘dodg' i | | |S ” FOR RENT |e to the highest grades of multi-color printing consult the ‘' News Job iy {Office -in Law-Butler building, |e) “te at and building in rear of | . it Law-Butler building ve Ry , | ews Dul - Ir | Law-Butler C | ; i |: SOE. ae 98 PHONE 98 | INSURANCE ai ‘