You Will Find Solid Comfort and. Dependability in These Shoes Onyx Arch-Grip Shoes Perth Piio Pedic Arch Supporting Shoe : uracia s Light, Comfortable, Snug Heel-Fitting . Lines, Widths to EEE "Miss Atlanta" Shoes For general all round wear GO, Qff and priced from t?0VO Family shoe store ltD. ThP Hnnift of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H, P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Classified advertising, per word, pr Insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion , Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit B treat, ol Circulations DAILY EDITION EDITORIAL - S8 . 86 ly half way through the first month of 1940 and it is time we at least laid plans for the coming year. Why not a gar- ueii ur an improvea garden TRAVEL BUREAU PUBLICATION The Travel Bureau of the British Columbia t?overn. meht has just issued a very attractive leaflet for distri- The Daily News is a' member ot the Canadian Daily NEW HALF riVltlPS nf IPJfl if mnv ha vp11 fncf tn turn fur minrlc haor- Total ward and review the accomplishments of 1939. For somej? there will be no accomplishments except A carrying on. i Some people are not satisfied unless they have accom-1 plished something outside of their regular work. Some! will have been seeking religious experiences, others will have interested themselves in social or political work. A ; few possibly will have striven for self mastery, for im- - provement oi their own physical condition by means of physical exercises, including breathing exercises, walking, improved reading and thinking, control of the appetites, better choice of companions, refusal to keep up with the Joneses. Only a few people can have accomplished great or spectacular things such as discoveries, inventions, crea STARTED Second. Period of Commercial Bowling League Is Now I'nder Way The scjcjo half of the Oom-merm Bowfe? League got way last night with Savoy Savoy 1 Menzies .. 153 Morris 164 A, Smith 170 ZarelU 129 E. Smit h. 163 Webb .. 02 ToUl 719 -251 I Moose 1 Long 158 iMontesano .105 , Cameron -.166 Ounderson 149 Friday. January 12, 1948. !R m Handicap 5 Total 716 Angus Apartments 1 Kldd - 135 Jack 140 WHAT DID YOU ACCOMPLISH? ;JJJ Now that the Christmas and New Year holiday sea-kicMetkin .176 son is past history and we are looking forward to the ac- Handicap 6 121 155 174 150 123 713 143 132 168 130 183 5 761 2 115 195 134 137 140 6 727 row FOR SALE 3 164 217 139 188 149 5 853 3 109 154 146 131 203 6 762 FOR SALE Cary Safe in good condition. Apply Daily News, tf. FOR SALE Cook stove with oil burner complete. Good condition. Phone Green 338. tf. Wanderers And BUCKAROOS Maple Leafs In j TAKE LEAD Deadlock At Top Hotel .t wfepirtl, over Canadian j tied for the leadership. Scottish and Moose wlwnfelt oVtr; Canadian Scottish Kirchhoff 12; I .a rimer - 1.16 Blng 14 Knight 7 Donaldswi . IK Handicap 57 ToUl C29 I 2 w 129 115 16 117 57 CCO 3 m iat in lr ed two good chances fr?.n Wilson. PilfoW went close. Then be Wanderers attacked and. .g 5 after Prince had saved from a cor-ceo ner. Joe Davies scored the winning goal. 3 Teams: 149 Wanderers Jertad: Ten. Vix-182 on; A. Owen Joe DaTtescantain. 181 leavttt: I. Mitsumnto. Q. PffncA 152 Pd Pieee. Intermela. D. Scherk. Stanler Hemmos. 154 818 R. Blake: Roth well. BartletL Han son: P. wuson. A. Eyoiison. Arm n 'captahTl, Sheopard. PHfoVd. The league standmg: W 4 4 1 L C Pis RECORD IS EQUALLED New York Ranters Have Eighteen Hockey Gamei With out Being Defeated tions, construction, but every person can so act as to end roR SALE Sealed tcnders and Leak had been ued for X 1 a a 1 . Ka vfutAiuii V iKa nnaFrlffna1 tlvm, me vear witn a tpp inrr nf C9tief9tinn Wn oo j """ up to noon Saturday. January Week-end fixtures will be as fol ROOM and News. DaJIy News, Board. .Apply Dally 410) DEALER WANTED In Prince Rupert district. Apply J. M. Robinson, 408 Lumber- man's Bide;, Vancouver. B. C. j . .- ,' J , . (10) Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the rr Audit Bureau of Circulati6hs. It Is the only paper north LC! wlih .... ' Small Wlil tr - -l - j t:-iiaf-'L t 1 oi Vancouver ana west oi rumonion noiamg.memDerBnip in these organizations. LOST -ma" .- 1 . I ow gold watcn, very; Initials M. T. H. gold . bracelet. Reward. Return to rUy , One-all Draw With Seattle To Leave Vancouver In Second In the Kin Edward School Fqo- PUte ball Leagne the Wnderf from ttje Maple Leaf$ In the Jast PORTLAND, Jan. U: CP -match by two goals to one. As ji Portland Buekaroos took exclusive result tbese two teams are afram ...dcishm of the Pacific Coast . ., Hockey Leajue fast nltht by vlr- The The first flat half, half, was was ever even with, the fr nfcytrw a one-all overtime Ahgui ApartraenU by clean sweeplLeafs attoeHitt often bat befrff draw wfth SeoWJe Sea Hawks Pre three games to nfl, scores m each weak around goal The only wal vfousfy the Buefcarooa hid been case. Hteh averaie scorer was of thh fralf was scored by Hn- Ato a'iJi Ut. Vancouver Lom fw McMeeffn of Aniens Apartment mons dSowth Pierre nearly earned ft the reamh$L with 170. Individual scores: J to be awmowfti hrouth "etttwr Tne fraue standing to rtat offside. Birtiett was good yanroater 10 1 8 A9 65 The second half found the Leafs Portland 10 2 10 55 80 attacking aajd Sheppard tot a goal Seattle 8 1 10 53 62 Jerstad saved LINING UP To Ilktricts For Air Raid Prevention Service 2., v I FIRST AID Volunteers Temporarily Aliened Pending an expected early ttatt bv Ma lor fi P. M. Moodte Of Vie- Mat Leafs-J. Prince: D. Woods trta pr0v1nelal civilian protection Maofe Leafs Wanderers Beavers officer, the city has bem divkiad Into sections under the air raid protection program and first aid volunteers assigned to the various sections. All arrangements are of " a tentative nature subject to re-0 Vision after Major Moodies ar-2 rival at which time It Is expected there will be a more definite Idea of Just what Is expected. The maj-'orily of the volunteers are mem bers of the men's first aid class taking up St. John's Ambulance Association courses in the city. If necessary, a considerable number Plive'd ot women who have also taken up iu aiu kvik Mill ue rnnmni The asal(mmenU tentatively made are as follows: NFW YORK Jan 12: CP New Section I S. Jannatn. leader. D. York Rangers last night defeated p MiHer. F. M. Davte. Soiro Our-Chicago Black Hawks by a score Tlcn and Jordan M oiler, of 5 to 3 and equalled the record SKjln 2 Oeorge PhllHaon. of the Montreal Canadiens In the 'der- NaMonal Hockey Leatue cf eHhteen sctlon 5 Frank Derm lead. S. 'tralfht Jtames without a defeat. v Spencer Davles. Jack Smith Meeting the Maple Leafs at Toronto nd Mlke HQ-tomorrow night, the Ranters will Waterfront Walter Howarta. have the opportunity of beating Seal Cove Antns Mscdonald. .' the record. Campbell. E. Maefarlane and J Boston Bruins kept up with the TayIor ! Rangers to flnt place in the league Sfctlorl Vlc Houston, standlnf by defeating the Maple Leafs 5 to 2 In Toronto last night. Previously the Rangers. Bruins SPORT CHAT 20th, for the purchase of the Iowa: , Champion boxer of pre-deyres- halibut boat "Kyrlelle.- length Friday Americans at Detroit. ; Hon days. Paul Berlenba-h started a 40 Xeeet, beam 12 feet, powered Saturday Rangers at Toronto, wrestling career six years ago Tues-by 29 HP. Rapp engine. This Sundar Detroit vs. Americans at day for milk and rent money Bk-boat may be seen at the New New York. Canadiens at Boston, ed in a nrelimfnarv th fAn.. Fishermen's Floats after the 9th Ranzers at Chicago Instant. Terms strictly cash. The league stands to date: Highest or any tender not ne- W D L F bution in the United States ripsirmpd in pmmtprnrt trip: cessarily accepted. Official Ad- Rangers 14 subversive .elements in that country that are trying to -mmlstr&tor- j steer tourists away from Canada. It emphasizes the sav-.FOR sALE-chesterfieid suite at a chicTgo 10 ing of ten per cent on American money expended in Can-! baraIn: .T pavment de- canadiens 8 ada and the fact that there is no red tape at the border, no one ureenouo. passports needed, and other advantages from a holiday ""POUWl fn!KP6iK f VfeW bklet iS ni'CeIy !llustrated FOUKD Man's black kid" and is timely. very -ery lined nm glove. w0 r., Owner OUR CONGRATULATIONS Mayne D. Hamilton has just retired from the position of sune'rintenderit of Pacific Coast branches of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. The Victoria Times has voiced apprecition of his work in which we heartily join as follows: "Business men all over this provonce as well as a host of friends and acquaintances will wish Mayne D. Hamilton many years of health and contentment as fie retires from the important position of superintendent of Pacific Coast branches of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. To same by paying for tlsemcnt. may have this the banking profession- he has given the best years 6f fiis experienced girl wants house-life 44 of them, and 15 in the highly-responsible and ex-. work- Awdy.DaUy.New. 2 acting job he will now hand on to a successor,. Vancouver has good reason to say especially nice things about Mr. Hamilton, to be gratified to know that in his new leisure he vill continue his activities in that city, ah'd that his cheery smile and sound common sense will still bear witness to an engaging personality and an alert mind, require an active dealer to As an executive on the Vancouver Board of Trade, an un- jaandle the Wear Ever products selfish worker in all good causes, Mayne D. Hamilton has done well. He is a valued citizen of this province. FOUND On Third Ajvenue. E-30( Bonney tool kit. Owner may have same by paying for this advertisement, -tf. WANTED WANTED .Housekeeper, middle-aged widow preferred. Apply Box- 27 pally tfews. . 10) WORK WANTED BOARD AND ROOM Americans Detroit .7 3 3 1 2 i 3 3 6 8 13 14 17 15 77 78 75 48 55 51 37 light'heavyweight champ got $150 for 11 minutes' wrestling 'Berlen- A P bach took the light-heavy title from 37 35 Mike MiTigue May 3. 1925. and lost 42 35 It to Jack Delaney the following 53 35 year. He retired In 1928 after earn- 74 21 ing more than $500,000 as a boxer. 66 18 73 15 If you nave something to swap I 06 15 try a Classified Ad. THE NORTH'S FAVOURITE BEER Tk '51RCI 1158 n Wmm-ms LAGER BEER This aJvrr!iemcnt i not publrhetl or displayed by the Liquor; ' tbhirpl Boaojjpr by the Coverninent of British Columbia, FrUUy. January . PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS' rasas ir t - f . . .. . . NAMES NEW tanaoian racmc naiiway u,.' Columbia Coast SUonuhip .s : nppo, .,, today announfen trie SHIP HEAD " wm kJ M.M.M. uperuitetuieni ui 4IH-uy , luutlna fh. iflt r'oMI I apt. Oliver Wi Hamt Succeed nrppon WWo dlrtl In Dec en ,1,. " Late Capt. Thomas Klppon A C.P.R Marine Superintendent VICTORIA J CP Ci;t 0:iv V Cl.i.vslrin! This advertisement Is not publhK -r dtfi a eo b' t 4 Ccrtrn Beard or by the ot Hrltjih (,ki B. C. Furniture Co. Values In New And Used Furniture :J lctt 55.00 t0 $16.50 1 Singer Sewing Machine At G Dressers From mativenzie 314.50 1 Kitchen Rahiicji-r- $20, $22.50, $24.50 27.50 $9.50 u $13.50 New Furniture 21 Table Lamps-Beautiful CM QCtoQQ QC deait From . . . . . vA-w $O.VQ 0 Ch",sT 65 " $98.50 Phone III. AC K 321 THIRD AVEME Next Door to . C Clothiers LIMY & DAVIE! PHONES SS5 5S0 Demonstration Mr. Ted Smith of Swift Canadian Co invites you to call at our store on Saturday afternoon and taste Swift's Delicious Pork Patties and Brookfield Sausage. I)einohstratl6n From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Specials for Saturday Only Butter First Qff grade. .3 lbs. UfJ Bologna-Per lb. . 20c Pork Patties OIa Perlh. llrookfiold 94 p SausageLb. Soup Special Closes Saturday Evening . SEE OUR WINDOW Furniture JANUAltV SPECIAL SIMMONS IlllI) STOnValnut rinUh. cable spring, onn A Ml mattreas. 4-d and 3-3 sizes J?O.DU Phone 115