Now is your opportunity to take advantage of our many super bargains in short end lines. While They Last Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion Local Readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid in Advance, per month By Mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By MaU to all, other countries, per year EDITORIALS PRINCE RUPERT AFFECTED $5.00 .50 3.00 9.00 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBER OP TUB CANADIAN PRESS The CnadUa Prau Is xcluslvelr entitled to use for republication of all ne-vi 3cDitcbes credited to U or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local uet publUbed therein. All right of rgnubllfatUm of mortal oVMpatriiea therein ar aluo twmM. TAJLY EDITION Saturday, September 14, 1940. The "Politician with a Notebook," writing in Maclean's Magazine, speculates as to what will be the effect of the appointment of the joint board of defense. He suggests it will mean "stronger and more modern fortifications for Halifax, St. John and Sydney on the Atlantic and for Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert on the Pacific" and also "The immediate completion of the Alaska Highway." AMERICAN FEAR The people of the United States are more afraid of Hitler than are the people of Canada. They are showing it in many ways and especially through the passing of the recent conscription measure which is more stringent than that coming into force in Canada. Saturday Night speaks of the Canadian law as simply a gesture whereas the United States has the real thing. People on this continent have never before had any idea that their country might be invaded. Evidently they don't like the idea. j NEWS OF SUCCESSES The news of British successes in Germany are much slower coming through' than are the German bombings of Britain, At first they are very sketchy. Hours later when the Department of Information has had time to study the records of the pilots whp carried out the raids, slight information is given to the public, The Germans say almost nothing of their losses so it is very difficult to- ascertain what the situation in Germany is like. TERRIBLE COMMUNISTS Down east it is said that, if a person is generally known to be a Communist, he is liable to be interned. That is hardly fair to the Communists. Many thousands of people who held pro-German -views a year ago have now changed their minds. Gradually it has come to them that anv system such as that now in Germany is not one to be desired, in. a democracy. Communists have changed their minds as well as others. People in Prince Rupert who called themselves Communists probably did not realize what it meant but they have had opportunities of learning since last year. They were mostly either ignorant or dis appointed people who were easily led to believe that they were ill-used or that it: they could upset the present system they would; be better off 'than they ar.. today a fallacy, of course. ' It'fl interesting to know when reading the Daily Newe that the people ox the whole district are doing tba same. A little British girl is shown contributing to the Red Cross fund after paying her admission to view a German tlessrszhml plane wtuch w is hot down near Croydon. It seems the Germans bombed Croydon, so now Croydon is nelping Br. tain by aiding the Red Cross and also monies are being collected from sightseers who view the plane, to buy a Spitfire. Spectators pay sixpence w look at it and the fund goes to the Croydon Spit fire fund. THANKSGIVING DAY Monday, October 14, has beenj designated as Thanksgiving Day' in Canada this year. As usual, it will n rmhl! hnlirtav 1 LOYAL MUSLIMS 'PTR RAI.R C.hean PERSONAL Booklet. M. C. C, Schools Ltd., Winnipeg Oldest In Canada, No agents. WANTED REPORT ON CARNIVAL Continued Irom Psrc Onei our moral, physical and financial actual direct "profit of $528.45 was support, ceciarea me neaa 01 ine made on these games. Madras District Muslim League. CI S3 IF 1 1 0 FOR SALE rrwn r. . . tl T T 1 1 I C Z 11 f showed a loss of '-$4.90 on operation, due, as before mentioned, to the fact that it broke down on the second third nights' and had less than 50 per cent of the revenue which it chesterfield would probably have had had it least twice what I had expected It to. In actual operation it proved slow to operate and it was only I when the operators changed their plan cf operation that this game HYGIENE AND SANITARY SUP- nowe(l a reasonable return. It, PLIES for men and women, however, provided a certain amount Write for latest price list, and of Beneral entertainment for the receive Free Novelty premium, spectators. Buy confidentially by mail and "The wheeIs and bing0 had a save. Western Supply, Box 667, l &ro" "venue of. $1246.40, of which Vancouver, B. C. S. 15) .approximately $800 was returned to -'the public In prizes. One of the YOU can run a Home Klndergar-. wheels operated at a loss of ap-ten with our help. Canadian proximately $20 on the second Kindergarten Institute, Wlnnl- night, instead of a profit of around peg. Manitoua. .'$80. In the rush of startinsr new ' I . ...U ,U .1.. J,!,.. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET c n"' w GOVERNMENT lob as Clerk'"'1' Bames-1 WM P"aoiy not sui-Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno, f"c,ientlv exPllclt ln.18lvt1ff .them ' their instructions and the tickets on Dominion-wide etc. Three exams held since war began. Free. u"5 .w"eei were ? ai 0 lor "?.,n- sieau ot uiree numoers on one uck-et for 25c. "The first night's operation of the Carnival was greally hampered by the failure of the Power Company's transformer on the line outside the building. Our gross revenue on this DOMESTIC help wanted. Elderly' nlght was undoubtedly reduped by person preferred but not essen tial. Phone Blue 336. tf, SALES HELP & AGENTS LOST approximately $400 due to this power failure. Suggestions for Future "For future Carnivals, I would make the following sueeestioas: WE are now appointing spare time "That a five-day Carnival be put Christmas Card salespeople, men 0n instead of three days. The ma-and women. Two sample books Jorlty of. the general expenses would one wltli fifty designs at a dol- remain constant and I believe that, lar a, dozen and the other with by having some special attraction over sixty designs at two dollars tor each night, the Interest pould be per dozen. Generous commls- kept up sufficiently for the five sjon,s. Also complete line of box- days as to show very close to the ed assortments, tags and seals. same dally turnover as on the 3-Apply for sample book today. : day Carnival Our aim: good values and friend-. preparations for the Carnl- CUrU,f r!lce" FiemlV , va be star'ed at least six weeks be-Art. ! Guild, 576 Seymour St fore the date set. Vancouver, "That a purchasing committee bo set pp to handle all purchases In a business-like manner rather than LOST 200 feet half Inch rope In the haphazard manner I was with one single and one double forced, for lack of time, to use In pulley attached. Phona Black this case. .... ..... 508. (217) "And last but probably most 1m- j .portant. that all organizations connected with the- Carnival be urged paid for. All prizes given at the oi eggs, its xas tneyre airaia rado beetle pest, Auother ihm Carnival were bought from local they'll be boiled. If they don't," him crushed between i.utcrackei'. merchants and paid for at retail was hl startling reply to her In- . , prices less 10 per cent which, con- Wilry. slderipg the volume and the fact mn , , ly New, n v that no effort was required of the n8 'P results. sulu u... i i iuciv.itaiiu in tenuis uicse kuuuj, rvtt onr, neuiuuiau uiaiiu, . . .. . . ln olmln. T ir.h ... tl,,t t bedroom suites and household e n'? 'e"e; hr'l'ZLZtJ furniture. Phone Armour. 78. tf. FOR SALE Cary Safe. Price $60. Dally News. tf, FOR SALE 5 rooms and bath. 317 8th Ave. West. (218) suite and other articles. 2225 At- been In continuous operation. This fli!)J?sl0"' u was decided to Invert . t9 nnfl rt (Via m a.. U ITT lln Avenue. (217) game was put in prlmariy as a T. ' " " "4C "ejr m war txjan There's snmethinp to remember about this writer.! ment. M. M. Stephens. (217) He is sometimes right, so he may be right this time or he may not At any rate the speculation is interesting. "A nrofit of $13.40 was made on an investment of$28.10 on the carnival novelty.booth. "In our profits, I suppose we , should also show a generous, unsolicited donation 6f $50 made by the Hon. T. D. Pattullo, "In the following summary of our success or otherwise, with the various lines of endeavour, all crltl- rism meant to be constructive carnival attraction and it Is bellev usual custom, no canvas for donations from merchants was madr. The wedding gifts presented by the nnrt fnr numoses of future refer- showed a reasonable return to the Dunner ana snooting gaiiery &uuw- I merchants. ed an. actuar'loss. The debunkere nve a service to future carnival committees and that next year, conditions being as they are at present, an even more successful Carnival could be put on." Reports were heard from committee chairmen and. after some bonds and that the present com- FOR SALE; 4th Ave. W. Modern ed tnat u well served lts purpose mittee would be permanent until home. 3 bedrooms, condition, $2500 all cash. $2600 terms. 5th Ave. W. duplex apartments. 5 rooms each, Mod ern, earn "Jit and eave good value for Its total loss cost of $56.21. "The shooting gallery was an ex- $3500. Make savings your ccnstruction alicuUfes, cost at iiiumcr was cnosen to replace It. The paraphernalia is to be stored until next year and not loaned to iny other organization so that it may be available when required. COST IS SMALL ELSIE F. HEAPS A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Experienced In all Grades. A.T.C.M. Successes. Special Training in Beginner's Class Work Phone BLUE 997 Claises Open September 3rd Our Famous Edton Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkier Valley Wheat and ? Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. rhone 58 bnd 558 4 Be sure you telephone 98 if you wish the Dally News de- ' livered regularly at your home or place of business. The price Is only 50c a month. Everything in Novelties At 2 ! Eva's Novelty j SHOP 625 3rd. Ave. West Saturday, Septembe. tAQX TWO ONE WAY OF FINANCING THE WAR AND THE RE D CROSS Man in the Moon NEW SUP'T I! in riA , Extra Special l Evidently the Hitlerites think ;tbat. if they could ellmlna the , M invasion of . Britain. . Kin, the c-4..-ri.t Nova Scotia would be easier. They have an-'other Tonlfht toTUt CLEARANCE SALE think coming. - i marge or Hospital Mis." Margaret Jamie Now boys, straighten your back, "'v- ; " ' ' snuare vbur shoulders shoulders and and keep keep -?rnve.,,,,,, n ine ? on ' R tob Broken Line your chins up. Wel&hall make, fm B0' to men of you yet. ' . , ' tendenVgf the Prince Rupert Oea- This is about the last Chance to' c.ral HfPal-.ln successi. to m eet in on the war loan that U J""'.'?WM)- H. Bed. going to lick Hitler.- :"ra' b W , Runert shortlv to take im fonn.... The Germany starte mKZSS " ! CAU' ' "Oh. doctor. I have sent for you. ;cth0,a"l)lp Ule !but still I must, confess I have g'w: " jnot th surest faith In modern Sffi'nt? Z 7? 1 'n' 0n,-ir'a 0fl medical science- f ,th a,a,t ! "Well," said the doctor, "that "?pltal r f!'J' Wt matter in the least. You 11" " 7 Mea" W a mule has no faith in th- sf!U Brampton, 0nt. veterinary surgeon! yet the mule l0, . 8he ha bad. iiDOcitt, gets cured Just the same." -enepej. in an adrnn ; -r.u a. parity in New York as we:, as, in the "I understand your' husband U M"mm,f n hM a good amateur actor?" Well, youH see for yourself. to take a more active part in pre- Hell b here In a moment to ex-paring and operating the Carnival .plain why he wasn't In for dln-"I l wish wisn to to sincerely sincerely thank mans all au ner. ner." acting lady superintendent of the OUce Bay Hospital in Uova Scotii Mlu Harrison has been Udy sap. eln.tendent of the Prince Rupert Hnnnvnl lTnanll a I M k Phorom were made. These should 'Z T. ... . ' " , have bn approximately $12. leav- those who so ably assisted In put- f "V ht h..T h " T 4mg an actual direct profit of $120. ting on this Carnival. It woulJ bej "I wa, so glad when my musical "Xdutmvl 2 '.'.w?' "Crown and anchor games are impussioie io name an uu; wjm ciKnoar on one sioe got no or, . - v TINNEVELLY, India, Sept. 14: eritinnid senaratelv irom the helped In various ways so I amnis naoy grand," .02 (CP) "We have to stand by Bri- ,hpr cames because they appear merely saying 'Thank You to all! "I suppose so." .25 j tain firmly now when she needs all to be in a class by themselves. An i those who helped. "But I got no relief from, that. time is the fact that, contrary to the had a grand baby." ture in her new estate The tteeot her departure has not. as yet beta definitely settled upon. LONG DISTANCE IDEA LONDON, Sept. 14: CP TU . V. i V. II. if. .-11 imic was in- muo l0n3w gestini North American irljlao. who told his mother that he had schoolchlld's nostr m m mw. merchant were the only things not found out "why chickens come out tlon here depicts Hitler a a Co!e-' MacKenzie's Furniture 21 FELT MATTKESSER GO ffft All sizes 00.3V 10.CKIB MATTRFSSES Q flA Priced from p'i.UU rhone 775 327 TJIHU) AVEXl'E PHONE 116 Complete Line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE HI "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Colli Storage I'nnct- Kupert Co. Ltd. Brittsn Column If you have something to Bell, a clauaifiec advertisement in this paper will soon let you know t there is a buyer w the city.