r.?i I ?0XE U6 1940. 7 .etter Box JISI'EHINO CAMPAIGN News: ring campaign allud- tljOO Mod 300 8Ml Ctf ar 1 Ik. OM Virginia tetau to CtntAina Mfiring In United (Ortem tnd Franc tnJy. AddrM Swwt Com" PX. Boi tt), Marrtrtal, f. "I'd lev le m Ur ohi tht thow. " Ho cKonc !' tnt wnl hn 100 Sl Copt," SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "Tkt pmtttl form in k'uh tobttto tan it imoitd." C.C.F. CHIEF IS STRICKEN J. S. Woodiworth Stiffen Stroke , Condition It "Only Fair" iScS? tS dIUon of 3- S- Woodsworlh. COT. :i;pha.st4 .yhiwls before the , . ... . 1 si to a shout. r.ive timet and Can-with gigantic tasks "not uiiy of the British Em- iraurr at uuiwn, was rrpwwa w be "as satisfactory as can be ex- J peeled" following a stroke with which he was seized late Saturday while attending a Parliamentary r own salvaUon. Can- mf etlng at Ottawa bring opeply flaunted jately taken to See Our Ltet Model of Kltrhrn Sinks COAL He was tamed -hospital. Mr. Woodsworth U 65 years of age. M. :.! Prune Minister J Coldwell XIV. will be C. C. F. f hambertaln and be house leader during Mr. Wonds-... that can give the worth's absence. He speaks today. fidence and bring much desired ac COPELAND. If you have someinirig to swap try a Classified Ad. OOOOOOOOOOOOOtJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o 1 MODERN IS YOUR PLUMBING? ithroum nMJrl frnvrnirnrr and braaly? Mu ;ow it to Jour rueU? Are you thieve both thre aim by having us tnodernlie it with jre and flttlut. SMITH and ELKINS LIMITED PLl'MMIMi and HEATING Easy Terms Arranged if Required I LIT MATTRESSES All sizes I MI! l it KING MATTRESSES-Bullt for sound ' us leep Phone mS P.O. Box 211 : soooooo ooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo MacKenzie's Furniture $7.90 $28.50 ANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY albert and McCaffery Ltd. PHONE 117 p CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING v.UMl'AiNY OF UAINA1JA. uiamcu Manufacturers of ELEPHANT . Brand Chcmi- cats and Chemical Fertilizers "nmonlum Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate. Superphos-. phates, Monocalclunt Phosphate 1 rwluccrs and Kefiners of TADANAC Hrand Gold silver Lead Zinc Cadmium Bismuth ril. . . . r .. 1 .It Anil nony and zinc DuU Also Sulphuric rtcia ana nuiy- I!?1 Office and Works o o o Trail. B-C. of ! o o o o 0 o o o o o TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtmj 8 D Jobnatoo Oo.) Vanrouver Big Missouri .08. Bralorne. 850. Cariboo Quartz, 220. Dentonia. .01 4. Falrvlew. .01. Oold Belt. 50. Hedley Mascot. .35. Mlnto. .02 Vi. Noble Five. .00. Pend Orielle. 1.15. Pioneer, 220. . Premier. .95. Privateer. 51. Reno. 21. Relief Arlington. .01. Salmon Gold. .02 V. Sheep dreek. J. Oil A. P. Con.. .13. Oslmont. .23. C It EL. US. freehold. .02fi. Home. 152. Rnysl Can, .15. Okalta. .75. Mercury. .03 V4. Prairie Royalties. .12V4 fx div.). Toronto Aldermac. .16Mt-BeatUe. 5. Central PaL. 1-85. Oons. Smelters. 3150. East Malartle. 2.90. Fernland, .02. Ftancoeur. .26. Oods Lake. 51. Hardrock. .70. Int. Nickel. 3025. Kerr Addison. 1.94. Little Long Lac, 2.13. McLeod Cockshutt. 1.40. Madsen Red Lake, 27. Moneta. 52Vfc. Noranda. 5550. " Pkkle Crow, 2.60. Preston East Dome, 1.G9. San Antonio. 1.70. Sherrtt Gordon, .08. Uchl. .45. Bouscadlllac, .03 . Mother. .04. Oklend. 041. Smelters Oold. .004. A fifty cent c&MiirQ ad. iften make you many dollars. w.H Handyman Home Service Pafntlnr, Repairing, Gardening Lleht Deliveries Have that neglected Job done now Phone (ireen C20 for the Handyman. If You Want QUALITY GROCERIES Low Prices Prompt Delivery Leave a Trial Order With Us Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" IDORA Roller Rink Dally. Sessions as Follows: Monday and Thursday Pal Niles, 7 to II Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 to 11 Friday, C to 11 Sat. Children 10 to IS a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.m. 6 to t30 p.m. 8:30 to 11 p.m. Special Arrangements Can De Made for Private Skating Parties THZ DAILY N17WS PAGE THBlBf. LOCAL NEWS NOTES ' James Cole was fined $2 in city police court this morning for begging and was ordered to leave town. Gunner David Houston of Kingston, Ontario, is spending a few days at home on leave. He is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Houston. Prince Rupert Model Yacht Club, general meeting of members and others interested, Tuesaay, May 21, 8 pan. in Harbor Masters office. Mrs. Elsie Charles. Indian, for drunkenness, was fined $10, with option of seven days' imprisonment, in city police court this morning. Mrs. A. C. dlllls and two child- ren are leaving on tonight's train! Inspector C. O. Barber, provin- for UsV where they will spend two dal police, returned to the city weeks visiting with Mrs. .011Us',on the Catala last night from a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred brief trip to headquarters in VJc-Raekow. jtorla on official duties. Bombardier A. D. Vance, recently' ' Miss Betty Borland, daughter of drafted from the 102nd Battery here Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Borland, under- to Edmonton, arrived home on Sat- went an operation for appendicitis urday night's train for a brief visit. In the Prince Rupert General Hos- He leaves by this evening's train on pital thl morning and is reported his return to Edmonton and will to-be doing favorably, soon be proceeding East. - tlnn W J AupUIIop mlnl&W of mines, wUl be In the city aboard the I his way from Victoria to visit his constituent at Stewart and elsewhere in the Portland Canal district. He has accepted an invitation to addree the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its luncheon on IS MADE DISTRICT! Police Transfers Announced In Connection With Openinr Of New Area On Queen Charlotte Islands SOUl day of June 1940 falling which I a lull make dlatrtbuWon of uch Eate ratvm reard only to claim. then in my hands. DATED t Prince Rupert. B. C . thla 16U day rf May A. D. 1940 NORMAN A. WATT. Official Admlnlstrntnr. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 39c a word. United May 22. iJune 1. Tea, Mrs. R. O. Large, Eastern Star Tea, Mrs. Darton's, May 29. Evening Branch WA.' Tea, May 30, Mrs. J. B. Gibson's. Girl Guide Association Tea, Mrs. J. R. Morlscn's, McBrlde Street, Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Wm. Lamble, June 5. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Nurses' Home June 0. P.T.A. Tea and Children's Display, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, June 7. I Lutheran Sewing Circle Tea and 'Sale, Mrs. Murvold's, June 13. Anglican Tea, Mrs. J, W. Nlcholls', June 13. Wheat Prices Are Rallying WASHINGTON. D. C. May 20: (CP (Secretary of Agriculture Hemy A. Wallace has asked the country's grain futures market to prohibit until further notice all trading In grain futures below to day's closing prices. The request. made after prices had declined more than 25c a bushel during the week, was Immediately Imple mented on the Chicago wheat market where prices strengthened up 5c and more in opening trad ing today. Weather Forecast General Synopsis The pressure remains high west of Vancouver Island and relatively high east of the Canadian Rockies. The weath er ha been warmer over the interior of British Columbia while on the north coast scattered showers have occurred. West Coast of Vancouver Island- Prince George this Wednesday on,Moderate to fresh southwest to west winds, mostly fair with no change in temperature. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate to fresh southeast to south winds, parti scattered showers. WEDDED AT ot. England, of Mile. Susanne I. Speleers. only daughter of M. andj Mme. W. M. Speleers of Antwerp,' ready distinguished himself In the medical profession. News of the marriage will be received with much an-'Interest here. Advertising is rf ttrvestment H. G. Helgerson Limited 21C Sixth Street Priiice Rupert. B.C. We have on our lists the following good buys: 5-KOOM HOUSE Fully modern, 741 1st Avenue West. $1,500 Cash. S-ItOOM HOUSE Suitable for rooming house. 703 Fulton Street. $1800. $1000 Cash. $800 terms. APARTMENT HOUSE Four flats. 6 rooms each, with bath. $1000. $2500 cash, $750 a year for two years. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A nOMH AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c op 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 181 THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin B The new remarkable Plant Stimulant in the proper proportions, a mild insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors W. II. Malkln Co. (P.IO Ltd. I ! creation of a new provincial pol-1 Belgium, to Capt. Frederick G. Ker-. ke district on the Queen Char- j gin FJt.CS. London 1 of the Royal Itotte Islands with headquarters at (Canadian Army Medical Corps. The Queen Charlotte City and Sergeant ceremony took place on May 13 and A. Dunbar, now of Duncan, Van-1 Capt. and Mrs. Kergin are now re-cowver Island, officer in charge 1 siding at Aldershot The groom Is Constable C. N. Ramsay Is also 1 the younger son of Dr. and Mrs. W. transferred from Courtenay .yarrT. Kergin. formerly of Prince Ru-'eoover Island, to Queen Charlotte J pert, and one of this city's best as radio operator. Constable T. A. 1 Known pioneer boys. He has al- Stewart, at present stationed Queen Charlotte, will return jPitttee Rupert city. 1 Another police transfer .neunced today Is that of Con-'stable P. Kelsberg from Terrace to 'Chemalnus. Vancouver Island, j with Constable B. E. Munkley of jPrtece Rupert city going to v - ---1 lis tiii: M tkkmi: roi KT or iiuitimiI COM Mill I i ritnniTE I III the Mattrr uf Ihr "ArtmlnMration Art" And In thr Matter of the ltli .f Itrn-imln t'rrun. TAKE NOTICE UmU by Order ot HK Hancr Jxle fuomv cJki Uar lit 1 I ni nqxMnited Admtattfalr 1tti the 'Will uiwHd of Vt Estex of U late I BeAtmln FVrguaoa. Decnsed. Ute of (the CWy of Prtnne Rupert. Prorlnre of BrlSMl OalumbM. Kereitant. and that I aU persoD tndcbxt to the aaid Batei are required to py their claims to me forthwKli and ttat all persona baring cUtnw anit the nald Ette are re-j quired to IHe them properly rer tried , in wrnn wM tt on or before thei cloudy and cool with probable few.j 5 ALDERSHOTif JCapt. Fred Kerein Married on Slay1 13 to Mmle. Susanne Speleers of Antuerp 1 Announcement has been received , (in the city of the marriage at Alder-1 Women "Who Care" Go To Peoples. FAMOUS "La Linda" GIRDLES AND FOUNDATIONS Now Exclusive At Peoples In line with our new policy of securing only the "top" lines for you, we have been granted exclusive distributorship for la Linda" In Prince Rupert. FOUNDATION GARMENTS, GIRDLES and BRASSIERES that will mould your lines perfectly to conform with your demands. Elastic side-panels mold hips and thighs Into graceful, tapering contours Consult our salesgirls for the model best suited to yourself. Mail Orders Promptly Tilled Open Saturday Night V RUPERT PEOPLES STORE j "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" p THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 5 B. C. Furniture Co. Big Savings In Furniture 30 Inner Spring Filled Mattresses Over 200 tempered springs covered by a layer of cotton and of durable ticking Regular $17.50. 12 95 6 Strongly Constructed Couches Can be made into double bed with a heavy Q P9C comfortable mattress. Special ........... t?AOIO Bed Springs and Mattress Includes steel bed and good quality cable spring Q9f) 7aSUUU ?fl and felt mattress. Size 3-3, 4-0. Special 12 Walnut Finished Full Panel Beds With spring filled mattresses and cable springs. QQ7 "Ift t OXJ Size 3-3. 4-0. 4-6. Special 1 Sets of 3-piece Chesterfields In all new colors and styles including brown, rust 00 Vr vr and one set in red and green. Special One 4-piece Bedroom Suite In waterfall design. Walnut finish consisting of vanity with round mirror, chiffonier, bench and bed. 17 50 Special 6-I'iece Bedroom Suite Consisting of vanity, bench, bed, large size S1 ?llO.JU 1 ft O chlf ronier. spring f llled mattress and spring 24 Felt Mattresses SIT S6-95 Phone BLACK 321 THIRD AVENUE Nest Door to B.C. Clothiers SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Mllin: it OCEAN FALLS tnd POWELL RIVEI Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Mondaj, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For far, to.y eall r tcriU City Tlclut OJJUh, SU IrA Av, V-8-40 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TJ3.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- TJSJS. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Dae Vancouver. Thurs. pjn. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Prom FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 811 i . 1: 1