in iiiiiiw RUIUIJUhJ OF NAZIS Hard At Nazis LONDON, Oct. 26: The 7il Air Force continued owpread and fierce assault Germany, Nazi-occupied Tjr and the Channel t aremen and cux- BVttM A. ' ' ""servers on the Eng- coast this afternoon re- i . "'a' uouioune wa. still "8 om last night's fur- attacks . - MV4",H' w Wild Nnf y Hieher uuiuig me rugni, pouna- t "WQ at many military ob- VOa IT.,.. rt J "UKC All CO tVVlb ted in factories, military ...... awuil UU1UL3 eve. IWIIIU 1 were made on a power tlon at Kiel nnrt f Irp. start- 1 usiupDuiidlng yards there tr.A rrvin... n t ii . J. on Germany last night. 1 uhof power station at Ham- l was also heavily bombed - "its were siarten nmane -r ' es. a pall of smoke MR OYrr the. j (i j. . "vii vii tut; riLiiuii lessaff, .u 7 ' ,n Janu"y Jast ' conti; " uieaauthorlty under ctease authorizes the oral . Wiwce w. M. Martin, dayi rent controller, stated yes- LOCAL DRAFT VICHY, October 26: (CP) Marshal Henri Philliime tain and Chancellor Adolf Hitler agreed today on "col-, oration in principle" for reconstruction of'neace in I) tl ....... nffininll.t 1 i 1 If . rODc. h uiiiiuuiituu LuiiimiL. ivieans 01 1 iMnr trip ntrreemnct will he fixaminnrl c-jirl fViol communique. Hitler and Petaln held a "general examination of the I situation," It was said. Just what are the terms of the agreement reached between Hitler and Petaln Is as much a mystery as ever today. There appears now, i however, to be little doubt of the i tilt I-- 11 T'L . I . . I EI - -- . a t'klA WVIIIU11UU Ull laV L J Mkl ll.L. .WY I Expense Of I ranee "the Nazi dictum under duress of 1 immediate penalty threats Includ ing the taking over of the rest of participation Itself m of French people falling under the nr against Orcat Britain but Nazis following the collapse, operating with the Axis The French government met vn inn wav nr aivintr nnci strain innav vnn , SMinn nx rnp ;rj and permitting the, council of ministers scheduled for . Spalns stands to derive I There Is still no reason to believe territorial gains, It Is that France will be drawn directly official quarters here, into conflict with Great Britain. iitn l. . i i n .. t u . . .1 ii-- T i r..lnn i France Including por- standard suggested that the aged tench Morocco and Al- Petaln might resign the Premler- al h( lmpontant ports of ship rather than submit to further to and Oran respectively, humiliation at the hands of Hitler. This would pave the way for the accession of Vice-Premier Pierre Laval who has already sold out en- j tlrely to Germany for what he can personally gain. Conferences between ler Laval and Foreign Minister Cl- ano of Italy are now pending. CANADIANS AT FRONT Men From Ontario, Quebec and Maritlmes Take Up Important Positions on English Coast - SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND, Oct. 2G: (CP) A considerable number ot Canadian troops have been moved Into the front line of Great Britain's mighty defence bulwark and for the first time the Dominion!! fighters are holding an Important sector on the English coast. They are relieving British units in these coastal positions. The men to whom the honor has fallen are from Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces. FOR OVERSEAS j i Ton Rlpn Of 102nd. And econu, Searchlight Batteries Liave Tn sftrPCiUYtii and six gunners of the 102nd. Heavy Battery and two gunners from the secona RpurrfillBhl Batfcerv left on last I T- . ... ICLJIUIK H W. .... . J tlllery in Great Britain. They were ne ot the eastbound passenger train which plunged into Lome Creek last Saturday night, supposedly carrying Engineer J. C. Carpenter, Fireman S. J. Mayer and two transients to their deaths, might be hauled back onto the track this week-end, possibly to-day Up to noon today no bodies had been recovered. Provincial police announce definitely that Percy Stirrett of Kitwanga, a fifth man who was feared to have been in the wreck, was not on the train. PRESIDENTS MESSAGE WASHINGTON President Franklin D. Roosevelt, it was announced today, has sent a message to the Vichy ' government formally warning it against making any change in the status quo of French possessions in the western hemisphere. RED CROSS GOING OVER TORONTO Six provinces have gone over the top in the Red Cross campaign. The total has s reached $1,800,000 out of the ob icctlve of S5.000.000. British Col umbia's total Is now $300,000. The drive in Alberta has yet to start. ANZACS ARRIVE AT A WESTERN CANADIAN PORT A contingent of Austral-Ian and New Zealand airmen arrived yesterday enroute to training schools in the east to complete training under the Empire air training plan. R.C.A.F. CRASH KIRKLAND LAKE Sergeant Harry McDonald of Winnipeg and Aircraftsman W. M. Stutz of St. James, Manitoba, were killed yesterday when a Royal Canadian Air Force plane, being flown from Winnipeg to Camp Borden, crashed fifteen miles cast of here. 'GERMAN IS RECAPTURED Lake Ontario TORONTO, Oct. 26: (CP)-Carl Rabe, German U-boat warrant officer, was In custody today after a bid for freedom from Internment .. """I VJCl. 7A Tonnnti 111 mm-, nf Iho 1 IKnrt WHO UlC ... ,1.. m PM...J . " -- .. iwh ph tooK mm out on we wavcw -v,vi,in k 11 . , , L I i I . 4 ihA Hravv rvi'i . . rtrr. . "i mu ipnrrai rent nresciiu oi.iv inn m . , -t.i iM n rftwhiMT.. hp "ui lnrino,,.. . it... . . r Sgt. (Bertl) J. II. Cross, bgi. J,., anA was endeavJ Alvey. Gnr. J. McCartney, Onr E. a two... rint- .t t n n rtps. Gnr. onr. J. P. Roch, Gnr. H. M. Scaton. Onr. C. M. Shelford, Gnr. J. C. O. Smith and Gnr. G. A. Sweder. i . b.tJ t - v.n1rn Vile jjnV fn -' - - j.iuu"'bi . the United States wnen ne was driven back by fog and captured by two civilians. I. 11 LIBRARY 1 f 11 VICTORIA, B.C. Reported sunk by German, aerial attack off coast of Ireland. I . WOKKIKG O.N WRECK ! It is hoped at Canadian Nation- Btinr Lured Bv Territorial Vlrhv rov.mmpnt'. ,an.fian,, l al railways oiuces mat the en- KING CAROL SEEKS HELP Heads With United States To Intercede On His Behalf Against Extradition WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 26: (CPt The exlkd former King of Rumania. Carol. ar?pea'd lo the Unltrd Statf frovernmrnt yrster-day to Intercede on behalf of him self and paiity monbers mow de- the war. f'alrKd In Savilhr StIiv .a'atast extradition proceeding back ""to Rumania. NEXT MOVE ON GREECE nmip rf oft- irx Danubian Parley Starting Monday BUCHAREST, Rumania, Oct. 26: The Danubian control confer- nop In which T?.ii.k1a's richts have U-Boat Officer Who Escaped From b reCoenlzcd by admission Toronto Hospital Tried to Cross of the Soviet to the parley, will commence on Monday. Military Training In Mexico Schools MEXICO CITY, Oct. 26: Military instruction for boys will be Instituted fa, all Mexican .schools as a national defence measure. President Cardenas announced yesterday. eathenEo'i:ecast Tomorrow sTFdes prince Rupert and Queen Char latte Islands-Strong east to south-,5, Low 10:20 ajn. 19.9 It. winds or galas, unsettled and 22:45 p.m. 19.7 ft pUd with rain. Low ....... 3:51 a.m. 5.8 ft. 16:33 p.m. 6.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIX. No. i. , -w PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1940. PRICE: S CENTS .Phi - - .Me.. rcat Meamer Is Reported Sunk azi-French Agreement Made Berlin Claims ichy and berlm I o Collaborate In Peace Move, Announced ..1 T.t-mo T A nrrnnmnnf A wn IInnrAinn At I. Mystery as hver Accession of Power of French "Quisling" is Foreseen Empress Of Britain Britain Is NAVAL BASE UNDER FIRE LONDON. Oct. 26: (CP) German air raiders gave London sis alarms today from daybreak to carlv afternoon following a night Ion? alarm. Bombs dropped in the fourth alarm, exoloded in a central city district. One fell in a shopping crowd and several' person? were believed bnriid in debri of a tenement block hit by a bomb. One hundred and twenty persons crawled unharmed from the damaged shelter. During the third alarm a single bomb was dropped in a shopping district and sir persons were killed. The rixth alarm of the day, sounding at 3:30 run. and ending a few minutes later, was the 265th ot Defences were effective' and almost all the day's attacks were held away frowtheJnirtrT -polis only the odd' enemy plane : getting through. j LONDON. Oct. 26: Net only Italian London but the Firth of Forth on the east coast of Scotland, where lr- located important Rosyth naval i i ii . ti. i i j cars, wrecking them and killing', ,8nd injuring more than a score of. persons. Other high explosives! struck leor a police station, wreck- lng nearby structures and near an :alr raid shelter, leaving many In jured in the street. In one section a bomb wrecked a row of shops over which some persons In apart- Admission Of Russia Taken As ments were Injured. The Royal Air! Admission By Axis Of Soviet Force fended off numerous raiders. Rights before they reached London. It i was not until late afternoon thatl Empress Victim Message From x Mrs. Roosevelt Guardian. , .A. , rony-ninin straignt " nignt oi air was "n " reported to be movin? to Brindlsl . . . i ,. T f ft. fo.o. ra dinS- It li?htetird "uo aftsr mid- blow to EMBASSY IS ENDANGERED CHUNGKING, China, Oct. 26:! HrkmKa foil Wn.tromiislv .flV; tfl ' night. The renewed Intensification of the attack ended an easing up of two or three days during which w.ather for aerial operations was quite unfavorable. British defences functioned well in the night attack,: shooting down eight Nazi bombers. ( t,,.w..o nnmu raii P, Three large waves of Nazi raid- Close In Chungking S' i Firth of Forth. I Yesterday's Raids Bombs rained out of a cloud- iTirwi Rfate. niKDnv "eckcd sky in a series of day- another severe attack upon provisional capital of China. this TO RESUME of of Air Attack Off Irish Coast Bombers Said to Have Scored Direct Hits on Canada's Largest Liner No British Confirmation at First Not Carrying Canadian Troops BERLIN, October 26: (CP) Informed miarter tn. PROM W A 71 Q day rePrted the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Bri-riJlYl 1jt1.'.IiJ .ain had been attacked by German combat planes north Firth Of Forth Shared. Attack Last Night With London Ke-newed Assault Continues ot Ireland this morning and claimed that the ship was sinking after the crew had abandoned her. Bombing planes were claimed to have scored direct hits. If the report Is true It would be the great- est single marine casualty so far In ' the war as far as actual shipping is concerned. 1 The Empress of Britain is a vessel of 42,348 tons, 760 y2 feet long and was the largest vessel ever to ply MANCHESTER, Oct. 26: A belween Great Britain and Can- message of goodwill and gbod'jada- The flagship of the Canadian chwr has been sent to the 1 Pacific ocean fleet, she was built at women of England by Mrs. John Brown yards on the Clyde, her Frpmklin D. Roo?evelt, wife 1 f,rst keel Plate being laid Novem- of the President of the United ber 28 1928 and her first trip down t States. The message is pub- the River Clyde being made on Vrbed In .the Manchester APri 5- The launching took place at Clydebank, June 11, 1930, with the then Prince of Wales, now f the Duke of Windsor, officlatlng.- The Empress of Britain carried the King and. Queen on their return trip to England after the Hour, ot Canada in 1939. In 1932 she brought INlA to Canada Including Premier Stan- Hl V AlJlLfillley Baldwin and Chancellor of the .Exchequer Neville Chamberlain. March In Egypt To Be. She held the record land-to-lahd Renewed, Mussolini's piece Says ras?. were mvuy aiia:sra aur- ROME. Oit. 26: Th Italian In Sudden or tne n'ni- droPPS lar?? quan- Alexandria and Suez, according to Isuspension oMtalian air service to oi eslxe a"d !"liary Virginlo Gayda, editorial spokes-Ir.rL caus3d of Premier Benito Mussollno. M.,iI foreign observers to wh:ch -'M:aabl3 man wondr today If a showdown with --sc wu ine nome ramo saia loaay tnai immediate " was a coninusucn of a new Italian offensive in Egypt is that nation was on h rtlI(, one of the heaviest day attacks in imminent. It said that Marshal have been cut off for months. Mouth- Atlantic passage of three days, one M .Tfii,M;i.n.. Fcr London tt was Uvi Graziani's army in North Africa Italians "now ready to deal a final the British In Egypt." War Materials To Great Britain And United States Only; ! OUT FOR WILLKIE John L. Lewis Will Resign as C.I.O. Cliief If Roosevelt Re-Elected; He Promises the aU clear was sounded. The l ."' " Press Association said that about . ' . , .,u ,.. ,u , , ,, . Industrial Organization, last night one hundred raiders ,u, in all crossed ..... . . , . .. . his support to Wendell L the coast in the day's raids. Two public shelters were reported small. P.G.E. OPENING Tali. 1 I IV aiilVAC. IVVUMIIHtl VUltUIUnbV til hit in onel,.. . ',.:.., Midlands town but loss of life was I VANCOUVER, Oct. 26. 'Traffic over the Pacific- Great; Eastern Railway from Squamlsh toQucsnel will be resumed on Monday after having been Interrupted, for ten days owlns to flood condition, it is me lormcomuig presiaentiai election, stating that he would resign If Wlllkle was defeated. Lewis charged President Roosevelt with breaking faith with organized labor and with having war as his objective. I hour and thirty minutes from Btsh-. op's Rock to Belle Isle. , . The British Admlraity and Can- to the nlsthft by German a'r raid- ion of Egypt, which has been adlan Pacific head, offices had no Indications in Italy That This May Midlands and Liverpool but damage wh4le the Mr Force and ported slnkIng of the Empress, ( ' Be Next on Mediterranean was said to be not heavy. British Navy has been pounding It was said at Ottawa that no ; Schedule Mao'iss of Nazi bombars came hard at Its spearhead, is about to Canadian troops were aboard. I " over Lcadan du-.:ng Lhe part be resumed in the direction of, , CASUALTIES INFLICTED Suffer Another Reverse At Hands Of British In Anglo-Egyptian' Sudan CAIRO, Oc. 26: (CP) A British patrol inflicted casualties on an Italian unit and put it to flight In an engagement outside Kassala In the Anglo-Egyptian 'Sudan, British headquarters announced. Fit tv Italian soldiers were killed and four hundred wounded while the OTTAWA, Oct. 26. Canadian ex-'British lost none.. It was the sec-ports of war materials are now be- 'ond British 6uccess in this region lng made almost exclusively to m two days. The Royal Air Force Great Britain and United States, it! has also boen carrying out success- s stated In official quarters. Shln-lful operations against Italian yesterday as the Japanese staged ms " .Lo51fa? ,yesteday:!aients of aviation fuel to Japan, transports and other objectives in the neighborhood of Sldt Barannl. Shelling of Italian positions east of Sldl Barranl on the north Egyptian coast by British warships is officially reported in an Italian communique from Rome. At the same time there have been further heavy raids by the Royal Air Force on Italian North African bases Including Asmara, Bengasi and Dura. Troop concentrations and stores were hit. BASE FOR ITALIANS 11 Duce's Planes Operating From Channel Coast In Raids Upon Great Britain -c: ROME, Oct. 26: (CP) The a snowaown ngni lor millions oi .newspaper Gtornaie a'ltaua re-United States labor votes develops .ported yesterday .that an air base In the presidential campaign as a, had been setabllshed on the result of Lewis' statement of un-,Prench coast or the English Chan qualified support to Wlllkle. The nel and that Italian; bombers have announced by W. H. Tobey. general statement splits the Congress on In- come back with "marks of combat" manager of the line. j dustrlal Organization. 'from forays on Lujudon.