HQ TWO Paris Maid Slippers PALLY EDITION The. Very Latest In Dorsay. Mule and Vamp Boudoir Designs in Leathers, Satins and Cheneils Latest Shades and Combination of . Shades Just Arrived Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert pally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid In Advance, per month By Mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By Mall to ail other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion Local Readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations SnjMBEB OF THE CANADIAN PRESS "There'U always be an England While there's a country lane, Wherever there's a cottage small Reside a field of grain. ; - . 4 , "There'll always be an England, And England shall be free -If England means as much to you As England means to me." I Saturday, October 26, 1940. "There'll Always Be An England" - - This is the sonir that Canadians sinrr na tW InnH 0 ri5 ?ort K 1S the sonS th Australian and bouth Africans sing when they catch sight of English shores. It is sung in the United States. It was the last song of the little boys and girls who had just left their native land and who were drowned by the Nazi terror- 1 V ,5t00(i on tne deck antl sanS those words just as (he ship on which they were crossing to Canada sank fKiKMii my waves, u is a song tnat will live for many a - yearjecause it expresses the faith of a great people. England seems to have borne the brunt of the Ger-inan attack so there is no need to apologize for the sing-Iinj out of that country by the song writer any more than there was for the singing of "Tipperary" in the previous war. Today, England has become the symbol of unexampled bravery in resisting attempted oppression and, Jrom that resistance, will spring the suppression of Hit-.m.an(!11a,I.that for which he stands. When we sing There U always he an England" we mean that there will always remain somewhere in tho wm-iri H.af ,.,i,ri. will overcome evil no matter how one-sided may seem the. J. H, PULGER Optometrist Roy ti Bank Blr Fresh Local Raw. nnd Pasteurized MUk YALENTIN ' DAJRY PIIONB t37. HINTS TO and THE DAILY NEWS Saturdav On, purpose for setting eratchlns point" oj 'coyotes "or: .TTiiQ .YL ?i b AIvm if tssible or again, a jywi , , ity of the animal rather than to The foUowlns method has given (Tyrgarn Mulvanv) 1 j-. L. .t - rt wherever used since M?tnb?rs of the Tweedsmulr an animal Is getting to eat, the it was Introduced: use the ParkRnH and n,in n,iK mrvo ihnrnmhi mnv He iirirtltv desrribed In the equipment iof predatory animals from the B animal amxa! as with the scent as the Game Department kit list ,been favored by the receipt of a be aroused. Two distinct appeals but carry the lrsht earth, as from vamaoie Dulletin on the tnmnlnz may be made one throuen me cne roois ui iui" etc. which, tQ. dame Assocfitiorf. Hnatte frdm th ecretfcns $od contains mucji "humoro.u jnai nitf aj-ycre, orimauy written swnos 01 ins sp&fiSB ana ins iH?r fv v -j-- i by' R. K. ilewart. chH crttiaujn' hrou?h tfie toqutlveness of the "hunius" matter. animal huhfer for Alaska, has animal by a scent having a fetid Valuable Doni's been revised and abbreviated but basis. A number of variations may e Bulletin quotes is commendable for its sound ad- be mad? in either class and at ble -non'ts." I vice rrom one wno nas made it -a iwws me two may pecomDuea ai- Mever me tobacco a life study. Top lnsfhy to repro- 4homih iadv1bj hi ordinary traVfne. ' some valu- duce in Hs entirety, a few of the Tb folftwin scents. Na - Nmr exPecrwate near thf most valuable ooints may be 1 arid 2. are excellent forulae. one Kv taka trans or traD-ktt abrorbed by the trapper, hunter eh kind: llvlns quarters. and prosper tcr for the damage toj Scent For Coyotes Never ?o up to s?.s unless game, especially deer and moos?.. Mi'sk ern.t for ccvot-s: One nectsessary. Is annually beccmirrrj greater. Th? half rin of glyrerin?" cantilnln? Never fonet that you cannot be old trappers may laugh and the Gn ?ram of corrosive subBmtts. QUtte careful enough, ld prospector t?ll about the om on-U'"dram oj zfaw vareanate "PonTuse paraffin In the hot ;he shot In 1890 but the fact re- fourth drain of Tonquin musk Si- tea dip for traps for srioW It mains that, In spits of the $15 bertant. one-half dram Civet musk, makes them spring too easily, bounty, there are comparatively one-half dram beaver castor, fine- Neyer leave an abrupt edge of few wolves brorght In. jy gr0Und Add three times this snow about the set.' Quoting from the buUetm the 8m0unt of tbprouJy rottd fish Never leave a nnear cf dirt on article on "Equipment" reads as Cil, or rotled caltou or maoee the snow. follows: Any of th? standard bm'as. or add equal aowunt of On den hunting ,ths following makes of No. 3 spring (double) aod 8nal gJeods of coyotys way b? found lnforrnttlvs: ,traps are recommended for coy- and twJ?e the amount of thtir ur- If the TocaUcn of fo.x ??ns Is o'es. The No. 14 Newlrousj Is the me. Tjbtkjke.n to pp M-kh flour, knovin they may be visited In enly trap suitable for wolves In Antoal sc?ut fcr eoyo5$ and denning time to see If coyotes or Alajka. The No. 4 Newhnup mnv A. i 1 nt ni.A .i ..! v,.T r ik. ear If undisturbed. In rare cases one of the female will have her first family hv r" 7 SnOW B vm, Very mrnn POTOUS and will net get it to Means Of Capturing Predatory I Inlmlc I - L'I..:,U 1.1 UTlrthv of anv tnnwr'! otin- PYflllde the COOr Ol SltCl tWro Tn nMonf caahI in an. r.ni h mart th riirit- and tee sets require special care den with another l.U-mother. If there Is a. parent coyote will try to chase her in a direction Snow away from the den. Woman Engineer Lucky For Ship Vaninl Aflr lltifn Vlrlnrii Kttm mar trigger-Jaw and under the loose Mr. Stewart eoes on with a rnw itiP honV.nfrAc m,ir .' Hve $ln JkTi"? .tTo'-XStS Th select a poln loau wwtsh therein. n lQ" auo w or drag hcoks for traps, a one paragraph on "Places for Sets" Is from cne hundred to eWht hund - iv,.. "o W8frrea.aiiori can or large Dassei wun worthy of attention. red yards distant on which to He Banker II .. ... why ury mre -ureat care stiouw be taken In and watch the den for approach Armour's 10 earJi, a scent kit consisting of attesting a location for a set. of danger. In dm hunting it Is R.OA.F. '9 least two kinds of scent, a bottle Choose art open space on a point generally found that th3 dm Itself Malkin's 7 for receiving gall and anal glands -where theranimals go to survey the or its limmedlate surroundings are Signals .... .7 from trapped animals, a container surrounding section or the base in view; It will often b- situated PhllDOtt-Evltt ft toils iw, iiunu o a - icouii me wuuuciiui v,..v.v. iv.-in.,i, ic-iwoives .ii.uj. i.mose m or a a riu5 nosr may mav ru uc itxm .nu ELreams. strBome an on nin rarrnce o t.mo- ,v, ij i t. . . ., , . . ... . " ' rv..l.:Li. ii .ii i,, i . .. . . . . .. "'vow, .uvcj.y ay juuimirn xojioweu py me Dmtai atiaCKS OI jtlu-ua oui are not so good) and pass in a ridge or points along " Jer on" the women, and children of the southern section of . &mes whlch are for no other wind-swept ridge, choose fllQ I.l.lnl rf fl,nnt- T) ! V ! rii. 11 mc ifAuiui uj. vjicat iiuui. was wniien in ine spring oi JIarch m$ and was a flop. There was a little too much gush about it. It seems like "laying it on too thick" for the staid people of England. Copies of the song were put on the top shelf of the music shops out of reach. Then came the war and people realized they were fighting for freedom. But it was not until the evacua tion of Dunkirk drew the eyes of the world to Britain1 " vv viiiy vuuiury jen mai couiu save democracy from uie uj-uiui ruie oi nuier mat the sentiment expressed in the song became the sentiment of the English speaking work) and the English defence forces became heroes. So today everybody sings: and some later. No doubt there is stylettes 11 w 13 ..W...6 2 7 8 a n li 12 12 PREPARE 11 1 4 ft REMEMBER...THERE IS OrVLYCS PRESTONE BRAND ANTI FREEZE ! aSt I) )A ? Fo5 fou,teen ye3" Canadian motorists in ever-increasing numlwi A1 nr have 'carncd to place complete reliance on "Prestone" Anti-Freeze. 'ut uus anu-ireeze u guaranteeq n writing to give protection against freeze ups all winter long. Even on the mildest winter day there is no evaporation or boil-away. Special ingredients protect the cooling system against rust and corrosion. Especially this year protect the life of your car. Take no chances I Insist on the proven anti-freeze told. by more than 15,000 dealers in Canada. jurupnc luiicdMiig conunoutry costs, the price remains the same! Canadian National Carbon Co., Limited TORONTO Hllf MoWmI M'mnicxi Vancouver You ho can SERVp by SAVING I BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS TO COUUt BIG VO HOW PoUlll.lr tT7T"" I rtpr.- iiciiicu Mwic risuiiiiK wile ".uii p . NORFOLK, Va.. Oct. 26: CP 5 "p.lkh a Victoria Alexandria Drummond, Koiai OI named after the late Queen Victor- P,e(?ntial ia, helped bring the Panamanian Sll"t,m b.d) feamer Bonlta saffly to.qghttiree H ns "36 Cjjr)?ian warplane attacks on a're1'- c&9 bv ni 'tent foyage' across thevAtiantl wh- wa- , ,t Sh? is second engineer on the ves- itlm m W yel which weathered the Nazi on- S .na:ng v. , slaughts with no greater damage vot2i! in 'h; than shattered porthole glasses and gainst ei?h: f, . machine gun bullet scars. were i a by former govern,, r . Canada At War 25 Years Ago .b used for wolves but to not so coWtog one grain of corrosive den shculd be undisturbed. Wolves i oh!PLfhp rlu SerbS in soul"ern SOOd- jublimstft In ttia ounce, one-half breid snmtlmes In Januarv but.01 I LU - IV. , ' !--- - -r ..T. n UkW "ie 'oiiowing arucies dram zinc vafereaaate. Adi equal mostly In February jnnd coyotes has been found by experience to amoumt of pall and anal glands about tw0 or three weeks later. $5.00Jbs the most suitable and should 0f wolf and twic- the amount of The perkd of gestation Is nine 5Q be used at all times: .their urine. Anal glands are situ- weeks. Most of the pups are born ne Plece of canvas three feet ated Just under the skin on either In April though some come eailier 3.00 uare' garoen trowei, i smaii sW 0f the anus. For coyotes us: 9.0aril"r1"" nauu-aAc. mear sscrenons m tne same pro- some variation due to climate Bluebirds '.. .11 1 pair pliers, 1 can, about the portion. Saturate a cotton swab and in some .sections the heaviest Rangers 11 .02,sl2.ev,of. a.one coffee can ,llke a hrcat swab) and placs pupping comes in May. Both Savoy Swingers .10 2. with the bottom punched full of near the set. Re-scent on next wolves and coyotes bear from Big Sisters '8 holes for use as a sieve, trap cov- visit by dipping the same swab, four to twelve pups with an aver- Annettes 4 jers of canvas to fit Inside Jaws of .then it Is good for one to three age of seven. Predacious animaU Knox Hotel 3 traps, with slit cut for trigger, weeks, droendkis nn the wind and nsimiiv !( i tv cw nt a tnnii t et.iw., o ' ' "J - ww v wawM UUtftl ftjn.tirwcra tt , , . long enOUffh lO gO Over the rain which wnVhw su-nv th( .wnf. 4f m l. n " ----- " J - -r- W W V.UUUt I J w 111.4 mi J JA - . . . 19 f NEW YORK IdOr lar vote in r i iy v ana Vermont oral collet? three. The D?to' votei In th? agaihst 16,679,583 Oct. 23. 1915 French trooos on M90.561 for the Western Front captured "The Union. B-rvy.-. i Curtain." strong German position hlbi-'on and ' - ncrth of Mesnll In the ChamDagne. The foUow.n , Venice bombed by Austrian airmen. Bowling Standings . Ladles' League (he pppuhr. vi four yecrs st i Alabama Arizona Arkansai California Colcrada Connecticut Delaware 11 Florida 11 Georgia 10 Idaho 8 Illinois 4 Indfana 3 Iowa 2 Knas Kentucky Louisiana L pt Maine li Maryland 11 Massichusscrt 1 Michigan 8 Minnesota 7 Mississippi 7 Missouri 6 Montana 8 Nebratka - 7. , . ""-1 pr v.ie wun New nam-JShir. a fall where there are suitable cay- a "want ad." In the Dally News. w.u a erns. 'Nevada They use a den year after (tf)New mmIt New York i North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Ore-ton ,Pennlyvjnia RhSfls I;md South CaroHna ,Souh Dakota Tenne?"e? iTexas jUtah .... , Vermont tV'jT-'nla iJVa?h!n.Tton J.Wjrtt Virginia ljvjapnjln 1 w yum 1115 Hi i K; ; CP 1 ' toil 0 M;i:.ie k5. r; ES" ? 1 16' f, r M 249.1 ' 2 3a? 39 Vel Mt.rt 1 c -. ,4 trv,. j ' m j 2'.; t rm 1 !(""4 t r:' ; : ' !? 1 -, f,j S4T4M S! 8 ' tOS.4" 1 1 t 53 j J 618:4! 16 '48 1 74? : "? i 069 "IS Til IB" ?V. 133?!)) 1607 327 m 734.48'S 150.248 62 124 234.980 459.579 502 582 802984 62.624 Hundreds of oeople try a srl In the Dailv News rlnfied umn and get good results For Ladles and Ofntimt' TAILORING M T t" We Cover Buttons for tow I)ress Buy Your Own Cleanlnr. Presslnf, Kepairinf t 3dAv. Phone Green 9C0 P.O.'' '" THE 3EAL QUALITY uocr' I GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyc PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by company wMn caonlng " the year round pay"" Pruice ltuperv