ped bombs on the southeast coast. in the northeast section of England, In Scotland and on the eastern English shore. Three German bombers were shot down in a fierce fight off the southeast coast. Todayjs casualties brought to 15 the deli and approximately 14 wounded during the past 24 hours. TRAIN BUMPED MELBOURNE, Austra'Ja, July 3: (CP) Four-year old John Baker "as struck by a train here, but escaped serious Injury when he crawled through a fence onto Ue railway line white at play. Tun Bulletins RUSSIAN SHIPS RELEASED LONDON As a prelude to trade negotiations, two Russian ships are reported to have been released by the British contraband control. TO WITHDRAW DIPLOMATS WASHINGTON It Is believed here that United States will have no alternative but to accede to the German demand to withdraw diplomatic representatives from Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland and DERAILED AT MATSQUI Puclf ic Army Recruits Injured When; Diner Overturned And Caught Fire VANCOUVER. July 3: (CP)-Two army recruits were injured, one'pacjfIc seriously, when live cars oi iu i fianadlan National wesiDounu PnnMnpntnl Limited was -derailed : near Matsqul, B. C. by a defective! rail. Twentv-tWn recruits were mi Tho American freighter City . of Flint, which achieved con- 1 sidera'ble prominence during 1 when she escaped Russian In- i ternment at Murmansk, Is now at Ocean Falls. The ves- sel Is at the paper town un- ' loading a cargo 0f sulphur for the Pacific Mills. Capt. Mc- Kay, formerly with the Cana- dian National Steamships, acting as pilot. is Halibut Sales Summary American 159,000 pounds, 9c and 7.5c. Canadian 36,800 pounds, 9.5c and 7c to 10.6c and 7c. V& American Eagle, 40,000, 9c and 7.5c, Stor- ,afe. j Rainier, 36,000, 9.2c and f 7.5c, Booth. Urania, 27,000, 9.2c and 7.5c, Royal. Reliance I, 14,000, 9.8c and 7.5c, age. Quest, 7..000, 9.5c and 7.5c, Pa cific. Maddock. 9,000, 9.5c and 7.5o ai junior, Storage. tho riiner which was overturned (Storage, 6,000, 9.4c and 7.5c, Canadian Advance II, 11,000, 10c and 7c, n,,H r.n-ht fire. ! Prosperity A., 18,000, 9.7c and km r-nniiffn of Pentlcton was 7c, Atlln. badly hurt but Edward Logic qi Summcrland was walking with his arm-In a sling when ho reached Vancouver. , D. S. T., 5,000, 10.6c and 7c, Storage. Margalicc, 2,800, 9.5c and 7c, At lln. PROVINCIAL I Living up to their word to return bomb for bomb, bombers of the Royal Air Force are; shown, top, being loaded with bombs just before the start of a bombing raid carried out on German troop concentrations and communication lines., Returning from the raid, R.A.F. fliers, bottom, watch with relief the arrival of a tardy member of their party. During last night Royal Air Force planes are reported urriaVe'made the most -distruetlve raids yet 6n German military objectives. " " - Princesses Not Leaving Britain Elizabeth And Margaret Rose Not Being Sent To Canada, It Is Announced LONDON. July 3: It Is officially City Of Flint At Ocean Falls t Indian Leftist Under Arrest" Subhas Chandra Bose In Custody for Breaking Defence of India Regulations CALCUTTA, July 3: (CP) Sub- ahot down during last night's announced that there is no m-j the -early part or the war,, has Chanara Bose, Lemst leader oi raids, making 24 raiding planes tentlon. as had been rumored, of nrst as a rescue vessel for the j the Indian Nationalist Congress, vhlch the British defenders have sending Princess. Elizabeth or 1 torpedoed Athenla and later '. has been arrested under Defence of shot down in turn wpk Princess Margaret Rose to Canada. ff the Norwegian coast j India regulations. Anti-aircraft defences went into acVon against German aircraft as they crossed the southeast coast this morning and dropped bombs it several points. The Ministry of Home Security said the bombs wre few In number and did noS appear to have been dropped at any particular objective. -Two persons were Injured slightly in the daylight raid which followed the night attacks. uerman bomber.1 set fire to a big building In southeast England during an attack this afternoon. One bomb fell In a garden and smashed the front of a house while two others fell In an adjoining roadway. Other bombs fell in open country and the sea. Royal Air Force fighters went up and machine gun fire was heard. Today German warplanes attacked British soldiers on the southeast coast, dropping Incendi ary bombs. LONDON, July 3: (CP) German bombers in all-day attacks over Britain killed two persons and Injured 22 today. The raiders drop NewOreleans Takes Action United States Gulf Port Closed To Prevent Sabotage NEW ORLEANS, July 3: This port- has been closed to all except those securing special permits. This action was taken for the. purpose of preventing sabot age. Weather Forecast General Syponsls The pressure remains high on the British Col umbia cdast and Is relatively low over the northwest Territories The weather has been fair ana warm over the interior of this province while on the north coast rain Is reported. West Coast of Vancouver Island- Moderate to moderately warm. arm Appointment Of Henry Stimson Given Approval WASHINGTON, DC, July 3: (CP) The appointment of Henry L. Stimson, prominent Republican, as Secretary of War In President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration was approved by Senate committee feather. Forecast Tomorrows Tides Rupert and Queen Charlotte prince High 0:09 ajn. 20.8 ft. Islands Fresh south to south-wMt 13:00 pjn. 18.2 It. winds, cloudy and cool with Low 6:53 a.m. 2.8 ft. rain Showers tonight. 18:46 pjn. 7.1 ft. J NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISIJ COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXIX., No. 153. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1940. PRICE: CENTS Germans And Italians Are Victims RAIDS ARE 1 EFFECTIVE A. T. Doe Extensive Damage To Military Objectives In GermanyMore Bombings On British Hies ; Bag Twenty-Four j Enemy Planes British Defenders Have Drought Down That Many Nail War-planes During Tast Two Weeks LONDON. July 4: The Royal Air Force during the night Is reported to have made its most destructive raids so far In the war on military objectives in Oermany and Oerman - occupied France. Numerous direct hits were made it Important points Including ammunitions dumps and fuel tanks. Large fires were set. At Hamburg i refinery was attacked; at Hamm, a viaduct was hit and at Melder-llnk, a blast furnace. Three northeast coast towns bore the brunt of more intensive sir raiding of the British Isles by Oerman bombers during last night, the attacks also extending to the southwest. Again civilians were the principal sufferers with the aim evidently to cause terror rather than to strike at well-protected military obJeqtjveSv An early estimate placed the dead at twelve and the Injured at 123. The list of dead In one of the three northeast toTns attacked by the German bombers was reported to have reached ten. Public halls were commandeered to provide accomodation and protection for the homeless. The government Is considering resorting to forcible evacuation of civilian population from danger tones. One German bomber was BRITISH ROM HERS ALL RETURN AFTER RAIDIN G NAZIS COMING TO 1 THIS SIDE Applications Made to Transfer 52,-000 Children From Great Britain LONDON, July 3: (CPl A state ment in the House of Commons by Under Secrtary Geoffrey Shake- eare said that applications fot ransfer of approximately 52,000 children overteas had bien received from Englanc: Wales. It is learned that the flow ,of children to Canada is not starting as early as had been expected du to the amount of preparatory work in the English side. j SITUATION IS EASIER Tenseness Dimishes in Balkans Although lHnary Walts to Grab Transylvania I I BUDAPEST. July 2: (CPIt- The situation in the Belkans appeared - he -a last night than It has been for days although it appeared hat Hungary intend to maintain a war footing until Transylvania Is i repalned one way or another. Responsible quarters said that the general situation was unchanged and denied reports that a de militarized frontier zone had been created. In Bucharest there were antl-Brl-tlsh demonstrations yesterday with charges that Great Britain had In- WircA the Rulan.lnjaslQrf.Beja There Is reported to be a move to topple King Carol from his Packard throne as being responsible for the loss of Bessarabia and Bukowina and the possible forthcoming loss of territory to Hungary and Bulgaria, j IS DROWNED DOWN COAST William Wilson, Well Known Local Ex-Service Alan, Victim Of Drowning At Klemtu William Wilson, one of Prince Rupert's best known ex-service men and pioneer resident of this city, has been drowned at Mary Cove near Klemtu where he had! just gone to engage in fisheries patrol service, according to .word reaching the Dominion 'Fisheries office this morning. No details of the tragedy were given In the mes sage other than that the body had been recovered and was being brought to the city. The late Mr. Wilson had left here only Saturday to take up his work for the summer. His wife was with him. They were to be located at Mary Cove for the sea son. Sixty-one years of age and a native of Scotland, the late Mr. Wilson had been here since before the First Great War. He came out in 1911 from the Old Country to Join the service of Doughty Fisheries at Allford Bay. Enlisting with the 102nd Battalion, he was badly wounded in France and had I suffered severely with his war ef- fresh south winds, fects slnce that tlme and fre. ' n.. i i a quently had to receive treatment. He was a member of the Canadian Legion. Mr. Wilson Is survived by his widow and one daughter, Mrs. Thomas (Nellie) Moorehouse. SHEEP AMONG GOATS ROANKE, Va, July 3: (CP) - A flock of seagulls 200 miles In land apparenty mistook the shining runway of the municipal air port here for water and lighted on It in great numbers. With the clock was a single, bewildered black crow. Many Internes Went Down When British Steamer Torpedoed Arandora star was carrying men from enemy countries to canada when she went down off irish coast british guards aboard big vessel LONDON, July 3: (CP)-The fifteen thousand ton British liner Aranilora Star, carrying Germans and Italians, who were to be interned in Canada, has been torpedoed and sunk off the Irish Coast. Many Germans and Italians went down with the ship. British soldiers were aboard as guards. TO HELP Taking Over Airplane Building Contracts Thrown Up By Ford WASHINGTON, July 3: (CP) The United States National Defence Commission announced today that the Packard Motor Company had agreed tentatively to undertake a contract for nine thousand aircraft engines. Six thousand of these would be for Great Britain and the rest would be for the United States Air Force. This agreement has yet to be approved by the directors of the company. Henry Ford had previously refused a similar order, saying that Jie would produce only for United States defence. I CHURCHILL 'Premier to Make Weekly War Re- port In House of Commons Tomorrow I LONDON, July 3: (CP) Lord Privy Seal Clement Atlee said that Prime Minister Winston Churchill would make a war statement in the House of Commons tomorrow. Shipyards In i Australia To iBuild Warcraft SYDNEY, Australia, July 3: Within a short time every shipyard in Australia will be busily employed building destroyers and sloops for the British Admiralty. AIDING CIVILIAN VICTIMS OF AIR RAID - Passed by British Censor Members of a French military ambulance corps are shown carrying a casualty from one of the bombed houses in Nancy after the German aerial bombardment that killed at least 15 persons. The raid on Nancy was staged colncldentally with raids on other French cities and the German blltzkrclg attack on Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg. w 'T ?' 't,'"1