list; H '4 PAOE TWO THE PATLY"NEWB Monday, M 1 HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR 4 rAHjY EDITION One look at our windows will give you a little idea of the great variety of Summer Footwear Dress, Street or Sports carried in all styles and sizes. ... White Shoes for Her "Campacs" Crepe Soles for Him Bar-Flex Runners for the Children Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Monday, May 20, 1940. CANADIAN LABOR VIEW The Canadian Unionist, representing the view of the leaders of the Canadian Congress of Labor, has the following editorial article in its recent issue: "The Russian attack upon Finland was an unjustifiable use of brute force to subjugate a small nation; but the German invasion of Denmark and Norway seems even more reprehensible. Hitler had made a non-aggression treaty with Denmark; he had on many occasions professed friendship toward that small neighbor, but he did not hesitate to overwhelm her territory, so as to obtain a base for operations against Norway, and subsequently Great Bri tain. "This latest outrage should not, however, obscure the fact that it is one of a long series. Hitler's path is strewn with broken pledges the KhmeJand, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Memel, Poland, all have been victims of ruthless barbarism, of unscrupulous disregard of promises, of a callous disrespect for the opinions of the world. But Hit- and inspiring bt. George s Day address, is only a symbol: of the German people; they have given him their support as they gave it to the Kaiser in 1914. After the Armistice as he said, "they came whining and grovelling to us,' claiming that they were not responsible; that they had been forced into war by their ruler, and he hoped that the Allies would not be taken in again. "But the spirit of imperialistic aggression, brutal and devoid of conscience, which animated Germany in the First Great War, was mild in comparison with that which Hitler and his gangsters have evoked in Germany during the past decade. They have deliberately and with characteristically German thoroughness, inculated in the children and youth of the nation a lust for power, a maniacal egotism, a distorted sense of race-superiority, and a sadistic spirit of cruelty, almost unparalleled in the history of civilization. They have destroyed ethical standards, rooted out respect for justice and decency, and perverted the ideals of youth. No form of religion. Catholic or Pro testant, has escaped attack: Jews and Christiana Viuvp been persecuted and imprisoned, and every element of idiuiebh, ur regaru iur me ngnts oi otners, of humani-tarianism, has been eliminited from the minds of the young and impressionable." LINZEY & DAVIES Grocers FREE DELIVERY Phone 585 586 B. R. COCOA ff Vii-lb. tin FRESH GINGER SNAPS 25( FIRST-GRADE BUTTER QQ C. & U. NUT LOAF and CHOC. CAKE Per tin J-OC ORCHARD CITY TOMATO JUICE ffp Buy now. Per tin RICE PUFFS fi)ff 3 bags '"H, FRESH GROUND COFFEE J. Ho CI A C It's delicious. Lb. ut3 lbs. VXXD No Politics Says Hanson Conservative Leader Assures Parliament Of Intention Of Keeping l Debate On Non-Partisan Lines OTTAWA. May 20: (CP I Resuming debate In the House of Commons. Hon. R. B. Hanson. Conservative leader, assured the gov- Baseball Scores SATURDAY SCORES National Leacue Chicago 4. New York C. St. Louis 6. Brooklyn 2. Pittsburg 5. Boston 15. Cincinnati 3. Philadelphia 8. Ameriran League New York 3. Chicago 0. Phlladelprla 6, Detroit 8. Washington 3. Cleveland 2. Eoston at St. Louis postponed. SUNDAY SCORES National League Chicago 7. Brooklyn 6. St. Louis 6, New York 5. Pittsburg 5, Philadelphia 6. Cincinnati 8, Boston 4. American League New York l. Cleveland 5. Washington 12, Chicago 10. Philadelphia 4, St. Louis 10. Boston, Detroit postponed. PLANES OFF BRITAIN LONDON German bombing planes were off the southeast roast of England last night but were driven away before they had a chance to drop bombs on land. BOWLING SCHEDULE May 27 Rink No. 1 vs. Rink No. 2; No. 3 vs. No. 4: No. 5 vs. No. 6; No. 7 vs. No. 8. May 29 No. 9 vs. No. 10; No. 11 Jvs. No. 12; No. 13 vs. 14; No. 1 vs. No. 3. I May 31 No. 2 vs. No. 4; No. 5 vs. No. 7; No. 6 vs. No. 8; No. 9 vs. No. 11. June 3 No. 10 vs. No. 12; No. 1 vs. No. 13; No. 2 vs. No. 14; No. 3 vs. No. 5. ler, as Alfred Duff-Cooper pointed out in his remarkable'.. Ju"e-No-4 vs- No- 6 No-7 " No. 9; No. 8 vs. No. 10: No 11 vs No. 13. June 7 No. 12 vs. No. 14; No. 1 vs. No. 4; No. 2 vs. No. 5; No. 3 vs. No. 6. June 10 No. 7 vs. No. 10; No. 8 vs. No. 11; No. 9 vs. No. 12; No. 10 vs. No. 13. June 12 No. 11 vs. No. 14; No. 1 vs. No. 5; No. 2 ,vs. No. 6; No. 3 vs. No. 7. June 14 No. 4 vs. No. 8; No. 5 vs. No. 9; No. 6 vs. No. 10; No. 7 vs. No. 11. June 17 No. 8 vs. No. 12; No. 9 vs. No. 13: No. 10 vs. No. 14; No. 1 vs. No. 6. June 19 No. 2 vs: No. 7; No. 3 vs. No. 8; No. 4 vs. No. 9; No. 5 vs. No. 10. June 21 No. 6. vs. No. 11; No. 7 vs. No. 12; No. 8 vs. No. 13; No. 9 vs. No. 14. Jimp 24 No. 1 vs. No. 7; No. 2 vs. No. 8; No. 3 vs. No. 9; No. 4 vs No. 10. June 2r No. 5 vs. No. 11: No. 6 vs. No 17- No. 7 vs. No. 13; No. 8 vs No. 14. June 28 NO. 1 vs.. No. 8; No. 2 vs. No. 9- No. 3 vs. No. 10: No. 4 vs. No. 11, ' ffr ClAlfitO FOR SALE SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until close of office Tuesday May 21st for cottage at 417 Dunsmulr Street. 4 rooms and bath and full base ment. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms 50 per tent cash and the balance spread over reasonable period. Chesterfield suite and Helntzman piano for sale separately. Official Administrator. (120) FOR SALE 30 foot trolling boat with gurdies and anchor winch. Apply Sheddon's Cow Bay Oroc 1 cry. (119) FOR SALE Trolling boat about 29 feet, 6 h.p. Palmer engine. Quick sale $250 cash. Enquire Fishermen's Co-op. Store, Cow Bay. (130) Winner In Junior Baseball Match Fraser Street won over McCly- mom Park by a score of 13 to 10 i r tti limit-it nicoha Sunday night. A home run by Klllas featured the game. Paul Postuto was umpire and the teams were: Fraser Street Scehrk, Arney. eminent that his remarks would Ourvlch. Hlngston. Killas, Vucko-. be strictly "non-partUan" because vltch. of the present situation. I McClymnnt Park Zbura, Mac-j idonald. Scherk. Pavlikls, Astor!.', Iciccone. Slmundxen. Beta Wins Over Gamma In Junior High Soccer Game In the Junior High Schoo? to nil. Wong scored one goal fot ; all, s Beta in the first half and on in the second. Ronnie MeLachlan m"Wn the third In the second half. Teams were: 1 p- wiuwn. Olsen. MfKeown, D. MeLachlan. R. MeLachlan. Fin-ley, Won. Gurvlch. Sllverslder Franks. Gamma Love. Donning. Klnley, Hlngston. Sheddon. Anderson. Mos-.tnd and Tokio. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Dominion Day Cup May 21 Irish vs Velvet. July 1 Dominion Day Final. Mobley Cup City League May 23 Navy vs Dry Dock. May 28 Velvet vs. Irish. June 4 Irish vs. Navy. June 6 Dry Dock vs. Velvet. June 11 Velvet vs. Navy. June 13 Dry Dock vs. Irish. June 18 Dry Dock vs. Navy. June 20 Irish vs. Velvet. June 25 Navy vs. Irish. June 27 Velvet vs. Dry Dock. July 2 Navy Vs. Velvet. July 4 Irish vs. Dry Dock. Gilhuly Cup July 9 Irish vs. Velvet. July 11 Dry Dock vs. Navy. July 16 Navy vs. Irish. July 18 Velvet vs. Dry Dock. July 23 Dry Dock vs. Irish. July 25 Velvet vs. Navy. July 30 Velvet vs Irish. August 1 Navy vs. Dry Dock. August 6 Irish vs. Navy. August 8 Dry Dock vs. Velvet. August 13 Irish vs. Dry Dock. August 15 Navy vs. Velvet. Bulletins TERRACE MAN DIES Eric Moren of Terrace, employed by the . and It. Department of the Canadian National Kail-Vays. died Saturday afternoon at the Prince Rupert (leneral Hospital where he had been a patient for two months. The remain will be forwarded by this evening's train to Terrace where interment will be made. Deceased was 3J years of age and Is survived by a widow and two children at Terrace. SOFTBALL OPENS TYmthnll TAOcniA Katnrrt.1V lleta ae- ...m... r. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS OTA IV A War savings stamps will be Issued by the government I in 35c denominations. They will be available at banks and post offices. GRADS WIN EDMONTON IUlmonton Commercial Grads defeated Wichita Thurstons S3 to 31 Saturday night in the first of a series. MARKIT RALLIES NEW YORK The New York stock market rallied from one to four points in early trading today. CALIFORNIAN EARTHQUAKE SAN DIEGO Eight at leat were killed and scores injured by an earthquake at 8:16 Saturday night in the Imperial Valley, southern California and North-em Mexico. At El Centro many buildings were wrecked and at least thirty persons were sent to hospital. Damage estimated at $2,500,000 was done. In the twin Mexican cities of Meticali and Calexico fires were raging. In Imperial every boildlng In the main street is reported to have been wrecked. Fissures were opened up In highways. San Diego was also severly shaken. Competition For Anders Joe Scott, manager of the Kalen Hardware, announces a competition which should prove of Interest to local anelers this sasnn for e largest cut-throat or raln- CANADIAN av,., ROTARY CHAIRMAN bow trout caught on the fly be-HAVANA. Cuba. May 20: CP tween May 24 and Labor Day a Norman Sommervllle K. C. of six-ounce rod Is being put up. For Toronto will be chairman of the the largest cut-throat or rainbow Council of Legislation. Interna- caught on a spinner, a 34 Inch tlonal Rotary convention here. slnle reel is being offered The June 9-14. 1940. f,h will have to be presented for , 7 we'nthlng but the word or the fish-It s the cumuuvt elltct of ad- ewn will be taken for the type vertlslng that counts. of gear used Goin Fishin' on the 24th Our Fishing Competition For the largest Hainbow or Cut-Throat Trout caught on fly or epinner opens May 24th and closes Labor Day You Are Eligible With Any Purchase of Fishing Tackle SEE US FOR I) ITT AILS Kaien Hardware C PHONE 3 O. Box 98 1 73-year old Maxlme Weygand whoj i t . I army, lame body of British forces has' not even left England yet and that certain Nail attacks which I have been anticipated, such as ; aerial bltztkrcigs of Parts and 'London, have failed to materialise. After days of extreme anxiety, particularly over the week-end, Paris, tn particular, began to .breathe more easily today, j Late yesterday the French claimed they had Inflicted the first set-back on the enemy since the drive i from the lowlands commenced. tmnff seventy-ton tanks together with light artillery to drive back j the enemy for a distance of nine miles and ream control of both I Wes of the Olse River, hurling the Oermans back with the counter-offensive at the right of. the bulge. The Oerman drive was being held at St. QuenUn and the French had recaptured a number of niteces and DoMUons about ten miles from the Dettjtan frontier. Fierce fighting was still going on in the Franco-Belgian frontier country but. in London also the! British War Office declared that the Oerman drive In Bejglum had been definitely stopped with British and Belgian forces holding firm In new positions tn face of heavy Nasi pressure. The latter was the report to the War Office from British general field headquarters. At the time of this announce- 5& i', GERMAN DRIVE AGAINST PARIS ment the Germans v . France were still driv..',g h 'f" (Continued from Page One) Atone and OUe Riv, ""' . movement which arouj.j . pondent today went ao far as to Un mutt divide or i. .. suggest that the Germans eould In the direction oi pa, (expect no further lightning vie- Channel. Today it iv, , lories such as they have had dur- Hitler had chosen th. Ing the past week, that the blitz- which would cut oft v Ikrelg directed at the heart of that part of Belgium . v France "Paris was showing Huns Allies are Mill operatic of falling with Hitter shooting his There were contrary rv bolt, using up his gasoline, killing yesterday as to the pwr. " tnousands or his soldiers and re- oi. wuentin. The Oernu. J t . . . . . . U I . . during ine connaence or nu imr crossea the s , people. ;capturrd the elty n j- New Commander-in-Chief med this although adn. the battle was noun, Meanwhile there u. a general lrlnlty. The Oermai - .-, expeeutton that under the hew be advancing along u supreme commander-in-chief, the front. I was yesterday designated to re- , , T " ,,or No less than four games were place Maurice Oamelln. a fierce ' , played yesterday two in the af- counter-offensive will be launched' u,r' ma, rtnrs w.. ternoon and two In the evening by the Allies to once and for all " f , w:,. a, the sofball season opened In halt the Nail drive. ""J" a- Prince Rupert. Results were: ! Anxiety for the Allied cause is Hl Wuefltto Cerm.t!, Three SMers 8. Grotto, 3; Stone's definitely diminishing today in, ""n K mnakioratlnn of lh nln n In I -"" '""'"m . . . -r w-- -- 3( iriMI i ii-miici w, -i ' ' PinWi ttkfiinA nimmfl hu n mr flf llTM .... u. t . i...tir th 'lh A rtf. I .., Vmm u.111. . V It TiUKi. nun inai inner nas vet in meet i ik. the main main French cvn.K ... .v... that the n,.' nltbt was that Germm ' till Hi Li- One reimrt from rrl brf -.iu wrre crunrnint over ri... dead piled five feet hlh i po'n's. lllotrslint the r. l-nflene t.f the Nsils In tie drive to rapture new ground rt. rMlew of cost even to thta. rmm lrin lt tm) Mi" hi th Or Us-en lln-GOd nr v, ,f . eladln those in Beiir.- THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye I'INK SEAL Finest rinkS3tora Parked by the nlv islnti canning rmptnj vttb ib ti tbt year rond isrreO Is trine Rsrt (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Hide for rrlre of One FURNITURE Outstanding Hargains in This Clearance .Sale! Check This List and Save Dollars PRICED LOW FOR QUICK SELLING Regular SPECIAL g-Maple Flat-top Desks $14.50 895 -Maple Nljht Table. $J.C0 5,95 O-Itlg Upholstered Chairs Si Q 50 left from suites - $25.00 QXUv ) 3-plece Chesterfield Rolles- -8-piece Dining Room Suite $140.00 $90.00 4 n Occasional Chairs A High grade material $10.50 $109.00 S69.50 $8.00 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Bulldlnri Third Avenue', Prince Rupert . Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN J