PA3I TWO let CATLT i is, PLIO - PEDIC ARCH SUPPORT Street Dress Shoes Are eeastracted aad designed to giye the foot the msuaaim amount f seaport and still have ail the leaaty of style which have made tfceak so famouc. Carried in Black, Brown and Blue in fittings from AA to E width Family sSsfoRE ltD. The Home of Good Shoes rAiLT ELrrnojr THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RCrERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pubftsbed Erery Afternoon. Except Sanday. hy Pttoee Rafert Daily New. Limited. Thlid Afeane H. F PCLLEN Minazing-Esaw ADTEKTISIXC KATES Guatfied Adiertiseniesta. per word, per iasestm Tjocai Rffuflrt. per Hae. pep toaeittan Z'. Atftertfiias and Cirtotatiaa Telephone Department Ttfe jftooe SUBSCRIPTION KATES City Deftvery. by carrier, yiarly penod. paid m advaaw Paid ta Adfaacev per nsoaUi tfeited Siatea; jearfy period, paid is adiance By V.iff to all other countries, per year Member ol Aodit Bareaa of CirroJatiaiw f BMff fir- tttt riviiwiv Mruj ii S2JJG- - - By Mall to aJ! parts et Britislt Cotembo. the Bzidak Esspire !"f demmtrfm emisuit Ultra dnwrnnrat Pre. m. bw gn- mjuf aim a local. arT pa&Cabed aaran. 3t Xflil 9.9G Wedresday. Joly 3, 1340. EDITORIALS STOPPING HITLER There is alwavs a plaee where men of the eaKore of! ntuer ass imssoam nave oeen sioppea. we were re mtnfed sf this hy a tadr speakms: oo the radio from England. These ises hare had visioas of world deoknatioTi. akhoogh nader different rooditioiis from those ebtaining def eBees, increasing their armed forees and all the time, daj and night, carrying . the war into Genaaay and the tm t- ctwstnes eoacroeiea By taat cowntry. ao the British air force ia Africa has fceen daDy or nightly raiding: North Af rtcan and other Italian bases. WhUe the method of fighting has been changed, the war is being waged jest as relentlessly as erer and the damage sastamed fay the enemy fe greater than at any time in the past With German; short of otL relentles,? war has been waged on storage tanks, airdromes. raOwar ITS AN IDE.IL PLACE Yesterday a lady caled at the Daily News office and talked aleet Prince Rupert. She eathreed over the cE-matic conditio?, szymg she "jst JoretJ it." She had Kred where crojw and gardens were fkttened oWniry hail and she said the stotrn this week was nehiag to what she had seen elsewhere. We agree with the hdy in ejnestioB that we have a teaatifol city and fine eeoale. Wast is that we te aBowed to carry on and make it more beaa- uihj ana cetier. in the meantime we have to accept the conditions under which we find ourselves and try to Dre- ,ca iu iaxe oroers irom any dictator. 3IAKING GOOD PROGRESS British reports state that they have sunk thirteen Italian submarines since the entry of that country into the war. They say that is one tenth of the whole Italian sab-znanne fleet. That seems to be pretty good work for three weeks. If they keep that up the Italian subs will soon be non-existent. The Lritish also report that they have shot down sixty I Italian airplanes since they declared war on the British I ranpinr. 1 oat is in aaaiuon 10 me dozens of German planes shot down recently. The DaDy News is a member ot tr Canadian Dailj Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations. mm WRECKED DUTCH BRIDGES DID NOT STOP NAU ADVANCES What fcappraed when ".he Dar..:& bfinr up uhel hetdges a they retreat Ss graphical? ihown m this cabied photograph. Who; was f.rawrtr a railway rrest was left as a mass of twisted metal eser which isathms ewxid pass. Wrecking of brteges and highways takes speed efemeat cat of biKzkjeigs and greatly hampers the anticipated SzH adnncw. Refugees' Homes In Old Mansions Dutch Women and Children Establish Themserre? In. Laacashire LOSEOIt. Jaiy 3: tCP! Werae refugees frGBX RaHftnd are to he gfvea the- ehasce e( bcScJfcg op i hemes Ssr ttienueries ar-f other refBgees is sasaioa teases arc rjlc? empty to a taacaaii&w teTra. ! They wJB be- grrea money erery week ant of wtieh: they wltt bay the haaaehcld gnmsssaz .-renf fsei The womea wfll organize the haess- wart. arrange far darafc?: i-- ana shoe repairs xad osrae refssce chfldrea asd hrtiids. la the ears- of one refeg?e heose-wffe was be a two-war-oS fcaaw whose rsame & befiered t be fCinf- manx and who was Sound ai the street of Assterirs. Just bete the refxgee ship-- saiied There Is also a 251-year-ofci I mas ta go into xsather JtoKe. H I was a nrasic teacher to Asaterdas f .17" finrrr-r fc . .. home. 23. Apply 324 2nd Are. LOST LOST Sma of mo&ey. WANTED FOR SALE PSoae;, ttp Phene 227 , 153 r WASTED E3tperieaed waJtreax.'1 Apply Commodore. l52h . Cf3Q5fHKBicats. IfleewHary fceoobs have done irrepar-MssssNCEBs waated. w&wheeL abfe damage m depletiag: supplies. The initiative in the! I(MT school edacatfen pre-afr nas l-een taken from the Germans during the f? ferrat Agp" c- s: Tearap&a ..wa. ui arac uiu caixj kaf xnusn air iBttt is Celxig lut-Lti. wanted fcamediately atHtt HO. I CXajs cms B. B. Licence. H34 FOB SALE Enamel cool burner JifcCIary range, oil burner te-cfaded. Ptoce Green 834. I59 FOR SALE 1 Bedroom itt. 1 pieces. C Dtamj room ooX chain I Kitchen range, Majestic. 1 Kitchen Table aad 2 chairs 1 McCIary Heater N'a S 1 Folding Baby Carriaje Hood aad Apron 153 PERSONAL JTOW IS THE TIME TO GET A COTERXMEJIT Jdb as Clerk, Peatman. Customs Clerk, Steiaa. etc Three Don fnfcro- wide exams heid since war began. Free. Booklet. It C. C Schoati Ltd.. Winnipeg Oldest tn Canada. So ajents. Open T5I1 II :M pun. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies 3iTJSSALLEJrS CONFECTIONERY Mail Schedule rr the East UaBrfay. Winjreitfay iitf Friday - From the East Saadoy; Tarsday axd Thwadaf 11 jua. For miiihi UoBdaf' 2 p.m, Tuesday . rxat ooen Friday J 33 pja Sitintixy j. 3 pias Jaly M U. 17, 2B. 27 aad 3ff ; From TueMifr Sunday Wedaesday Friday Jury 5l 1. K. 15. 22. 2 asd 2 For Slrrut aad Fremier Snctiry Friohy i w use qxiaysce ua ran sonvsoa ia.x ser nearm. irx acass. CI A S S i F i t D FOR REM The British have heea steadSjr streagtheain tfceir'ros rest ceatrai eight roomed Thursday j , Jwtf t IX 17. 2aad 27 ... pua. CXJt TK.11SS For the East p. MSEdajov Wednesdays and Ftf- s pan. Frty - n xat From the lost soadays, ToesdaK acd H TTSOTSds 11 nm Saturdays 3 33 p.nj. NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3 ZarelB Proprtetcr "A HOMX AWAT FROM 73e 07 34 Eooca Sot & Cold Water Prmco Rapert, RC Thn Wl P a Bs 11 Fresh Local Raw and Paatearized 5IDI VALENTIN DAJRY PHOVX fS7 IDORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for rrrrate Parties Wed, Than. Frt, 7-II 2-44, S-ll on Sat. CENTRAL HOTEL STE.31 BATHS 3 like Aooomtments 2M Rooms, 34 aad F Hot aad Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C E. Black, Proprietress Max Baer Wins .4 By Technical Over Galento JERS2T Or Jaty 3 Jfcis Baer. former wsridt hearyweigise bfisaK cftom- P&nxv tn a zcrSmeU ksoeJt- out decaa fttst aftst over helsfess Tocxr f iTi roi wtu was aaable to raise oat after 4 - the bel of the eiojoft rood. 4 Baer was stfl i!ioi tm aad 4 - pja eager to The Hetory e- - Sties haa to meet xm, T P-fTT ' H aun the ehamefsBL See Lvjoi Sestemher Tnea Stewart xmA Tmmet LDWCOW -C?-The VoatmS ' ToedaT H 3TJ .v pr nf bar irfi m Ni- timdnn j SataKSqr ajn. Burrr' ,rKr tTMitard tnday at i For ASee Arm. Xw tnr aad m54 er annc Fort Scalar . t Frnra ASee Arm. Xaa Kncr PL2S Tuesday UdQ a p Tar Queen Charbtte Iriaads Taly It and 27 7 am. From Oveea Char&itte Uasds Jaiy I aad 27 xat. For Ate Widceaday i p.m. Jaiy 5-. 1 12. 11.22 aad 2S ... nr. From Atatlra DfVflv resntts ' TiasHIIie Adi crttut CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. CWton, D.CThX. WaSue Bit Ffcone Stl DL3L raorr ii Oar FamoM Umo Alberta COAL BttlMry Taller Coal Naaahn Weffiartoo Coat Bdey TalSer Wheat aaf Grain SEEDS aod FTKTlLfZrES PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. THE OLD GAEDEXER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin Bl The new remarkable Plant Stimulant hi the proqer pro-Dortooav a rOA bsseetlcide and farther essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant ttfe Try a facxet Today le, 23 Whoiesale Dutrtbntors W. IL JUCun Col F. Ltd. THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed rj tho oory tataon rsaafaif comssay with an aB tho year round osyroB hi Frtnco Robert Baseball Scores National Lcaroe Baton i, Hew Yatt 3. Brooklyn 4. PiuIoipfo 1. Pttioonrgh . Chieafo Ml CfeKtanU . SI Lao 4. - American Learoe !nr Yort S WnMngl ) 3. Ptiifedetphta 4-. Fail ail 3-1. CtucajD 9, Detroit Mi St Loots 5. Cleveland X The Imgse itiKltep: National Learoe Baseball Standings OnetemU 41 23 Ml BrecUy Ma $33 New Tort 38 23 523 Chfca 34 34 .567 St Loofe ..24 33 439 PHtiiiarr ...... 25 35 .417 Boston j2t zi 2V. PaBadeisMa 31 41 - American Lrarae BetroK 40 25 MS OerefeBd 42 27 JW Bnataa 37 23 New Tort 34 33 515 St Lrafe 33 M 473 0k? 27 M 4 1BVxWotria .... J! 39 MO Wartiwr i 27 43 33 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE f , The retriaed City Leg.- r ., icfmMe ia as foEows : Mohley Cap Jaiy 4 Vetret s Dry - I, ittf 9 Nary ts Vfr ll I 9 . T :pUianteeiei oi rte HOLIDAYS Book Your Referratioiu at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Nov Ab (or FoH PartfnUrs Write MRS. DUNN MiMtL Queen Charlotte K BC USEFUL ITEMS for Daily Use Wax Paper 10O ft roll : . . 25c Canapar Cookin; Parchment Pkg. 35c Paper Doilies 1 doz. assorted 25c Fancy Napkins -50 for 15c Baking Cop 100 for 15c Paper Plates 9-inch, dozen 15c 5-mehv2dozea 15c Paper Cups Dozen 15c Sweet Pea Twine BaH 10c Cleansinz; Tissue Pkg. 10c Durex Transparent Tape 10c and 25c Purex Toilet Tissue 3 rot? 25c Scott Paper Towels Roll 20c and 40c Loose Leal Recipe Books Coma. 65c Kitchen Waste Baskets Each 35c ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Bafldinr-Tafrtj Arenne. Prfaee Rupert HfrotaJ.U$:3anJn. Phone GREEN 111 USED FURNITURE Dressers And up Buffets- Wash Stands Extension Tables And up Kitchen nen Cabinet lamnet 58,50 1.50 -p" $3.50 5.00 G-4 n n At !lo.50 rvuenen Kanes 4? OA A A And up U.UU SpicSpan Vacuum Cleaner liicycie m iirst class Q-4 A ffA condition vXtoDU English Prams A on. - . 8.00u",o$10 i-guage Double Barrel Ham- C O A A A merless Shot Gun VUtUU