C CZSAM I PRO-RUSSIAN GROUP MANCHESTER. Eng.. July 3: (CP The Society for Cultural Relations with the U. S. S. R. has been revived here and at an In HELD IN SWEDEN B. C. Furniture Co. COUNTED AT LAST LAMESA, Tex.. July 3: CP The census has caueht up with A. B. Holt of Dawson county for thP first time in 40 years. When augural meetlne it was declared the enumerator came around this such an organization was more year. Holt admitted he had not necessary than it had ever been. been "counted" since 1900. CHAMPION OF IRRIGATION HOBART. Australia, " July 3: 1! Complete Steel neds-Good strong cable springs, high quality felt mattresses. Sizes 3-3, 4-0, 25.50 Special 20 Spring-filled Felt MattressesOf the very finest quality, all sizes. Reg. $1750. Now Next Door to B.C. Clothleri 12.95 8 Mahogany Finished Full Panel Beds-Of the very latest styles with strong solid springs and spring-filled mattresses. Sizes 3-3,4-0.4-6, Reg. $42.00. 34.50 Now 3 4-plece Bedroom Suites Waterfall design, consisting of chiffonier, bedstead, vanity with round mirror and stool. From- $72.00 TO $92.00 8 Studio Couches Of the very finest quality, can be made Into double bed or two single beds. In rust, green and Argonne red. 3 spring-filled cushions. Regular $36.50 $45.00. Now 8 Coffee Tables In solid walnut. Very latest style?. From $9.50 TO $9.75 4 Kitchen Rang makes. From All two-tone finish, coal and wood, very fine $64.00 TO $94.00 21 3-piece Chesterfields In latest styles and newest colors with high grade materials. 75.00. TO 0 OS 00 From Phone BLACK 324 THIRD AVENUE For Summer Days and EVERY DAY ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Delicious ice creams and frozen desserts; tinkling ice cubes for cooling hot-weather drinks: enjoy them ANY time with Electric Refrigeration. And save money all the time, too; for Electric Refrigeration ends food spoilage and waste; keeps leftovers delightfully fresh and tasty; enables you to buy perishables in quantity at bargain nrires. Models for every home and purse. Just make a small down payment: balance on easy terms. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited , BUILDING Value Was $5850 For June, Bring ing Total For Year Up To Date To $29,175 "i'r?:- -u,f I 'r,w. Building permits in Prince Rup I i THE DAILT NT.W8 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Reg Kelsey returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Douglas Ftizell sailed last evening on the Catala for a trip to I "William Upston, for vagrancy, was -fined $5 In city police court by Magistrate McClymont this morning. ! Major R. W. Crompton of the militia paymaster staff here returned to the city at the end of the week from a trip to Vancouver on leave. Charged with drunkenness, Mulwaln appeared In city pol ice court this morning and was remanded until this afternoon. I i Miss M. A. Wayman, after having spent the past year here as an ex , change teacher from England, sal! .ed last evening on the Catala for .Victoria to pay a visit before pro ceeding home to the Old Country. Nell Ross, director of the Gyro I Club s supervised playgrounds, gave an illustrated talk before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at Its regular weekly luncheon today, the subject being playground activities. President O. A. Hunter was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. SEA CADETS ! IN TRIBUTE Took Active Part In Connection With Funeral Of George Weir . This Afternoon Members of the local Sea Cadets under Lieut. Alex Mitchell and Petty Officer Instructor tieorge Hughes, mustered to the number of about forty this afternoon foi the funeral of one of their number, George Weir, who was the victim of a tragic drowning fatality at Mill Bay, Naas River, at the end of last week. There was a requiem guard of Cadets at St. An drew's lAngliean Cathedral prior to the funeral service ana Cadet? also acted as honorary pallbearers as wen as participating in uie i procession from the Cathedraf to I Falrview Cemetery. Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook was the officiating clergyman. The honorary pallbearers and members of the requiem guard were Cadets Edward Dawes. Joe Davies, Richard Moore, Jack East- -H-api jonn aniems nas Deen in- -vr- - , f th tn of June tnU wood, Hugh Mackenzie and Sidney ormed his son. 2nd Lieut J. Gil- champion of irriga iUon Wi Ham compared Zander. Warrant Officers Willie. ear wiiea 0 p led here at n He Shields of the Llctestershlre E. Shoobrldge. d Regiment, has been interned in made comparatively barren lands JJ maktai the total for 1940 wood and Acting Warrant Officer Sweden with several other ranks in southern Tasmania hop-produc- ;a$!f75l Spared with William Hunter also took part in of he same unit. ing. $58,775 In the first half of 1939. connection with procession ar- Permits for this June were as rangements. follows: rne active paimearers were wor- H. K. Chrlstensen, garage. Fourth man Hebb, Robert Capstlck, Ray Avenue East, $200. Hougan, Robert Leslie, Terry S. B. Marshall, addition to resi- Orlmble and Donald Fitch. dence. Sixth Avenue West, $50. William Jones, concrete build- FOOTBALL POSTPONED ' lnsr. Third Avenue West. $3800. Anthony Bussanlch, frame Hays Cove Avenue. $1800. H. G.Helgerson Limited 216 SIXTH STREET Prince Rupert, B.C. We have on our lists the following good buys: 412 EMERSON PLACE 7-room house, 2 lots. Lovely garden. Fully modern. Furnace. 4 bedrooms. Concrete foundations. Cash $3150. Terms $2000, balance in monthly payments. We Have Several Furnished Houses for Rent for the Summer Months 6-ROOM HOUSE On Taylor Street. 3 bedrooms. Fully modern and sewer. In good condition. Cash $1600 or $1800 on terms. Benj. H. Harry M.D. EYE DISEASES Lenses Carefully Prescribed C31 BlrksBldg. Vancouver, B.C. Last night's reguarly scheduled! Senior League football gam be tween Navy and Dry Dock was i rained out and will be played next Monday. Five tnousar.Q neoplp rad u oays to let them -nv to 11 ,7. ri.w. rtupert Daily News .' uww what yoxt Announcements All advertisements In this ctl-nmn will be charged for a fall month at 25c a word. United Strawberry Tea, Clark's, Pacific Place, July 4. Queen Mary Hall July 5. Mrs. dance Oddfellows' Moose Tea. Mrs. Stegavlg's. Hays Cove Circle. July 5. L. O. B. A. Red Cross Tea. Met- ropole Hall. July 12. Lutheran Tea and Sale. Rev. Myrwang's, 4th Ave. East, July 13. S. O. N. Dance, July 18. Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 3. L.O.BA. Bazaar. October 16th. Anglican Fall Bazaar, November O. E. Phlllipson returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. being accompanied by his son. John A. Lawrence, charged with speeding by driving In excess of thirty miles per hour, was fined $10 in city police court this morn ing. Lieu. Sidney Wlllett, who has been stationed here with the 102nd Battery for several months, leaves on this evening's train for Winnipeg. Mrs. Wlllett and family will be remaining here for the time being. . Mrs. Landels of Calgary arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from the south to spend a couple of months visiting with her son, Allan Landels. They have taken the house of Lieut, and Mrs. Robert Bartlett, Dunsmult Street, for the summer. Mrs. T. M. Spencer and daughter, Mrs. Nell Macdonald 'and the lat-ter's little son, John, returned to the city on last night's train from a trip to Smithers. Mrs. Macdonald and son will be leaving Friday night on the Cardena for Bella Bella to spend the summer with Mr. Macdonald who is in the fisheries patrol service there for the season. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs. A. O. Scott, Oceanic; M. McCallum, Naden Harbor; Dr. C H. Ployart, Barrett Point; A. H.' Pay, H. L. Guleth and O. F. Bur-nack, Vancouver; George Dover and George Anderson, Terrace; E A. Slff, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. D Edenshaw, Massett. Central J. A. Brown and C. W. Brown Vancouver; Mrs. J. Coswan, Stew- irt: D. Rogers. Queen Charlotte; A. Buchanan, Haysport; P. Spcy. Edmonton. Royal H. Dyck, Surf Inlet; E. Zronl. '.tewart: Y. Tomohi. Carlisle; Hel-n Stevens. Hvder; A. Jackson Shirley: B. Smith and R. R. Simeons. Frederick Point; W. Gordon-Finlnv Vancouver - 'Police Court Fines Higher Revenue From This Source Continues To Show Excess This Year Over La it PHONES 18 and 19 ,2-lb. tin 21c Hedlund's Sandwich Spreads Assorted. OCn 3 tins Libby's Tomato Soup 0p Gentle-press. 3 tins PAGE THBM OLD MALADY, NEW NAME CANBERRA, July 3: CP) - epidemic of German measles has broken out here but civil servants have a new name for it Hitler's .itch." CANT HAPPEN HERE CARINDA, Australia, July 3: CP) Fiercely attacked by a big red kangaroo In the jush. J. E. , Nash beat It off with a stick. He Police court fines in Prince n Rup- had nrpv,mi., ert this June totalled $430 as com- ammal thlnkln5 lt w C mui oio ui me same . month last year, bringing the - - ' total for the year to date to dealt with in police court this $2232.50 as compared with $2030 June. Costs of the court, in addl- In the first six months of last tlon to fines Imposed, amounted year. There were sixty-nine cases to $27.75. P.O. Box 575. Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Niblets Corn 2 tins Quaker Oats Large, glassware. Per pkg. Fry's Cocoa 27c 27c Libby's Pork and Beans 16 oz. ae0 3 tins Heinz White Vinegar OQp 33 oz. Per bot Ayimer Sweet Corn 2 tins 23c Honey Graham Wafers -f Qp 1-lb. cello Perfection Matches 3 large boxes to pkg. 25c COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH VEGETABLES IN SEASON KEPT UNDER VAPOR SPRAYS Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention ISSSffl LUMBER IfPKJ CEMMIIOi" lompicic Line ol uuiiding I JSv'JjyrB lS Albert and McCaffery Ltd. MJjtSTAMcyiSjSJiil 1 1 Phone 117 Phone 116 ILo - Cherub Baby Oil I U Dill pro I Excellent for Chafing, Chapping 8 J. H. tSULUHK and Diaper Rash. A Baby Feed- 5 n.(MmAu:st S ing Bottle Free with each purchase 5 j Optometrist Both for I Raval Bank Bide. 9 5 ' ' 40c Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi (Wmpcltd. I rrompi servicc-i iieaieo uars i p mm-r - - - g The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 g 'iMHaBMBHHk. 9 0pcn Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. S Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Roofs, Electrical Appliances, Oil Burners Cleaned, Plumbing and Painting 224 Seventh Ave, Wfc Phone BLACK 735 Sundays and Holidays from 1Z to 2 p.m. and 5 IB 3 7 to 9 pjn. 009OQOOHWIKHMHHKltt If you have something to sell, a classifiec advertisement in UHS paper wui buum icj, jcuu nuuw n uieic ta a uuvcr in the city, ... ...