PAQ TWO DID YOU KNOW? We have just received the finest range of Ladies' Fall Footwear creations by "Julia Arthur" and Tango Pumps and Vanity Maid lines. WALKING OXFORDS By Miss Atlanta in styles, fitting and quality you could not help but like. Priced from $3.95 New Shipment of Jack and Jill Shoes Family shoe store lt The Home of Good Shoes MacKenzie's Furniture 200 CURTAIN RODS "Klrsch." Each 300 WINDOW SHADES 36 in. Cream and Green Phone 775. 25c 95c 327 3rd Avenue "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Pnnc- Ha perl Co. Ltd. . British Cntumbi Complete Line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 PHONE 117 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Heave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. C ATA LA EVERY' TUES- T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAY, DA Y, 1 :30 p.m. 10 :30 p.m. Du? Vaneouyr. Th.u. p.m.. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient,, please. Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK -. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Ajent Third Ave. Phone 568 1 Everything in Novelties At j Eva s Novelty SHOP 625 3rd. Ave. West MISS OLAFSON A.T.C.M. Associate Teacher o'f Miss Way Also Royal Academy of London Certificate for Harmony PHONE 815 AID FROM GOV'T IN BUILDING Forme City Commissioner Urte3 New Move Under Federal lloas-I114; Plan New Homes Is CrjUn Need 'Th?. crying need. o( Prince Hu-Eert Is for new homes and :h.- )n!v visible wav to.ret then Is through the federal housing plan." declared W. J. Alder, former citv 2ommis- past year made available for imme .diate building 103 fifty-foot loU a sioner, who left for the south last night, after vteJtlng & week. In the city and looking after his IqtareJls, "Practically every cAty in squthyrrn New unusn Columbia has availed itself of government help in their home building campaigns and, builclinK campaign- and building booms are in evidence everywhere. Prjnce Rupert ha greater need thaji most cities and surely Is entitled to the. THE DAILY lday, September 27, i84a vBRINGS INSTANT IASI 1 from ...ill' YANKS IN RACE YET York Wins Double-header Frcm Philadelphia Athletics PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 27: (CP) New York Yanksts, by winning a double-header from the Philadelphia Athletics yesterday, went to wtthln two-and-a-half games lame prw ?' ,!h! lL!!" j 4 . . .... nail a -'ittiuc ui uc ocwua uiacr more homes mast now see that H Is American a lieCeSSily. flnUh THIa vootariv tho Tlwnrs The city of Victoria during the 'S a crucral three game series to finish the season and determine who will wnere cuy servjees were avauame face the Cincmnatl Reds ta the at $50 a lot. May I suggest that this World SfirJes next B3b Fef. city be approached for some su6h er pitches today for Cleveland concession and every citizen put his and schoolboy Rows for Detroit, shoulder to the wheel to relieve the Yesterday's- Big League scores: , present shoitage of accommodation.! National League The city that ceases to build will ' gradually die." Mr. Alder upon being asked for his impression on what undoubtedly is a changed city said it must be j borne In mind that there could be ' no real prosperity or success for any 'city or individual until the war was I won but it was apparent to every Boston 5-5;jBrooklyn 2-4. Philadelphia 1-1: New York 3-2. Cincinnati 4-1, St. Louis 3-5. PiUsburg 7, Chicago 6. American League Washington 6. Boston 5. New York 5-2, Philadelphia 4-0. The league, standings: National League one that Prince Rupert was today Cincinnati ... 97 52 .651 jmore prosperous than lt has been Brooklyn 88 64 JS73 lor many years, steady worK naa st. louis hi 6a .54a put new life into many a home and Pittsburg 76 73 510 driven away the bogey of poverty. Chicago 75 76 .497 Merchants seemed to be all doing New York .'. 71 78 .480 well and new faces among the civ- Boston ....'... 65 75 .464 illan population were everwhere in Philadelphia 48 102 .318 evidence. American League "Under my cbs-rvaKon," sa'd the Detroit ... rn 89 62 ,590 former commissioner, "this city has Cleveland 87 64 577 grown In thirty-one years from a New York. 86 64 573 dozen children and n few hundred Chicago 80 71 .530 adults without streets or city con- Boston .1 77 72 .517 venlsnces 'to its ortnt status. A.' (Washington . 64 77 .454 no time In its history has lt beecist- Louis.'. 65 85 -433 in a better position to consolidate Philadelphia 53 96 .356 .its gains. Eight years ago the city) toitpvampvtc nv'v , wa- broke and the outlook poor but. jnHANNrcRnRn snt 97- thanks to the splendid co-opera- The Currle South African Cup tan of he taxpayerr the net debt crkket tournamcnt and the uf. smaller than been for ? t has fidd shield KYlooa tournament twenty vears and its credit In fin--fcave bMn abandoned for the pre-anclal circles Is now as good as most season, " citie. of its size In British Cplumbia. 1 New industries have increased the city payroll. and its strategical loca-: Rupert he has travelled conslder-tlon on the Pacific coast is at last ; ably in the United States and he generally recognized. One must be found housing difficulties In other a pessimist indeed to look at the places than Prince Rupert. Mostly hu?e government undertakings and he found the citizens taking a keen not see in them assurance of per- Interest in,theSe matters and grap-manent uokeep." ; pling with them In such a manner Since Mr. Alder was last In Prince as to secure a solution. 1 B. C. Furniture Co, New and Used FURNITURE 6 RECONDITIONED KITCHEN RANGES COQ to. 851Q For coal and wood. From VO WMV 4 OILBURNERS Complete with pump and tank AT GREAT SAVINGS. NEW FURNITURE . 4 STUDIO COUCHES Can be made into single bed, 2 single beds or a double bed with 3 spring-filled cushions. QQfi fl Regular $45.00. Now 6 STUDIO SE"rS Couch can be made Into double or single bed also has blanket storing space and 3 spring-filled C'7k cushions. Special 4. THREE-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITES In latest materials, and colours. Regular $98. Now Phone BLACK 324 Next l)r . H C. Cl.tlil-r 75 THIRD AVtNl': Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Get Your Congoleuin at and Friday From the East Tuesday and Saturday. For Vancouver Tuesday '. jhursdAy - Friday .. i r Saturday . Sept. 14 and, 2i 1 a p 111 10:30 p.nj. . 9:30 p.m. 3 p.: Pram Vancouver -' Sunday p.m. Widiifsday 10 Friday 10 a.n ent. 19 and 30 for Stewart and Premier ' . . 7 p.m. Wednesday 2 p.m. Timely Recipes WHOLE (IKE EN TOMATO PICKLES gallsa smail green, tomatoes 2 cups cider vinegar 4 nua biQwu sugar 1 teaspoon salt teaspojn mixed ptekle spice til whole cloves . 4 Cook tomatoes bolQne waier, a a few al a time. um 4 pjn, Remove each in i s If a syrup of other ln-red!n'a. Ball 5 minutes. Strain over tomatoes. Seal tightly. Most peop.' i-sq inc classlliM ads. Do you? Th Cold Seal on all genuine Gold Sral Conjfoleun li your guarantee of Ml if action and long year. Atk your, dealrt for the rwut Congoleuin booklet on IwuiefurnltUlngt (!(' free) or tcrlle tot CONGOLEU.M CANADA LIMITED 3700 St. Patrick Street - Montreal Hi UK STILL BIO ON SEAS LONDON Sr. TmBMIt, NA . ,hn I . iiH " crusrsea vne Af i. months. 5ive inuuai.f. people reaq tn? pays to let th-m 1, vf iii iMir rHETAtfcncr,, Vnow iCP) ki c;nr more in pmg left the United kta.JT U.3 f xr..!u . """" fpr North boruTh, American tomato carefully? Mtth., .! Prthao H.UII . '- r WiU no German or German ,han .iiuic for ht jo! NAN: "Whatttivattracliun tluwn llirrT" ANN: "ll'. h Cuiitulcvm ilralrr'a kluJiiw lie liana lUplay of tlie ncwrt Con-fcolrum paltrrua, ami bllnt nir, thty're iLe talk of the town!" NAN: "My apartment looks positively shabby this fall . . . wonder if I could spare enough from the budget to get one . . ANNl "My ilrar! YoucouU proltabljr nianaftr two or thrtc at Cniiolrum,( low print, liate tlirm in VtrS room, jou know!" NAN: "Your l.M.W lotrlr!" fliinia aUtii ANNl "Well, tliry're iU liitrly 110 trmiMc to Lcrp (Iran. Krpular iitoiping and iM-racninal waling are all that' nrt-rsaary, and ll"fj wear (vr agea and aet, Vxj tlon,'! liate tu Ite tackrtl dun and lliry won't rnrl at the nlfcra. Rut you do want to I aure to grt genuine dm-(lolriiiii llirrc'a a OvM Seal of SatUfarllon on rrrj ru. And by the way, tlifir are arattrrriiKaiil lij-llir-yanl tliatara junt a hnrly at the lilg rxifn. lo run down ami tire all the grand new colour-Inga and amart, inotltrn pattcrnal" (7) MKmrzr ? MacKenzie's Furniture Gordon and Anderson Have a, Large Stock of Congoleun Hugs. Call and Look Them Over, All Sizes Stocked GORDON'S HARDWARE Let Us Supply Your Needs ir( Corigoreum CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Coitot., Willare ' Block, Phone 640 Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacher AAA. Certificate ' PHONE RED gll Mrs. C. Andfrw)n (n'e N Lawrence) will resum VIOLIN CLASSES Theory and Harmony OCTOBER 1