PAGE FOOT Expert Optical Service Watch Clock and Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS. DODLMEAD Optometrist in Charge Licensee for Numounts The very latest In eye-wear Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STORE OF MANY GIFTS Just Arrived A Large Shipment of New China and Glassware Visit Our Basement Floor for China, Cut Glass and Novelties of All Kinds Missionary From India Here For Sessions Of W.A. Miss E. C. Kirby. Anglican mis CANO.V DIES AT FUNERAL LINCOLN, Eng., May 20: (CP) TO CLOSE i HOSPITAL Church to FOR .MEN ON LEAVE LONDON, May 20: (CP) w-..y.. aj-c U4 oi. rams. Twenty - tw0 day permits for iL ?Sed difd whllelmotor on leave from the fight-preparing for a funeral service. Ihg forces will be Issued without the mourners finding him slumped 'the annual road licence usually ln a Pew- 'required In England. Your Kitchen Is the Most Useful Room in the House Modern, Convenient and Beautiful With a New Range FAWCETT RANGES Wth a Century of Built Up Quality Guarantee You Better Baking Greater Economy Extra Convenience As Well as Beauty and Permanence See These 1940 Leaders at Our Store Tawcett Kanges Are Sold in Prince Itupert at Vancouver Prices At Your Coal Problems Solved We have In stock a well pre- Wer&'Sd assort pared carefully screened Coal virousieuifA'Artt ' i t i I i ! ! i t - r- it t t v uii yuur iiiuiviuuai re- fiOCnlltf tCC Ai'lnicoal, to procure the bet in Lumber and Building 651652 SAND a1 m a. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. CEMENT GRAVEL i 1 I (ELABORATE WESTERN sionary on mriough irom mala, ar- r cpri n the r v nn tho Tito lf Aprorfllno- tn word rpr-PlvpH In i -"'"'c rami. niffht from Vanmnvpr to h hm in Prinn Rnnprt it i thp intntinn! An Imposing supporting cast in- connection with the twenty-ninth next year to discontinue operation! , ?f ... J"minan m their own five or 10 separate governments! annual sessions of the Caledonia of the hospital which has been con-1' , ' 4 " , ' "Mtr":s Y,n operate m a single integrated ur- Dlocesan Women's Auxiliary which ducted for many years at Port will be held on Wednesday and Simpson. There Is no word, how-Thursday of this week with dele- ever, as to what provision, If any, gatlons from the interior. Ocean it is planned to make for the rend-Falls and other district points. Miss ering of medical and hospital ser-Klrby, besides speaking before the vice to the natives of the district. Diocesan Women's. Auxiliary, will The suggestion is that it may lead address the Junior Women's Auxil-to the extension of hospital faclli-lary tonight and the Girls' Wo- j ties in Prince Rupert. There Is no men's AUXlliarv Tuesdav nlirht information . j o . n.VUIUlg UI UlllCial quarters on the subject, however, i Q ,-9C- I VWtorp,,-.9 A;; and 7c, Pa-- Union steamer Catala. Dally News "Build B.C. Payrolls" An Excellent Drink Pi it i i 'Diluted with water Pacific Milk makes an excellent drink. Added to that after dinner cup of coffee it gives the rich, creamy flavor that so Improves good coffee." Mrs. R. J., from a letter.l PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress THE DAILY NZW8 Monday. MUNICIPAL REFORMING Marlene Dietrich and James Stew- Commission Falls To Find Exces- I art Head Cast In "Destry icides sive Ileal Estate Taxation Again" at Capitol Theatre ' ATTiWI IfPl An V4 Aim tit A.taj . w. ' Marlene Dietrich, as a frontier immediate benefit of $20,000,000 a. entertainer, and James Stewart, as ypar or clght percent of the real a shy young deputy sheriff, are co- tat- uiiH rtuit to muni- , starred in "Destry Rides Again." cipaiulc8 from the financial re- j sam 10 oe one 01 me season s most commendations of the Royal Corn-unusual pictures, which is the tea- mion 0n Dominlon-I'-ovlnclBl ture offering on the screen of the Relations, but the aretest benefit Capitol Theatre here for the first wou d oomc through the municipal hair of this week. m which would then, be pos-The picture is a dramatic specta- sible, j cle of the old west In which hard, -Appropriate adjustment of riding and quick shooting are in- municlpal administrative units to tersDersed with mob scenes such as! I. niuaern conamons, aim gri-iucr .... . . .. .have filled many pages of history eqUaltaatton 0'f thc chlff municipal. Inn tnft Amrts)n frnnt ar i w " burdens, are, of course, entirely a It is Stewarts task to bring a new maUcr of provlnciai jurisdiction order of civilization into a rough and dtecretlon - the commission I frontier town and, around that today ,n JU rfport task, the action of the piece devolv- It cialmcdi however, that iu! es. There are many thrilling ad- financial plan would put all prov-j a,,u " c mclal governments In Improved job of ridding the town of a well- nnd more stabIe financial post-entrenched gang and making the tion. making possible "reorganlza-country safe for honest ranchers tton and reforms along lines which and townspeople. wouid remove Important sources h Ii Institution at Tort Simpson , M',f "ie,inc.n 15 &lven Iu "cope of some differences and lnequall-iscontinue Disconti Next Year-May h" . ot drama' com ties which threaten national unity antl music and her costumes Lead to c.!. Service I. Here range and welfare todav" :. from the " sketchiest ------ brevities --o to v a The required standard of ef ficiency in municipal admlnlstra-; tion non cannot be achieved when iiuisci, Dtmn uomevy, irene Her- Dan area amon nmi. h . vey. Una Merkle. Allan Jenkins, economically Interdependent" the Warren Hymer. Samuel S. Hind commission aua Miuy unoert. Halibut Sales Summary American 235,000 pounds in metropolitan areas large blocks of poorer citizens were "arbitrarily segregated Into separate municipalities." while ln neighboring municipalities part of the ifajestic, 36,000. 9.2c and 75o. I0f combined Canadian eovem. .Storage. mental revenues ln 1937 and "In Arctic, 32.000. 9.4c and 7.5c. no leld is local knowledee and Royal. .responsibility more important for Atlas. 30,000, 9.8c and 7.5c. Royal. 5Ucctsful administration." La Paloma, 33,000, 9.4c and 7.5c,, Kel Estate Taxation p"l,,lc- i. The logic of pooling resources Galveston, 25,000, 9.8c ln the and 7c. common Interest was more Booth- (directly evident In the variation Spencer, 12500. 9.8c and 7Jw. of road standa Booth. '(Poor municipalities than In wel- Esther, 500, 9.5c and 75c. Stor- fare and education servlrex lh .commission observed. Th fraHi. ClIlf... 9 ' T mWn ,Ti1n i-MTi , Small on tional administrative unit was too " !dgec1imbe?l4Joa"f4Sfirirf i .functions (ever, while nimc V to let them know what ml ".powers bum" ''sve t oil jDiunes. limited to perform these effldpntlv nr l.t.iu..!. ' ' mmhiuuic 8torage. . Ml I their , costs equitably. nUUl LI til IU I J KIQTItT Capt. could not be produced, It felt there James Findlay. arrived in port at was "great weight" In the general 11 o'clock last night from the contentions that failure of the outh and sailed at midnight for instruction industry to revive Stewart and other northern points was indicative of excessive real whence she will return here to- estate taxation; that real estate morrow afternoon southhonnH ! taxation was ton riHrt tnr - Five O'OPle thousanc. read the .. i - a iwutl napi j me commission recommended 'that crown property used for nor-imal commercial purposes, such as electric power distribution, if taxable in private hands, or if used In .a profit-making enterprise like a provincial liquor store, "should be (subject to taxation on the same terms as that of nrlvat prise." Regarding other crown property, especially military property as at Halifax or Esquimau, B. c, the commission recommended that the .senior governments make payment J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank BM. Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain . SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 5&ahd 558 1 1 The OLD WEST ABLAZE AGAIN WITH LUSTY ROMANCE . . . EXCITEMENT . . . THRILLS! A new magnetic MARLENE a a dancing, tinging, fighting siren ol the wildest West . . . Dynamic JIMMY STEWART . . . topping his most famous performances! IT'S GRAND ENTERTAINMENT! MARLENE DIETRICH Municipal Debt Provincial tovemmenta should be specifically empowered to legis late regarding all municipal debt, the commission recommended. It felt there was an even stronger case for a province to stand be hind the credit of local govern ment bodies than for the Dominion to stand behind the credit of the provinces, as recommended In the commission's finance plan. Provinces could supervise close ly municipal borrowings, municipal budgeting, accounting, and administrative practices. They could also provide conditions under which "anndequately paid, professionally trained and politically Independent" municipal civil ser- tanaaian me commission stated that ' . T, . Joe Baker, 7,50a, 9.6c and 7c. (While the crv arises on ait m y Aln. j that taxation of real property is: Cape Spencer, 14,000, 9.6c and 7c,'too high, "this la an opinion which1 .uuv. in most cases be proved or' m xr Bug, 24,000, 9.8c and 7c, 8tor disproved by any objectively-! K I a n YOlir aae. 'rlirmin .-i . . . i A vtl Holiday Now. . The SANOAN CAMP near Mas- sett offers a splendid holiday for young and old-good bathing 2 minutes walk from River or lea. a beautiful spot with separate Cot- tatra rf Tanfa full.. .1 s 17 .Canada aIready burdened IceUent meals served to Dinin. S with high overhead: that munlci DalltleS larlrprf srlsm.ot-. .-- uuv.4uai; laAIIIJJ to finance their rcsponsi- Room at reasonable rates. Store on premises for campers. Dadmln- S ton, out-door games, beach and boat picnics. Bring your friends and enjoy a real vacation with your families Children over 8 years without 1 parents carefully looked afler and riven a good time. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN SANG AN HIVE It HOLIDAY CAMP Nr. Maxell, n. C. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mttk VALENTIN DAJUY PIIONK M7 Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Servlce-3 Heated Cars SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining I DORA ROLLER ARENA JAMES TONIGHT TUES. and WED CAPltol 2 Show, Nlh,ljr 7;M Feature , J0 STEWART ii roim km sun hi Buonl . rotit mr nm iitm wan mti jfr si- Mtscha AUER Same economic linl V.i.n.. ' m nl-.-o nf favstlnn 92c ST01PS took advantage of depres- payments to depend on the nature sion tn "rHiic aa i . . . . .. i. ... Dounds 9 fi vate a smugly superior attitude tn- from municlrjal services an-l 1m - n n. . ttnrrlt tVial- t. . . . I anu -u .oc ana c. --. jroo lottunaie neign- American bors" Northern, 40,000, 9.4c and 7.5c, I The commission noted that AUln. .municipalities raised 31 nerrent WINNINGER Brian D0NIEVY ADDED Cartoon llauntlnc We Will Go" "Pound FoolWh" (Crime Doesn't Tsy Serif) KILLED IN TANDEM ines and hu !.., iwere killed wh" ST. IIBIJEI.. May 30: (CP) cycle collided Frank Houawl of the Iloyal Mar-'this Channel I-,.. GERARDS England TOILET SOAP 12 FLORAL ODORS. Special 3 for 23 c Ormes Lt "ZltA Jhontcr Drutzpjts The Itexall Store Phonti II Open Dally from I a.m. till 10 n.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m 7 to 9 p.m. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCHaOCKSOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOOCr&OOOOOC-OOO004 "RUPERT BRAND Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlncv Rupert Co. Ltd k It snd British Columbl