PAGE FOUR, School Concert Bright Affair TERRACE. March 26 The pupils of the public school produced a very enjoyable concert and entertain youneer kiddles was "Visit to Fairyland." Back stage was a great big shoe, into which the children disappeared as each one did his or her little act. "The Book of Memory" was another delightful turn. The chorus, "Memories," by the youthful choir was very good. Miss Mamie Haugland was the accompanist where the olano was Steamshin Sailings from Vancouver-Sunday ss Catala 12 COT MATTKESSES- Each Thonc 775 3W -30"x 72. Letter Box BIG CROWD Asking: for Records Editor. Daily News: May we ask through your valu- We for records ment last Wednesday evening In Paper gramophone the Oddfellows- Hall! C. W. Mich- or l"e ine "P nea in and around Prince lei, school principal, presiding. The RuPert-program contained twenty-one We believe there must be many Items songs, action plays, drills, records In homes In Prince Rupert dances and choruses and lasted for which there is no use at the required and. if there was to be any special mention, the little boy. Alan .-challenge Of The Cross- Impres Dubeau. displayed bright promise slvcjr sta5cd At Salvation Army with his solo. piano Citadel Sunday .Nijht was filled f.uH Sunday .,.,, eve nlng when there was a special re Clara and Mary Pierce, Dolly Man And His Family Lose Lives By Gas March 6 and 20 .. ..Ss. Prince luminatlne Jhn - a.m. house room. Night or Day PHONE i 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars MacKenzie's Furniture 21 FELT SIATTItESSES-All sizes. Each $8.50 $5.00 Built by Simmons for Sleep 327 THIRD AVENUE SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEB Steamer leaves Prince Rupert ever THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Tralnt leave Prince Rupert for the East Mondaj, Wedneoday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan end Stewart eTery WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For Jare$, etc., call or unite City Ticket O&ci, 528 Srd Am. V-9-4D AT MEETING Six Hundred Hear Liberal Candidate and Other Speakers in Capitol Theatre Six hundred people gathered last night In the Capitol Theatre for the final rally of the campaign of the forces supporting Olof Hanson. Lib- until eleven o'clock. The whole present time and the troops would jeral candidate In the federal elec-program was punctuated with ap- be so pleased to have the use of;tion. Mr. Hanson was there hlm-plause. them. iself and spoke briefly, other speak- There were so many Rood oer- If they could be sent either to the lers being E. T. Applewhaite of Stew-formances by the young people that Canadian Legion or Toe H rooms, or art, E. T. Kenney M.L.A., of Terrace, It was difficult to say which was Pone Black 837. we will see that and P. H. Unzey. The chairman best. A very pretty act by the they are called for. Thanking you , was W. O. Fulton who gave a brief rebellion occurred under Mitchell ' the members of the Liberal party, decided to appeal to the highest court ln the land the neople. He war was Every seat In the Salvation Ax- shn;,ne that ,Cana?a raade mv c:tarfPi .J. oroere. toward preparedness THE DAILT NEWS Turd; - it Man in the Moon After you have been in the city a LOIS N. IS FIRST OUT few weeks your neighbors call you, kj Teday Bill or Dick of Jack except tJ Arwd. that speak to you as a son-of-a- Alphabetical order somethlngorother. I An ouUtanding feature of the' The Lois N.. Cap:. Ben Pedersen city Is the large number of organt- leaving today, la the first vessel of rations. Any person belonging to the Prince Rupert halibut fleet to less than six ! given a medal for get away to the grounds for the 19 self-denial If he does not get the season. As has been the custom medal he feels that he Is deserving during the last few years, the fleet of one. ha been divided Into four groups. according to letters of the alphabet In Prince Rupert the city treas- with which their names start, and urer Is the mayor, city council, the deoartures spread out over ten Central Committee outline or the career of the candl-, scn001 Doara DOATa 01 WK3 par" a-inw untw Wf u"vary P' for Auxiliary Services date, telling how he had hiked into commission, PH?e commission and for orderly marketing to preven (Per J. Dennis Allen), the Bulkley Valley when only ! authority on everything else. bunching of boat on the return. I mere lad determined to throw in hl. ' T" 8ral fishing plan for the Easter Tableau Well Presented , Prince Rupert has a flair for. season as well as the regulation and he had been there ever since. who seem to be very busy but lmoosed by the International Fl.vh tr irancnn vr.iiin v,,t v,. o very niue. erte commission this year are 0 pened at Ottawa when the Ontario 1 large extent the same as last year In the summer the city hai beau- The total fishing quota for the sea- Hepburn. Mr King backed un bv Uful gardens nd &lrl ln slack- n U 48.000.000 pounds 28.700.000 uujunuuniikgntwui. iiiuinn inn nrca 4 una a - 300.000 pounds from Area No. 3. The chief occupation of a large Fishing arrantemenU between also described the condition prior to IT , "7U'"7 j vnrr .na nsnenwn remain the Annies and gossiping, especial- the in and n at t the t,m. time declared. same as past years. ponslderine the short time since the 1 9 1 A - J For Vancouver quest repeat presentation of the . Tncentallv- ii ,n the of his course Tuesday-Catala 1:30 iaster p.m tableau "The Challenge of "H,,rM- Mr Hansn ke of Rt. Thursday-ss. Prince the Cross" which was excellently George 11:15 p.m. depicted. With the cross and tomb "jn; .R B" Be,nn!tt- "merufrimt Friday-Ss. Prin. as the centre of the setting, the rtn,sjfr' ,on,e ? th Z",f onlv lack,ne the Adelaide 10 m. cTadlan- abiUty p leading part was taken by Miss Ss. Cardena .. 10:30 p.m. Ruby Suden, representing an an- Uo organlze and work wltn hls iel March 7, 18 and 28 gel, with other participants In the I lo?- Ss. Princess Louise 5 pjn. persons of Ruth and Orace Jones ' ' Mr' Liniey sPcakj ly gossiping. The fleet consists of about sixty vessels Including a co.iole of new Hospital Dance At Skidegate Is Large Success boats nd a eounle. among them ,h w4nr redMla and the Darker Elmer O whWi have been convert ied r halibut fUhlne. 1 The first boat to lve. the Lois N.. clear for the more remote Area (No. X Th m loritv of Prince Ru .pert bou. exrent for the larger ones. will. a a result fish lri Area QUEEN CHARLOTTE. March 26:Ko" 2 durlng the early part of the Under the ansniren of tho RUHp. wr. wnzey mane me omv aaoren gate Inlet Hospita, sooty a suc. isearn With th sAnn nnenlng April 1. Tn P'm' St"11!1 rla Swans3n- EnTOy that drew spark, from the audience, cessful St. " Patrick's aanc dance wal ' """"l r "h mav h 10 a.m. Stanley Calder h was accomDanist. ,..TL .ic? Wed.-Ss. Pr. George n ,nH n thpPP uvr. .irn. . .. . mu ..ij-l . . . - - item in .Miners nail. Tnere wax a roiioht In bv mmr nf the smaller rruny-t. rnncess mmeorana ana Herbert 0f dissent a5 he scored the C.C.F.. iarge cr0 ln attendance Tnd hot' within the week ensuing Adelaide 4 psn. Pierce were responsible for the tlng that they would turn the the hals gai deraLd Im Ss- Cardena p.m. lighting effects. constitution of Canada inside out. the tradlttonal Tnd whit?1 green March 14 and 24 - Ss. Princess Anothe'r special feature itooE .1 was a He referred to statement, of Mr. I TUI1II 1W Colortul ...?h"Ul bt ,0?IM ano grcen and a h I HUH I !Wl Louise , a.m. song-sermon "The Pilgrim's Jour- stve, .nrt hf mU For Stewart and rremierk : ney" by Mrs. Ivan Halsev. Mi ul" w VCm "Z 11 " " , Z I wn1 nau were distributed X X XH IJUJUI11 VJ Sunday-ss. 'Catala .....U. 8 P.m Ruth Jones and Miss; Mary Pierce7 Tto, 0t rand Frlday-Ss. Prince , Arthur and' Howard Toftager tlsh Emnlre as the world's hope at1 Prt"e. were alven durln th. 2 Vm:.J 1Iakey a"d this time. It wd, an Inspiring ad-'ev2S ZZXZ JSS S! riuiu Liicnaii anu . Mima nuill - Junes Eave a fluet I j u. i. . ...1.1..J1 i . . 7. . ...v Georgg. For Alice Arm.lNda, Uiver and Challence A the Rrn" KoanI ' , .7. . . was arawn lor. the winner being also a large audience, -an Easter -vnnarefl: it v-ith tMatf:thP ron- V?Z J? ,il.Harm."y Boys: i resurrect On pageant havine also-cXi,7 - i --J Vu 3 uennoime and nart of rprmnntM In the war; making , It clear that, Supper w as served, in the hall ROMANCE Tuesday-ss. Catala .11:30 irmefe- were also seVe'ral Easter' V 7, w""ul'",u", .lucicy ticket and for a waltz com-i Charle, Uuhton is Here In Great Thursday-kprmcc, I longs, f i f ' f'S remembered afterfPetiUon. A handsom. black slate Picture "Jamaica lnn--Story of 11:15 p.m. Thei;first. nresentaUon of "Thei ," ,u wlcm. inai naa een raffled. nracy on Cornwall Cot Port Simpson. ' Mast Frldav '.nteht whn .r. . "7" 1 :.; - .11. .7" ftuae-nAnaerson. Music Sunday S. Catala ...i 8 p.m, From Alice Arm Naas River and Port-Simpson ' Tuesday is. Catala .... 11:30 a Fori Ocean Falls , ; Pierce as the principals. Tuesday ss. Catala ;.;.. ;t':30 p.m. . tfiuretfay-ss&Prince ' George .JJilXfrfc 9 pm f Friday Ss. Pr. Adelaide 10 p.m From Ocean Falls-Wed. Ss. Pr. George 10 a.m. Friday Ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 p.m ss. Cardena p.m. For Queen Charlotte Island's March 8 and 22 Ss. Prince John 10:30 pjn. From'Quecn Charlotte Island An ouUtanding feature picture "Jamaica Inn." starring the great English actor. Charles Laughton. Is being shown at the capltol Theatre here tonight and tomorrow. . The story Is a gusty romance with salt water flavor of England's Corn- thebfect was the defence of the by the ladicof At the i wall c t " Tt n tS tawlei dm smaller smaller nntlrtns nations. Iau f tk. j . : ' .t Bin , line uii utile vj iiioor anv son oi .--v W1C uauce . cases mat had Cr at the turn of the last f?' century. IU , Mr.. Atmlewhaife Showed how been left over were oel tan I Stewart peoolead sledlly In- auctioneer M. J. Doushertv an'Jh,nA JZtT.Tr'V creased sunoort of Mr. Hanson a, added several dollars to the 'who Tlu e hlw S, ruin they got to know him and thl, year ceeds. iftrnlh.fn-i. I .n he prophesied even greater support The gratifying sum of ,70 nioMSJ than In the previous election. cleared and will go towards the 'a romantic nalr Maureen O m ,ncinucr lor SKrena i " "-""" o necuea extra Mr Ken I Plies for the hrnlti1 TTinnwrn w v. nn . " . Kit r m iXm. , J ,,,ature ror skna, urged that at win charge of the affair were Malcolm u MacDougall and three this time civilization was in the Mrs- E- C. Stevens, Mrs. D. F Mun-chlldren were asphyxiated by II- balance and the British Emnire ro and Charles Hartle. ThP.r ... gas in a boarding threatened. He criticized the C.C.F. sltenU who helped them ln mak-for suegesting that moral forces 1x18 the dance ar outstanding suc--- -- - ' should be used Instead of phvsical cess were Mesdames W. Barry. F force. The only thing Hitler knew Atklns- . Chasteney, O. Neubauer wa brute force. He told of the and - HIH- Coming over to at-rtatement made bv J. S. Wood,- tend the st- Patrick's dance were -nnh to the effect that If his sons Irs' 0eors"ft Klrby, Miss Violet were called he would be proud to K,rbv' MlM Kay Mathers and Wil-see them go Into a concentration ,,am Maers of Sandsplt. Miss cann rather than fight. Edna Beaven. who is visiting there. Turnlne to the Conservatlvr at. also Me over for the dance, re- tltude he urged that Dr. Manion f;urnln8 Sundayon the mission! j ws asking the people to eive him TOai uaal icaoinet he wished and sueested .that Drobablv Sir Edward Beatt.y Flve ihouiar.o -4,-Cf. rtuperi ; would be a member of it. If the peoPle read the Dally News. It I Conservatives were elected. I pays to ,et them know what yi I Concluding, Mr. Kenney urged that there was only one malor Issue jend that was the successful carrying on of the war and h uzeested that this could best b done bv reelecting the Liberal narty headed by Mr. Mackenzie King. Whifflets From The Waterfront Union steamer Catala. r.ant 1 .James Flndlay, arrived ln pott ai i.iv tnis morning from Stewart1 and other points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. ODD6onensoHo&oooiaoaoojoo VELVET ICE CREAM, MILK 5 SHAKES and GOOD MEALS At tli'e U and I CAFF. g ' Walerliont Dooatoooiaoioirif(i)f06Hoiiijt have to cell Larje Assortment of FINE Bulk Candies Come In and pick your favorite kind Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion Dr. R.C. Bamford Successor to Dr. It. LUNDAHL Will Continue Practice of Dentistry In Rooms 1, 2, 3 Besncr Block and Robert Newton, who are deter mined to bring the wreckers to Justice. It b not until they have narrowlv escaoed death at the hands of the pirate, that they discover the dandified, debauched squire. Charles Lauahtor), to whom they have appealed for assistance, U the secret leader of the nefarious gang. With sequences of thundering s r adventure, thrilling gunfire and poundlne ourstilt of the escaping squire, the picture illustrates how iutlce Is served and romance Fresh Loral Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE U7 THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyo PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the on)T salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert KVIK'' SM . illiMt I i II I. .it mWuiiRuMMu3rMG5an ?:3 WiFlplliTrnggyi 9:28 ADDKI) "Bloc Danube Walts' SporU-M luf u Born" KITKATLA OniTbeaflayMMu Kate Soott of this TllUce was laid to reat. she was the oldest inhabitant of Klt-katla and was reputed U, be 102 years of age. The funeral rites were conducted by Rev. B 8hearman. assisted by Solomon Brown. The Kltkatla Band attended the funeral and played effective and auttahi music. Hymns sung at St. Peter's unuren. with Mr Shearman at TONIGHT and Ul ir r 3 Shows Mthll " tJ tr. I JrlT in the organ v Breath of u-c Ood to Thf i attended. 1 Easter was v with .special si-.-. day and Ea.s' .Peter's Churn. Army On East-gram of twci.: I)ru togethi ;gave the ;or: of work Tin 'Dand have brr tor the ocrai present .from ti OutstandingValuei NEW FURNITURE 3 "specuin:STK,u ,t:l'0 su,li:-W8 00 vllu,' 69.50 9'Vla!tSmllSG KW0M SITITK $iao value. 99 50 C-Piecc DINirTTE SUITlC$T0JH) value. P Q lSPeCt, .tyt 6-Piece ItlMKIMVP ciiiti- J t Special t?c)J.tfw SIU.MI,ls AXMINSTER CARriJTS-Stae 0x102 CQ1 $15.00 value. Special .. t?Oliwu BAKRYMOKE MATS-SIze 27x54. $0.00 Value. Qi 0.1 Special $W ENTERPRISE CIRCULATOR OIL HEATER flfl $89.00 value. Special . J?3uv Used Furniture Bargains I -Piece BEDROOM SUITI- At DRESSER At HEATERS, KITCHEN RANOES Large variety to . h bargain price. S39.5U ii-. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE (Srecn DIG THIRD AVO1'1 Store Hours 8:30 to 5:30 p.m.