It f -' 'Build B.C. Payrolls Coast mm . n fin MLlk'.s Oldest U was making a trip the Coast by freight ,10 nd 1 She write, to tell us . " nwctically every port, "cases of Pacific Milk J-J V... VlO tau re unioaaea other kind and so ate of anv : udrs the camps and tJ ali preier raciiw ACIFIC MILK Ijiltt "' Vacuum r-wu , i:rrw Antral iiotbl STEA-'I niwuo ut. AoDolntments I too Booms, 50c and' up Also kNTRAL APARTMENTS VC t BUCK, rropneiresi ad ilrs. R T. Anoerson' h Fridays train for Roch- hilnncsota, where Mr. An- ju raelve treatment, at c Wudlag, who has been ;:f : 'h Mrs Wilding and L&a, at Cultus Lake near Lick, irrived home Satur- Llbt Mr?. Wilding wlU fol- lajjwek later and Mal- lup to the University of . jabla for his second Ha tepartment was called l itO Friday afternoon Kfc:e of Ole Sko(r, Seal CWt there a drum con- ur gallons of gaso- a itcd while children; I rjt 1 1 No damage was A ens was hurt. It was sr4 lire aurm so far this Musical Service In United Church X. 9. Wilson Was Speaker Last evening; And p. If, Unzey In Morning The evening service in the First United Church Sunday v, musl. cal. Special items included a duet. 0i ixve my Shepherd IS" In which Mrs. R. a. Large and Mrs. H. t. Lock were heard to advantage, their values blending splendidly in a fine interpretation. J. E. Davey gave a fyrnp8'thettc rendlt'on of "There Were Ninety and Nine " The choit presented th- anthem "O Hrw Am taoie are Ty. Dweiiinc ,w rne aemands or the times if they were to survive. They did mis ror the great hvmn writers and vision the great eternal truths Ffom the ancient singing in the temples down to Reformation' times hymns were a vital part of worship. The ttmeleiwt of many wa Indicated by Lu.thsr's great hymn "E!n Feat Burg" which 'might easllv be applied to pres ent times: It was bastd on the: Forty-Sixth-. Pfalm.' Th church' had come down through the ages finding and the soeaktr claimed it would continue to do so. Tn the mornln? P; n. Unzey was guests speaker and gave an Inspiring talk on "The Power of the Spirit." The Junior choir sang a , pleasing number as well as giving a fine lead for the hymns. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, arrived in port at MM The name Edison Mazda fs trie mark of pride that Canadian General Electric places on a high quality product. It Is your assurance of better, brighter light. Keep a supply handy. If LAMPS BTTV ; , : : : (225) " Wedding Announcement The marriage will take place September 24 in Victoria, B.C., of Pat- Uself the hymns must be equal f1 Eniest Montmorency Palmer, leading signaller H.M.C.S. Restl-gouche, son of Mrs. and the late P. I. Palmer, to Ellen May Bell, voune- had been able to see past -the dauSh.ter of Mrs. M. Bell, 143 temporary differences of creeds wfelllngton Ave- Victoria, B.C. TOO, LATE TO CLASSIFY "T FOR SALff-Kitchen utensils, garden tools, 2 small chesterfield' chairs, chesterfield and chair, double hotplate, dressing table and bedside table, dog-kennel and bath, hat-tree. Mrs. B. tundahl,. Phone Green 994. Announcements All advertisement in tbU cii omn will be charged for full month at 23c word. I Eagles' Bridge, September 25. RebekaH Tea for Canteen, Mrs. 1 o'cloclc this morning from the Bert Morgan's, 26th: routh and sailed at 5 ajn. for r- 8tewart and other northern points OddfeHdws1 Dance September 27. whnce she will return here to- morrow afternoon southbound. 1 Ridley Home grocery shower, . . ,. October. 1. r a NOTICE The City of Prince Rupert is of- Catholic Bazaar October It and 3 ferlni for sale the North Easterly r - half nf Lot 50. Blrt't 14. Section S.L CityvTennLi Association dance, Odd- Apply City Cleric. fellows Hall, October 4th. De Car lo's Orchestra. Ticket admission 50c. Presbyterian Choir supper October 4. - Navy Auxiliary Tea. October 19, Legion Hall. Rebekah Dance. Oddfellows' Hall October 11. Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole, October 12. Orange Bazaar, Metropole Hall, October 16. 1 United Church Supper, Oct. 17. Queen Mary Dance. October 18. 'M P. T. A. Telephone Bridge, October 25. Sonja's Bazaar, November 8. Moose Hall. 14. SalvatlorFArmy Sale, Nov. 6. AngllcanBazaar. November 7.. Presbyterian Bazaar November Hospital tea and dance. 19. Phones 18 & 19. P.O. Bo 575 Natives ! See Us For Your WINTER SUPPLIES Our prices will please you. The quality of our goods will satisfy you. , IVIUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Opposite Canadian Legion MacKenzie s Furniture 'CIHTJIV, Each """S-KIrsch." r(Ja and. oreeri .j,.... HM15 25c 95c 327 3rd Avenue i Our Famous Edson Alberta GOAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Flione 58 fand 558 3 THB DAILY KBWB LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just say "Three Two please." i Just say "Three Two please." Mr. and Mrs. Dudley little and Duncan Ker of Terrace arrived in the city on Saturday nlghfs train from the interior, being here on 'sawmill business. Norman L. Freeman arrived In R. E. C. ' !the c,ty on the Catala" this general meeting tonight. M E Alton amvea m Saturday morn-Baptist Church. 8:15, (224) nlght 'trom a routine trip to the'ln rom Seattle, being here on irtoHnr International Fisheries Commis- VT r u w irnnAl.i.i. i i . who lias oven j on av visit .to Vancouver, returned ' . , home fen the Catala this morning I V- Sm"h; IA. "coratant A In the si on duties. I Elmore Philpott. well known H,- K'Pullen who was away last Canada returned to- the city on newspaperman and commentator week visiting several interior iae aiaia ims n i victoria, wm visit ranee Kup-- points, returned home Saturday prtlard where he paid a visit ert this week. He will give a series night. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMeekln have left on a motor trip to Van- um. couver and Victoria, taking their wer chosen with a view to getting !car wlth thtm- a- good response from the con ere gatlon and the members entered (fervently into the singing. I J. S; Wilson spoke on "Our Lee- acy of Hymns." Like Christianity I with his mother, of addresses while here. GENERAL ELECTRIC HutfwUtf' A G-E Holpoint is ecientifically designed to save you money to cook faster, better. Come in and see these new, 19 10 G-E Hotpointa with their exclusive features that reduce cooking expense. Models ore priced from $116.50.6 have, also, other efficient G-E appliances that lighten household labour. Budget terms if yon wish. G-EWilflc Iron Price $8.95 B G-E Mixer Price $24.95 G-E WiiKtrs 5 models from S79.95 G-E Refrigerators 8 models from Si 96 G-E Tclechron Qocks Models from $4.95 NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMKIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Wtilti D I A N'G ! N E R A LEL E C T R K .ft- f- "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked LACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage t'rlnci- Rvpert Co. Ltd. BiitUn Columbia o o s l B.C. 3 STAR Canadian RYE Whisky $-125 $030 $0 13 oz. Ai25ex. W40oz. Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 50's . 100's 250's 75 125 3.00 n uficii uaiir iruiu o A.u( uil lu p.iiu auiiunys ana upuaajs irom li to Z p-m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Used Furniture Bargains M DISTILLED AND BOTTLED BY THE B.C. DISTILLERY CO. LIMITED This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor . Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One , 3 Highest Potency PURE HALIBUT LIVER OIL 2 oz. .-.. ....... 50 loz,.... 1.00 Ormeslld TfiA Pioneer Druqpists the Iteiall Store Phones 81 & 82 . . i nli. a a M. aiii in nEaeTFle!e:....,.. S14.00 IAVENPORT Whiclilcnn be Cf A ft ft converted to 'full'sbe bed ATI. V V DINING ROOM TABLE CQ fifi Round oak $CMJU chllz.: $19.50 KITCHEN RANGES For Q4Q CA to GOfj burning coal or wood, from ?J-0.rJU ?O0 HESTERS For burning coal Cff OO or wood, from .,. ... t?I.UV ROUND TABLE Q4 Q Cft And 6 Chairs tpj.tJ.eJV DINING ROOM SUITE $37.50 Used Furniture Department. ELI0S FURNITURE STORE Moose Bulldlnr, Third Arenue. Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN til i ! " ,41 i k