December 2. 1040. Santa will bo stocking up a lot of roll-your-owners with Ogden's this Christmas. As a gift, it's tops because it jnakes milder, smoother, more mellow cigarettes. V2 lb. tin 80 in i Jiily coloured Christmas carton. TO Russians M Ml 1 cept an of fer of a con.dur.ted tour of i vurlous dumps of wrecked German ' aircraft. CI illdfl tYrcCKS Col. IJeweWn, In a u-rltten reply said, "there are a large number of wreCKea uerman aircrait 0n em' LONDON, Dee 2: (CP)- John Fgan. Labor M.P. for Dominion Dltlon throughout tne country. ! House of Commons, asked Col. Should representatives of the Sov- j J. Llewellln, parliamentary sec- let or any other government lepre- 7 to the ministry of aircraft sented at the court of St. James' action, If he would suezest to wish to see them. I should be ulad pmpetent Soviet authorities that to arrange any assistance they may te in their Interest to ac- desire." A WARM HOUSE seef- Aids in making the Christmas season an enjoyable one. People have been knQwn to. use a ton of coal as a Christmas gift. Clean coal, full yeight and satisfactory delivery are the promises we keep. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd, PHONE 651 V 652 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. run Sl'KCIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN Prom Prince RUPERT t7WV CQfi flft PromPort Simpson $39.75. duccd Rates-Fare and ope. haU also apply to Vancouver (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare ,lcMs on s.ii fr. .WMi, 1st. 1910 to February 28. 1911 Good to return up to March 31, 1941 -"-"icis Leave rrince nuycik . ..-. st LATAU Everv Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a ni. I . A l,f 1 tit. . " 1 Every Friday 10:30 p.m. tia!h TJoeorvfltlnntt from Monday a.m. lf? Rupert Agent (FHANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Thone 563 If Convcnlpnl. riease : Purchase Tickets at Office LONDON, Dec. 2: (CP) Potatoes In iHflr Jackets will replace boiled anc( masked potatoes on (he menus of many British restaurants thl$.ijrtnter. Catering firms already are' faking to heat the ad(vicp "of ihfi. Ministry p Rood, that potatoes bake'oi' in their, skln prov$e more nourishment and, iess waste than tbpj$ ?j?led before cooking. EVACUEES ' FOR EIRE London and Dublin Officials Talk ! Over Plans For Women and' 1 ; Children I LONDON., Dec. 2: (CP) Negotiations that may lead to evacuation of tens of thousands of women and children from bpmbed British areas to Eire are proceeding between . W. Dulanty, Eire High Commissioner In London, and Lord Cranbornfl, Dominions Secretary. Prime Minister, de Valera Is un derstood to have Initiated the discussions after the torpedoing of the llnpr City of Benares in .which J children bglng evacuated to Can ajla were drowned. When Mc de Valera learned of the tragedy he. palled a meeting of hi? ministers to. consider, what Eire could do to help the evacuation of British children and their motVurs. His suggestion for consultation between the two governments was welcomed in London as "a gveat gesture" and the British govern- ment is anxious to take thp fullest J possible advantage of Eire's Offer ' of hospitality. "No decision has yet been reached ,on matters of detal but It Is nrob- , able that any scheme will have o be confined to women and children jwlth relatives or friends In Eire jwho are willing to take them in,'.' an official n close touch with the fneRouaiionp said. ine Britisn government Is con sldering the question of providing free travel vpuphers for evacuees unaoie io pay meir own rares and It 1? even passible that arrangements will be made to pay bijleting allowances. "It is certain, however, that no evacuees will be sent to Eire unless It Is known that they have homes to go there. Life In Yukon Is Marvellous If Happily Married, Says Wife And Mother Who Has Lived There 15 Years VANCOUVER, Dec. 2: (C. P.) The luxuries of city life may be all right for some women but Mrs. Anton Money prefers the simple life of her home at Francis Lake In the Yukon Territory, 1,000 miles east or wnltenorse. "It's the most marvellous Ufe In the world If you're happily married," Mrs. Money said. "The past 15 years haven't been all roses. There have been a lot of hardships njixed with the Joy. But it's all been so very worthwhile." Mrs. Money 1? at present living In Vancouver so that her two sons can go to school. The boys, one 13 years of age and the other 10, have accompanied their parents on many trips through the north- land. Mrs. Money was born in New York and" later studied' music 'at the Toronto Conservatory. She was still I .only a girl wne.n she went Into the ami AiasKa as fne pride, Ixuoq of Anton ney whp now owns (extensive mining properties in trie nor th. Mrs. Money thinks there Is top mi(ch tinsel and panipuflage about 'the lioliywbod version of the Cana dian north and suggests that books should be written and moyle? made about It "Just as t is." PRISONER COMFORTABLE , . KAREKARE, N.Z., Dec, 2: (CPj In a camp that had been camour flaged with farms, equipped with a portable radio set and generously provisioned, police found, a fugitive from a Wellington Jail. TWQ MOTHS A DAY SYDNEY, NJS.W., Dec. 2: (CP) De Havllland Aircraft Cp. here has reached o production ratp of two Moth eipmeniary trainers a day for the Australian arid Imperial air ' forces. 1 NALBQipS DEMOLISH EAIBD, LIBRARY Cabled from Londpn this picture shows the ruins of the University college library which was struck by Nazi bombs. Hundreds of priceless books are believed to have been destroyed. WOOLLIES IN ORDER Stockings For Christmas Present This Year Will Be Classy liift If Obtainable at Any Price By DOUGLAS ASIARQK Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, Dec. 2; (CP) There's no place for the lowly silk worm In Great Britain unless it's working for the war effort. The government's ; ban on silk ?oods, effective December 1, means milady's legs will have to be encased In something less glamorous than sheer $5.56 stockings and milord's silk topper will have to do until the war Is over after all. The silk Industry hasn't yet found a substitute for the topper but. fudging from reports, milady's legs won't lose much of their glamor tust because those cobwebby gauze stockings aren't available any more. "We have the whdle process Worked put," said a manufacturer, "and our machines will be able to he Insisted even the most fastidious customer won't be able U dlstlngu Ish the artificial from the real thing. As Fqr Substitutes There's little chance of homely wool winning a place In the hosiery business women wouldn't stand for It anyway but lisle and,j-ayon seem oound to come into tneir own. S. F. Peshall, chairman cf the hosiery rationing committee, lndl cated this when he said it's Im- oractlcable (o make woolen .slock Ings of as fine guage as silk. "If the yarns were made;1 he said, "the wearing properties would be so few that a wearer would find holes In her stockings after a short walk. The, only substitutes are rayon and lisle." Thousands of pairs of stockings Phones 18, & 19 P.O. Bo 575 THOSE WISHING Gift Premiums For Christmas Will Please Leave Orders Before December 1st Mussallem's EGONOiMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More 'Cents" were sold after the silk ban was announced. There yere such long Queues and such hu2e orders that af ter half a day a, large- department store, restricted sales to 12 pairs to a customer. In spite of this rush, women w11 still be able to get real silk stockings after December ll. The order forbidding sale of silk goods alter tnat date applies only to dealings between wholesalers and retailers and stores may .sell stocks to.pustqmers until they are depleted Most stores, anticipating a rush be fore the purchase tax came Into effect, had full stocks on hand when the ban was announced. The British press has been, gen-eVous with Its praise of the "heroic women" who, will fprego loveliness to aid the war cause. But the women themselves are taking the ban in stride. Slacks Help In normal times It would haye Seen a bombshell In feminine cir cles to know that after a certain date It would be Impossible to buy, not only silk stockings, but any rpal silk garments. Now the women Joke about It. My dear, they tell me wooliies scratph but, If we have another of produce flrst-class artificial silk those cold winters, they'll at least stockings In Ive weeks' time." And be warm. And just think, no more runs to worry about." That's the sort of talk you hear these days . . . If you're brave enough, to listen In on women's private conversations. Bare legs were quite the style in London during the summer and there are still a few to be seen npyr inai autumn is nere. But it's getting damp and cold and the bareness Is disappearing under sla:'k$, They don't look too bad at that! Reach ten thousand people with a "want ad." In the Dally News. DANCE EVERY SATURDAY BOSTON HALL, 9 O'CLOCK GUNN'S Variety Repairs General Repairs on all Rubber footwear arid Garments. Tjres and Tubes Vulcanized We are fully equipped ttfdPall bicycle & wheel goods repairs Service and Ecqnoyiy Sth, S.t. opp. QK Barbsc S.hop 1 "EVERYBODY'S WARM FHIENB" COAL Try Our Famous Edson, Hard Coal PRINCE RUPERT FEEP CQ, EDSQK, NANALMO-WELIJNGTON, BULKLEY VALLEY Office aiid Coal Bunkers Trotler's Dock Phone 58 HOTEL ARRIV.AUS FQH SALE. Showing nice profit and Open to buyer. Good reason k - - - iiir. UHLi.i r.w . - ..... ... fc r . . ia nvMrwirr - - ... r - . .rr - - ,tuA4ut Baked Potato Replace Mashed Jacketed Tuber8 Getting the' Popular Call In Wartime England Prince Rupert J T. White. J. q.'Leplnski-. R,A Windn. v. w. B.ramanV v'RQnJ, K Pann' p". W.L. Johnsy A-""Vrcr Vr. ami tyfs. r), Swan fnd D. S. E-iallif. Pfine Rupert; S Rcwman and M. LenelteH. Cle-!"nd and W. Maedonald, Vanc;juver;, M. G. Doyle and V. N. Peterson.'AU-'-rr n-v: h. L. Taylor. Victoria; E"- VhU, r4ty: B. T; ijeUe, pXR.; W C. Bt"V3ns, Vancouver;, 'Angus F-rrh, Calraiy: N. Brown, Port Ec-r' Mrs. J, F. Campbel), Vrince r. rrpr: II. A. Kemp, city. DOIIBLS HONOUR, . o tl w hEI DS. Eng.. Dec. 2: rP'i Freedoui cf South iSWdd "i nresented to 2nd Lieut. Richard 'nnfnd V.C.. on the eve of' his marriage to Miss Shirley Osborne. 1- soyirrs spuds , , vrsrrjif. he;. icpi .fhe Soviet has hid a bumper crojp of -:'tatoe' this ye?r and tlw price of the tuber has bgen reduced, 25 prr fent CUlFrtD for selling. Apply Dally N.ews or PI FOR SALE Double bed, Deep-1 ; sleep mattre. '14, Besner Apart4 j ments, or 8lac 937, evenin-rs. 'OR RENT Large furnished office Including hpat and light. Dally News. FOR RENT Bright furnished room. 1 P h O n WANTRf) boar 1. 1 (286) j WANTED Furn-'shed a'cartment or house by refined couple. Rcf- .1 CANADIAN CENTAL ELECTRIC J; fllAPLAIN CASUALTIES. ... i LONDON, Dec. 2 (CP -ru uk sal.:. wniecuoncry ana names of six Armv chanlains. we're variety -store as going business.! a6ng a list of prlisj Issued rt a 'War Office casualtytl&t;. recently. Easy On erences rurnishea. Box 25, Daily is: News. (283) The Baby's h Digestion. V, o. box 938. " - - 28i . cvmssmicaraxvsmafai'ta'.i'trnM "Build Bjg. Ios' 81 McBrlde and 5th. Phone. 631. ev-iPaclfld Milk proved. ,So,asy pn, tli pnlngs. t282H digestion of a tmbibV -'Uiato coo FOR DirxT'n t;. ., . ,, " , 'mother sent from Seattle for ties RENTLarge Ught hkecpr d mlik whne her Aaby-wapbi-ing room. 518 Fulton St.-Red 332. 9 tw,ft, . nr.M, FOR RENT Room Phone Green-997. and " tr ,y v "Vt ft? 5 yyn The Largest Selling Bra hi in Western Canada - !-- SERVICE )QP A BETTER GLASS BBB T a X 1 (Art Murray) r : "JUST TRY 99 ONCE" 3 PACIFIC MILK: Irradiated, and Vacuum Pajk?d- :i:'JiB1f!;:i:B:::3ai:riiii:iij' HP CANADIAN PACIFll 1 If Transcontinental . Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacificiv; Tq Yanepiiyer via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S S. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT S.S. PRINCESS NORAIf-December 9th, 19th, Jan. nd'ieiri? Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paclflcc Services j Tickets anj' Res'eryatlons from W. L. COATES, General Ageni - Prince Ruoert, B.C. THE CQNSOLIDAf EDIINING & SMELTING COMPANY Of gANADA,;LLMITED ' Manuf actureFsf f EliEPIlANf Brand Chcmi-cals and iemical Fertijizers Ammonium Phosphatef, mmonlum. Sulphate. Superphosphates, M,qnocalf um Phosphate l K Producers a Rfjncrs of TADANAC Brand Metals Mercury, Cold, Sllvert Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth anl Ay1!"?.0)"?! AfeftSniphutiq, Acid and Sulphur General Office and Wofks Trail, B.C.' 111 V I'll hi! ! J Hi !' 1 1 Hi i 1