FREE por one oM .comWeh'Mhlr Saturday. tal-fh" W you If 1 1 a cent erous trial rari. of MlttfcMeV-l lt!i: with eVry cjoarrptfrrhlrte of! ihK moilrn fliilh: Try tur rtlKlJViiMlriUI -rryo'famre-ot ileij1tf(t,wUm thV b'rah'tUiiV vou rriay bflrirtHe'lircr run' LarV for a tuthpti'trtttUntli ihl amailiir offer I niade'tl''eri able voil (ft trf thVlheU f'WHlrr finishes at lio roit; 4 Chbo your colori1 today! ISAKIUMiTUrs KUlih are every- Trial Offer MAftCH Iff to MARCH 24 thing that you could desire in a ru;c and will give you that lantingi.satis faction that coined1 frVHn' pUrCHas"-ing the letter class of goods. Y "ur rutf requirements are met by HARRINGTON KUOS; they arc made to your f .act. oilier as to size, i6H$i and colors. Ser ' ,m lovely rugs today In tfio store and i-- ay windows of Howe & .McNulty, or when-hi are called upon by their representative, Mu.c.j.iiaiu:hkV. HOWE & McNULTY 0VEKW1FIEA LTD. ( ASH orC.0.1). Phone X 111 Free Delivery on Orders of $1.00 ami Over l.r.r.k .jrade "A I .arte, .. n Burns- Sliced Bacon 29 C Rice F, a t. quality 2' "I IN7. TOMATO CATSUP r b: . Mnur lied I'ilte d' Cht rrifw2 ttai 29 c l nn Vttlfy iVail.eV- -cf, Per tin JLDv "KSII SPINACH 2 Ik Ctltry urge bunch- 4 J' Per bunch ....V.V sl Potatoes. 3 lb: J. H. BULGER Optometrist' Rojal Rank Wdf. Washed Parsnips- 7 lbs. 25 c (jhlck Quaker Rolled Qxi Per pkt tiatmeal Fine mcd- 27C lum, coarse 5-lb. k 19 c (Srapefruit Ju Francis Drake. 50 oz tins it Leek 3 bunches 25c Catllle Toilet Soaj-- 25C 10 bars 19c 10c 25c in jtiSetttf-mmm, evenv inTesioB sunmce G'0R0N & ANDERSON ooooDuooooootoo&oobbobobobbbooooo&oboooobocr F O R VOU HArtillftfiTON KUCSare mudc in West-crn Cahh'dii, lly Wcsttf rtutianadianii for you and are sold'iri Prince-itupert ariTOiSlfoW through' your UtfalUWrVliVrits, tliMirmVdfV Howe 55f McNufty I'hone 361 Prince Rupert, B.C. o ::.::cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooe Eagles' Bridge March 20. Presbyterian g Utile's. March 21. Capt Riphurd Gammon returned! to the uv an Vw Catala last' night. M. Janwn and Harold Hel land also cnuus up from Namu. SCOLDS . wr5fc Relieve misery direct WiW -without "doiiEf7. t'fZ Utetwiit-actlng VICKS VAPORUR Announcements All advertlsecienU In this col-smn will twchirgtd'for a full month' at J5c wrrtj Tea. Mrs. J. J, o Moose Gingham Leap Year Dance, o March' 21. o Daffodil 2 March 25. Tea, Mrs. Parkin's Band Parents tea' Mrs. Hogan's March 2T. 1 0015 Cash for Old Gold Bulger's, ti Buy basketball series early at usual centres. tickets 67 For prompt' and courteous' ier- vice Phone 13 Taxi. ti Lieut. Col. M. W. Turner of the military paymaster department sails by the Princess Louise this afternoon on his return to Victoria after a week-end visit here on official duties. Basketball-Ocean Falls vs. Prince nupert-March 20 and 21. C7 A. C. Chrlstensen, well known former local halibut boat operator and' now re I ding at New Westminster, arrived in the city on the Catai last night from the south. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Traversy I were passengers aboard the Catala 'last night returning to Hyder af-,ter a trip to Seattle and else i where in the south. Mr. Traversy is a well known Hyder merchant. Northern B. C. title basketball-Wednesday and Thursday. G7 Miss Jean Harrison n. N., lady superintendent of' the Prince Rupert General Hospital, is sailing by the Princess Louise this afternoon for Vancouver en route to Winnipeg. She is taking her annual vacation. Miss Norah McCaffery arrived home on the Catala last night from her studies In Vancouver to spend Easter with her parents. Mr. and Mr. M. P. McCaffery. and attend the wedding of her sister, 'MUi Hf4n McCaffera to Clarence I Mrs. Nora Arnold Is leaving on thU evening's train tor a combin ed business and pleasure trip to Albert 8tlles re'curned to the clty on the Catala Sunday night from a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. "Build B. O. Payrolls- A Part OftA-Good tetter Jv?on ( .Three years ago when I first began housekeeping and on a very, very limited budget at that," whites Mrs. J. A. A., "I experimented with every known brandlof milk, both canned and bottlod and finally selected Pa cific Milk. Now for almost three years I have used nothing else." PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed CtaMEl FOR SALE FOR SALE Baby chicks from vigorous new blood leghorn breeding stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100, pullets (97) $25.00 per 100. Also Rock and Red chicks $12X0 per 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mission City. B.C. tf . FOR SALE 20 h.p. Vivian gas engine In good condition $300.00. Apply Box 35. Dally News. 66 (Thomson. FOR SALE 7tfe j I glne, complete h.p. Vulcan en-wlth shaft and propeller, $75.00. Apply boat "King", Cow Bay, after 6. 66 Chicago. She will also visit In New uoi rami eiecuic Orleans and California and ex-1 JS 0.00. Rug. 6x9' $30.00: Phone pects to be away a couple of I78- tf-months. Alt Rlvett will be ln .w .v, ir n lllvenn t iA I TlfYATTV A XJTV OfMYVP - Jrill AffiMt Trinfr-fr'Arnnl(!' ab-f- : " 1 s. o.N. runermen's rarrwru "4',v" FIRST Dance, March 28. . senee. clase fresb Shrimp IliOAt at W.W-Dally P-m- I U you lose anything, dvertbe lor It OranRC Ladles Sale, April 3. Anglican Spring Sale, April 4. Hill GO Dance. Moose Hall. Apr. 5. ITn) RnHnv Klt Anril 11. j Olof Hareson. Liberal candidate j for re-election In Skeena; E. T. tfui til l tnr Clrwn.n V. T Li a-1 S f CIT CINUINI CYPR0C UtolUf It rhM lo way II V, Look for the ntme CYPROC od the bck of ee rjr iheet. 2Look for the'Grtta Strip on both id d?ej. Atept n tkhliMtt i w " """T- - George Wednesday morning from af PrMhvterlan Sonne Sale ADrll campaign tour which included! wuvbs Doard and room, in. Phone Black 965. tf. LOST AM whaiStert barrrrand,-! Brownie camera ,n , "r. r,,.u ' or. aJ Office. Finder please leav( leave back in the city on the Prince; Dally News. FOR RENT GYPRQC PIRBPROOP WALLBDARD Light enough to be easily handled sturdy and tough to provide a per. manent job Gyprocis the ideal material for walls and ceilings. The large sheets of pre-cast fireproof gypsum reach from floor to ceiling. Just a few sheets nailed in place and the job is done. And Gyproc gives you all these advantages: FIREPROOF therefore of PERMANENT AND DURABLE therefore economical o WILL NOT CRACK, WARP, SHRINK OR SWELL INVISIBLE JOINTS panel strips are unnecessary SMOOTH, DUST-FREE SURFACES' easy to keep clean TAKES ANY TYPE OF DECORATION no monotony THE LIGHTEST WEIGHT gypsum wallboard made ln Canada -ii Gypne it sold tveryuhtri in Cuda. Sti your heal dialtr in Lumltr and Build tn' SttffJitu Writ to vr MaratI kntk he frtt Qypn 01 Aim Post I at J (67) jg Queen Charlotte Island points, FOR RENT -Four room modern , Ocean FalL. Bella Coola and Surf house, furnished complete. Ap- St. Peter's Spring Sale. May 9. Inle ply P O. Box 804. (71) -si Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan are triovlng from the Leeds Apartments I I Night or Day PHONE Fred Brown, former l!b.tior- Ven dor at Anyox- and now-wlth head- to the residence on Fourth 'Avenue; quarters of the Liauor Crintml West vacated' by Mr. and' Mrs. Board at Victoria, arrived In the George' Hartle who have- left the (city at the end of the weeb-hr ttib city for- Ketchikan: Mr. and Mrs. course of an official tour and' siil-Willlam Lamble are takln? their led last night on the Catala for suite at the Leeds. Anyox. Outfitting the Children for Easter Isn't Such a Problem If You Go To The Cut-Rate Shoe Store Little feet feel like singing, encased In these fine, sturdy shoes for boys and girls. Every style the young folks favor Is Included and sizes for all. Fitted for super comfort and correct posture. 75c fo $3.45 THE CUT-RATE SHOE STORE THIRD AVENUE The Rupert Men's and Boys' Store BOYS' SUITS With Long Trousers $6.95 To $12.00 Small Boys' S2.00 to $5.00 With knee trousers. Sizes for boys age 4 to 14. Styled Wee dad? Large varied assortment of colors and patterns. Stripes, tweeds, plain blues, greys, etc. All styles. Single and double breasted. Popular belted and pleated backs. RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE SIXTH STREET Mail Orders Promptly Filled COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Alb -rt and McCaffery Ltd. PHONE 11C PHONE 117 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars WAV.V.V.WWAV.VAVAV.V.V.V.V.'AV.V.WWMfti B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Reconditioned Underwood Q9Q (ift .UU Tjpewriter 1 Reconditioned, Remington Q07 AYl ....Typewriter 1 Monarch Typewriter In A-l S24 working order ?ai1wV 16 Iicds CompleteSizes 3-3, 4-0, 4-6. From 312.50 t0 $16.50 2 Wasliing Machines A-l condition $25.00 and $39.50 D.3U- Special 1 Five-Piece Dining Room Suite Genuine oak, round table with G91 (Zfii leaves New Furniture 5-Two-Tone All-Enamel Kitchen Ranges' Of very f"05: . . . $64.0'0 $109.00- 6 Three-Piece Chesterfield Suites In velour and 12 Spring and Cotton Filled Mattresses From $18.75 10 $22.50 I'hone BLACK 324 TIIIKD AVETDE Next Door to B. C. Clothiers ft