NAZIS BOMB SOUTH PORT i Southampton Bears Brunt of La- test Attack 8 to 5 Sunday's Secore LONDON, December 2 (Canadian Pres: i Southampton bore the brant of the Nazi aerial bombing assault Jn the Battle of Britain over the week-end. A number of fires were started but by this morning were officially announced . to be under control. It was a heavy bombardment and the centre of; the important southern port was denoeraieiy auacKea. casualties In Sunday night's raid on South ampton were reported unofficially to be fewer than those of Saturday The attack fanned out over; the southwest England and reach- td Liverpool and the Midlands. . j London had two air alarms dur ing last night and there was heavy anti-aircraft fire. , Weather was thick and cloudy and, no doubt, tended to curtail tnemy operations. During Sunday London had" air raid alarms. Enemy planes I Came a: great height over the 1 Kent coast and were engaged In. combat with Royal Air Force Iightrs. DurlnT he day eight Nazi planes I ttre bnught down with loss of tlve Drum machines. Saturday Night Owing probably to misty wca hr n -ilt'orM. tnndon had a very ilarm wps one of the shortest on ncord and only a few bombs were Hrtl , fit i J K Miithttest !t6wni JiadliftsifeleW fnth alarm irt three days". How-w damaga was slight. Yugoslavia To Join With Axis BUDAPEST, Dec. 2: (CD Diplomatic sources reported that a week-end conference between Chancellor Adolf Hit- ' and the Yugoslav foreign minister In Berlin had prepar- the way for Yugoslavia to Join the axis military treaty but there was no confirmation In other sources. FRUIT IS ' CUT OFF 0nlr Oranges May Now Be Imported Into Great Brltaln--Conservlng Shipping Space LONnnv rv. o i Po no. lUlan Press) Imports of all fruit 1 Vttept oranges were banned for I 2Lwt Brttaln today In an order uvs'gned to conserve shipping space November Revenue Lower But Total For Yphi- Tc Tin Customs and' excise revenue at e Port of Prince Rupert for the onth r November this year to- lallprt tuinin in,. Bulleti ns GERMANS PURSUED MIAMI Messages picked up by Tropical Radio at Miami Saturday night were taken to indicate that the two Herman steamers Rhine and Edervald, which slipped out of Tamplco, Mexico, Friday, supposedly bound for Spain, were, belnj pursued by warships. The Rhine was broadcasting urgent calls at frequent intervals saying "we have a message." REWARD FOR USURPER CHUNG KING General Chiang Kai-Shek's Nationalist government of China Is offering a reward of $100,000 for the head of Wang Ching Wei, head of the Japanese-puppet government of China, who is charged with usurping the presidency. "NEW ORDER" CONDEMNED BUDAPEST The Ankara (Turkey) radio Saturday night broadcast a charge that the axis "new order" was based alone on force and might be turned even against those who joined it. Despite blandishments, both Russia and Turkey were both outside the axis, the broadcast said. SURROUNDED BY ENEMIES MOSCOW President Kalinin of Russia said Saturday night that the Soviet republic was like a besieged fortress menaced on all sfdes'benemlef who were opposed to Soviet principles. Kalinin called for increased preparedness. ZOG IN ISTANBUL INSTANBUL, Turkey Former Kin Zog of Albania is reported to have arrived at Istanbul to confer with Albanian leaders in regard to the possibility of returning to Albania and reclaiming the throne. PRESIDENT INSTALLED MEXICO Manuel Avllo Cam-acho, the new President of Mexico, was Inaugurated yesterday. He praised the Monroe Doctrine, supported common defence measures in the Western Hemisphere and announced intention of establishing naval bases as part of the general program of continental defence. VALERA WOULD ARM WATERFORD Speaking here, Premier Eamonn de Valera put himself on record as favoring a large standing army to guarantee Eire's defence against any Invading army. He would not be satis-fled, de Valera said, until every man between 20 and 35 years of age was enrolled in defence units. New York Stock Mart Is Stronger Industrial Average Showed Im-. provement On Early Trading Today NEW YORK. December 2 The New York stock market showed an upward trend in early trading today. During the first hour 140,000 'shares chane-ed hands. The Indus trial average was up .44 at 131.44 and SfllLs were down .03 at 28.05. Weather Forecast vj, ,, - . n..k 110 TWO east or tne Canadian bwm, lwp.ithpr continues unsettled and tn.i 4k.nvMif hl- nrovlnce IIIUU H1IUU(,11UU i.w f n j. fonn11VPr Is f0,738.56 la the same month, last General Synopsis- The pressure bringing the total for 1940 continues low off the British Co-to dat i- iw.Kia ,vc onrf is relatively high --v uu lu azuz , n:n tu 111 turn- - t . - - prison with $123,581.15 in the rst e'even months of 1939. - n., .... .1 "-rgew,Mlnnsrtturncdt(lthe wes uhh -'"th Jlf w the Catala last nlulit aom'land-inoderae to fresh southeast t a lr'P to Vancouver V wlnds ml,d wlth showcrS' PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA B.C. WeatHen Forecast mil Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh southeast High 4:14 a.m. 20.1 ft. winds becoming strong. Cloudy and 15:55 p.m. 20.7 ft. mild with rain. Low 10:06 a.m. 7.7 It. 22:34 p.m. 3.7 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXIX.r No. 282. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1940. PRICE: 6 CENTS Southeast Europe Is Dominion War Imposts- TARIFF CHANGES HIT AT LUXURIES AND " ARTICLES THAT ARE NOT ESSENTIAL OTTAWA, December 2: (CP) Drastic curtailment of luxurv imports, mainly from the United States, increased ecise taxes on domestic and nersnnal conveniences and reduced customs duties on United Kingdom commodities were amonp; tariff chanpes announced in the House of Commons today, by Hon J. L. Ilsley, minister of national revenue. Importation of automobiles from non-sterling countries is to be prohibited. Excise on lower-priced automobiles is to be increased from ten to twenty per cent up to a value of $700. A 25 per cent excise tax is to be imposed on many electrical and other appliances including radios,. cameras and vacuum cleaners. A long list of semi non-essential commodities will be imported only by permit on a decreasing scale including all petroleum products. No action is taken on fresh vegetables. STRONG BUT NOT ENOUGH Reports Admiral Stark, Chief of U.S. Naval Operations WASHINGTON? Decmbsw'4i Admiral H. R. Stark, chief "of na val operations, In his annual report to Sccretaiy of the Navy Frank Knox, states that the TJnl,-ted States Navy Is now the strong-; est In the world but Is not strong enough. This country must have a full strength two-ocean Jiavy, Static declares. I KILLED BY I DYNAMITE Four Men Lose Their Lives at Mix-, Ing Plant Near Tacoma Today j . i TACOMA, Washington, Dec. 2: (CP) Four men were killed today when a ton of dynamite exploded In the mixing plant of the Columbia Power Co. fifteen miles south of here. i Sawmill And Log Camp Strike Is Now Spreading SEATTLE, Dcember 2 The Con gress of Industrial Organization strife in Northwest sawmills and logging camps Is spreading. Wage Increases, an annual week's holiday with pay are demanded. Bed Caught Fire; Burns To Death . ...PORTLAND, Oregon, December 2 Wilbur Thomas Johnson was burned to death in his room here. The bed clothing caught fire from a cigarette, It Is believed. Bodies Of Twenty-Seven Miners Are Brought From Pit CADIZ, Ohio, December 2 All but four bodies of victims of the explosion at the week-end In the Ohio-Pennsylvania colliery here have been brought out. In all, wenty-seven bodies have been CREW IS RESCUED Entire Personnel of Greek Steamer, In Trpbt off jN'Tvfonndland, Safe ay Sty John's ST. JCHNS. Newfoundland, De-mb:r 2 tCan-dlan Prs - The entire crew of the Greek steamer C?-nb?n"3' whifh wa --- -1 in 'rouble1 'in a stdnh' cff Newfoundland last week, was landed today by a rescue ship. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S, D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .05. Bralorne, 10.25A. Cariboo Quartz, 2.00 XD, Dentonlo, .002A. Falrview, .00 V2-Gold Belt, .25. Hedley Mascot, .54. Mlnto, .01. Noble Five, .00 V. Pend Oreille, 1.75. Pioneer, 2.05. Premier, .85. Privateer, .53. Reeves Macdonald, .15. Reno, .13. Relief Arlington, .03. Salmon Gold, .02V4-Sheep Creek, .85. Cariboo Hudson, .02 &A. Oils A. P. Con., .09. Calmont, .26A. . C. is E., 1.40. Home, 2.33. Pacalta, .04. Royal Canadian, .09 Okalta, .70. V Mercury, .04. Prairie Royalties, .07. Toronto Aldermac, .14. Beattle, 1.08. Central Pat., 1.85. Con. Smelters, 38.. East Malartlc, 2.74. Fe'rnland, .01 Y2. Francoeur, .43. Gods Lake, .38. Hardrock, .95B. Int. Nickel, 35.00. Kerr Addison, 3.40. Little Long Lac, 2.20. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.33. Madsen Red Lake, .51. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.15 B. Moneta, .52. Noranda, 57.00. Pickle Crow, 2.90. Preston East Dome, 3.10. San Antonio, 2.50. Sherritt Gordon, .82; Uchl, .30B. Bouscadlllac, .03. . . -Mosher, .08. Oklend, .08. Smelters Gold, .00I4.' . " Dominion Bridge, 27.00. Still KENNEDY RESIGNS United Ambassador to London Quits Post Bullitt or Davies? i WASHINGTON, December 2 Joseph P. Kennedy, United States ambassador to Great Britain, announced his resignation last night, lie us at present In the United States and will not b returning to London. "I am remaining In the United States tc help the President keep the United States out of 'war." Kennedy said. Prominently mentioned as successor to Kennedy aw William C. Bullitt, former ambassador to France, and Joseph G. Davies, former ambassador to Belgium, but no official announcement is yet made. "Mussed" It "" ' Tr , Benito, the suTe loser. NAZIS IN CONTROL Internal Situation in Rumania Still Chaotic King and Premier Review German Forces i BUCHAREST, Dec. 2. While the Iron Guard uprising v as reported to be under control, King Michael and Trcmier Ion Anton-escu reviewed German troops today "to celebrate Rumania's adherence to the Axis bloc." Field Marshal Wilhelm, German army chief of staff, has arrived In Rumania. Although the Iron Guard uprising is said to be now under control, thousands of Rumanians are reported to be fleeing (rem the country across the frontier into Bulgaria to escape the campaign of terrorism. Many of these wore , driven from their homes in the middle of the night, penniless and "without food. Some were drowned as they "fled across' the Danube River in frail boats. INVALIDS' REUNION YARRA, Australia,' Dec. 2; (CP) Two officers who had not met for 22 years were reunited in a convalescent hospital here.' Capt. A. B. Cooper and Capt.. F. J. Griffin first met In an hospital -ship in 1918. Unsettled Britain-Spain 4 Sign Agreement MADRID, Dec. 2: (CP) Great Britain and Spain signed a financial agreement today de- signed to free Spanish funds blocked in Lon- don and give Spain funds to increase pur- chases from Britain. War News GREEKS STILL ADVANCING ATHENS Despite reinforcements, Italian forces are still being driven back headlong in Albania. The Greeks continue their' advance all along the front and, with bayonet attack, succeeded in capturing permanent Italian fortifications. Koritra has been captured. Five thousand more Italians have been slain or captured and much equipment taken by the Greeks. ARMY TO INDUSTRY OTTAWA CertaliT eipert rratrsnien now enlisted .iiUufhe Army will be granted leave this winter to take up work -in. ff- rential industries, it is announced. GFRMAN ACE LOST PURLIN Major Helmuth Veght commander of the Rich-fhofen. squadron and the No. 1 Nazi ace. wa drowned in the English Channel after his plane war forced down. SUBMARINE LOST LONDON The submarine, II. M.S. Triad is missing and must be considered lost, the Admiralty an-, nounces. Triad was a- sister ship of ILM.S. Thetis which foundered on her trial runs before the war. NAVAL ENCOUNTERS LONDON There were naval entounters between Great Britain and Germany in the North Sea over the week-end. British motor torpedo boats attacked two German supply ships one off the Dutch coast and another off the mouth of the Scheldt River. German E-boats were driven off. TROUBLE IN NORWAY STOCKHOLM From Norway come reports of serious disturbances following an attempt on the life of Major Quisling, head of the Nazi government of Norway, near whom a thrown bomb exploded. The Gestapo have made numerous arrests. SOUTHEAST OFFENSIVE LONDON L. C. II. S. Amery, Secretary for India, suggests there will be a British offensive against the Axis in southeast Europe it the Italians are driven out of Egypt and the Greeks can hold out in Albania. Canadians may be concentrated with other Dominion forces In the eastern Mediterranean sector. CONVOY IN TROUBLE NEW YORK Messages appealing for assistance from five vessels suggests that five British slrips Irt'convoy were surp'rfsed by a German U-boat attack in the North Atlantic. NEW YORK COPPER NEW YORK, Dec. 2" March copper was selling at 10.4c per pound on the New York metal market today. ( CONTROL OF RENTS Excerpts From Federal Order-iii-Council Now Applying to " Prince Rupert , Following Is an extract from fed- .eral order-ln-council which has now been extended to Prince Rupert: j The Wartime Prices and 'Trade Board Is hereby authorized from time to time lrj any area In Can- , ada to fix the taaxlmum rental at which any housing accomodation may be rented or offered for rent and to prescribe the manner in i which any maximum rental snail be determined and the conditions under which any housing accomodation may be rented or offered for rent. For any housing accommodation for whlcliihere was a lease In effect January 2, 1940, the rental charged or demanded shall not exceed that in effect on that date.. , For' any housing accommodation for which there was no lease in effect January 2, 1940, but for which there was a lease in effect at some time or times during 1939, tte rental charged or demanded shall not exceed that payable under the latest least in 1939. ' For any other housing accommodation- th'e Rental Administrator, of ' his own motion or on'appllcitlon In writing by either landlord ik ten4 anl, may defermlne the maximum -rental. AV Attacks Upon German Bases LQNppN, December 2-Sun-. day mornin,? the Royal tAIr Force attacked the enemy sub- marine base and naval dock at Lorient in the Bay cf Bis-cay and last night oil dnots and power stations at Brest as wen as the naval bass at Wilhelmshafen. Over trie ' week-end military objectives in Norway and Denmark were attacked. INSPECTS DEFENCES: President Roosevelt Leaves Today. For Two Weeks Caribbean Trip t WASHINGTON. December 2 ! President Franklin D. Roosevelt 'left today for a two weeks' Inspection cruise of United States defences, possibly going, as ?ar as. IPanama. He will be in readiness to. return to Washington by plane' should any emergency artee requiring his presence at the Capitol. United States Battleships To Pearl Harhor SAN DIEGO, Dec. 2: Four i United States battleships Mexico, Idaho, Mlssisslpl and Oklaioma and the cruiser Portland left here Saturday for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii." Hockey Scores 4 PACIFIC COAST. " Sunday Spokane 2, Seattle 0. Saturday Spokane 4, Portland 1. LONDO.V SILVER LONDON, Dec. 2 The London silver price today was-. 23 1-18 psnee per iir.cpv.-ice., ..,. ; ; "