I 0 0 t ytih War Situation, Not ... Minimizing Us Seriousness f m A SI 1 I trc.1 Britons to be Steeled lor Arduous urucais I I IT, t-lfi. 11 W. U V. 1 n fort; ..rt mt tig'.i' hrsrt ntid r.urage ari:g ' w month bv .. ... n i hn situation but it Is rri r 'u ii ii " v.i v . - - - h.ivr been doing can be overcome in a few a raid of mechanized forces, no matter now . s look f.irw rd with confidence to 4 stabilisation in the 1 For :nsiU I h ive invincible confidence in tne rrencnj far heavily! , small nut f ,11 oart ,.. hvr b-n thrown into botUe. Yet extremely heavy iH-rn infhrfd upon the memy. A great spirit must anl- -ji command and inspire every fighting man. air our planes have been bringing down three or four en- The relative air oaumce n of our own V at to every one a irsr" favorable to us than it was when the war began. k law 9 r ff njh alia A .-.uJv serious damage has been oone oy . - anued force, and ao oil retlncrje. upon ou raaourc. w.c . UamImaIa 4 Ka trrvrln !-.arver may happen, tney wui u Vt rr Slorlous and it can only be gionoua. . of every par -s repreeenUUve Ih the new administration. W -hat I h.ve farmed we are united in UM one oojev- in servitude or in sniuc.,a o, v is won nd never to surrender iUer uuai unonv resistance may enUU. .ae oy ..;A. tosonv side bv side. Uie BrltUh and the Frencn emp.. e Uic rescJe not only of Europe but to a rnanKino s Th reue the t . rannv which has already broken small nations not be effected unless we conquer. Conquer we musv. 'm- All faithful servanu of truth and Justice must be m reaa.n r Uut wc should perish In battle than that we should look upon outrage of our nation and our honor in the lace oi goa. sague Of Nations Lesson Read By I w ay Remove From! Vincent Massey jeneva To States PENEVA. Mav 20,-In view of the pnt European situation, a pof- ' 01 the Leaauo of Nations may Wd. to the United States. Canadian High Commissioner Takes Part in London Ctuircn ycsiciua; FACTOR OF I IMPORTANCE Its Activities Proving Highly Em-barrassing to Adolf Hitler In His Western Front Mitzkreig LONDON. Mav 20: CPt The lve warfare over the western front Oerman boasts of air supremacy have been already amply repudiated and the British air lighters bid fair to play an important part In turnlntr the tide of war in favor of 'the Allies. The Air Ministry announced today that thirty Oerman aircraft had been destroyed during i the day in engagements with the British and that further successful Bridget have been shattered, roads blocked and troop concentrations broken ua. Railway sidings and to oil reservoirs. A returning crew tells of flames leaping 2000 feet In the air with the conflagration visible for sixty miles. At Hamburg there were fires of similar Aerial f IghUng has been intensive over Belgium and France. Exploits of the Royal Air Force lv denend for their auempi u. . A. ,h. .nrnun T, :,,afk will be turned upon u but I .am .sure 01 am ". . ready to face, endure and reu, . Jf nheia off the coast of Belgium. n rdcaU maScne and ha. be in- : s extent may knocked :.-l comfort and pride Jb-m aoie w, sea whUa the other three and drav. our pan 01 sailors and airmen. Ottd bless them, J over Brussels In a -ht . .u a't 1 stnale fight three to six must provide our men with all tne e' ' ,1 ol' tIe brought down. enemy tp a.rDlanes. more tanks. There Is a smow nrttUh omclany deny Oer "" , ... to be man 'charges that Royal Air Force this battle tn France has abWd W l.IOIW' M.. ... nlanes engaged in open bombing of t .tne for our own island, for all that Britain w. - " Bremen acrmans claimed that !) !!; dllS. .. . .u- ll.kl Inr CM V.. nus suoretne emergency we mart H our enon m tw . . . . wiul MirUKM which we nave freedom to pmnee Reynaud of France fromrrernter vc ju jurt received rvea assurance rriu:" r. end-be u ( eleven civilians were killed enty-three Injured. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY I VICTOR' B,CJ 1NST0N Ck;XCHILL IN Counter - Offensive Due AC FIRST ADDft If PRIME MINIb; Tomorrow's Tides She High 0:38 ajn. 23J0 It. 13:26 pm. 20.8 pm. ... Low 7:15 am. 0.9 ft. 1925 pa 5.0 It. 'pP aBBBBBBBlH (HaMNBaBBBBBBaBBBVBBal I Vol. XXIX.. No. 119. NORTHERN AND .CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER AIR FORCE IATTACK0N REPLY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 20, 1910. REFUGEES Germans Bomb Vessel In Ostend Harbor Laden With Women and Children LONDON. May 20. While at- at tM . i-. n tlAlirlnn To Keep Office I taCKing a sieamcr "c uusiu, harbor of Ostend Saturday, a Ger- man bombing plane was shot down. It was a brutal attack5 carried out by two Nazi bombers on the ship which Royal Air Porce continues to play hqd m 700 Belgian refugees. a mart important oart in the lnien- tne one plane had been brought down. the other turned tall for home The refugee ship proceeded to a British port safely. MUSSOLINI attacks were made on oil refineries rteonrted to Seek Appeasement! in northwest Oermany last night. From United States in Return J ' I The Ministry announces the des- For Keeping Peace t ruction of a number of Isste oil I 'deDots and storage tanks at Ham- WASHINGTON. DC. May 20. ! .niomn I burg and Bremen by Royal Air Italy's reply to United States appeal n !..,., I ,rak to you for the f,r,t t.m - Pnm, M -r m thu solemn announclne to of repn war of Empire, our Allies and. above all. In n Ufc our country, our 0eman mUn deUTWed to WasmnBton k:U-2 " iteccom. '.were shot down bv nine Hurricane hut iu contents are beine kerjt se- A ' rmendous b.f is raging. WUh remarkable combination of ,R a baW,e over met meantime. One . report was l'J ank attack, th,- ,-tu-my nas oroatn mrougn inc rmicn mw France. The Hetnkels and M wiser- that it wax inclined to be "uncom- f flu. Vl.olnnt t 1:1c Klrontt columns have SDread through OpenlhmMic nt th mnmmv or. tHHn- n,ml..llt.. Kt nnt alarralncr An. wh; h for a f-w days was without defences. Behind a large hy, not proving nearly as effective other report was that Premier Ben VX '"u army IS moving lorwaru. u Mir uiiaiaui uiu cxwcmi. iio Mussolini sougui uie Rrujjri , rrmcU Army U rrUtlng magnuicenuy who apteuuiu mip w ! rtnvat Air Forre. . ,- p., . . j T artive flth'ing tore bdilnd tn mm scn, dow rmely dAnsetous poaUkw ..ii om handlMl as I believe utev win oe. n uic n the genuiK Tor recovety ahd counter attack for which they in -iand It Ui'" rnif.n snow insi uijkhto cwiwr " U Uvre be a sudden tranaforma- f v rn they ar.- famous. may junctions in Oermany have suf- BRUSSELS, May 20. The burgo-fered heavily master of Brussels has been Invited On attack nn Bremen lasted for hv th npcnnvlnB nprtnan anlhnti 'hit hit splrndid spiriioia army army baa oaa been oero so tu i "-- i ---'- - ( Franc has been Invaded. Only a small five hoars. Enormous fires were set ties to continue in office. He has replied that he will carry on only In accordance with Belgian law and Hague International regulations. AIR RAID ON PARIS Germa'n Bombing Squadron Did Not Reach French Capital bombers attempted to reach Paris Saturday night but were unsuccess- ( rut aunougn mey uvuiwu wiu-munlcatlon centres outside the' French capital. Four were brought down three by anti-aircraft lire; and ; and one by pursuit planes the re- malnlng twelve then Ilea lor nome. GERMAN DRIVE AGAINST PARIS SLOWS UP WITH SWING TOWARDS COAST s With Violence Now Dwindling And Allied Resistance Strengthening, Suggestion is 3ladc inai inuzhrcig May Fail The terrific onslaught of the Nazi mechanized army! slowed up today around St. Quentin on the upper Somme fM :L.,, frnm Pnvis nnrl nirrhrv milPS from the I English Channel. With the rush towards Paris dimmish- CUf mOVC IH lilt? Ullt-UtiUii Ui vjuniuitu umivtuvu viw Adolf Hitler had made a decision to concentrate now on ririca invnrrii the coast, wnns the attack today seemed to lack much of the violence which had rhracterlzed Its relentlessness i.tnre last Wednesday, there were that the Allies, after the ... 20.-Hon. nil Vincent Vincenv s signs g - LONDON, May PriC0Unter with the Massey, Canadian IUgh t. omm 0I unprecedented flcrce- SC SS. chSth. ness. at last were finding a way to combat Hlfler's mechanized divisions and meet the combined air and tank attack followed by the heavily armed Infantry ad vances. One neutral American corres-' ICohtlnued on Page Two) I ( War News CANAL) A 10 BOOST fcFFOUT O'isAWA iTime .Minister William Lyon Mackenue King is expected to announce inunsifi-cancn of Canada s war effort when he speaks in the House of Ctmnions this afternoon. The formulation of a Third Division in the Canadian Active Service Force looms is a strong possibility for the immediate future. ROTTERDAM HARD HIT PARIS One third of the Dutch city of Rotterdam was destroyed by German bombing and 100.000 of its citizens killed, ac- cording to a statement made here. GOVERNMENT LEAVES PARIS The Belgian mtnt is reported to have left Ostend for Etretat. outside of unwn warpianes nave aao ocen won oi neaiaem Kooseveu in gam- . making extensive bombing attacks tag territorial possessions. Another ranee, ine .iwyai ram .... .." Crr .i again rata ana rau communiw report siut wsu uia.iniiijnauun ws ttoar being used by the advancing made Italjr would continue a policy Germans west of Namur. Belgium, of non-belligerency, the Air Ministry announced. Also around such points as Han- D Ci over and Cologne the Air Force has DUlgOinaSlxF TAk-,0 UI been very active, the attacks hav- n 11:11 UK been carried on almost lnces- DrUSSCIS ASKeU No army with millions of men which aantly lor seventy-two hours now llv lly also also moving. moving. The The move move fol followed wek-end bombing of Ostend by the Germans. LEAVE SWISS FRONTIER BASEL German forces which have been massed along the Swiss frontier have been moved away. Whether they have been taken to reinforce the northern front or to trick the French from moving out of position in the Swiss area appears uncertain. Meantime Switzerland continues ready for any eventuality. ITALY WATCHFUL ROME There have been air raid precautions anil black-outs in northern Italy In the vicinity nf the French frontier for the first time since the war began. DESTROYER DAM.1D LONDON The Admiralty announces that the destroyer Whitley has been damaged by bombs and subsequently beached. There were only four casualties in a normal crew of 130. ' " I The ship was launched in 1918 PARIS, May 20.-Slxteen German nd n re.armed in 1938 an escort vesseL K1VF.I1EN IS UNEASY .OTTAWA, May 20: Sunday. May 26. will. 4.. i?ni-nr4 H National DaY-of PRICE: t CENTS New Allied Commander-in-Chief Will Attempt To Sew Nazis Up In Pocket Of Their Own Making Hard Fighting Continues in St. Quentin Area With Outcome Still in Doubt Holes Being Plugged But Situation Grim, Says British Spokesman ' 1 PARIS, May 20: (CP) The French High Command evening communique said that the German push toward' the English Channel had reached a point west of St. Quentin. French military sources announced the loss of Peronne, down the Sommc River about eighteen miles northwest of St. Quentin. The communique said that fresh German attacks at Montmedy had been repulsed. BASEL, Switzerland, May 20: (CP) General Max-ime Weygand, the new Allied commander-in-chief, Is reported here to be apparently shaping a powerful pincers counter-offensive from the Valenciennes and Rethel areas. Reports indicate that a powerful British-Belgian force, supported by French motorized units, is massing in the Valenciennes region and a still more powerful French concentra- . tion is assembling at Rhelms and To Enlist God's Prayer in Canada, Prime Mln- tin but see-saw rignung ieaves wie ister WUliam Lyon Mackenzie fate of the city, 80 miles northeast K'ng announced Saturday. of Paris, in doubt. The spokesman Throughout the Dominion said that the situation is confused there will be special services of with charges and counter-charges. Invocation for an Allied victory it is reported that other German In the war. (Arrangements are columns are attacking east of Cam- already being made for special bral which Is twenty-five miles services in Prince Rupert's northwest of St. Quentin. Other churches. Two Decrees From Hitler Aid Takes Over Holland and Perman-ently Annexes Aix-la-Chapelle Area STOCKHOLM Uneasiness re- 1 arily but is to be premanently in gar'ding Germany's intentions ' corporated In the Reich, increased following republica- tion of an article from Berlin newspapers giving Sweden "friendly advice to strengthen defences against possible British attack on Kiruna iron mines. There are rumors that Germany has demanded that Sweden allow passage of German troops through Sweden to relieve the beleaguered German forces in central and northern 'orway. of II Duce, says "Italy cannot re main outside the vicissitudes of European life. We may be called upon at any time to take up new tasks, the nature of which Italians may assume. Only the order of 11 Duce Is awaited. GT. BRITAIN GETS READY As a means of protecting Great j Britain against possible invasion preparations are being made to block roads and otner steps are being taken. i Rethel. Weygand, who succeeded Marshal Maurice Gamelln yester- day, is said to envisage a counter ' thrust from these two sides aimed at sewing up the German pocket in - northwest France. (CP) A French war ministry spokes- like in man at Paris said today that the Oerrdarfs are"In -partrfcrsiT-Quen- French advises said that an ad- vance German motorcycle squad yesterday reached Peronne, 15 miles northwest of St Quentin, but with-, drew at nightfall A British military spokesman in ' London said "holes are being plug-' ged" and German advances In the ! Sedan area are showing a tendency to slacken. The situation today ' is undoubtedly pretty grim. There is no use pretending that geogra-' uhlcally it is any better but mor- l , ally I think it is. The bulge in the BERLIN. May 20. Two decrees' French line is widened slightly but were issued yesterday by Chancellor . has not been driven much deeper. Adolf Hitler concerning the taking' The general direction of the Ger- over of Holland, which is now all man movement Is now northwest." in German hands, and a region of The same spokesman said there has France around Alx-la-Chapelle "never been a dent in the British , which belonged to Germany before lines" in Belgium "and withdrawal the last war. The latter, said Hit-. has been dictated by strategy and ler. Is not to be regarded merely as not necessity." Former Belgian Premier Is Off iHome To Fight 1 new York Mav 20. inaiznant Nazlinvaslon of hb coun- Deprivation Of All Aliens Of night'""" . To Have Firearms Is Latest l" v?" . . , land of Belgium, who has been on a visit to the United States, sailed ! LONDON. May 20: (CP)- Great ffturday TLT. Britain today deprived all aliens , JI .,.., I , . . . . 1 IU UI&.C UU IUU UlUliKll CAf,r", t l"t r. T...Aucr"' of his country. Twenty-two volun- new xohk msnup jm ut muuiwuiw u au, .ii.u a . " French Army left on Cannon of the Methodist Episco- 'further precaution against """h i"5 shin pal Church calls upon President 'column" activities behind the tne 5ame 5" p' Roosevelt to declare war on Hit- home front. ' - . 1 n l 1 ler and Mussolini. "Some things Meantime civil volunteer corps, KpQnlp Alld UOlQ are more precious than peace," continue to grow as people realize A "f' says Cannon. "War now Is justi- the Importance of being prepared P Fnrnna Am flabte in the Interests of right- to deal with possible sabotage andITUIIl LjUIUJC 11C eousness." landing of parachute troops. Mem-J 1J C Ct HOW ITALY FEELS bers or tne umisn legion ana iijj U.O. UlCdlllCI vnvlntte nmn 1T1 1 Inn ft TP rallvinf? ? at vu v - - -- ---c 1 ROME Count Clano, Italian to the corps which now reports foreign minister and son-in-law ,500,000 volunteers. GENOA, May 20. The United States liner Washington sailed from here yesterday for Genoa with 1500 passengers, mostly Americans hast-enlne home as war clouds fall heav ier over Europe, as well as gold from All suspicious persons are being Belgium, Holland and Switzerland effectively restricted, , for safe-keeping. mi 1 m- . M 4S "t V- 1 ix