Week End SPECIALS This is Your Opportunity For a Real Bargain in WHITE SHOES Broken lines to clearS Values to $3.95 High Grades in Whites- Values to $6.00 The Home of Good Shoea 95c $295 Family shoe store ltD. EDITORIALS THE PORT OF LONDON i Although the Germans have several times bombed London in a small way, they have not so far been able to: reach the docks or to any appreciable extent to stop the stream of traffic which goes on every day throughout that complicated area known as "the Port of London." Nearly half of the commerce of the nation passes through those docks. The water approach is not easy and it is close to France where Hitler has thousands of airplanes ready to drop death dealing bombs. Yet in spite of this the ships! enter and leave and the business of the country goes on.; it is really wonderful. When told of a British reverse in war Queen Victoria said "Please understand there is no depression in this house and we are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." ROD SAVE NORWAY The last words of King Haakon in an addressiyestei- day tojthe people of Norway was "God Save the Land of Norway." He stated that he had left-Norway because-he thought it better to do so rather than become the nunnet of Hitler, taking orders from him and doine his biddincr in all things. He visioned the time when, through the efforts of Britain the country would once more be free. Every day that passes we hear of some cheering news from Europe. What more could we ask? CHURCH OF ST. GILES The Church of St. Giles in the heart of London va this week damaired by a German bomb. The statue of John Milton standing outside the church was bowled over, bv the shock but the church still stands, damaged, but still a tribute to the staying power of thp nation. This church, built in 1392, had a very close call during the great fire of London but it remained. Since that it has had several narrow escapes. Again it has been spared and it is hoped will earry on to cater to the spiritual needs of a part of Britain. The statue of Milton will soon- be replaced on its pedestal and it will be a place where men may worship long after Hitler is gone. The Royal Air Force is carrying the war into Germany and Italy. Well done boys ! A SECRET VIGOR Speaking in the dark days of 1856, Ralph Waldo Emerson said oi England: "I see her not dispirited, not weak, but well remembering that she has seen dark days before, indeed, with a kind of instinct that she sees a little better in a cloudy day, and that in storm of battle and calamity she has a secret vigor and a pulse like cannon. I see her in her old age, not decrepit, but young, and still daring to believe in her power of endurance and expansion. Seeing this, I say, All hail! Mother of nations, Mother of heroes, with strength still equal to the time ; still wise to entertain and swift to execute the policy which the mind and heart of mankind require at the present hour, and thus only hospitable to the foreigner, and truly a home to the thoughtful and generous who are born in the soil. So be it! So let it be!" 1 1 "' UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamera Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Tburt. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, fblrd Ave. Phone 568 ; Man in the Moon. i Jake says and shrieks it loudly: Don't forget the boys in blue at Halifax. They may be getting into action ai any ume. A member of the local Scottish is -said to have" been on ttuty Just outside the officer's quarters. The officer looked tmt arai asked: "Who are you?" The answer was "Fine sir, hoo're yersel'." First Stenographer: "How do you spell sense?" Second Stenographer: "Dollars and cents or horse sense?" F. S.: "No. I mean sense like In "I ain't seen you sense v. t . "Do you miss the folks next door since they moved away?" "No, they never borrowed any-thin?, S3 I hardly knew them." He (after proposal): "Me. a multimillionaire? sorry, dear, I have scarcely one million." She tsweelly): "Well, dear, I'll try to be very economical." Mrs. C. J. Norrinston was a passenger as far as Terrace Monday evening. Dallv New ClassiiirO Ad ortn? . results. Baseball League Championship ' With the eud of the -summer the baseball league between Fraser Street and McClymont Park has come to an end and they have now decided to battle it out tor the championship. The games will start on the eighth of September. The following are the players: itaser Street Postii. -catcher who Is now Fraser's new. tlndr Vucovlch, pitcher who can scare the Park out of their wiji with his curve ball; Bill, one of the best blind hitters on the league; Olllis, a newcomer from the Vancouver league; Ourvich, mouthpiece for th Street Cleaners, plays first base; Klllas, second base, who slugged his way to fame tn Junior leagues; Scherk, a fast short stop; Pavllkis. who is still on top In sports: Blaln, the Frenchman who can outrun a cowboy. McClymont Park Zbura, catcher, one of the Park's favourite walkers t0 base; Macdonald, who Is the Ideal pitcher; Scherk, first base, who can bring in .the home runs; Simundsen, shortstop, who is the best thrower on the lot; Santer-bane. third base, can place the ball where he wants; Astoria, a good hitter; Keavs, who Is still trying to make a home run. Letter Box FIRST TO JOIN Editor. Dally News: Re you letter.in the issue of August 27, i should like to say that the same lihrily those boys of the navy are slamming was the first to Join the Fishermen's Patf61, as anyone point but that families right here Jn Prince, Rupert are as willing to serve their country as those In Australia which you mentioned a short while before In your paper. THE RITCHIE FAMILY. ' ItAH tlltll) Nl))N The Montreal of 'liar gold on the London .iirfcei was unchnneed todav at can see if they look at the names 7 M (pr flpp ounce y signed on the Reserve books. j It was not their fault that they 1 . 1 weren't on acUve service with the patrol. They were the first to be tailed up and Issued uniforms. They were ready for ca, but they threw their outfit overboard and made. ready Tor service. After waiting fo$. ten days they were told they were not needed and to this day they ir-'t know why unless It was "Politics." The father has British skipper Board of Trade papers and also Canadian ones. He also has 13 year discharge papers from the R.N.R. and still is not eligible. The Fishermen's Patrol Is. sup-rosed to be made up of men who earn their living by fishing but to our knowledge there are only a fe' fishermen on It. They have taken men from every calling but fishing. A tor those boys tn the navy are they out to get their pictures In the paoer or to serve their country? This family was not out for pub- Halibut Sales American; EaHka. 12.000. 11c and 8c. Atlin. j Visitor. 5500. 11.2c and Be, Stor-i age. j Canadian Lois N.. 40,000, 11.6c and 8c. Pa 1 ciflc. ' P. Doreen, 19.000. 11.4c and 8c. Storage. i Everything in Novelties l j Eva's Novelty SHOP 625 3rd. Ave. West Wedneaday, August 28. the; dailt. news 1943. GUTTA PERCHr yet A FAMOUS SCOTTISH REGIMENT The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) TO GET THE BEST BE SURE TO SAY DEWAR'S" DISTILLED, BLENDED AN0 BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND cYv 0 Five tnouai:a people read tnc pays to let them llcity In the first place but only to ,,,,,.,. nave to tell Rupert Dally News, it now what TW First battalion formed In 1729 and originally known at tne 42nd Foot. Became the Black Watch subsequent to 1745 and the Royal Highland Regiment in 1758; The 73rd Regiment wai incorporated as the 2nd battalion in 1786. 27 battalions served in the Great War; Canadian affiliates: The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment), The Lanark and Renfrew Scottish Regiment, The Prince Edward Island Highlanders. Ilnttle Honours Cudilonpc 17)9 Martinique. 172 Harannah North America. 1763-M Mtnaalor Mriort Scriniapatam Corunnt Bunco Fucncci d'Ooor . Prrtottt Nivctl Nitt Onhtt TouIoum Pcoiniula Waterloo South Africa, 1845-7. 1 85 1-2- Alma SevMtopol Luck now AihioiM, 1(73-4 Tel-cl-Kcbir Egypt. IM2.S4 Kirbekaa Nile.l8SSl Paarfebert South Africa. 1899-1902 Mirne, 1914. l Tprea, 1914, '17. 'II Loot Somme. 1916, '18 Arras. 1917, '18 Ljl Iliodmburc Uoe Doirtn.1917 Mcsiddo Kuttl Amara. 1917 DEWAR'S OLD SCOTCH WHISKY 26Vj oz. $3.75 40 oz. $5.60 This advertUement is not. published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government at British Columbia ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose BuildingThird Arenue, Prince Rupert Honrs ham 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN ill Used Furniture 2 Only Bedroom Dressers, 8-piece Dining Room Suite 4 Kitchen Ranges for burning yooi or coal 6 Bricklined Heaters for burning coal or wood 2 Heaters for burning oil. Wickless pot type 2 Kitchen Ranges with Imperial Oil Burners 6 Kitchen Chairs, 2 Kitchen Tables 2 Pianos, 1 Organ, 1 Accordion, 1 Violin 1 King Soprano Saxophone , 2 Davenports that make a double bed 2 China Cabinets, I Kitchen Cabinet 4 Baby Buggies, 2 Tricycles, 2 Doll Buggies 1 21-jcwcl Waltham Watch and 7 Jewels We Buy School Books 15 dozen Perfect Seal Jars ' -Used Furniture Depait. Our Famuu Eilson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulb ley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 CHIROPRACTOR! Stanley W, Colton, D.OPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 640 CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Also CENTRAL APARTMENTS Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full r'artlculars Write MFCS. DUNN Massettj Queen Charlotte Is. B.C, WAl-C"ifc. If Special ""finest f- t H " unrrvrm- n I CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls. Monday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains Leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Friday at 11 a.m. I RAILWAY I LINES Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares, etc., Call ork Write CITY. TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE. Afents for Trans-Canada Air Lines CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SJS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday. 10 p.tru To Vancouver Direct Princess Charlotte Princess Alice Princess Louise Aug. 3rd, 24th, Sept. 4th Aug. 7th, 17th Aug. 10th, 2lst, 31st To" Ketchikan; Wrahgell, Juneau" and Skagway Aug. 2nd, 5th, 12th, 16th, 18th, 26th, 30th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C.