E D d \ I LY N E = | Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ° . . ’ . . . | ; ‘ . Denunciatory Poem by Kipling Published This Morning---Bill to be. sient to Dail aoe ».| Promoter Appealed Decision of of British Columbia Supreme Court - vondon, April 9 Work Strongly Opposed and May Result in Defeat of Government goat mines is becoming general. in His Suit Against President Hays and Grand Trunk Pacific - 4 are . ; he only trouble to somite: re- | ae y ha Tide cm eee nt poliey in er ican 9 ane wal the concluding| siuiiption is the grievance of the Special to Daily News.) | President Hays, and the Granud;that any price was ever fixed on \j 9. prea si a 1 run ‘ surface men, but it is expected Montreal, April 9—At the head | Trunk Pacific Company regard-jthe lols, or any consideration vhich bids fair to} This and other indieations | What answer from the North ?| this will be adjusted in a few ‘Moskcnbihark di Prank: Pasi | ing ihe sale of Prince Rupert] paid in connection with the al- + animonitian os Leonslusively. show» that: the op-| ‘One land, one throne; | days, The railway service will] reaptey. es 6-e% Sas j stieieg am wi lots. leged deal. In the supreme court ui 7 will open} eee ee nee eer at vant OP | ‘ ee Eilat eat [Be DORM pemee 880 of this | ‘eceoived from tendon stating Frewen is a London promoter in Vancouver the trial lasted sev- lh the presentation) @ slronger one than the cabinet all not fall alone | week. jthat the Privy Council had dis-jand in the suit for substantial eral days, several able , counsel tule bill in parlia-|°xpected it would be, and gov-| a i ae aie Oa de ; a ; ‘ing engaged on both sides, The rnt tw ‘ h ise saa jinissed the appeal of Moreton|/damages he brought in the j ie : ( Thursday. jf nent whips are already very | Wanted Position as exper- Don't forget the gypsies at the|Frewen from the judgment of}courts of this provinee he claim- Dereon eee Barc PIewer, ene Ant I ir Law, the leader | active nm whipping into line arene saleslady or chamber-} Bazaar in Melntyre Hall today|the British Columbia courts, in!ed that he met President Hays then, he eaxeiae ieee Chee to the h to the bill in} Strong a line of defence as pos-|work-at once. Phone Black 448. |! and tomorrow, ‘}eonnection with his suit against) before the sale of Prince Ru vert court: Of last: sagOrt CRii ARemes ' Commons, had aj sible and in seeing that every | lot if Pe baa ty a a sult as cabled. reception upon| member is in his seat when Sas v4 ake o vertaite ntibBer at a.tibiee — Belfast last see at teas nc Te ay members | |10 be fixed later, and also a] Remember Baptist ladies’ an- li no less than 69) m on dpi ‘a nee acre cate large tract of land on Tuck. In-|nua! bazaar. Home sewing and the Unionist party, se? : al situation for the gov- llet and the other side of the| home cooking today and Wednes- r province de-j| erhimen harbor at the fixed price of $500|day. Opens at 2:30 p.m. Ad- day will be de- In the Morning Post this per acre, He put in a lot of-cor-| mission free. Baby show the programme of] morning Rudyard Kipling comes respondence to substantiate his|Wednesday, 4 p. m. MelIntyre | unpaign against} out with a Slashing denunciatory (0D AT A PROFIT contention, but failed to prove} Hall. 5 APPOINTMENT OF ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH OFFICERS RE-ELECTION LAST NIGHT oF CHURCH WARDENS RA. L. M’ wail TOSH AND W. E. BURRITT—-TEN SIDESMEN APPOINTED. ENCOURAGING REPORTS FROM CHURCH SOCIETIES. bu Vernet presided at) Appointed by the bishop: Colonel St Andrew’s|\W Mahlon Davis and Messrs. K in the churceh|J, M. Christie, BE. V. Evitt, C. C. the purpose of} Purdy and W. J. Kavanaugh, vhich was a regular | Kneouraging reports were pre- ApPainl: QMeg MEAT: }sented from the Sunday school iurch and vestry for es jand Young People’s Societies and i Rk. L. MelIntosh| from the Women’s Auxiliary of \ | were unani-|the church, and were received | to offiee, Their| by the bishop and vestry with h alfairs in their} satisfaction With before them the recent term)the buildivg of the new church eplionally en-/hall, to be the forerunner of the shows the chureh| coming Cathedral of St. Andrew be in a fair way|in Prince Rupert according to wd of strong! the high ideal of a dignified ype sacred editice cherished and pa- sinen were ‘ap tiently toiled for by Bishop Du by the church} Ver the church body of St.| H. B. Cambie,| Andrew goes forward during this shirley l H. a do great things for its v William Grant.| progress in Prince Rupert. ROBLIN BANQUET Quebec Sends Lavergne to Carry Catholic Thanks. DREADEST OF DREADNOUGHTS Special to Daily News. ae Quebec, April 9. Db, O, Lesper Tremendously Powerful Battle-) anc: Armand Lavergne and Al- Ship Seven Hundred Feet Long,/hyn Taschreau left this after- Ninety Feet Beam and Capable} iioon for Winnipeg to represent of Making Thirty Knots. Quebee at the Roblin banquet on Pinpsday and to thank Manitoba | to Daily News, whalf of the Catholic minor- \p Great Brit-|ity. ~ able to boast of largest and most| Indoor Baseball. | ship in the world Indoor baseball tonight ‘Ted- Heship-eruiser Tiger,| dy Bears vs. CGrescents. Game Wt at Glyde Bank,|eailed at 8:30 p.m, sharp, Ad- 0,000 tons, have} mission 25 cents Skating after 95,000 horse “power,! the game. it in armament of eig ht} ea he Bris im ‘inch Banquet to Sir Wilfrid. an hour. Special to Daily News éctile of the new big! Montreal, April 9 Phe Lib- Veigh 2,000 pounds, erals are tendering a banquet to idside of eight tons,| >! Wilfrid Laurier and the Pre- half times that of} EES of Nova Seotia, Quebec, of armored eruisers,| A!berta and Saskatobewan at the Will be 700 feet in| Windsor Hotel on May 29th v0 feel beam, aR Ne Te | Don't forget to have a cup of Geese are Honking. j lea at the thatched cottage jin \p 8-—Seeding wil]| Melntyre Hall today and tomor- # i this district before | bow, the week. Yesterday | - ’eese were flying north Cowichan eggs 40c perv dozen, hinger of spring, | Stalker & Wells. 2t es i erreroronooons ine too strong for. blind pig sticking. The Mayor Ne rat hunting, ’ says those new electric meters will drink up all the Profits bt inadam, the Daughters of the Empire are not the Ai of the Mayor—not all of them, | cheerily weighed in this afternoon; Newton failed the Cily seales, eath nan provided ice eream this morning for the ( ‘lernoon pienic we are having, a “lerk beseiged by the great stampede for ringside . eT TT eee PRINCE Rupert, B.C.., TUESDAY, ApriL 9, 1912. i. S APPEAL FOR PRINCE RUPERT LOTS HOME RULE STRUGGLE RENEWED THURSDAY WORK NOW GENERAL | Britain's Big Coal Strike is Now Practically Ended. | ‘Superintendent James Matthews Will Seseeat to the City Council Tonight a Report Showing a Return of Over a $1000 From From the Plant Over and Above Cost of Running Cleared During the Month of March PRIVY COUNCIL DECIDES AGAINST FREWEN PRICE FIVE CENTS SS OT ee, DAFFODIL DANCE DELIGHTED GREAT GLADSOME GATHERING |DAUGHTERS OF EMPIRE CONGRATULATED MOST HEARTILY ON THE UNDOUBTED SUCCESS OF THEIR ASSEMBLY IN THE KAIEN ISLAND CLUB ROOMS LAST NIGHT. For the first time since the of “juice” unaccounted for Inj turn out abundance of , : ih tera ee ; scl win bt ac ee one 56 old ta naa bat te eiae anata After the Lenten recess from| In an assembly numbering y Pp e business 0 . Buy ie A BPs Ont , i, ; eg r | festivities and functions Prince} ae ninety or a hundred couples supplying electric light to pert electrician economies are}as do the ae ae whieh are) Rupert last night blossomed forth] all the best known members of the citizens the electric light effected so that the city lighting| Prince Rupert's pride, into a Daffodil dance given by the} ’rince Rupert society were rep- plant has.been. made to shew Seen nee S eee + rt At present active operations| Daughter of the Empire which| resented. As patronesses were a profit. As the citizens have al first intender to do, and then) ape proceeding with the installa-|was a distinct and brilliant suc-| present Mrs. J.C. MeLellan, vice for long been aware the WALD 8 ROE Ry POY: UA talon of the are light system on|cess. The dance was held in the}regent of the order of Daughters light plant has managed to —————l ihe streets The brackets “for {ne: lofty hall of the Kaien Island|of the Empire; Mrs. William only ‘breakeven, .sometimes SASKATOON FLOODED | ihe Lavras iversinniin iasteantueanen tt |! Nub with its smooth polished ere: and Mrs. 8. M. Newton. Notievets Shahi by. al dbdnaiay a Ww ee ay et : ty ; att floor. Bright decorations in a|As stewards acted Mr. William . tion on ie standard, and dow . sohe . ni ' s ) a, ¢ j fe Today a new state of matters River Rose Eighteen Feet Within! ine Jamps themselves ane|UAtritic seheme of red. white Manson, MP aH en i dike? finnk sania’ uienare a Few Hours. rae ah pehsipinan. esbortt oP Ha thia| and blue drapery, Union Jaeks!} Alfred Carss, Mr. F. 8. Clements, oll aaibe Electric Lighting paver a “s nf reat : f illur inati yn | one the Canadian flag were ar- | Mr. O, H. Nelson, Mr. H. P. Wil- rrilhian system oO ninatic ‘ fs < ‘ Se int 5 to : ange a str ; s RO Newe 3 Superintendent James Mat- Special to Daily News. is installed there will be no|, unged “07: 6: Rey Oe ates bck J epee tas ve Pe Bact |}giving the hall a splendid ap- ope G. C, Emmeron, The assidu- thews will present a report Winnipeg, April 9.—A_ large! jonger the quaint seeming neces-| | .aranc All the gentlemen with which thes entlemen , , , ; : So arance. ! ’ ) 2 } 2se ge sme showing in black and white portion of the city of Saskatoon) sity for turning on the whole ars daffodil blossoms in. their [performed their petice at the figures a clear working profit was flooded last night by a sud-/} street lighting system in order}, at lapels, and many of the] large gathering was most BES ' xt den vise in the Saskatchewan ‘ ‘ ‘2 ar aces ngein ls 3 . Pata aes fare ; ae ; s for _ Axa’ see the past River ahink went up ntant ee : ae ae ne e ners | ladies, too, wore the springtime | ible to the guests, all of whom month of well over $1,000. vee ee Se ea u mo. ey enna ee tower in hair or corsage. Anjspent.a most enjoyable time, This result has been achieyed| 0°" ee ON Meee ®/may have the use of the “juice’) ) nay of brillis : esses| Music by Gray’s orchestra was i 1 7 ) ichiey water’works pumping station i8|early in the evening before ‘the mene a as i ‘ ” a a wn lusic by Gray’s orchestra was ter the expen ure Of a grea submerged and = wharves boat} a; g ¢ Ip nee me rhe : me ; od Fee os ee , ged, and t ' 0% laylight has vanished. Prine Paige gi . Da ) deal of time and ouble upon} bouses and railway bridges have Rupert's pretty “daylight street ancing began. Continued on Page 4. he general system of the plant) ji carried away llights.”’ which were a feature of} management by the superintend- en — |the afternoon landscape during| HAD TO RESIGN ent, -Coal consamption has been Lest ye forget Concert and|the past twelvemonth, will be no —_—_—— | reduced to a fine art, as it should) pantomime at MeIntyre Hall to-| more, and the are light system|Charges Made Against Chairman) be in all concerns intended to be) night and Wednesday, 8:25 p. m.| will jewel the darkness for us in of Utilities Commission. profitable There is no leakage} Admission 25c¢ | true metropolitan style. ! SHOW ATTRACT Special to Daily News Ottawa, April 8.—Hon. A. R. as 3 BIG PETITION THA iT” DR. CLA VTON lorine, against whom charges|badies of the ‘Baptist Church De- |were made as chairman of the vise Clever and Novel Scheme Public Utilities Commission, al- for Amusement at Their Grand SHOULD RE TURN TO CITY COUNCIL icwcn te denies "tie: charges,| Two Baye’ Entertainment i has tendered his resignation to| deeper i au the government, Finishing touches were put li Prince Rupert. a gross personal insult te him-, it will be, will give satisfaction er ere | this morning to the attractive aq April 8th, 1912. self de A red one oe haere aed to my a Litioners and to citizens | Ho you..pay your bille? Gould rey Shae, feta oe f o { yublic li ‘ g renerally. . | t es 0 t 8 4 > t To Dr. William Barrett Clay- : = apes MB 4 on ene een nerally Rone jyou pay them if you were burned | e the grand bazaar, concert and ton, Esq., Alderman of the Sie an i if the Mi jout? Get a policy in the Com-'!).). chow they are giving dur- City of Prince Rupert. CIB SAMPRIEN, ANG AITO Ren History Repeats Itself. linercial Union Fire Assurance]... ine present two days’ space. by did snot .apologise.:fOr :Anie Lal i he eve.of Corona-| Corporation. Assets $141,000,- ins AS DESERT ae ae 5 Sir: We, your petitioners, would not. sit at the-same table | It was on the eyve.o jorona pene of ; + vant iy : dere his afternoon at 2:30 the bazaar is humbly pray that you will with him agail Lhe Mayor pub-| '!0"™ Day last year that Alderman | rod u Peers Ray tf opened, the baby show is tomor- ass nes test aiehicaneslaaciels dink nil iainhisned. 10. eORRmneRAIAn in| Newton tide ea Reece 10., Agents. : | row afternoon at 4 o'clock ae it avr bh part FO which the fear that the city might lose Al-| ite aonincil ae Sean anATE | Alenka hiibeniiosken phen 4 a concert at 8 o’cloe if you twice in derman Clayton's services the pe- ‘ jeach evening, = succession, and which duties tition given above was drawn. up| /&2ee thrown out to him by his} Seattle, April 8-—A break has) ‘The hall has been transformed : have been performed duly and circulated inveterate opponent Jn council, | oceurred in the Alaska cable and} jnto a charming wonderland of by you with high ability and | Alderman Hilditeh, hey were {as the repair ship is oul of Com-| American, Oriental and Euro- to the satisfaction of citi- [both to go before the people to} mission it will be several weeks/ pean decorated booths for the zens generally; they would What the Alderman Says. }see whose ideas in the adminis~} before resumption In the} sale of all sorts of delectable respectfully urge their need Phe signed petition was pre-|tration of the Engineering de-| meantime messages are being) dainties and serviceable home of your services in the con- sented to Dr. Clayton this after-| partment were most— practical.|sent over the Yukon Canadian | produce, such as the ladies excel duct of civic affairs at this noon It bore over one hundred|As will be remembered, the | lien, jin. There are fortune telling moment and express. the and fifty signatures and the} Council refused to accept the} — — jtents, refreshment booths and a hope that any persona! dif- doetor had to admit that it im-| resignations tendered, and Alder- | Massacre of Mohammedans /quaint little thatched | cottage ferences with the mayor may pressed him yery much, epner (ean Hilditeh continued to oc- London, April. 8—Anti-foreign| features in the pretty scheme de- not be permitted to interfere considering it for awhile he said:} cup) his seat at the council board] .jgis have broken out in the pro -| signed by the ladies. The former with your honest, fearless “T have no hesitation in say-| and conduel his work a5 chair- vinee of Shensi. Scores of Moh-} attractions of all entertainments and independent course as a, ive that | haye all along fell the} Man of the Public Works de-| ainmedans have been massacred,|produced under these auspices representative of the people. [call of public duty, and recog- | partme nt, Alderman Newton according to a report from Tien-| ensure a good attendance during although [| jstayed outside’ the council for al) cen, the period of the bazaar and fea- step | took And your petitioners will = | nized the session or two, then returned ever pray, eto. | » no way regret it, as it was the 8 Probably without the slightest | only one open to me—might be under persuasion of a_ petition knowledge on the part of Alder-| regarded as a shirking of public signed by about ninety citizens, man Clayton a petition was|duty. This petition simply calls a=: — quietly circulated yesterday af-|me to a deeper sense of this duty : fernoon and evening praying him|and I heartily thank the signers] ; to again take his at at thelof it. THE WEATHER. council meeting this evening. Dr.| “Yes, I shall certainly eomply Glayion has not resigned, has not| with its request and shall attend For twenty-four hours ending 5 threatened to resign except. in a}the meeting tonight. I shail en-|a, m., April 9: Bar, 29 916; way that counts upon a contin-|deayvor to treat the Mayor with} max ‘temp., 45.0; min, temp., gconey arising. all the deference and courtesy} 31.0; preeppitation, 18. It.was in this way—The Alder-|to which his high office entitles | ‘ Pe man wrote to the Council ex-} him; but personally and as an in-| Fresh e&gs, 3 dozen for $1.00,| plaining the cause upon which he} dividual citizen | shall nol know|Stalker & Wells, 2t would absent himself from that}him or in any way recognize him, ea — evening's meeting, It was onl! believe such a course, consist- Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. account of what he alleged to be|ently followed as you may be sure} Phone 4, fk een tures announced, | There will be a meeting of ne Tyee. Lodge, U.D. (AF. i& AMa| PARIS AUTO BANDITS tonight at 8 o'clock sharp, All| sojourning brethren are invited| Another heoaes of Automobile Apaches Has Been Made ito be present, } . (Special to Daily News.) April 8—Raymond Cal- ACCIDENTS—The only com- | plete protection is a policy with Paris, line Ocean Accident & Guarantee} latin, thegsecond of the phantom orporation, the largest casuaity | auto bdndits who have been linsurance company iif Yhe world.|today, He is regarded as the rhe Mack Realty & Insurance Co.,| terrorizing Paris, was arrested | Agents, tf cleverest of the. gang. Se ee ea | Choieest steaks at the Royal Piano for rent, Apply Keeley’s Hotel . tf Drug Store,