I gtjitwabtr It, 1840. rMS j LOCAL NEWS NOTES $1.00 sends 300 SWEET CAPORAL or WINCHESTER cigarettes or $1.00 will send either 1 1bl of OLD VIRGINIA pipe tobacco or. ,1 lb. of SWEET CAPORAL FINE CUT (with Vogue papers) to Canadians serving in. GA.S.F., overseas only. $2.50 sends 1,000 cigarettes to an individual or unit AddrM "t.wt Cp." P.O. BoiSOOO. Montrtal. P.Q. lAt homo and overseas, everybody wants Sweef Cnntl Smooth fragrant uniform Sweet Caps "get that way' ' because mey cue maae according to the tamous Sweet Caporal formula which calls for the balanced blending of 38 classifications of the finest.Virginia tobaccos. Buy a-package of Canada's most popular cigarettes today I "The purest form In which tobacco can be $mohtd!" IURCH NOTICES The Salvation Army Special Sunday Services at 11 a m. and 7:30 p.m, Conducted by nriradier and Mrs. J. T. Qillingliam plv.i. ual Commandets !o"r Norlherrl B. C'nd Alaska) ' Assisted by Several Visiting Officers trty Welcome Is Extended to All to Attend These Meetings (Meet iter in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 Can Ride for Price of One pDIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS ner leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER Thursday 1,1:30 p.m. callinj; at Falls and Powell, ltivcr. EJcean in Inaim TilMKinP DIHIPliT fni- ihn RAST. Ionday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-conditioped Sleeping and Dining Cars For, Fares, etc., Call cr Write CITX TICKET OFFICE, 528 TIHBD AVE. PHONE 2C0 Agents for Trans- Canada Air" Lines ION STEAMSHIPS LTD. rtiamew Leave, Prince Rupert; lor Vancouver t-'ATAM KVRKY Tilts T.S.S, CAKIIKNA rHAY. 'AV, 1:30 p.m. . 10:30 p.m. V""Mvrr. Tiiir. p.m. liue, Vancouver, Monday a.m. rr ln'"riiiiiiioi, UegarOlng Reserfatlons aht Tickets From BULGER PtometristV W n. Wt Fresh Loral Raw and Pasteurized MiHi VALENTIN DAIRY PIMNE 57 dinavian dances. Music by Rldar Anderson, one of foremost accordionists in Canada. Admission 50c. (216) Mr. and Mrs. William Brooksbank and daughter, Georglna, sailed on the.Pitncess Adelaide last night for Vancouver, Mr. Brooksbank having been transferred there In the service of Eduart Llpsett Ltd. Just say "Three Two please." The Red Crow Is anxious to spon sor Home Nursing classes for the women of Prince Rupert. Appll cations will be taken at the Red Cross Rooms Mon., Wed. and Fri. of next week only between the hours 2 to 5. (9171 BOCIIE WILL GET IT IN NECK nil EX INVASION COMES (Continued from Page One) In summary therefore, In the air. the Boche Just can't take It. and .he's certainly eettlne it. As fn what we're doing to him over the other side well, censorship would not let m say more than you can read in the papers, and what I read In yours Is really quite the wrong storv. I wish yqu could sit in my chair here a bit, or come round my station and eet the real story. We are Just giving him hell from the Baltic to the Alps and what's more he can't stop us. though he tries everything. You can take it from me therefore that we are right on top in the i air and that we Intend to stay there. As for the general situa tionwhat of it. We've faced up to"many worse -id come out smiling. The stale of Europe today Is exactly the same as In 1808 when ! Wellington, landed In Soaln with 1 20.000 tq start unbuttonln? Napol-eon. We shan't have to do that because Adolf will unbutton himself as soon as the Boche gets hungry enough. He has had a lot of cheap successes so far not excluding France and now he can try what the real thing feels like. . Must Oet Toeelher "Meanwhile the English speaking peoples must inevitably set more and wom together, and may the good work you are doing in this regard prosper. Someone will have to tell the Japs where they get off sooner or later, although one Imagines that their latest ef forts are oorn more or exaspcra and their growing home troubles than due to their being flushed with success. "Don't forzet this modern wars straight at Germany until she's had enough and that will be long .before we have. The German neoDle have been on short com TIH UaiLY NUW3 PAQ2 THRZ1 Cah for Old Gold. Bulger'i . Just say "Three Two please." Tonight's traiii, aa from the Kast u o'clock, was reported this, afternoon to t on Um. Kenneth Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Lee, has left for Ocean Falls where he expects to be employed for the coming year. Dance, Boston Hall, Saturday 14 9 pjn. Old-time, modern and Scan Mrs. Edgar Arnet and children returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Capt. W. P. Armour, manager of the Armour Salvage Co., returned to the city on Ue Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. William King, now employed at the local dry dock In connection with ship construction work, left on last evening's train for Terrace to spend the week-end at his home. He will be returning next Tuesday night. Mrs. George Little of Terrace, who went south on the Prince Rupert inursaay mgnt wim ne daughter, J umn, wno is to attend the University of British Columbia In Vancouver, will visit in Seattle and other coast cities before returning to Terrace. Col. E. J. Ryan of the E. J. Ryan Contracting Co. arrived in -the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vancouver to pay a visit of inspection to air base construction work at Seal .Cove,. He brought with him a party of eighteen carpenters who will be engaged in the work. Canadian Red Cross officials in England are working night and day In their emergency efforts pn, behalf, of people rendered homeless by German air raids. A cable received at Red Cross! headquarters in Toronto states that l thousands of blankets, articles of1 clothing and tins of food are being distributed dally. The cable,, signed by the overseas commissioner Colonel George Nasmlth of "Toronto, whose office Is right in the heart of London, ended "all well and cheery close." In making the cable public Mrs. H. P. Plumptre, chairman of war activities, said: "Tle people of Canada who contributed over one hundred thousand blankets during the recent appeal made by the Canadian Red Cross must derive great satisfaction from the knowledge that their blanket? are being used to bring warmth to thousands of homeless men, women and children In Britain." Preparing Itself for sucl, an emergency the Canadian Red Cross tlon at their inability to fix China, has already shipped 45,000 blan kets to England. Other shipments will go forward immediately. "Similarly thousands of dollars worth of clothing and canned tood run on straight lines and Adolf , can go sliding round corners any-' had been shipped from Canada to way he pleases but It won't getleland during, the. past months him any permanent result. Mean-iand nad been stored In Canadian while we shall keep slamming. Red Cross warehouses Jn England for emergency use," said. Mrs. Plumptre "With the support of the people mons and under "war" strain forjof Canada the Canadian Red Cross 10 vears. We've lust started takine Society Is doing everything possible the pull and they are therefore 10 aHevlate the suffering of the 'Just that "much more out of People of Britain " she concluded, breath. ."On the whole, thfrfo-. f-though we wpnt every bit of hel; you can get for us. you enn tak It that we are on a good wicket and that It gets more to our lik-in? every day. As for morale, well I wish you could hear what I my lads say when I threaten to ' send any of them back to tht j training units for a spell of rest .o'f operations. They srend their nights al over Oermany and do as tnev nice mere lor au ma Boche can do to stop them and von enn take it from me that what they do is more and more effective. As for our losses, they are so negligible, they do not reach the peace time weather and accident Josses for the same amount of flying. . "Again, many, many thanks to: you both for your offer to take Jill and the kiddie. It Is a nlcet comfortable feeling to have thatj at the back of one if things get touah. Meanwhile vou can restj assured that everything goes fine here and, as for rationing, well we haven't yet reached tne stage that, anv doctor would advise us to i get down to for our own benefit!" J MISS OLAFSON A.T.CM. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Also Royal Academy ol London Certificate for Harmony PHONE 845 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Rrass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill, and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled . vfi jr Mr, and, Mrs. a AT Bryant left on last evening's train for a weekend trip to Smlthers. C, C. Mills left on last, evening's train for a business trip to Prince George and other Interior' points. Mrs. Don Crerar left on last evening's train via Jasper Park for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Florence Watt left on last evening's train to spend the next three months visiting in Toronto and Ottawa. Major H. II. Cromptpn, who has been stationed here for some time as paymaster of the local garrison area, sailed last nlghfon the Prin-j ed president and Len Crlpps secre tary with Jack Paul and Norman Klnslor making an executive committee of four with power to add to its members. The Five Pin League has eight teams entered with Monday nights set aside for playing. Next Monday will see the opening games for five pins. Ten pin league has four teams entered to date, playing Wednes days. The management of the Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys has offered a cup fpr the five pin teams. Announcements All advertisement, in this cU-tmn will be charged tor & full month at 25c a word. C, C. F. Bridge, September 14. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Cecil Fitzgerald. September 19. Hill 60 Dance September 20. Eagles' Bridge, September 25., Rebekah Tea for Canteen, Mrs. Bert Morgan's, 26th. Ridley Home October 1. grocery shower, Catholic Bazaar October 2 and 3 City Tennis Association dance, Oddfellows' Hall, October 4th. De Carlo's Orchestra. Ticket admission 50c. Presbyterian tober 4. Choir supper Oc- Nayy Auxiliary Tea. Legion Hall. October 19, Rebekah Dance. Oddfellows' Hall October 11. Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole, October 12. Queen Mary Dance. October 18. Sonja's Bazaar, Moose Hall. November 8. Salvation Army Sals, Nov. 6. Anglican Bazaar. November 7.. 14. Presbyterian Bazaar November New Furs Coming We are expecting shipments in coats of best quality and style next week. All are invited .,to come and look our stock over. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" Jean MacLcan A.T.C.M. and Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Announce the Opening of PRIVATE and CLASS TUITION in PIANO and THEORY Commencing September 1 Phone Green 836 or Green 403 Studio in Federal Block Shower For Bride Elect .Mrs. Hans Knutson And -Walter Ballinger Hostesses For Miss Elsie Johanson second, Miss Emma Haksel. Winners for Chinese checkers were MgryoWj Mrs, Ole Wick,: Mrs. T. Selvig, Mrs. Christine Veltch, Mrs. Furuness. Mrs. Alt Ritchie, Mrs. Stan Veltch, Mrs. K. Slatta. Mrs. Flatin, Mrs. B, Hedstrom, Mrs, P. Lien, Mrs. Hans Knutson, Mrs. ' Harry Nelson, Mrs. Hans Soren tun, ivirs. us:i'r uis&e. airs. Herman Johanscn, Mrs. Ellas Skog, Mrs, H, Johnson. Mrs. L. Sandvar, Mrs. K. Markl. Mrs. Robert Wick, , ' Mrs. Walter Ballinger. Miss Elsie Mrs.. Hans Knutson and Mrs. Johanson Einma Hakse, Walter Ballinger were Joint h.ost- Mlss ysle Murvola Miss, Anne esses on Thursday evening at thft Postula Mls$ vlolet Wlclc Mlsa ... " . ""or Mabel Slatta. Miss Jean oi miss Miie jonanson Krause. WhOSe V! TnoTlrt fitnr MUi VHHh Mnr. to Thomas Mulhern takes marriage voldi Mlss Irene OWt Mis3 place shortly. The rooms were palVoh MU Woi ai. prettily decorated for. the occa- , M, ni R,',Tpr wu. vnr- sipn and the bride-to-be sat under , twi v,., o,ff cess Adelade for Vancouver, hav- a white wedding bell to-open her ;Mi33 Mlmmy jolin,on, Vera Ing been transferred south. ORGANIZE BOWLING g fts which were brought to by..Morsei Miss Violet Rosang, Miss xnBM4 oiwij ujjh u aun ,xhelma Rosang Murvold. j Cards were played, and winners, were; jirst, inrs. unnsiine veitcn: C.N.R. Trains Mlss Vera Morse, first, and Mrs. -' Ellas Skog, second. Delicious re- For the East Jfreshments were seryed. The party Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl- A meeting of the Prince Rupert 'ended with singing "She's a Jolly' days 6 pin, Bowling Association was held Frl-Ood Fellow." From the East- day night at the bowling alleys for Those present were: Mrs, Q. Tuesdays, Thursday's and the purpose of organizing this sea-.Krause Mrs; Sam Hogan, Mrs. J. Saturday H pjn, " son's games. Oib Taylor was elect- ' i . hi . ? CHCH3 HCHKHjOHKHKHOHWHK'aVVW OTKHJOOO Free 10 Days Supply Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder With 'each 4 cakes Cashmere Bouquet Soap All for UOK, Cashmere Bouquet Lotion 25c bottle only lc with purchase of I -j p 40c 6ize. 65c value for ..-,.,. Colgates Tooth Powder 20c tin only lc with purchase of J.p Giant Size. 55c value for . u Free 25c Woodburys Lotion With, each purchase of 50c Woodburys Cold or Vanishing Cream. OfP 75c value for Ormes Ltd. 3?ui Pioneer Druq&ists The Itejtall Store Phones 81 St 82 Open Daily from 8 ajn- (ill 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and "1 to 9 p.m. Used Furniture 2 Only Bedroom Dressers, 8piece Dining Room Suite 4 Kitchen Ranges for burning coal or wood 6 Bricklined Heaters for burning 'coal or wood 2 Heaters for burning oil. Wickless pot type 2 Kitchen Rangea with Imperial Oil Burners 6 Kitchen Chairs, 2 Kitchen Tables 2 Pianos, 1 Organ, I Accordion, 1 Violin 1 King Soprano Saxophone 2 Davenports that make a double bed 2 China Cabinets, 1 Kitchen Cabinet 4 Baby Buggies, 2 Tricycles, 2 Doll Buggies 1 21-Jewel Waltham Watch and 7 Jewels 1 Set of New International Encyclopedia One Guitar; One Large Ice Box 6 Chairs with Table to match 2 Electric Radios; 1 Tea Wagon . 2 Full-size Beds complete Used Furniture Depart. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Bulldlnr, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. fp 5:30 p.m. Phone GRUEN ill ill I 'l r Ml H 11 tr ri .I; iJi lit nr. .11 :ui 'i't' i 4t in i. j.