in.r ft r and were killed by .sharpshooters, nun assault on a : rt south ot Warndt 'pulsed. j :.p.n reconnoitred over : ,d German aircraft rn France. high command !c French warpkine dwn. .Um report tasi nlfht motorized tercet ..; fnim forty to filly ii r rnmwp K AlhS AKK "ic .Minoruv iiiiiicuiiirs In India 4 ADVOCATED i. ... . ... iA4ut r i nan in uruer io .. .. ...... ... Miate minority dlfricul-I as between Hindus !' t. . the Moslem Congress i- t' the foundation of a ' uutonomous states in i C.v.i.n of complete indc-India as proposed by with a majority govern-fry Hindus could not be ac-;1 bv Moslems. Termination Bii ish rclme would bring ': ' hanfj to India. Mo-tem Congress demand- 'TOonii wnt nvircoa from W'l be Hut! uutd finrnlncf nnv '''n nation. War Duty Is Clear Reynaud mtis. March 26: (CP) ; lfPmir'" Pa"l neynaud told the Mn:n nation In n rnrfta roartraKt today that the "gov- frnmrnt j, duty ciCar-to yk war " Hitler expected h" o opinion In France, "e id. and a ?ltary crues but the: did - nau-riallze. ''Our decisions T ft f O Q O acts LONDON. March 26:- FERVID Dutch frontier to Ea,tcr rnensage. milfs six Danish 4 APPEAL Pope Pius ex horted that the excessive desire for conquest be curbed and de anrourcr Bl Misijuri. JM U. Bralome, 10.65. Cariboo Quarts. 2.44. Dentonla. .01 V. Falrview. S)i. Gold Belt, 2. Mlnto. .02. Noble Five. JOO?. Pend Oreille, 1.65. h Pioneer, 2.17. Premier, 156. Privateer. .65. Reeve MacDonald, .19. Reno. XI. ' 1 Relief Arlington. ,08. Salmon Oold. .03. Sheep Creek. 1.10. Cariboo Hudson, .04. Oils A. P. Con.. .15. Calmont, .37. C. & E.. 1.96. Freehold, .02. Home. 2.45. Royal Canadian, .17 V. Okalta,, 1.14. Mercury, .06. Prairie Rojltle. .17. Toronto Aldermac. .26. Beattte. 1.05. Central Pat.. 2.19. Con. Smelters, 43.25. East Malartlc. 3.75. Fernland, .03. Francoeur, .49. Oods Lake. .53. Hardrock. 1.08. Int. Nickel, 43.00. Kerr Addison, 2i2. little Long Lac, 3.20. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.99- Madscn Red Lake. .44. McKenzio Red Lake, U9. Moneta, .75. Noranda, 72.12. Picklo Crow, 3.75. Preston East Dome, 2.26. San Antonio, 2.29. Sherrltt Gordon, .91. Uchl. .74. Bouscadillac, .04 H. Moslier, .07. Oklcnd. .06li. Bmelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 27.00. BAR HOW mmnvt rrn.The Montreal maricet wras um.i"i--$37.54 per fine ounce. I T. W. Brown. plored such tactics as bombing of 'Vance open cities and civilian popula-indlson and Walter Johnson. - i . i u n . ri. C T A.kk n the returning of- , fleer. exuecti h tojil vote will run between 2900 and 3000. I Mtn Edith Jhn)ne Is sslst- Injr the returning officer as elec tion clerk with other officials for the day as follow: - Demitv RMornln? Officers Wll- Pope Tlus MaVe ImprcsOre State- l' Umh'r Rrtr Thlff. John menls In His Easter Menace fPmllh Rlchrnd Mortimer, n, M. Hunt. Mio)-n Method. WlHUm ROME. March 26: In a special 'wt Mr vr M..fn. The0 Oollart. John OrifH.h. Mrv Lsura Mitchell John A. A1n ni, i. Rorle. Mies Irene Mitchell. W. D. .Doustas Duncan. W. L. outcome of the election In Skeena would appear to be that it centres between the Liberal and C. C. F. candidates. WEATHER IS POOR EDMONTON, March 26: (CP) The second count in the Alberta .provincial election Is not expected j to be completed before Wednesday or Thursday. It Is already evident that many candidates have lost their deposits. TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Cloudy, southeast wind, five miles per hour; barom- leter, 29.09; temperature, 48; visibility, 25 miles; sea smooth. I Triple Island Cloudy, south southeast wind, eight miles per hour; visibility, 25 miles; light ripple. Langara Island Overcast, east southeast wind, 25 miles per hour; LONDON, March 26: leaders. At Continued Ship Sinking WAS ONCE (CP) RALKANS ARE HOT Next Developments of Importance in European Situation Expected There LONDON. March 26: (CP (The Balkans are increasingly considered the coming "hot tspof of the European war. There: seems little PREMIER PROVINCIAL LIBRARY . 7 I J earner forecast She mmm Tomorrows Tides n r. " Rupert and Queen Char-... High ... 3:26 am. 22.1 ft. i snds Strong southeast 16:11 pm. 19.5 ft. pairs, unsciuea ana mild Low 10:00 a.m. 22 ft. i 'i l ain. 22:10 pjn. 5.8 ft. i NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIX No. 72. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1940. PRICE: S CENTS INv' I1M IS ASED drrable M. ty On rsttrn Front V VTe ocr To Dutt mm. March ZB: nn- troops took over a new ec SEA LOSS 'GOOD VOTE I, LESS NOWi RECORDED i i Unconvoyed Neutral, Worst Suf. .Total Of 700 Ballots Cast Up To! ferers In War At Sea-Two j Noon In Federal Balloting wtiiuau mxii torpedoed. I With cloudy but fair weather During prevailing, up to noon today a Five Man Cabinet For War ; BOUND TO WIN WAR ' Mastery of Allies In Air is table, Declares Sir KIngsley OTTAWA. Wood LONDON. March 26 No matter the week ending March 24 not a total of 700 ha tints Viarl Kosn mi t A Dallv Mall fforecast xavx hnm Inno tho nrar mav last. Rlr of the front from the French uniun smP was lost in the In the federal election In Prince there will be a toyr five man KIngsley Wood. Secretary for Air. jy thus extending the British war at fica wld an official state-'Rupert, Indicating that It will be wa" cabinet consMlnc of First expressed confidence today that the ment today. Eight unconvoyed a heahr vote on this occasion Lord of the Ad-jdralty Wins- Allies would win. He spoke of the March 26; Artillery "W"1 M naa. nowever, ben than in the last federal election to" Churchill. Plane Minister aerial preparedness of Great Bri-f:. ncral with renewed unk Two erman ships had been.on October 14, 1935. The voting Neville Chamberliln, Chancel- tain and France, declaring that tiir entire wetern torpedoed during the period by was light until shortly after 10 ,or of the Exchequer Sir John their mastery in the air was inevl-iiad there was also In- new British naval drive 'o'clock when It started to become Simon. Foreign Secretary Vis- table. i with aerial activity a8alnt shipments of ore and other; heavier. There was quite a rush count Halifax and Lord Privy . There was a gen- commodities from Scandinavia to'at noon hour and the movement Sal Sir Sa-neJ jHoan?. The up of flghtlfif after ,ne K" ito the polls kcot up In substantial -"Weal correxmdent of the Praciriptlf III .t,i It ta the flrat time since the out-'volume Into, the afternoon. The n""v Hpm nriioai British 1 1 coiucui Ji a; f local patrol ac- break of war. the Admiralty an- polls close at 6 nm. and well with- 4 lbor n""-""-. dWerflUre- p . T) f c Oi rman troopers ap- nounce. tha.t a week has passed In an hour It Is expected the city ht Prime Minister VUSld JAlld VIl i French line near whout a loss of a slnle British or I result will b known. fhmhe-u- .-- River with an antt- French merchant ship. The election machinery was ' ed the oouibilltv If a coalition Tne emnt neutral ships included mnnln smoothly here with very """rnment with Tabor party Visit To U.S. WASHINGTON. March 2 The Persldent of Costa Rlra and his !!r,,Ie ,thC v." 10f,P2l Ch;k,?y?erf- S n view of inlnsiv dlpto- Bl, Jobs Awarded nUflc discoveries for bringing O. Kennedy. J. R K ngs Mrs R. matlc actlvUy fle. with Convertinc of ciu luciiia j . t , .?"!...!'!" thousands "" southeastern Europe may be mom- iStaVinO" Oil tne of worshippers who vii uiujtug hMrd pontiff such as have rxla-. from his Nw t ".ff where he spent! week-end, dispelled J i' :e wuld be a aen- .dale in New Jersey atenlen.t "I have no t continue d6Ue &n American mln- ;da " Mr. Cromwell : der fire In Wash- a pro-Ally speech 4 seldom been A W A March 26: CP Oive Us Pepce Jean Ntckerson. Miss Evelyn Oras- entarlly expected. was one ot thelorie. Mss Tckla Fulton. J. D. INorWaV 1 rOteSlS to crJn-which went up from the mul-lMcLeodJphn Balfour. C. K. Ytre 11. "tltude. ' " tberg antf Mrs. O. A. Hunter. TODAY'S STOCKS (OourUtr 8. D JobruKoa Oo.) An Impartial opinion as to the re- V -: .. in Connection Prince Robert And Prince David March 25: PREMIER IS DEAD SUDDENLY Rt. Hon. Michael Joseph Savage' Of New Zealand Passes Away i -jrtth Savage as Prime Minister Savage began life as a shop, as- wife arrived in Washinaton veter-,sistant. later worked in a mine rnets at the White House, a state he went to New Zealand and be dinner being piven 'n their rtfwwj an to take an in active active part part in in poll Hut nUht by President and Mrs.; tics. He was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Changing; Coast Liners For War Bearing out previous announce-! A bachelor on ments.the.ust of war supply board minuter. Savage DAMAGE IS EXTENSIVE j Eye-Witness Accounts Discount Refutations of Nazi Propagandists LONDON, March 26. Eye-witnes3 accounts published in the London WELLINGTON, New Zealand. : DaUy Egress confirm, despite Ger- March 26: (CP) Prime Minister man Qeniau, inai exwnsive damage Michael Joseph Savage of NewlWas done by Royal Air Force Zealand died suddenly today. He on tne German aerial base at had been Premier since 1935. He the 15140(1 sy" !ast Wednesday, was sixty-eight years of age. j Several German alrplahes were des-Premler Savage, an Australian, troyed. Two anti-aircraft batteries sprang to the forefront politically were wt 33 wel1 as an ammunition In his adopted New Zealand whenidumP- he succeeded Harry Holland as u 15 sBeested that American leader of the Labor party in 1933. newspaper correspondents who were Two years later he led the narty taken to the supposed scene by the to victory in the general election German propaganda ministry and which toppled the coalition gov- tnen discounted the damage which ernment of O. W. Forbes and sent was aone werc not shown the whole Labor Into the office for the first r the Wand of Sylt and were care- i full? guided awav from the dam. v n VMMV UMkVt la ' " - aged sections. The Admiralty announces that fourteen Canadians and fifteen other Dominion fliers dav for a trood will tour of the Un- land then became interested in the . nrclpated in the Isle of Sylt ited States and were ovenleht i co-operative movement. In 1907irald. poll-' JUI nl elected to the House lYIanV 1 llgrilllS (the leader of the Labor party inJn Holy Land J When he became Prime Minister in 1935 Savage was neither a spectacular leader nor a brilliant iebater. But he had attained immense popularity with his labor followers and was a calm, deliber ate speaker. Always outspoken, he had achieved respect by his fear lessness in speech. He had won a reputation as a steady man, pains-akin?, thorough and conscien- CP) itious. Thousands Of Worshippers At Holy Sepulchre In Jerusalem JERUSALEM, March 26: Thousands of Easter pilgrims flocked into Jerusalem and visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Presentation To becoming prime jLadv Tweedsmuir moved from I J : conwacw Rives oanicuiars oivwofAucsiand; where he had lived for; v. - former vessels of the Canadian Na-i is years .to Wellington, the isi-.'Handsome Mink Coat For, Widow i Uonal Steamships on the Pacific j and dominion's capital. With him ;Coat being converted Into armed went a former Heme ay, Auck-j merchant cruisers. The Burrard land. famUy. He had shared their I 1 . . ' . ..... I n i. r r .r l ,r ury io. o inunu aucuuici nonie since ne iirst came to Newl 1 - . 1 fiMnU1 , . n t. n ' n . J . 1 .. I 'c oju.wu cuuudu uu wic.caiana ana as ne con- . - premier , x,nn,- u i. March 26. it is 4W.w-,. Norway, hii ? 5teflmer Prlnce d.. ur Robert whUe the;tinued woi,. to do so. IVs Ship Passes Through Panama Canal Today Believed Headed For Australia CHRISTOBAL. March 26: (CP) I Confirming speculation that she is I to be used in Australian expeditton-j ary force transport service, the lin er Mauretanla, which lelt New YorK general store in Benalla. Following a big bank crash in 1983 young Savage, like many other Victorians, went to New South Wales in search of work. He found a Job with the owner of a big sheep station. Seven years later he returned to Victoria. He worked in a deep al luvlal mine at North Prentice. At the same time he bacame inter ested in politics and the co-oper atlve movement. He became sec retary of North Prentice's poll ticai laDor council. He also organized a co-operative store and bakery. In 1907, at the age of 35, he left Australia for New Zealand, settling down at Auckland. Savage quickly became actively Interested in the Labor movement as a mem- Sir John Sul". J"" nJrlmeja few days ago, passed through the bef of severa, local organlzatlons. Minister of .Newfoundland, ! bound Panama Canal Pacific today. In mg ne WM elecd t(J the Passes ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, March 26: (CP) Sir Richard Squires, former Prime Minister of Newfoundland, Is dead here at the age of sixty years. Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. W,lllalm Ross, charged with vag vtslbll!t$V,S nnles; sea moderately Magistrate McClymont nnd was re-ruughi I manded for sentence J TO RESUME Expert is Conferring Today In Rome ROME, Mrach 26: (CP) E. W. Playfatr, British government com- .merclal expert, conferred today rancy by begging, appeared in city with Italian authorities with a view barometer, 29.84. temperature, 45; police court this morning before to reopening trade negotiations House of Representatives for Auckland West. He still held the same seat 16 years later when he became premier. TRADE TALK! Weather Forecast British Government Commercial' General Synopsis A deep depres sion Is centred west of Vancouver Island and the pressure is relatively high east of the Rockies. The weather has been mild throughout this province while strong winds and rain prevail on the coast. Of Late GovernorrGeneral OTTAWA, Iarchj26 (CP) The lif ttorihet wmen Of Oanida from Yukon Territory- t4 Cape" Brtoiik Lady Tweedsmuir has been pres- learned nere aenverea a snara .. . .. , ... . . aa u-uj I , . ., t . . .,' naiuax jsnioyarcs are convening "une cannot live witn people lor .mi a iwuuwiuj nuns coai Ma ch 7 to the Nazi . . I protest on gov- ,. t5iSmn ,n. n .v., 1 before .leavine on .hp rt,,m tn ernment of Germany over the sink ing of Norwegian vessels in violation of international law. This was De tract. fore the latest wave of Oerman at-: T,0,Lni.e I tacks upon neutral vessels. Great I CaCHclS in Inclement Condition, Prevail Britain has sent a reply to Norway , . - Throughout Canada for Election In regard in on uerman iJiniiai ITieei , pa ships carrying Scandinavian ore! .denying violation of International laws respecting wariarc. ivunicnuon ui dhiimi voiumuia I VANCOUVER. March 26: (CP ! tv,. Jn. ii.. nn.ninff ( Session Under Wav At Van- I Indicated a substantial vote in Van- I) At f AJ j A I BOLIVIA ' i couver ridings today. The rush was D vJLil V l rart narticularly Inula rlv notlnl noticeable In the West End which is Included In Vancou- ver Centre where the candidate oft the government is Hon. Ian Mac- prairies. Election Count Still Proceeds .Many Candidates in Alberta Already Known to Have Lost Deposits TROUBLE Ikenzie. 'Martial Law Declared In I Threatening rain was the most American Republic Following prevalent weather condition Revolt of Fusiliers siege (a form of martial law) after an early morning revolt by a regiment of fusiliers had been put down as the rebels marched on the government palace. , couver With Pedagogues From All B. C. VANCOUVER. March 26: (CP) CVii-.1 taaitViArc frrtm oil nirtc nf ! throughout the province but winter i iS5fl m ;,rvla' March tj?1' M AURFTANIA Izard two days ago. threatened to -The Bolivian government today IYLtVUIaLi I riillri 1 ., in fhrjicf nnrt n f he aeciarea a nauon-vMae siaw: m bond beine established." said Sav-inland, seven representative wo- sre the day he was invited by the men 8athered to make the pres-governor-general to form his cabi- entatlon. net. "I 'Should feel lost without the companioship of such friends.1 ine La Dor leader said ne was arranging "for the good people f i who have looked after me" tofUn LOWCr LOSSl Join him in Wellington. I Worked In Store Savage, notable in appearance iuie n me tor a thick crop of curly hair and heavy eyebrows, was born in 1872, the son of a small farmer living near Benalla, u e faiate of Victoria, Australia. .British Columbia are assembled . ',- , ,u. .mn me ieit scnooi at u to worK m a 011 (I livic vase antiutiti vwi vw j .the British Columma Teacners' I Federation. IN PACIFIC ;; Earthquake Felt Seattle And Tacoma Experienced Tremor Saturday Evening SEATTLE, March 26: (CP) Northwest Washington felt an earthquake shock Saturday eve ning. It was not severe and no damage was done. Houses trembled and pictures and electric light fix tures shook in Seattle and Taco ma. Hungary Premier Meets Mussolini Official Statement Tells Of "Long And Cordial" Conference With Pope Pius Today ROME, March 26: (CP) Count Teleky. Hungarian Premier, met Premier Benito Mussolini and Foreign Minister Ciano yesterday land will have an audience with the Pope today. An official statement said that there had been a long and cordial" conference be tween Teleky and Mussolini. Air Lines Very Safe WASHINGTON, D. C, March 26: (CP) United States com- merclal air lines completed a year of flying today without fatal accident or serious in- Jury to passengers or crew members. More than two mil- West Coast of Vancouver Island ' lion passengers u&ed the alr- whlch were sufpended two months Southeast galea shifting to south.. ways in the period. ago. juiouay ana miio vhui ram it t t