F " 1 PAO TWO' THE-DAILY NEW ARRIVALS VANITY MAID Ultra Smart DRESS STREET SHOES In Elasticized Gore Pumps with Spanish and Cuban Heels. Dependable Shoes, Plus Class and Value. AMILY SHOE STOR The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL FOR SALE 1939 Pontlac Sedan. Like new. Only 3600 miles. New car guarantee. Long Motors. (226) FOR SALE Kitchen range with oil burner. $90. Heater. $10. Dining room- suite, $20: Baby buggy, $10. Phone Red 278. (tf) FOR SALE Second-hand bedsteads, springs, wasnstands, bureau; Perfection oil heaters, 160 pressed brjck for fireplace, about 700' common brick, quantity of second-hand lumber, large plate glass store door, and hot air ftfrhace. Apply W. J. Alder or Helgerson Ltd. (225) FOR SALE Fawcett stove and oil burner, coal And wood heater, dinette set, crib, English buggy slightly used'. CJtflclc jsale. 318 6th Averiue East. (tf) MISS OLAFSON A.T.OM. Associate Tejfcher 6'f Miss Way Also Royal Academy ot; London Certificate for Harmony PHONE 845 I eltD The Red Cross - - The Canadian Red Cross Society opens its annual two weeks' drive for funds today a campaign along national as well as local lines. Here in Prince Rupert solicitors will be calling upon every citizen within the next few days. Possibly the work of the Red Cross is too well known to require any undue elaboration in this place. We feel it a duty,, however, to lend our voice in support of the aDDeaL Everyone knows how the Red Cross rises to the oc- casion m case oi national disaster, in wartime tne extensive and efficient auxiliary service it carries on is familiar to the most of people. In this war the Red Cross function is doing an even more important work than ever. A function of outstanding importance in its activities at present is the minis-terinc to and relief of civilian air mid victims in F.no-lnnfl In addition to that it is collaborating with the bringing of relief to many, many unfortunate folk who have fallen under the heel of the ruthless dictators. It is verv sincerelv that we urp-e vnn to dn evervthinrr you possibly can not only by stretching a point to make juui ivcu wuas luiili luuLiun in uus urive just as suustan tial as your circumstances will permit but to steadily support the Red Cross in everv wav vou can. Classified Ads. FOR SALH FOR SALE Cary Safe. Price $60. Dally News. tf. FOR SALE Old furniture dressers and bed springs. Apply St. Paul Hotel. (227) FOR SALE 8 mm. Movie camera, with telephoto lens. Apply Dr. R. O. Large. (227) FOUND FOUND Brown glove. Owner can nave same by calling at Dally News and paying for this ad.. WANTED WANTED Furnished house. 3 to 5 rooms. Box 22, Dally News. (225) LOST LOST Black grip (attache case) containing clergyman's robes lost somewhere in Prince Rupert. Will finder pleass contact. R. c: H. Dumford. Dally News. (227) POSITION WANTED- WANTED Position. Can do typing and filing and have some store experience. Miss V. Strong, Knox Hotel. Phone 71. (225) Everything in Novelties J At I Eva's Novelty ! ! SHOP I 2 625 3rd. Ave. West TAILORING m. t. lee Second-hand Suits, Overcoats Raincoats, and Working Pants. Bargain. Cleaning, Pressing, Kenairine 3dAv. Phone Green 960 P.0.975 Advertising is n investment. -1 For Ladles and Gentlemen's i McCLYMONT f , IS WINNER Defeated Fraser Street Twice in Junior Baseball League Playoffs The Junior League baseball teams. McClymont Park and Praser Street, started their playoffs with x double-header Sunday, MeCly- ment winning both games by scores I of 8 to 3 and 7 to 4. The games were very well contested as both j teams had their best talent out The outcome of the first game wa- in doubt until the late limine when McClymont sewed the verdict up by superior hitting. In the second game Fraser Street had the game well irt hand but McClymont came from behind U) tate the honors. Gillls of Fraser Street hit a home run. Arney. Vuckovtch, Bill and Kingston performed well for Fraser Street. For McClymont. Zbura. Santerbane, Simundsen. McDonald were stars. Batteries for the first game we: Fraser Street Vuckovich and Pas-tuk; for McClymont McDonald and Zbura. t Second game batteries were: .' FTa,ser Street Arney, Vutkavich and Postuk: McClymont Santer-1 bane. McDonald, Simundsen and Zbura. Teams: McClymont Zbura, McDonald, Astoria. Shame. Jones. Si mundsen, Santerbane. Cicorr an-1 Mentenko. Fraser Street Postuk, Arne. Vuckovich, Killas, Bill, Hlng-ston, Bond, Long, Gillis. Umpires were Blaln and Long. The teams will play again next Sunday. Phone 957 Phone 957 TUES., WED, AND THURS. SPECIALS .Mutton Chops-Per lb. Le of Mutton- -- n-v SA v'O Ul kill. UlVl AilljJU IX ilUt1 T li. the most important, of the auxiliary services of the war.ShoeurIderof Mutton us wurs transcenus tne spnere oi a mere patriotic endeavour and is a humanitarian benefaction for mankind generally. By all means, help the Red Cross. 4 lbs. JONES' FAMILY MARKET Ayrshire Bzcon Per lb. .MUTTON VEAL Shoulder of Veal 4 lbs. Veal Steak--Per lb. Veal Chops Per 'lb Leg of Veal 6 lbs BEEF Pot Roast Beef 4 lbs Rib Steak Per lb. Round Steak Per lb. Short Ribs Per lb Sirloin" Steak Per lb. 4 lbs. Corn Beef and I Cabbage ............ Boneless Stew Beef 2 lbs. 20c 20c' 50c, 50c 25c 25c SI 50 c 20 c 20c 10c 25c 50c 25c 25c THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockey6 PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert Security.. r Charles Simpson, Helmer Vestre. " Wan Soon and A. A. Humphrey, city; F. C. Green. P. A. C. Kalvlk, J. Gornley and J, Rees. Barrett. Gunner Branham., A. Peterson, J. Morgan, S. Mauelran, T. Hether-lngton, Frederick Point; George Cowl and J. Stone, Quesnel; R. R Simmons, Barrett. j Alex Sinclair returned Saturday night from a business trip to Prince George. New Furs COATS AND OTHER GARMENTS Lafest Styles New shipments arrivfng weekly another large one Just in. Everyone is invited to call and inspect our stock. All goods sold with the Gold-bloom guarantee. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable ELSIE F. HEAPS A.T.OM. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Experienced In all Grades. A.T.CAL Successes. Special Training in Bsginner's Class Wcrk Phone BLUE 997 Clavses Open September 3rd have to sell As a united natieir, w fight for the security of out homes', our love dories, and this Canada of ours. With confidence' and courage, we will do our part! to overcome the oppressor and remain a free and independent people. Today, millions of life insurance dollars, invested in war loans, are helping to finance our war effort in the cause of national arid individual security. As individuals, let us hold fast to the security guar- anteed by life insurance; Every mart who owns life insurance is" safeguarding himself and his family against the uncertainties of the future -and is aiding Canada in this time of national emergency. It is good citizenship to owit J jg IltStllClllCC ?4-;. rHrs MessTAot i$;.$roNoED by, tin instance companies; omuatino in' canada ! HOTEL ARRIVALS nve ousc ii ttur. -people read tne' Daily Newt it T. Koyal Brown. C. O. Engstrom, pays to let them" trtow naC t-ft CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Col toil, D.C.Ph.C. Wallace Block. Phone 640 Mrs. C. Anderson tnte Nellie-Lawrence) will resume VIOLIN CLASSES Theory and Harmony OCTOBER I 1UT STOVE POLISH SAVES TOCR TIME "Jer Clean Hot Stover' In Safety All KG Stores NEW ROYAL J. Zarelll Froprletor "M HOME AWAY fBOW Rle75e"up &0 Room. Hot it Cold Water Privet Rupert,-B.C. Mike Colussi Accordionfst and Teacher AJ.A. Certificate PHONE RED S14 ohn G. Nelson and family of Mr. and Mrs. A. C SmaU, who. Greenville were In the city at the have been on a motor tnp south-end' of the week on their way back ward through the lnteruir from to their home on the Naas" River Hazelton, returned home oil the after spending the summer at Catala this morning from Vancou-Claxton. yer. B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used FURNITURE fr RECONDITIONED KITCHEN RANGES COfi 10 S39 For coal and wood. From t OILBURNERS Complete with pump and tank-AT GREAT SAVINGS. NEW FURNITURE 4 STI'DIO COL'CIIES Can be made Into single bed, J single beds or a double bed with 3 spring-filled cushions. Q Q R 5 0 Regular $45,001 Now ,JOU' C STODro- SETS Couch 6iw b& made into; double or" single bfd ftrsd'nas" blanket storing space and 3 spring-filled Cy5 cushions. 8pecial t TrfltltE-ritCK CHESTERFIELD SUITES In latest materials and' colours. Regular $98. Now Phone BLACK 321 THIRD AYENP" Next Door to B.C. Clothiers