weather Forecast I prince Rupert and Queen -Char. southeas" uth winds; cloudy 11 XXIX, No. 217. nvasion night it was reported that the revenue from the Carnival $515.09, disbursements were J nd the total surplus $2,054.60 ;iu criticism of some of the tactions as insufficient revenue Ifcnred from some sources with profits on others. Mostly the hlttes arose from Inexperience t tas pointed out that the ex- net this year would be an aid irrrtai out another carnival, 11 bt a five-day event. Norton, i presided at the meeting and ( fre present Gorge Rorle,' t WUUams, W. M. Watts. Dr. Cuter C A. Brlnd, A. 8. Nlck- .WlUlam Stone and C. A. Kel- Mr Ypurig's report on the vl follows In part: lour treasurer s detailed report ive you the exact figures of ite. construction; and operat- osts and operating profit or n the various operations of the lvsl. Rouahtv SDeaklng. our revenue was $5600 and our costs $3550, leaving a profit of xtaiately $2050. Based .on' figures, I believe that I can' ably state that the Carnival financial success. 1 e ticket sale for the Carnival an outstanding success. The s speak for themselves. The ticket revenue, Including re- at the door, amounted to 25. Against this should be td direct expenses In connec- tth the ticket sale and queen and, for want of any other to charge them, such expenses oto contest, flower show and ', wedding., entertainment dance and general overhead. expenses total $1143.15, leav- n actual direct profit of 10. e concessions, lncludlne the "iker, race track and derby. it - ? gallery and wheels and qame. show a profit of $184.27. neagerness of the flzure Is to excessive costs of construc- w tne shooting gallery and de- we breakdown of the de- . In ODeratlon. which paused b? out of ODeratlon nart of the ld,nlght and mnst nt the third and the fact that one of the U Was run at n live, fhe jtfr.nnd Me to a misunderstanding! epart of thej, operators. 'S hot don anil rrr arA IfP stands showed a profit of Rote tlfat no construction were shown against these u i imnK that possibly the "U'd be a flr tnr hl . 'eavlne $5nn v.i.nfi rhi a d a very creditable' showing, r ".? so when It is realized 'l was necessary to sell some " uogs and over 4000 bottles ;j t0,say nothing of countless T COffPe Hnrl Inn .nnns al'Ze th U nrrn IU. . 'U4V "e iea room hn.,.j a ...nt f 0i n an onirofi . i ..mlcaies the cxteni men we ari i.ui.j tu :wno donate nav.. -tr.i I not w iConlln , no construction omiaued ta pane Tw0y text Forty-Eisht Hours Will Present Greatest Danger To Britain, Militarists Believe 'PORT ON CARNIVAL Sint Last Night Hear That Net profit on Undertaking Was f2.034.60 ome Discussion tt Concessions in Hall Lost Btf Others Made Good Profit ' t " i meeting pf the Clylc Centre Enemy Tests Southeast Coast Defences Weather Not Quite So Favorable For Landing Further Air Raids on London . LONDON, September 14: (CP) The next forty-eight hours are a "period of intense danger of invasion to Britain" neutral military sources said today. The statement came as German rafders tested southeast coast defences following the eighth consecutive nightly raid on London. However, weather conditions off Dover were described as slightly less favorable ri for invasion possibilities with stiff southeast breeze and mist. Three daylight alarms sounded today but only one bombing was reported. Last night bombers drop Til Committee in me city nau jpea explosive and incendiary bombs on the south, east and western areas of the capital. 'Bombs were dropped during the third alarm the seventy-fifth so far of the war. Anti-aircraft guns sprang Into action and Air 1 9 nuu Royal ivujl nil Nazi planes having darted from matter last nlght' Mc'i -i i .. .. . Clvmont was In the chair and' nuuu vo cioua to reacn ine capital. . . . . , , A mrmn.r nf .fn j.... 'representatives of various organ-1 Ktstlon being that next year -last night were soon put out, hili ground Labor Day and L. - .i j... t r . WAS HIT SAVINGS FOR WAR! I . .1 ,1 1 omiktu UU4.U1& 4.Totlrn Knnrtnil nn nHnn I BY JAPS Empress of Asia In Incident-Apology Quickly Made TOKYO, Sept. 14: (CP) The Japanese Admiralty announced that naval fliers accidentally dropped a test bomb on the Canadian liner Empress of Asia, Injuring four Chinese members of the crew. The Navy at once sent surgeons and officials aboard to assist and apologize. The announcement said there was ho other damage. The purser of the liner said there was no structural damage. The Incident occurred while a naval squadron was in bombing practice off Oshima Island. The Japanese explained the liner was mistaken for a target. ARE GALLED TO SERVICE Proclamation Issued Today Advising Canadians Between 21 And 21 To Stand Ready OTTAWA, Sept. 14: (CP)- A proclamation Instructing single i men and childless widowers from 21 to 24 years of age to present themselves when called upon for medical examination and military training was made public today by Hon. J. .G. Gardiner, minister of national war services. The men called for the first training period scheduled October 9 will be notified by registered letter to report for physical Canada's War Loan Mounts rvTTAWA Rent 14: (CP) Cash ..iWrintinnQ in fianada's second rvr livm TPflphert $227,166,000 at noon yesterday and $242,000,000 last night; The Canadian Legion is Invest-1 Ing the limit of $400 for a year and thjjfJJorway. are buy-t Jng" "ioO'forth besides urging every member to buy at least one Delegates and the organizations which they represent will continue their efforts to encourage the sale of these securities. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtcty 8. D Jotwaton do.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .044. Bralorne, 9.50. Cariboo Quartz, 2.00. Dentonlo, .01 A. Falrvlew, .002. Gold Belt, .22A. Hedley Mascot, .46B. Mlnto Mlnto, .OlVi. Pacific Nickel, .08A. Pend Oreille, 1.30B. , Pioneer, 2.05. v Premier, .93B XD. Privateer, .40B. Reeves Macdonald, .22A. Reno, .15. Relief Arlington, .02Vi. Salmon Gold, .03Vi. Sheep Creek, .94. Cariboo Hudson, .02 's A. Oils a. p. con., .10. . Calmont, .24A. C. &.E., 1.35B. Freehold, .02A. Home, 1.81B. Royal Canadian, .llA. Okalta, ,75B. Mercury, .04. Prairie Royalties, ,13A. Toronto Aldermac, .15. Beattle, .82B. .. Central Pat., 1.70. Con. Smelters, 38.VJ. East MalartiC, 3.10. Francoeur, .39. Fernland, ,03A. Gods Lake, .35. Hardrock, .80. Int. Nickel, 36.y2, Kerr Addison, 2.55. Little Long Lac, 2.10. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.10. Madsen Red Lake, .38. tMcKenzle Red Lake, .95. Moneta, .60. 1 Noranda, 54,,i. Pickle. Crow, 2.60. ; Preston East Dome, 1.85,- San Antonio, 1.80. Sherrltt Gordon, .65. . Uchl,.40.' Bouscadlllac, .02. Mosher, .08. , Oklend, .07'2. SmeiterS Gold. .00 U. PROVINCIAL L!BVwVY 9mm i- AIR FORCE ' HITS HARD ! ON ENEMY Invasion Bases Across Enjl'sh Channel Smashed By British Aircraft LONDON, Sept. 14: (CP) Smashing at possible invasion bases across the English Channel, large forces of Royal Air Force bombers wrecked barge concentration and started fires amid German shipping, harbors and docks on the French and Belgian coasts last night, the Air Ministry announced. Key distribution centres tore effectively raided. Two British aircraft were lost, said a communique. addHr thatjtwo enemy bombers had Wn shot down. Prntrrce Tlin V Mart In Prntnnllnn . - if n indicatM an oil nt s,... or r.,Hf.,.. i ...... 0f arnrnunit0n dump, had been Stamps Here ,rilrk j Enemv artlllrry emplacements xiuKicaa in uiuiiiuuiiK me salt: i 11.1.. - , i , UC HINU U1ASICU Force formations took to the wing 01 war savui3s stamps ana certm-The raid did not last. tnnr Th cat" was reported at a meeting! enemy was in small formations, the 01 ine locai commiuee on in BATTLE OF LONDON IS CONTINUING NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1940. Attempt "Boche Will Get It In Neck When Invasion Comes," Says Hish British Air Officer "We no lontrer reirard invasion as a maior risk." de- clares a letter written by an air vice marshal of the Royal j Air Force in England to a friend in the United States, a copy of wh?ch has come to hand from priyate sources in Prince Rupert. ' "It the Boche likes to try it, he will get it in the neck. As for the air war, we are now well on top. The Boche nas been proaigal in throwing away his trained crews and we have not. Of course one cannot stop occasional hit and run raids but they make ths people more determined than ever tr carry ! on and get their own back. As lor what we're doing to him (the I5eCu,ar Monthly Meeting Last Bo:he) on the othir side . . .we are Night Secretary To Attend jur t giving him Hell from the Baltic Convention to the Alps and, what's more, he . .. . ' , bard f '"tors of the 'can't DThe stop us. As for the general 'situation. wp-vp fnrPH .. tn 9nv Prm Rupert General Hospital From Dover could be h.ard (he much was in regular monthly session las 5 wore and came out smlUn roar and seen th purM of antl- night. It was a brief meeting and xhe state f Eur0De tod l3 u aircraft fire lur!n ah, nlthl. .i . business to a large extent was of w.'tauuEU ill fcja.u ludldib UllUUb toning Napoleon. We 6 shall not have to do that becaus HOSPITAL ! . Tomorrow's TlTdes High Low . BUSINESS Q. P. Tinker occupied the chair In the absence 0:20 a.m. 19.9 ft 12:49 p.m. 19.9 ft. 6:45 asn. 4.1 ft. 19:00 p.m. 5.0 ft. PRICE; 6 CENTS Close At Hand TAKING IT LIKE REST OF PEOPLE Taste Of Nazi Barbaritv Onlv Makes Resolution Of Londoners Stronger, Declares Monarch LONDON, Sept. 14: After emerging from shelter yesterday following the bombing attack upon Buckingham Palace, King George said:: "Like the rest of you we have had a personal experience with German barbarity. It will only strengthen our resolution to fight through to ultimate victory." The King and Queen received, messages from the government," Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King of Canada and many others. A time bomb dropped in yesterday's attack on Buckingham Palace exploded today, demolishing a gate post and a section of fence. While the King and Queen were 1? "nl c "he president.' Frank Dlbb. ln Buckingham Palace at e Aaon wm njv, TIT " ST fM; Flaten and R. E. Benson esses Ellzabfeth and Mart Bcche gets hungry enough. He has Rose were. not. and M. H. u Land dlrect had a lot cf cheap successes so far. Miss Jean Harrison R N tad Indignant London scoffed at an. not excluding France and. now he ruperintendent. and H. W. "Birch, !MU '3,' ' thatfth,e' 4C iee ",k "-buui ran M , t , managing secretary. 1 like. We shall keep slamming at m Btrch the' managing sec- e were almed at nearby oU Germany until she's had enough r.tarv was' deleeated to attpnd depots' There are no 011 dePt3 and that will be .long before we vSSxSSi of the Brl-,(m.U" Buckingham Pal-. The lettjr is aniencouraulne .ex-v,i rwiu,is 10 4 ,?annqt be mistaken. Lor.don ac- ample- erthe-rnoralS-f -tllToid W&FSS'M' Land under increasing war strain hospital problems will be discussed bomblIJSs as an Pfn a"nP' "P" and for that reason i Dublishpd in .1,,. j -v. .the.lives xf the King and Queen. $4 certificate which will be worth New Type Of" Balloon Barrage And lull as follows: , interesting discourses bv noted T-he D?Partment of Information , I Heavy Anti-aircraft Fire Still ' Your vehemently denIes that there ls $5 at maturity. letter Just to hand and hoscital authorities One matter W rrf..ll. . . ...111 1 . . " nn 1 r row H i--l m MnaroM m a. t rrue iiiciur-,iire you win no aouot nave by now to be taken ud will be the aues- ' ui suyciuuiciu Damage Done received r any part of lt t0 leave Umaa ty letter ln answer to Hon of scale of fees to be paid your cable in which you sq kindly by the Workmen's Compensation as ggested by German propa- LONDON. ScDt' 14-After the ?" to take Jin and the Jn Board which, a resolution to he ganaa- cn, venth consecutive night t..v,t of f fk.i. their " c""."a; them uusui ,n ui Presented nreseniect to to the me convention win """J nad to "acuaAe !nBhnUn Sln" hen subm". should tot its patients Intensive attack, German bombers ,th"f haye Pay ''were back over London again to- e" nmant fact0r3 ndlnS t0 the same charges as other pa-iday and, up to this afternoon, Postponement of evacuation plans, tlents have to pay. The proposal ' ' . . I Nnr. tho pact nalrnr fVirif mA v r there had been three alarms dur- ! " ' "c u necessary, to maw a test Ing the day ger gard lnvasion as a major pass of this principle in the Last night's attach were largely .Uk' " thf ,Bo,che. "kes courts. Prince Rupert "will also he w11 get 11 ta the neck' for concentrated upon the London Af, have a resolution before the con. area and South Wales. Many , " ' c. . veawon m.regaro to . siauaaraiza- bombs were dropped on the east op' ne Bocne has b?e,n tlon of barges to be paid hos- .....i, ,.k,.f i.t,i... f ln throwing away his trained nitals for contract services. aircraft fire" was again effective course- one cannot. stop occasional with capital expenditure of $74.70. In holding the brunt of the enemy hlt and run raids but they do no Hospital days for the month num-' attack off the centre of the city harm beyond making the people bered 1808 at a . per diem cost of dmw th. nteht. forcine .the ene- more determined than ever to $2.99. I mv in fchp main to dron his hleh tarry on and get thelr ovm "a?-. Miss Harrison reported the hos exnlosivp and- Incendiary bombs Continued on Page three) on the fringe and outskirts of th city and elsewhere in the,country. A new type 01 Daiioon Darrage at greater height than before Is also proving effective. The alt ministry said that a British bar Numerous famous Iron Lung Is ,0n Way Here rage balloon snared a German' m . . . nlanp vpstprdav An "" lu"s' iJ'"c"lc" ,u piane yesterday. ni-oi wncttai The German attacks are becom- f J"'"1 "u" ,7 1 ' Ing even more vicious and flre,;" 7'"""" bombs Empire, Is now on its way here incendiary and scream are helng used. . " JZ rZl landmarks " was uuiuutu have already been damaged, some quite severely. Canada House was struck with an Incendiary bomb yesterday but Tin fiprfmiQ rfomairp was done. The building formerly occupied "eigni rates, by the Italian tourist bureau and the Ford Motor Co. offices were among places which suffered damage yesterday. An Incendiary missile fell on the House of Lord3 yesterday but the historic building escaped seri ous damage. Up to Thursday, according to an official statement, 1245 Londoners have been killed and 4820 Injured since the Intensive air raiding began last Saturday night. Ing last night, by the Provincial Boatd of Health. Due to war conditions, the,re will be certain charges to be paid through war risk insurance and Increased BASEBALL SCORES American League New York 0, Detroit 8. Boston 0, Cleveland 1. Washington 3, St. Louis 7. Philadelphia 2-4, Chicago 6-8. National League Cincinnati 5, New York 2. Pittsburgh 2, Brooklyn 8. St. Louis 9, Boston 3. Chicago 1, Philadelphia 6. pltal to be fairly quiet at this time following very busy months of July and August. Operation of the ambulance was reported upon by the house com mittee, R. E. Benson, chairman, and discussed. D. G. Borland reported briefly for the grounds committee, announcing that a plaque had been embedded near, a tree which had been planted by the Girl Guides in commemoration of the visit of the King and Queen to Canada last year. Mr. Borland also said that arrangements had been made to paint a stone wall erected on the hospital grounds. The report of the fire chief, following a routine Inspection, was that conditions were satisfactory both ln hospital and nurses home. Tenders for coal supply during the coming year were opened.. and the lowest, those of Phllpott, Evltt & Co., accepted. The tenders were: 'Albert & McCaffery 1 double screen Nanalmo-Welllngton lump, $13.10j- Foothills lump, $11.35; Bulletins h cltfd toZ andlnduslrlai a"d "TT The bard aUth9riZed the SiSn'! time draft legislation, jpremlses, it was stated today, had nTmuch iV I?5 f Na': hPpn Hamno-Pd Tan nart'eularlv craft don 1 mcan so much and and 1d tlonal Defence of a favorable con- ' , ....... . . 'heavy salvos were dropped in any event our numbs cannot now tract to cover patients under the , be much wlde of the real Boche 'sftth iHnn a wnman and a pat department receiving hospital she was nursing were killed. The ,u' . e are milB3 treatment, a letter win also be' a"cau U1 wc wul" senl 10 tne aeparimeni expressing; woman was sitting ln a chair. A number of houses in South Wales UP eflnst him in the air, It is appreciation for co-operation ln; nowadays simply matter of how a this connection, were struck. South Africa House and the Law Courts in the1 Strand much ammunition .we can carry The report of the finance com- - ....j, u- j and how fast the Boche can run mlttee. Arnold Flaten. chairman. I DRAFT IS. APPROVED WASHINGTON, D.C.r- Peace requiring age for military service, was ap proved by United States Congress today and dispatched to the White House for signature by the President. WHO WILL LEAD OFF? CAIRO That the Italian, at- Led toilMMonZnton awa whether we knock them aU 'r the month showed exPendl- ,atk on fn down or onlv half of them. Of tures to August tobHIlnK 15417.82 is expected here. British ftiore intensive ami yiuuu nu- - . . ... ----- 'I mllitarv anthnrifln. ih ready for anything even to take the offensive themselves. BRITAIN WILL WIN DENVER General John J. Pershing, on his eightieth birthday, yesterday predicted that Great Britain will hold out against any attack. Britons are living up well to their reputation. There is imminent danger for the United States. HALIBUT SALES American Sunset, 37,000, 10.4c and 8c, Belinda, 24,000, 10c and 8c, Storage. Hoover.. 23,000, 10.6c and 8c, Royal.- Visitor, 10,000, 10.4c "and 8cf Booth. Canadian Clipper II, 22,000, 10.8c and 8c, Atlln. Nanalmo-Welllngton lump; $13; Foothills lump, $1125; Nanalmo-Welllngton washed pea, $10.25. In explanation of Increased prices, It I Nanalmo-Welllngton washed pea, 1 was pointed out that tHls" h"ati'been $16.35. ,1- due to advances in the. mlhehead : Phllpott" Evltt Double Etreen Price as well as In freight rates. .