T -1 1 'f 4 ' 4 ' r 7AJ3E TO UK THU SAZLT KZWB EYES Licencee for Numounts Full-rue Frames, The Newest in Eye-Wear Max Heilb JEWELER Canadian Legion Conducts Funeral ' The funeral of the late William H. Eagleshani took place Saturday; from the B.C. Undertakers parlors Rev. H. O. Funston conducted the service and Miss S. Olafson was organist. Interment was made in the returned soldiers' plot. Th "Last-Post" was sounded by Hurler W. J. Ranee. Pali bearers were W. Sullivan, H! 0. Moles, O. Connolly, J. Plint, B. Kldd 'and L. Oanon. A fifty cent ciassmen ad. often make you many dollars. will THL SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye j PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packet by tb only salmon canning company with in all thr year round payroll In Frtnca Rupert J EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 26 1 for Appointment roner DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties. Twenty -Five Years Ago July 23, 1915 The death of Neil J. McLeod oc ciirred at his home after a pror wun me rrince uupen Drancn.oi - - - - , ' 1 v. n.io Tj,iJ, t .longed Illness. He was 51 years of age aiiu uau icomtu v Rupert for the past four years. At the close of ther council meet lng the mayor Intimated that thf city had been obliged to pay $40,00 hospital note due on that day. The ladies of Prince Rupert ar earnestly requested to contribute to, the, Red Cross sale; of home cooking in the Board of Trade rooms every Friday. The women of Queen Mary's Knitting Club held a most success ful dance and whist drive on Friday night. The money made from this affair will be used to buy wool to knit socks for the boys at the front. Send In Your News Earlier t a.m, aeaaime ior iocai news contributipns. To Insure pub- llcation it will be necessary for contributors to have their copy In by that time or earlier If . possible, preferably the night before. Otherwise it may not be published. "B" t Wftiture Co. t i i ill ii 1 Reconditioned Royal Tfpewirlter In perfedt. Q22 ' working order . ""' tji I y at 1HS&t?ilJ : $24.50 Z Hoover, Vacuum Cleaners 4 Baby's Cribs From ffffpplfrM $3.50 10 $8.50 lBabj3tl50', labinCook QQQ 8 CpmVjleHp BedsWith strong cable springs and QQA ?rt 'feitijhattrtKes. Sizes 3-3, 4-0. Special . tPAt.tfU 16 Sprinff.Fiiied Felt Mattresses Well made and of fi O QCJ ?XAUO . very fine fabrics. Reg. $17.50. Now .. bed, made of finest materials, -o z mb mz bzbz bzbl 6 Studio Couches Can be made Into single or double bed, made of finest materials, 3 spring-filled ?0 ffltf V.UV cushions. Reg. $45.00. now t Chiffoniers In waterfall resign. $20.95 1 Dressers With round mirror, in waterfall design. Q99 HQ 4 d'rawers 8 3-plece Studio Sets Very modernistic with chromium trimmings In all colors and different designs, from $75.00 to $99.00 4 3-plece Chesterfield Suites In tapestry, strongly constructed In ust, brown and green. From $75.00 10 $89.00 Phone BLACK 321 Nest Door to B.C. Clothiers I H r ii THIRD AVENUE B2C BRITISH FLIERS WHO BOMBED NAZIS AT BER GEN The crew of a big British bombing plane is shown waiting for a re-load of bombs'after aflight across the North Sea and return on a bombing raid on Bergen, the Norwegian port held by invad lhg '"Germans. The bombs shown on the carriage are of the type used In the series of raids made b y the R.A.F on Norse coastal points held by Nazis. FACTS OF OCCUPATION OF NORWAY (Continued from Page One) come to a conference. Not one ap-he has by force established his peared. ' i living quarters In the beautiful The truth is that there was and 'private home of Crown Prince there Is much less of a "Fifth Col-jOlav at Skaugum. He did not umn"in Norwav than In any of the: think that the summer home of Unded h Oslo the same morning other countries in Europe. Hitler ;Klng Haakon at Bygdo was elab- and a once drove to Hamar wnere use continuously the "Fifth CoI-irate enougn to sattsry nis tastes. .. I rt I 1 1- I I. .. . . .. I mi . I ..I t 1 I -. I -1 It 1 T.T Ui Norwegian oirouuus was w umn idea as his most emctive ne civn aammisuauun ui session. The unit was led by mem-' propaganda material. It Is a part 'way Is In the hands of a group of bers of tlie German legation in their of u., nroeram to create the im-ble, patriotic citizens. In the in- bwn cars, marsea, -aipiomauc pression that there are hundreds,, "rest 01 tne country tney sees to corps." When the, order went out thousands, millions of Nazi sup-lavoid a11 acts and attitudes that from Norwegian headquarters for . porters all over the world. j would cause unnecessary friction general mobilization the Oslo radio. .. . . rmtmrnim. ,w,f Mnr. and complications. They meet In station' said that the order was a .the Parliament building. But.there been ace a. 1 t iU... ..U Kst t -v r tViair flvts f hit fha fMtnaii 1 s-vr T n there would be no mistake and nearly 150 years had graduaUy moDinzauon. 4n uruw p.u.u- In the of the com- . ably came name .0toj m., 1,0 tn iiii&jr lutu uiab 111c lut iiit l wiuiic . in 1 . dauicw ' vviicic bite itaiiico t nic COme come to to believe believe that that It it never never would would mandinggeneral of the Norwegian torwid work fo7 other ngs,11' f "?e SraJI" Z !"I armv. The fact was that it wa3 j ,,., graved, has been taken away and Issued fraudulently by the Germans' frr.ir. J:"t:.tr i.. ' large statue of Adolf Hitler has' 1 L.j u.. ntn- vin V r r hppn rin r. in Its n art who jiau uy i-a.i t f v defensive warfare. " "-w . radiq in Oslo. The result was that noj rway with Allle. natiQn had nQ warplanes for many .days the people did not Mr .Hambro stated that he has antl.alrcraft -ouinment The Nor- know w&t W do or believe. Still gorernTeK the tlme slnce Aprl1 9 Weglan mofa-ohjrr to make the betrayal J Td nfer '..f- a" effective., many of the German , ...j ...7. ... 11 . . June 9 In England to which coun- troops; that came first woreorweg- T V he escorted K,ng :Waakon and 1 J " G 1 J 1, 11 1 - " - "J .1., frrav n.tii'. 1 1 ; Bit MmmMriiMm recruited Sf.T,? m" " W oac.K me ana neaun. unanimous. ' Few Quisling Supporters j Mr. 'During, the1 flbt frightful days, 'never ;iiuiwcgian ocinuia wuu bc tiicii , . Vl.U RVI6UilUCUIl AibCl LUC Wilt many people believe that Norway lleo- troops, in Norway. Of those had been, betrayed by its own men. .4000 were Poles; 10,000 French and However, almost every case report- itne rest British. All of them were ed of Inside betrayal proved false. lnsufflclently equipped and never TIIE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin Bl The new,,, remarkable Plant Stimulant in the proper proportions, a mild Insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors W. H.: Malkin Co. (P.R.) Ltd. , ii.um I -it: 'jKMSttuif- i FOR SALE LICENSED STEEL BOAT Built at Atlas Boiler Works, New, 33'x 9' l$"x 5'. Engine 90 li.p. International truck engine. Coventry & Reynolds reduction gear. Atlas Boiler. Works came to. -fein end. After two' yeeks in England, ?he left on a slow Norwegian freighter for :HalUjrThe boat safeUunder'ABrltUb fcSnvoy. former war, had been taken into nr ' . " ..V " " This boat, tfjgether With IOOff-other thousands of homes in Norway Z "ZJL Zl tZZl NorweSian still belongs to where they were brought back to ZWJJ?Z. the Norwegian shipowners. Norway health and vigor. These young men! mpmhprK.hn isavea Practically its entire com. were now told that they were going th tW admwiirlHnn ,meretoI "eet ConslstlnS of more back to Norway to help their bene-'IZre ITttL fUr mlllln tonS- Most of factors to resUt the Allied invasion. (Ze S SlVZlll' SJL l.thesi shlPs he been chartered When the young men finally real no parties, no groups. There were MZei .. "Ve To 4 ui ! lzed the actual facte, many of them, OnlV oniy Norsemen Norsemen, nnlv on,y rrlendg fr pnHa andL mrfi t . th Jw committed committed suicide, suicide, rather rather than than rt0f0,. H.fHor. f tv. -......j "V"T """iwegian iwegian nag, nag, on the seven seas of wage war against the Norwegian 'dec n to 'fl"ht fo 1 berty and ?e f,' Norwe,an hlP3 hpmes that had nourished them thfi P"1U ZJSl have been lost lately than during the time they were supposed to be nrnloi aA Kir fVt HnnlnlU.. 1 Hitler's sub- ' "- marines. Of thp Nnrwdn an s3llnr.ii 6000 are in England. There are also practically all the men for merly engaged "in the whaling In-j Belf.evldently. there were a few numerous enough to become a de-!Norfh gp. ;atrni quislings oui quisling s own exper- " "- " uiaj, lences' serve as the best proof that! However, if it had not been for he had very little support even) the first British expedition that among those closest to him. Her"", lu viuuuwuuawicu, rung had been in Berlin the week before I Haakon and the-government could the Invasion. The invasion had',not have escaped being taken pris-j been minutely prepared a very long onets by the Germans, time beforehand. Quisling return-1 At the present time the Ger- dustry. They are occupied in the' ea K) USIO April 7. He Was aCCOm-tu i,dive uver me sfpamers enmo .f II panied by a few of his Nazi friends,. rntire administration of Norway fishing schooners. Over one hund" some young men, who served as uiawiaigc an oinciais De-his guard. They finally proved tolloneing to the former-government, be the only real supporters he had. rhe Germans have a governor, or Wh?n he was ordered by the Ger- "Gauleiter" as he is called. He has mans td secure a Nazi government, offices in the Kings Palace and which lasted only two days, he dirt .. - . hot succeed.ln securing a single ona of them He appointed to actually serve. When he called them In to give the oath of obedience, not one 'person appeared. He ordered the; heads of many organizations, labor ' shipowners and business men to CHIROPRACTOR) Stanley W. Colton, D.C.Ph.C. Wallace- Block, Phone 610 One- of the things Norway takes special pride in Is the fact that practically the "entire gold reserve) In the banks of Norway at the. time the Hitler hordes came has been brought out of the country ." Some of the cold was hrnntrhf I (Dry Canteen Is Being Extended Resort - . across the ocean in small freight;! In ordinary red million in gold is now deposit ed In United States and Canada. Dr. Hambro stated that with this credit and a King and a government that has said "No" to the Hitler demand that the king should abdicate and the government resign, the people In Norway still hold that their country is. "a going concern." Most people ads. Do .you? reac tnt classified NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box HI For Soldiers Is Highly Popular Proving 1 The dry canteen rerently opened ,ln the Stork Block on Second Av enue for the local troops has proven so popular that the other half of the ground fioor of the building has been taken over for the purpose. The Irish Fusiliers will be responsible for the furnish ings and, among other things, will (put In a billiard table. Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday, and Friday .S p.ro. From the East U Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 11 P-m For Vancouver Monday 2 p.m.' Tuesday ..... .. 12:30 noon, Friday 9:30 pjn I V Tuesday , 11:30 a.m. ror Queen Charlotte Islands- July 16 and 27 7 pm. From Queen Charlotte Islands- I Tuesday, July 23, 1943 TONIGHT and WEDNEsiiAt 2 Shows Nightly, 7:00 & 9; 03 Irene JDunnc Cary Grant "MY FAVORITE WIFE" Their First Comedy Hit Since "The Awful Truth" (At 7:31 and 0:31) Also March of Time and Donald Duck COMING THUItS. - FRI. Gary Cooper in "The Real Glory" .With David Niven & Andrea Leedi Whifflets From The Waterfront Saturday. 3 p.m.; in port from 9 o'rjlirlt i July 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 27' I morning until 3 o'clock 1:1 e r.f. and 30 4 p.m. tcrnoon southbound from ci-;"gr From Vancouver to Vancouver, u. . u am; Sunday : 4 pjn.-prlnce Rupert. Capt. Neil MHai Wednesday .10 a.m. had a good-sized list of cs::n- Friday 10 a.m. gers, totalling 176, on uoai rf th July 5, 8, 12. 15, 22, 26 jlarge majority were round trip and 29 a.ra.l tourists returning south. h great For Stewart and Premier Sunday . 7 pin Friday 11 a.m From Stewart and Premier Tuesday 11:30 am ' Saturday 9 a.m. For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson Sundav '. -7 tvn (From Alice Arm, Naa River 1 and Tort Simpson I preponderance, as usual, being Americans. Six persons disembarked from the vessel at this port Red spring salmon Is selling for 15c per pound in Seattle irif" smal reds, 11c and whites, 9p Union steamer Camosun Car' Ernftt Sheppard, Is due m ps: latethls Friday night from Var couver via the Queen Charln"" Ii lances and will 'sail Saturday J. on her return south over the sai . route. July 16 and 27 ajn 1 BOMBAY'S PROHIBITION' tor Alaska i BOMBAY, July 23: CPl liqr Wednesday 1 pjn. prohibition went into effe- few July 5, 8, 12, 15, 22 and 26 .... am. last August and in connr -j From Alaska Wuh Its enforcement in th; Thursday 9 p.m. durini the month of Apr ther July 6, 10, 13, 17, 20 and 27 p.m. were 149 cases. 1 rieHHHHHHBHHHHHHHMBHNflHtVfe. Rupert Ripples Store ' rt- . . CLEARANCE SALE MILLINERY Women's Hat Clearance 2 Price Groups $1.19 - $1.7' CHOICE OF 50 HATS Rather than wait till the end of the summer, we're offering these hats for sale at a time when summer is not half gons. Of course most of these hats youH wear well into the fall WHILE THEY LAST VALUES TO $1 Mall Orders Promptly Pilled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart ol Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Nex to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S: CARDENA FKIDAX, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office. Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone S6S If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyerjb the cit& 'l"!rji! j "if r wipjiifrr- -"W1!?- US