
ee re : :
yOL. 11, NO. ©

Legislative Library x
gays | 10
says |
the News |8 the paper to buy
gays !







For South
Chelohsin ... Wednesday, 9 p.m.
, Prince George Friday, 9 a.m.

YS, <\) :
Lor, . ormer)y The Prince Rupert Optimist

PRINCE Rupert, B.C., Monday, APRIL 8 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS






sult the danger is not passed as


several levees are on the point of

Discontent and Trouble Alleged to be Directly Attributable to»: Two Companies to Operate Omineca Placers on Extensive Scale

p to date thirty lives have

Two 1.W.W. Emissaries, to Whom the Men Paid Fees, «: 1o=' and too mition aotiars) This Summer---Both to Have Large Hydraulic Plants and

of damage done, Although the

Hoping by this Means to Escape Interference in water behind the levees at Cairo| One Planning to Instal a Dredge---Work to Begin as

Their Work

Specia Daily News. [mene and frequently they did not,
8 Accord-|collect that if the men did not
. eceived here} want to pay.

y w station} ‘They also collected fifty cents
work on{a month dues \ great many
mnstruc joined in the hope that they}

h there is| iid be then let alone Even
disorder|though a considerable number
ment has! were behind with their dues and |

protect | initiation fee, the agitators
situation! nevertheless managed to collect

e hundred|a good dea { money fror the

by the;six thousand men on the werk
his city,; With this money they have beer
ad enabled t ve we ing spread
a num heir doctr Ps
he con
to the Overseas Clubmen, Note.
Club w be hel he Conserva
ve ub ms luesday, 9th
vorthern inst ats pv, 1 fo make final ar
sterday ; a
rangements for the anniversary
rhe} © lebrat which takes place in
Mcintyre Ha m Friday, April
aie 2th 2t
cw, ¥ hed them-
began or- Ocean Falis Ferry Boat.
f L here they The old reliable Chieftain
ruction| which used to be the ferry from
have there|here to Essington, has been pur
| en act-|chased by the Ocean Falls Pulp|

tent.;Gompany and will probably be}
! ferry between |

lingjused as a regu


g lollar a} Ocean Falls and this port.








Special to D News
sm is To Repeat Cantata.
So many requests have come
ee to Mr. J. E. Davey for the
he MM=! penefflien of the most successful
N th cantata Christ and His Sol
re liers give! ol Good Friday
today kept) night, that it has been decided to
| welt and) pepeat the cantata Two mar
K 25 but ehearsals are being held before
an & the the repeat performance is pre
eke sented on Thursday week in the
w 18 1D) MeIntyre Hall
ee A New Arrival.
wt Born, to the wife of Martin |
id and 2 ;
Reilly, a son, April 6, i942
eakers who
has been Ambulance Out. i
: |
id train Mi Thomas McRostit was
suming conveved to the hospita this
\\ morning in the ambulance, suf- |
is exper-| fering from an attack of acute |
chamber-|rheumatism, requiring a pel iod |
Black 448.) of treatment, |
cs }
Easter Monday Observed. ie ve SE SREB carats!
| |
we enjoyve li
todine anal THE WEATHER.
ay t
for publis) “= Ree
f be no For twenty-four hours ending 5
: ght a m., April 8 jar., 29.074;
I max, tlemp., 66.0; min temp.,
Dattodii he season, the} 36.0; precipitation, .49
, the Daugh-}
M , on Easter} Oddfellows social evening,
— island Club.| luesday, April 9tb 3t


Ooo rors


e at city hall postponed in order to com


d that Professor Clayton ‘will positively ap

R Trow evening,
are blooming in many windows before eveo
ins the amateur detective force
1 10 GCuss along Lovers’ Lane Carss Tun

i Water Superintendent Ole Grosby and Bill

oat Mikation farming scheme on up rivel

9 pe eoeee. oe



jis ten feet higher than the city
expected, that city will scape.

nT |
rrains and steamers are |

Soon as Machinery Can be Rushed in






BELFAST HOME RULE | bringing hundreds of refugees The large freightage on the] { which is backed by Toronto; mean the transportation of many
| here, and altogether thirty aoe will be largely increased| capital and on which Mr. Beau- | carloads of machinery and sup-
Stiingsht Regulations t0-Prectrve sand are homeless. | this ee by the es dette, ; an on ie rf prices ee of a
| - pee jamoun 0 mining machinery|neer, formerly in the employ of} iarge number of miners,
wraer a —* Meeting. Easter Monday All Right. that will be required in the Ha-)the Dominion government, spent; Mr. Featherstonhaugh is now
Special to Daily News. Chere was nothing doing in the} Ze!lon and Omineca districts.| last summer and the summer} j,, Vancouver, where he has as-
Balfast, “Agr 8 Stringent | Police South aitet morning. The Rev ral of the former are talking before and when he left Rupert} _. abled RS IS tfit of
é force took a rest from their| of large hoisting and compressor|last fall reported that his com-| : wee Areva
precautions have been taken by| |abors. |plants in order to get out sufli-] pany would operate on a large|rilling machinery of the most
the authorities in connection with cient ore to make regular ship-j scale as soon as the frost was|modern type. He brings with
the big anti-home rule moecting ; a nents as soon as the railway|out of the ground this year. .Mr.|him expert drillers and will get
norrow, at whieh Bonar Law Do you pay your bills? Could); oaches them, while the old] Beaudette is expected back in ajon the ground with this machin-
\ be the principal speaker It 1 pay them if you were burned! pnjacer mines of Omineca are|few days to start these opera-/ers at the earliest possible mo-
feared that the Nationalists 1? Get a policy in the Com-! {jis summer to be worked on a|tions, the principal holdings of} ment, He hopes to be putting
ilflempt reprisals for the ercial Union Fire Assurance] great scale and by similar hy-|the company being on Manson} down holes to thoroughly _ test
iment of Churchill, but since| Corporation, Assets $111,000,- | draulic methods as those put into} Creek. the ten miles of known first-
the eeting will be held in the}?! The Mack Realty & Insur-} cuccessful operation by the Gug- The other company, the Royal|class pay dirt in the first week
Orange quarter of the city it has| ance Go., Agents. tf genheims in the Yukon. Standard of Vancouver, will be|of June, and if the pay should
ween thought necessary toj rhere are two large companies| represented this season by RB. D.) prove moderately even a large
ift troops, but they will be heid Choicest steaks at the Royal] in the Omineca who will operate| Featherstonhaugh, who from| dredge, for which a provisional
readiness. Hotel . tf |ona large seale this summer, one|1906 to last year was the en-|contract has been entered into,
! igineer and manager of the North| «ill be shipped in during August.


Columbia Gold Mining Co., of At-} his, it is projected, will be set

BISHOP DU VERNET’S VIEW llin. He has had large experience|up on the Omineca River, and
in operating hydraulic plants,| work up Germanson Creek.

4 ~ and in addition to installing one| Meantime, a large hydraulic

OF THE EARLY CLOSING ACT ssssnevertsti'in'tnat) inten x eta amaly

on Germanson Greek, near its}of 2500 cubic yards every 24

Se ke Oe | iunetion with the Omineca river,| hours, will be installed as soon

If the City Council Closes the Grocery Stores at 7 p.m., Why Not the Bar-rooms /« wil! haye with him an expert) as the machinery can be gotten
on dredging, the proposition be-|in and will be operated during







at 10 p-m.? asks The Bishop ling to work the gravels by steam|*he coming summer, Mr. Fea-
Io the Editor of The Daily News: | shortening their hours of toil,as a2 whole than to apply to our | dredges as is now being done so|therstonhaugh being of opinion
Su The spirit of the age is}outdoors should be the first to! licensed liquor places the same} successfully in Yukon and also in|that he will be able to have this
favor of the early closing|sacrifice themselves a little, and} principle of early closing as they California and Colorado. plant steadily digging the latter
vement This being the case, | if necessary do thein shopping|are applying to our shops and Those two propositions alone|part of July.
ly a question of time and] earlies for the sake of those who| stores. The spirit of the age is te . ss BASIS Ph eos
hose opposing will bh ave to sub-| oil indoors. }in favor-of this movement, lt
If the movement is a good The early closing movement is}is bound to win. ’
is better to cheerfully help|in the best interests of the whole Our best hotel keepers, with WASN'T THE WEAT R MAN GOOD
han to try and hold it back.| community, but why should not|whom the bar business 1s not 4
I were al ndividual only I|this movement extend also to|everything, frankly say that they ‘ ?
ght protest What right hasfou icensed bar rooms? Why/di not want half drunken men T0 THE GIRLS ON EASTER DAY?
e Gity ( cil te say that I} sh d they close at least al unging around their premises
ha 1 buy my groceries after 140 o'clock nstead of keeping) ul midnight soaking them- ere ean
| the evening his is|}open until midnight? Why should} selves with liquor. RAIN ON SATURDAY, RAIN ON MONDAY, BUT ON SPRING
ul tereference with my per-|the City Goune say to men with} The moderate drinker, if he is FASHION SUNDAY SUNSHINE AND BALMY BREEZES—RE-
sonal liberty But while I am| money in their pockets: “Youlan individualist, will be sure to SULT FOR RUPERT A REAL HAPPY EASTER.
\ divid talist to a certain de-| cannot spend your money on| protest: “What right has the : ee —
gree, IT am not enough of a So-|boots and shoes or clothes and|City Council to say that I shall Nothing could have been more|and evening yesterday, had full
alist to say to myself ‘It is!geroceries after 7 o'clock in the| net buy a glass of whisky after| gentlemanly than the treatment |and free scope, Not aD anxious
sacrifice my personal | evening because we have closed] 40 o'clock in the evening.” But} accorded to Prince Rupert by | CXPression on account of imper-
erty in such a trifling matter|a these shops, but you can/if he has the least sense of what! the weather man on Easter Sun-| illed spring rainment could be
is this order that I may give] spend it in the bar rooms, which| he owes to others he will see|day, Saturday it rained, today it seen anywhere
thers a chance. Fai keep ope ntil midnight?” | that it is his duty to make a}js raining, but on Easter Sunday In the afternoon, too, the
We want our young men and|| This is a st unfair dis-| 8 ight sacrifice of his personal) when the whole feminine popu- fashion parade ws enjoyed with-
\ x women working in shops} criminal favor of the liquor] liberty for the good of the whole} jation of Prince Rupert most rut let or hindrance. In pleasant
ind stores to have a little of the | trad Statistics prove beyond) community. particularly desired to array it- mild sunshine Priscilla attired
epsonta freedom which we value} doubt that the ist drinking and] If the City Council will act in| self in new and fashionable | Het perhaps strictly in plain Jane
Puritan style, strolled forth for

worst drinking takes place|this matter in connection with| spring frocks and hats, the at-

personal freedom whit h we value} the

have the long summer evenings | between 10 ck in the even-|the early closing movemnet they| mosphere was clear, the streets her airing with maybe a John
~ themselves in aling and midnight, when men and|will be supported by an over-| were dry, and there was sun- Alden or Miles Standish in ac-
ve thy manner, instead of being} women hav east control of | whe ming majority of our free} shine, ‘eplable attendance, for withou
ped up in a store. | themselves Our City CGouneiljand independent citizens. Chureh parade was kaleidos- its male admirer and feminine
Working mel who through| could not do a greater work in| F. H. DU VERNET; lcopic with dainty fresh color] ¢Myter what is the use of an

‘o-operation, have sueceeded in| the interests of the community | Bishep of Caledonia. schemes in the pink of pristine Kaster costume?
perfection, their charm enhanced; Not until long after those


! ; by the serene contentment of| ‘dresses in new bloom” had been
| 1 RO mM : s
THE NAME OF FAULDS DON FOR E | To may we ines their charming wearers all well| safely put away in their fragrant
. | | G | | ; pes ox lsatistied that no spot of rain|wardrobes did the rain maker
llieri f
Borne by the Alexander Who Is) hearer apt or agg would intrude to spoil ribbon or| receive again his permit from the
Conquering Graham Coal. | DAFFODIL LUNCH : ' ¥ trimming. The spirit of Easter! weather man, So Easter Day in
| ET }
ree ab : § 1 ‘ rejoicing expressed in all the | Rupert was decidedly a happy
certain gentleman who had Victoria, April 5.—The Can- ‘ch services oO . yr; one
A re ee : ol ladian Collieries Company Mac- | ' hurch rvices, both TRORREOe rar

icquired riches rather quickly}
purchased an estate on the banks|On Thursday from 12 Noon till) kenzie & Mann) announce that

ff the River Glyde, which adjoins 2 p.m.,, in St. Andrew’s Church | 82,000,000 will be spent in im-| .
those of Lord Blantyre and Sir Hall This Attractive Event will) provements bo the mines at Union TRAVEL BY RAIL 10 EUROPE

| Bay Steam will be replaced by


Charles Bine-Renshaw. Stroll- Take Place.

line through his place one day he ad lelectricity in the operation of the T T P
a A to gO tas far and “was Be sure and make for yourself] mines, and six and a half miles BIGGER SCHEME THAN HE ¢.
chances g be built to the} ° ®

recosted by a burly Scoten game and friends a date for the occa- of railroad will
of the Daffodil Lunch to be} new No. 8 shaft being opened, to aS SN

keeper, ho, in language more) ston ;
Sean re polite, ordered him]served by — the ladies in church] and a hydro electric plant to de-| BEHRING STRAITS BRIDGE WOULD BRING PRINCE RUPERT
on Thurs-| velop power will be built at Rut-)” “WwrTHIN ACTUAL STEEL CONNECTION WITH PARIS OR ST.

SI Andrews,


off the grounds. Remonstrance hall of ; Saeed |
nly produced more “langwidge"| day, the 4ith inst., between the| ledge Niiver to cost $750,000, PETERSBURG—FEA T iS PRACTICABLE.
‘from the burly one, j hours of 12 noon and 2 p.m, In| : _ = ot " Je | 2 Pah
“sip.” said the pompous one,|every way this will be a spec-| A meeting of the Overseas Club] gome projects, even in this;a bridge, are the three Diomede
i, : daa} trac feature { i| be held in the Conservative ey
do you know who I am? I amfially  attractivi feature, both will be eld 3h TAS “YORSEEYS lage of engineering achievements} ! lands.
a social and substantial)Club rooms, Tuesday evening, | Moreover, the waters of the

may fairly be called audacious,

t lds ¢ “dgeriff!"’ ‘om

the : on eee o eae of view Business men} April 9th t 8 p.m, to make final ed strait are shallow, and it is
Falls of Niagara,”’ said the game who decide to help the success arrangements. for the anniver-| and of these none is more start-|,jaimed that caissons for the
keeper, “ye're goon out o’ this.”|of the plan by having lunch} sary celebration to take place on ling than the sugseated building | foundation for a great bridge
London Opinion, | thers instead of at their usual) Friday, April 42th. at of a railway from the United | could be sunk to a considerable

ree u lrendezyous W find prompt and - States to Europe by way of a) depth,
Schoo! Notice leatisfactory service. Epicureans ACCIDENTS—The only com-|pridge across Behring Strait, The two continents are, @@
lwho like a good lunch prettily} plete protection is a policy with The width of the strait from act, joined by submarine banks,

Public school re-opens Tues-| entirely satisfied.|the Ocean Accident & Guarantee|the extremity of Hast Cape, on
Ladies who like to mé et each! Corporation, the largest casualty|ihe Asiatic side, to the point of | and it
other under pleasing auspices | insurance company In the world.| prince of Wales CGape ,on the time this connection was still
certainly be attracted, Don't) The Mack Realty & Insurance Co.,/ American side is not more thanjcloser, sv that animals and
Daffodil Luneh,| Agents. tf forty-five miles, and within this} species of plants crossed from

distance, placed almost in ajone continent to the other. The

. served will be >
day, April 9th, Parents desirous ervet is known that at a former

of enrolling their children in the
primary division (Junior grade
are reminded that such must be
enrolled during first two weeks,
No other class for beginners will

forget then, the

} : 1p = Cleaners. Piano for rent, Apply Keeley’s|straight line, as if to supply the} . een eer
: 4 ing the las uar-| Pantorium Pioneer ; . , s ;
be made during the last qu {foundation for the abutments of Continued on Page 4.)

| | Drug Store.
ter: that is, April, May and June, | Phone A. |! rug Siore