If- PAGE TOUR SERVICE Prompt and Ffficicnt Service in Watch, Clock Jewelery and Optical Repairing, Hand Engraving EXPERT OPTICAL SERVICE Licenree for Numount I'ullvue Frames The La lest in Eye Wear CIIAS DODIMEAD OPTOMETRIST Phine ?6I for Appointment Max Heilb JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Gifts for Every Occasion TERRACE Mr. and Mrs C. J. Norrington ot Prince Rupert have been spending a short holiday at Terrace as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Sherwood. Mrs. J. C. A. Long of Williams Lake spent the week-end in Terrace a the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash, Advertising is an uvestment HELP KIDNEYS! GIN PILLS help to flush away toxic Yiites,, bringing relief from backache tad rheumatic twinges. In the United States ask for "Gino Pais". I PILLS I t rtst la Cuuda and tbi CA Xtf Oar uJ Btw, Itri tconomy ill, Ml "RUPERT Terrace Visit Enjoyed Altho' There Was Rain TERRACE, July 3: Dominion Day proved somewhat disappointing as regards the weather. Light rain fell at intervals throughout the day and, although -this caused the cancellation of a tennis tourney which had been arranged, it did not prevent the baseball players I from putting on a game In the Municipal Park. Some 350 excursionists arrived on the special train from Prince I Rupert and, in spite of the rain. they appeared to enjoy the outing The Oddfellows' Hall was overcrowded i when dancing began at 8 run. Frnk Oavan and his orchestra provided the music. THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH TOMBSTONE, Ariz., July 3: (CP) -Th- old home of Tombstones Honfll Ponolfv weekly newspaper. The Epitaph, VCOlU 1 CllCUlj has been torn down. The two- p nn storey adobe building was com- rOF 1 rcUtOriSITl pleted in the 1880s but the Epitaph has been printed in more , , modern quarters since 1928. 1 b Rnimended In Prelimin- BRAND" Ltd. British Cnlumbtt Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PriDCf Rupert Co. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: t.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pan. Due Vancouver. Thun. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets rrom FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEI Steamer Leaves Prince Rupert Every , SATURDAY, 1 p.m. MONDAY, 3 p.m. Trains Leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. & Friday 11 a.m. roner AIR- CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. V-39-4J . TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy B. D. Jotmaton Oo.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .05. Bralome, 7.50. Cariboo Quartz, 1.65. Dentonla, .01 (ask). Fairview, .00 Vi. Gold Belt. .16. Hedley Mascot, .30. Minto, .01i (ask). Pend Oreille. 1.29 (ask). Pioneer, 1.45. Premier. .75. Privateer, .39 (ask). R-'ves McDonald, .25 (ask). Reno. .12 (ask). Relief Arlington. .04. Salmon Gold. .02. Cr?-k. .75. Cariboo Hudson. .01 Vi. Oils A. P. Con .10. Calmont, .19. C. & E.. 1.29 (ask). Freehold, .02. Home. 1.45 (bid). Pacalta. .03. Royal Cpnadian, .15'. Okalta. .72. Mercury. .03Vi. Prairie Royalties, .14. Toronto Aldermac. .12. Beattle. .82. Central Pat., 130. .Cons. Smelters. 32.00. East Malartlc. 2.12. F?rnland. .03. Francoeur. J9. Gods Lake, .25Vi. Hardrock. 57. Int. Nickel, 32 p. Kerr Addlsori, 1.65. Little Long Lac. 1.86. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.09. Madsen Red Lake, .23. McKenzie Red Lake. .88. Moneta, .39. Noranda. 43.50. Preston East Dome, 1.40. San Antonio. 1.40. Sherritt Gordon, '.50. Uchi, .25. , Bouscadilhe. .04. Mother. Sfiu. Oklend, .03 M,. Smelters Gold, .00V4. sry nepori 01 lommmee on Defence of Canada OTTAWA. July 3: (CP) The death penalty for treason, assisting enemy forces, impeding those of iHU Majesty; or. endangering life i3 tTCC'e'deptelimtnaty re- Canada. THE DAILY NKW3 Wednesday. July 3, 1943, Passed by British Censor While a crowd watched in grim silence, the first Nazi prisoners from the Belgian war front are shown as they arrived in London. Fcrty of the prisoners reached London on stretchers. A sergeant cf h Srots Guards is shown supervising the unloading of the prisoners, left. jiiiSIJJ 1 fiQ ui-kaio M on r10" flFARANf.R. OF VUUI SAM Women's Summer I While They Last $2.95 Gas Association Is In Session 1 ; JASPER PARK, July 3. Drawing delegates from numerous cities of United States and Canada, the thirty-third annual convention of the Canadian Gas Association opened here yesterday. At the official gathering of the Canadian body were members of the Pacific Coast Gas Association, the total attendance at the joint conference reaching 200. Presiding over business sessions, which will conclude Friday, are Julian Garrett of Edmon-! ton, president of the Dominion or- ganizatlon, and A. E. Holloway of San Diego, California, president of! the Pacific Coast assiciatlon. Other executives Include J. B. McNary of 1 Hamilton and G. W. Allen of Toronto, and R. A. Hornby. D. G. Martin and Clifford Johnstone, all of San Francisco, California. V A Spring And 1 Shoes I I While They Last 3 $2.95 C21 THIRD AVENUE W. Open Saturday Night Values to $1.50. Includes whites, black, brown, etc. Hurry down. Buy for the whole family. AH sizes. All styles. Two price groups $1.89 and $2.95. Children's and Men's Special Too ! ALL SALES FINAL MANY OTHER BARGAINS ! The Cut - Rate Shoe Store PHONE GREEN 615 Mail Orders Promptly Filled GERMAN PRISONERS REACH LONDON (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 " 4 Can Ride for Price of One Steamshw Sailings For Vancouvri Monday SS Prin. Rupert 3 pjn. Tuesday Catala ... 1:30 p.m Friday Ss. Prin.. Adelaide .. 10 pjn. Ss. Cardena ... 10:30 o.m Saturday SS Prin. George 4 pjn. July 6 SS Princess AL .. . 5 p.m. July 10 SS Prin. Loulfle ... 5 pjn. July 13 SS Princess Charlotte 5 pjn. July 17 SS Prin. Alice 5 pjn. July 20 SS Prin. Louijc .. 5 pjn. July 27 SS Prin. Alice 5 pjn. July 30 SS Prin. Louise .... 5 pjn. From Vane-outer Sunday ss Catala " pjn. Wed. SS Pr. Rupert 10 ajn. Friday Ss. Princess Adelaide 4 p.m. SS Prince George 10 a.m. Ss. Cardena p.m. July 5-BS Princess Louise ... ajn. July 8-4SSPrin. Charlotte ajn. July 12ASS Princess Alice .jt &.m. July 15 SS Prin. Louise ajn. July 22 Prin. Alice ajn. July 26 SS Prin. Louise ajn. July 29 SS Prin. Charlotte a.m. tor Mewart and Premier Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m Friday Ss. Prince Oeone 12 noon From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday ss Catala 11:30 aji: Saturday SS. Prince George- 11 n m For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. From Alice Arm, Naas River and .Port Simpson Tuesdav ss. Catala iinm m - WV U .111. For Ocean Falls Monday SS Prince Rupert 3 pjn.' Tuesday ss. Catala . 1:30 n.m. Frlday-SS. Pr. Arelalde 10 p.m.' Saturday SS. Prince Oeoree - 4 pjn. Fro 0-- falit Wed.-5S. Pr. George 10 a.m. Friday - S3 Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Bs. Pr. Adelaide .. 4 p.m. es. Cardena . , p.m. For queen Charloue Islands-July 16 SS. Prince Charles 8 p.m. July 27 SS. Prince Charles 8 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands July 16 SS Prince Charles . a.m. July 26 SS Prince Charles Midnight For Alaska Wednesday SS. Pr. George 2 p.m. July 5 SS Prin. Louise a.m. July 8 SS Prin. Charlotte ... a.m. July 12 S3 Princess Alice .... a.m. July 15 SS Prin. Louise .... a.m. July 22 SS Princess Alice .. ajn. July 26 SS Prin. Louise .... a.m. July 29 SS Prin. Charlotte ajn. rom Alaska j Monday SS. Prince j Rupert 9 a.m.' July 6 SS Princess Alice .... 5 p.m. July 10 SS Prin. Louise .... 5 p.m. July 13 SS Prin. Charlotte 5 p.m. July 17 SS Princess Alice 5 p.m.1 July 20 SS Prin. Louise .... 5 p.m. I July 27 S Princess Alice .. 5 pjn.1 July 30 SS Prin. Louise .... 5 p.m. From Skeena River , . MdayriSC. Cardena p.m. BEGINS TOMORROW WITH MATINEE AT 2.30 An 80-Minute Feature Length Picture. I'LL'S THE "FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS" AND HOW THEY GREW Plus Latest War and British Empire News NOTE The proceeds from the distribution of The Royal FAGS WITHOUT PACKS MANCHESTER. July 3: (CP) Cigarettes should be sold loose by weight to save packing, an advocate of wartime economy suggests to The Manchester Guardian. He joints out they were sold this way when first Introduced. SO VcflRS GONE THE , - r, SSlEJJ l1',miM 1 Umi,td. 'cm with 1 DAYS ! Mon, - Tues. - Wed. Thurs. July 8,, 9, 10, 11 Box Office Open 12 Noon Mlj'; to 9:30 p.m. Daily li: AtMunctdPrictt-At Least Until 194" Pderi Should B Accompanied b Selt-Addreised. Stamped Envelooi J MacKenzies Furniture WHEN YOUR HEART STOOD STILL . . . . as a King saluted . . . and a Queen smiled The most glorious event ,n Canada's history recordfi m a priceless film that will live as long as Democracy rules and Empire lives . . forever f . . Excellent quality at a medium price Easy Terms. Your old Suite taken as part payment. Last Times Tonight WALT DISNEY'S "PINOCCIIIO" (At 7:35 and 0:40) 2 Show, 7:00 and 9:05 production, presentation and Visit'' turned over to Red Cross. i WAR BOOTS LIVE LONGER CANBERRA, July 3: CP The Australian Imperial Forces ar being provided with boois that may last 10 weeks berorc re-soim? u necessary, compared to thr previous six to nine weeks, the de-'fence ministry reports. FROiH noui! Fifty yean from now, the film hiitoriani will be dltcutiing this 1940 super-iuper flicker." 10. SUlltVAN ChUdt Grompo, what did you do In 1940? Grampat Along with ' everybody else I went .to tee WITH WIND yAwlp ATIANTA fl(Mlft if ALL SEATS RESERVED Matinees 75c Loges $100 Evenings . $uo Loges $1.60 SEAT SALE NOW Matinees 2 p.m. 1 1 1 iTi Evenings 8 p.m. nillarneis -CudtAfte&lSim Buili Rmoi It if Rl ST tl our kit 1Ti (Mir centirt4 Bttf miv bt tud in t vanty f ro. trioiv PiitniKl (nmnlcj to.kt IffllltcMri cttt Pittt lot Ihc llucf ptnn S135.00 Phone 775