By Special Arrangement with Samuel French, New York THE PRINCE RUPERT LITTLE THEATRE : Presents "HER HUSBAND'S WIFE" A 3 -act Comedy by A. E. Thomas Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 4 and 5, At 8 p.m, In the Auditorium, Booth Memorial High School. Adm. 50c and 75c Reserved Seat Sale Now Open at Ormes Drue Store FUNERAL IS HELD . ....1 9 ft Ira fTrmoIr T7 1 e ,.bc: n resident of Prince Rupert,' 0.e death occurred on Tuesday of , , w . - ... 1 Hospital after a long illness, , Milnr nf First, llnlfpd r::ti, officiated and friends of scd anted as pallbearers. SHOULDER of PORK 7Cp W 1 ' 14 . .1 1 1 i." 1 0 lh .P0?K. COTTAGE ROLLS i - wvn f lb WUM VEAL LAMB UIDER of LAMB rib f LAMB- rib of LAMB. ' F Ik 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c SUNSHINE AND RAIN November I Prince Rupert had an ususually large amount of sunshine during .November this year, the first part i:OTE"EiaiS3ra:of the month having been fine and I irl vine a total nf R1 fl h jsunshine for the month, bringing JVSllLiU 'the total of sunshine for the year II i win A 13 IS I. I . noi injurs as cum- MIL I lYlAlVivL 1 Pared with 787.9 hours in the first . . eleven montns or 1839, Tnp rain. n; Phnns 9n ""- II I IT rim - - Ifnll Va. IKI. VhnikM r rn -Inches, making the aggregate for BEEF the year so far 77.92 inches as ag- . . iainst 107.23 In the corresponding BOUND STEAK T, and Oo period of last vear. b KIDNbx I The November weather summarv ROUND STEAK SllP a follows lb STEAK- Ik ronii . 10c Maximum barometer reading at urn oiuui- mn tt icvci. uu iiuvcuiuer Li lb tiny Minimum barometer reading at k. Maximum temperature, 54.5 on lh HUMP HUAol IL' fill futmikiti 'Hi 22c November 11. Mean temperature, 40.3. Precipitation, 8.99 Inches. q AuC Sunshine. 61.9 hours. Maximum wind velocity, south n 4c)C t. miles per hour. COLLIER MAKES HAVOC YARRA. Australia. Dec. 2; (CP) ploughing an 18-foot hole freighter was unharmed, Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Game dinner, December, 11. a i f A V t m m luzna Auxiliary lea. uui, XvC December 12 25C S.O.N. Christmas tree and dance 1 December 26. Moose Hall. , 30C ... .. njj i uenuine non""1"? tjauw, uuu- ,'"fiB;iBa!KPilXB!iM!iaBiirfellow's Hal1- December 31 To Our Customers IN APPRECIATION of your patronage during the past we are very pleased to offer you a new and better service. It is with great pleasure that we announce the arrival of our new fleet which enables us to give you the best in comfQrt and -safety. The new fleet is in. airich two-tone blue which we-feel sure will be to your liking. Hoping to have' the pleasure oi your future patronage, we remain, Yours very truly JOHN GURVICII 32 T axi couver. 4 ! ! LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just .say "Three Two please." Moose Lodge Xmas Tree Show I 1 1 ana uance, weanesaay, uec. i. - (282) Capt. W. P. Armour arrived In the city on the Catala last night from Vancouver, being here lor a lew days on business. Mrs. W. L. Armstrong and son and I Does UnCC Clogged IlUuE SPOIL SLEEP? Put 3 -purpose Va-tro-nol up each nostril . . . (1) It snrlnlu swollen membranes; (2) Soothes Irritation; (3) Helps flush nasal passages, clearing mucus, relieving transient congestion. VICKS VA TRO NOL Mrs. J. F. Campbell, wife of Capt.j Campbell, officer commanding of the Royal Engineers here, arrived in the city on Saturday night's train from Prince George for a visit. No 'Isms Can Face Church Nice line of children's klmonasj! IJust received at the Dollar Store. tf i John Oaroflnl returned to the city on the Catala last night from a holiday trip to Vancouver. j Mrs. J. R. Morln returned to the city on the Catala last night from a ' i trip to Vancouver. W.'H. Tolln of Stewart was a yw- eenger aboard the Catala last night , Be sure and place your Xmas returning north after a trip to orders early for plants and flowers Vancouver. "at the Flower Shop. 4th St. 282 p. L. Coulter, assistant manager of 'the Premier mine, was a passenger aboard the Catala last n?ht returning north after a trip to Van Just say "Three Two please." In answer to the question "What will I give for Xmas" the Benson Studio suggests your photo the gift that only you can give. 'SIflSTS I daughter arrived in the city on E. T. Applewaite of Stewart, who 5j0 2? :f f nr !inr T Unusually Larje Amount of Fine . Saturday night's train to take up has been on a trip south to attend $ en..- . " weather Durinr Month nf ciHm h. sessions of the. nrovinelal Libaral BS romotprv T?v J r. ' ? i "vii.. . - executive at Victoria, was a pass- fcS enger aboard the Catala last night $j returning north. .jw. the city on the Catala last night from a bref trip to Vancouver, accompanying, home his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carter, who have been visiting for some time in Vancouver. ' PIONEER OF CITY IS DEAD 1 J. W. McKlnley Passes Away Sun day Morning: At Age Of Seventy-Six Years Providinc Latter is Strong and Relieving sufferings which he onto STYLE SHOPPE J PRE-XMAS SALE Of SHOES : Starting Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 3rd at 9 a.m. A great Pre-Xmas Clearance involving hundreds of pairs of the smartest shoes in Prince Rupert. Tomorrow's offerings not only include the latest in Fall shoe ap parel but many blues, browns, tans, wines and black i GROUP 1. 15 5 Oxfords, ties, step-in pumps, silver TrL nrr rrrA flaffioo -flaf miViari anil ViinrVi . T 1 T V CI m neeis. jTic-Aiiicts ouue vjiecuaiice GROUP 2. $1.95 H Our better shoes in Cubans Dr. Neal m. Carter returned to wedgies, ana mgn neeis. wines, mues (.vveag-ies only) blacks, browns, etc. Silver and gold wedgies. Pre-Xmas Shoe Clearance $2.95 fjpriArol Asspmhlv sessions in Tor- cnnsi-uenirea, ueciarcs naa enaurea witn patience ana Besides his widow, ' Mr. McKlnley Pastor 'fortitude since a serious accident !i. v... r.nii . .befell him over two years ago, McKlnley at Oliver-and two, No 'ism can stand against a death came at 9:30 Sunday morn- daughters Mrs. J. C. (Aletta) Gll- GROUP 3. Bedroom slippers. Printed silks, leathers, etc., in wedgies and leather tipped heels, all sizes to 8. Pre-Xmas Shoe Clearance (Ideal Xmas Gift) $1.00 Full Fashioned Chiffon and Serai- g Service Hose Every pair perect, all sizes, all colors, boxed for Xrns. But- terfly (Smart Side out) and debu-tante. Pre-Xmas Sale jj 75c I Start buying now for Xmas and if you really want to save money see our tables for ideas. Gift-giving articles are here in the dozens. Sensible, useful, practical Yule-tide tokens. THE STYLE SHOPPE Next Door Bulkley Market FIRE VISITS CHURCH HALL Christ-centred church, declared m? in the Prince Rupert General Vor ,n p n ruMiiahi n,.,. n- t, ;r. c, i i-' Rev. H. G. Funston in hU morning Hospital to John WUliam McKin-; Daniels. There are four grand- Peter's Sunday Morning sermon at First Presbyterian ley, 215 Fourth Avenue East, one children Kurvlvlne relatives in- I Caught by current and wlndwhll Church yesterday. The failure of of Prince Rupert's best toc-wn ciude two brothers James McKin- ter. err. ---ilhTrhtirrh fh function strnnlr h and most hiirhlt t. "'r.v"y".r. s'eraay morning apout 1I.-30 (.uiiims i naiuui ijcic, a tuuin oi ana inomas mc- ley ivamioops whilp :prvipp! In vpoctnrt fh . . . . . . . inficfnr suggested, eurfTct4 Viafl had nrrtfVinorf contributed p ed pioneer nlnnr . citizens linn. n.K who n . . r . . WIU1C CfVlCeS wprp Were UJ SCSSlOn, Uie crashed head on into a uoVptfah nnncp. neccmber 4.0dd- t . . i n .i u i.i, i, i j , '. To Whom It May Concern: I will ,11. W 1" UVaU, it, WC1C Lt t lC 1 i u nmwi iC WOO JCLiailXilg iillu sui- , i .... ... ... Tint ha rerrinelKlft f n, ' fellow's . Hall. Eagles' Bridge, December 4. Second Searchlight Auxiliary Dance, Armouries, December 6. j Red Cross Tea. Legion Hall. urdav' December 7. wharr.'Pastor over a of Georgetown, Ontario- tZ Zr?sh : haU . to allowing the development of con- period of more than a quarter of'and ytwo sri-Mrs. Margaret fe S! Tat clvltok of St ( rfitlnnc cnti oc orlct In Ttec- 9 rpntltl-ir mil nmmln.nt anA .. - . .. der S lHUrCH .at Seal faeal tOVe tOOK -v.. wuuamson or Toronto ana Mrs. firp f mm n nVprhpatorf f..r,o and Germany today. In those coun- Uve in affairs of the community. Kennedy of Georgetown. ;gj Dmea" jTt tries the church was almost des- News of his passing will be re-. Th- remains are restlne at the ! basement was gutted Dut. ex-troi-ed. Church life. had got away ceived with regret by his nurjer-'e c SertakeS rlrlorf There ll101 f smok-e-,the from Christian values. Spirit and ous friends and acquaintances wUl be rftef of th? oSfews' grm"asiUm Part.ithfe selfishness arid indifference had Cet and there will be general expres- Lodge at the funeral WeeSay Wednesday f uU TO f Two'IW in. Wsre conditions in regard o slons of sympathy for the be- attemon trucks were called to the scene and the church even In the country reaved. j l00" d the flames under control. what they should be, the pastor On October 1, 1938, the late Mr.i There 13 tasurance to cover the nuestioned. The church shniild hp McKlnlev. who had alvrave fni damage. . - I JSUX1CE 1 a llvine force in the communitv. If lowed an, actlvp life fell off a rnnf 1 , be cut off as it was only a burden of lerea a iractured neck which re- " . iU4 lllc j,., which there were already too many, suited In invalidism at home since i ' " any ?eDls mcurrea Dy that time until he was removed to anfone In my name from I v.- v,ui - i. . . date. i Prince Rupert Legion Defence Corps WEEKLY ORDERS ago. Since that time he had been 41?ated at rinc.e Rupert- c-! eradualllv sdnkln anH p0fK t this second day of December, 1940.. the end, was not unexpected. Mr. McKlnley was born June 1, 1864, at Llnwood, Ontario. His father was a Scotsman, born at Glasgow, and his mother was from Belfast, Ireland. During his youth, Mr. McKlnley was eneaeed in farming in his native province I "'eek of December 2-7 arid jn 1887 came west tQ CaU Tuesday, 8 pjn. Rifle shooting, fomia where he spenj t incivuc oeiore arriving in British Colum- Weck of December 9-14 bla. Attracted by frontier life he Tuesday, 8 p.m. Special muster went to the Cariboo to take up parade. Salmon Shed, Ocean Dock, mining and ranching, openln" Every member urged to be present, up at Horse Lake a cattle ranch which he sold In 1903 to iirH Edgerton. This Is now one of the If you want sometning, adver- best known stock ranches In the Use for it. Hundreds of people get Cariboo'. Then Mr. McKlnley spent what they want that way. (tf) several years at Wetaskawln, Al- berta, where he was In the real THE SEAL 01 QUALITY A GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye . PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In I'rlncr lliiperl estat and farm land business. The year 1911 saw his arrival in Prince Rupert and until 1915 he operated a real estate off'ce here In 1916 he went back to the Cariboo to take charge of an experimental farm, also being In the service of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway for a time. Returning to Prince Rupert in 1920 e had lived here continuously ever since, being active lh the improvement,' of his real estate property and erecting a number of residences. Deceased was an active member of the Oddfellows' Lodge, serving that order in various leading of- j fices. He was also a prominent member of the Prince Rupert Plo-' neers' Association In addition to being active for some years In the affairs of the Prince Rupert Board , of Traj which he represented with others on a tour of the Peace River country a number of years ago. .For a lone period he also acted as an Mde' of the First Prerhvterlnn Chufh and on' one - occasion represented the church at I L. RAPP For Ladies and Gentlemen's TAILORING m-t. lee We Cover Buttons for Your Dress By Your Own Cloth Cleaning Pressing. Itepairine 3dAv. Phone Green 960 P.O.975 Don't Delay Christmas Is Only a few weeks away Before you know It, Christmas will be here. Purchase your Christmas cards today. CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPING, SEALS, TAGS, ETC. Enjoy full selection, leisuve In shopping and delivery at your convenience. ' DIBB PRINTING Company Betner Block Phone 234 il Try a Dally News Want-Ad. turn Funeral Notice ,'. The funeral, oi the late J. W. McKlnley will be held Wednesday at .2:30 pjn. Irora the chapel of the v- yuA;iiMUKia uiiucr me au- ispeices of the. I.O.OJl'No flowers by request. Commercial Hotel Prince Rupert .Thoroughly Renoraied Hot and Cold Water in Rooms Inner Spring Mattresses Harbor View ALEX PRUDIIOMME Proprietor "RUPERT BRAND" BRILL FILLETS Celophane Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb Obtainable at STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. RUPERT BUTCHERS BULKLEY MARKET Other varieties of RUPERT BRAND Frozen, Smoked and Cured Fish available at the above Stores Packed By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Irlnr- Knen J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rank HM TRAPPERS- Co. Ltd. Trappers, don't be foolish In selling your furs at the waterfront. Bring them to my store and let everybody bid on Ihem. The buyers pay 30 per cent more when Goldbloom Is present. GOLDBLOOM Thr Old ICeliabte Remember Your Credit is Good ftrttisn Olnmbu Fresh Local Raw &nd Pasteurized MiHi VALENTIN DAIRY PHOVK (57 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZarIU Proprietor M IIOMfc AWA1 FHOM Movr"4 K;e 75c up u KoaV Hot Si Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. rtmn- tk p.O. Bo, ill