I 1 tf A ew War Jobs ,uand5 0 TraJmtf Womu) IVU1 Act As Mcsssngers In Emergencies i;;iD' N July l! Hot? It Will Cool Yow im A Y A 11 Ml) filifiUA v. r.M ride bicycles frpm ?!i : i.! s an evening. huve been Issued for ; .i serve as police 'and p : .() Prerautlon messengers n; kii " the announcement, r . r- b i'n. secretary of i Cyclists Union said :r e we shall be able to 30 10 000 trained women k-' !- warinir armbands and blkp- will work In 30 in the event of i 'lmnnleatlons. I. ( read the to let them Dallv News Vnnw what v RELIEVE BUFFERING 1UICKLY WITH KELLOGG'S 1 w b iiiin l 1 RELIEF ti TEA the paper companies of Canada. B. C. Furniture Co. MIDSUMMER SPECIALS Studio Couches- In green and Argonne red. Can be made into d uble or single bed. 3 spring-filled cushions. V CQg Q Rr ular $45.00. Now J-piece STUDIO SETS Very modernistic, very latest materials m brown, green and rust. V S75 00 Rc-iular $100.00. Now Coffee Tables Walnut finish, very Gfi iatest Radio Tables Of very finest S1t.5U walnut with round mirror, chiffonier, 0170 t0 S92.00 1 bedstead and bench riiirrrnK. will, mlnnn In Rnotem hftrdwooa. U!VU KII T ... - - t.. .unn VAnt u very line ciyie. rvcB. tj.uu. nu mi Wh.i . . . . ., ..... rm ..am. r n ct . . - ' - - . - mri m imn u quality, reg. $17.50. Now 1 t n. . i. V . nraan. roH mahOBanV. Strongly constructed and In CB! AH to S104.50 latest style. From ' ' " Chiffoniers WaterfaU design, very latest. 29.ll 5II Special Next Door to B.C. Clothiers UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. steamers Leave Prince Rupert Jpr Vancouver; u u TQC r'HIMII.'MA FKIIIAY. lAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Out Vancouver, Thur. p.m. Due Vancouver, londay a m. If Cnnvrnlent. Please Purchase Ticket, at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From fit AN K 1 KKiMMPit p.it.. iinnwrt Aftnt. Third Ave. Phone 588 WILLKIE IS SPEEDSTER I Hurry-up. Courtship RUSHVDXE, Ind., July 16: CP) Wendell Wlllkle's toother i remarked In 1917, when tke mani who stampeded the Republican Party to nomination for president of the United States was on the trail of his bride-to-be: I "So you're the girl Wendell's going to marry?" I Mrs. Wlllkle was talking to Edith Wilk, spunky, falr-halred, blue-eyed girl from RushvlUe, Just a few miles from Elwood, the Wlllkle home town. Edith Wllk stammered, blushed. "Oh, no, no," she protested. It must must be a mistake. I've kle. "Wendell's got It all been found for v,ii n,, t.u-i ;. Democrats lost the revolution of 1848. I Wendell Wlllkle's mother,. Hen- i Papers Out Early During Dallv the summer months. That . makes it very difficult to make ( changes in advertisements that come in late. All copy for new . advertisements or for changes Announcements All dvertlseiaen'la In this ctl-mnn will be charged for a full month at Zbi i word. 3. p. N. Danqe, July 18. S. O. N. Picnic, July 21, L.O.BA. Bazaar. .October 16th. W. A. Canadian Legion uazaar, November 1. United Bazaar, November 21. Our Kamoiin Pdsun Alherta COAL Hulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo y.c lllnjton Coal 15uUley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FEUTlLIZEIlg PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 658 suits. ,TS8 DAILY NEWS Nominee For U. S. President Had I " your paper LOCAL NEWS NOTES or Blue 709. Is late phone S3 (tf) When you go on your holidays take the Dally News with you. 50c wfll pay for the paper for two months out of town. (tf) Constable and Mrs. D. D. Mcln-, doo, who have been spending a holiday In the south, returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday' morning Irpin Vancouver. They visited Jn the jOkanagan district. W. K. Gwyer Jr., who has been here for some time in connection with air base construction work at Seal Cove, sailed by the Prince George yesterday afternoon for I Just met him. And well, I never Vancouver. ' j All Canadian Red Cross supplies , neartl anything about It." 16: (CP) New going overseas at the oresent time "No mistake," laughed Mrs Wil- Mrs. F. Holland Pf Victoria Is a settled, visitor In the city, the guest of her HE! KOU SA : BARGAIN" for immediate sa)e. ' '( foot cabin cruiser. Accommodates seven persons. 20 h.p. heavy duty marine engine. Phone 564. LOST flee the day before publication . u on0reen 278. Renorts of overnight meetings , -J wrist-' (166). fpr publication should also be ( PERSONAL I In early, preferably the night j before, to Insure publication. WANT NORMAL PEP AT 4Q? MEN j tonics, stimulants, oyster elements to aid recovery normal ylm, vigor. Get package today, If not delighted, maker refunds Its low price. Call, write "Mc-Cutcheon's and all other good drug stores. Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Roofs, Electrical Appliances, Qil Burners Cleaned, Numbing and Painting 224 .Seven th Ave., W. Phone BLACK 735. ''MaawaaiBaMBMBtf 'Open Till J0:00 p.nj, Ice Creani Soft Prinks Tobaccps Candies MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Miss Y. Skog Jeft pn last night's tralq lor Douglas Lodge near 'Fort St. James. In the recent theory .examinations held by the Toronto Conservatory of Music, Sheila McRae completed a perfect paper. Sheila Is a pupil Of St. Joseph's Academy. Commander George Borrle, local naval commanding .officer, return ed to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday morning from a trip to Victoria. Hp'a trAA mo ho h-irt mot Vio irirt sister. Mrs. J. Storrlne. 217 West ' jwhonl tearhlntr staff . who ha been w7 f9T lhB Canadian or he was going to marry. He said it Eighth Avenue. Mrs. Holland was a1 in England for the past year, has, BrtUh n Red Cross to make ship- would be 80 asy because youi well known pioneer woman of 'been helping in the evacuation .of menu other parts fl Europe," name is already Wilk." i Prince Rupen and Js being welc,om- children from the dangerous areas, says Pr. Fred W. Routley, national This was Edith Wilk's introduc-' ed hV piany old friends. .'she says she expects to return to commissioner Red Cross. "Blankets tlon t0 life with that man-always-j British Columbia soon. contributed to the Canadian Red m-a-hurry who, then, never seem-! Owing to lack of a quorum, a, ' Cross Society during Its recent ap- ed jto known where he was. going. ! meeting of the Prince Rupert oiler Besner, w.ljo is here from peal have not been sent to France. Aunt's Prophecy (Ratepayers' Association, called for Vancouver for a few weeks in con- Although these blankets were in- Later on, in 1918, after Wendell ,ast nht was postponed and aqjnectlon with his building and other tended for the suffering refugees had volunteered and befor.e he executive session held instead, interests, says there Is still Interest and wounded soldiers of that coun- went to France with the field ar- Various matters were discussed jn-jin the local pulp mill project but try, we could not take a chance on tilery, she went to training camD lclurln8 future city administration,-1 nothing pf a yery definite nature In their falling into Oerman hands," to ylslt her fiancee. Her aunt went zoning bylaw and enforcement of connection with the project can be he continued.. "The first shipment along as a chapcrone and It was building regulations. Present were ejtpesteji as Jong as international had been authorized before the the aunt who came away starry- w- Mi Watts, president, Mrs. Nor- conditions remain as they are. French armistice but we were able eyed. i.an Anwa, uopert Mcjtay and ft to divert the blankets to England, "He's why .he's going to be a where they will be stored until eret man." saia auntie. The Wll-neededi The remainder, about 60.- kies were married before "Win" 000 will be held in Canada." Dr. weri,t to France. Routley gave assurance that every "Vln" Wlllkle had a way with blanket contributed would be need- reotile, onlv In his youth he was ed in days to come. Already, the always messing ud his nromlsin? Canadian Red Cross had been asked future with escanades that madf ! i by the Dominion government to evn rood friends despair. There loan a quantity of blankets to was the ,tln?e. whn. as college j equip colonist cars carrying over- nranVsters. he and. his brother i seas children to destinations In tnn nn h n'i"' rollce force of , Canada. "We shall have blankets winomwtnn TnHiani. vith thlr' sheets, pillow cases, towels and oth- "ire flt nnrt landed 'n all. er necessities waiting for the child- All biographers of Wendell Will-; ren at the port of arrival," Dr. We tell you of the Wlllkle family j Routley $ald. Amon? the blankets beglnnlns-s. All four. .of Wlllkle's contributed during the Canadian Prafe?tant erandparents were Red Cross appeal were 20,000 from chased out of Germany when the A. McLeod. Lieut. Robert Bartlett returned to the city on the iCardena Saturday from a trip to Vancouver on furlough. Mrs. Bartlett and family are remaining in the south for a while V?nger. Miss May Hartln o the local i Mrs. II. L. Alexander and little , I daughter of Vancouver are visiting in the rltv m thp pnptto nf Mrs A!. I Daily advertismR m the Dallj exander's sister, Mrs. Joseph Scott.! "yvo m ouic w uiuiK uiuiy rc- iiarry oosse oi seal lie. brother of Mrs. Scott, jailed day afternoon by the Prince peorge , on his return south after a end visit here. Is Married At Priie Albrt Miss Apple JValker RHX BecQmps Bride Qf Allan Morgan In Cere ninny Jn Saskatchewan City The marriage took place recently (I66)ln St. Alban's Anglican Cathedral rietta Tusch Wlllkie, was one of SALE22 Browning repeater tyV Walked eTdest ftt; the first women Admitted to the regular $35X10. .Cash $20.00. Mod- and Mrs. J. M. Walker of Prince Indiana bar. She practised law n suite ern bedroom Including Ruperi. to Allan Morgan of Prince nnrlnershln with her husband.1 bedstead, dresser, .coll spring Aibert, member of a well known and jjpran iranc, msu m u.c ana maicress, uasn $zo.uu. t-npne respected Saskatchewan family. 1PSS1UI1. Black 232. 741 5th Ave. W. The bridesmaid was Mis 11.1701 1166). Ingram and the groomsman was the The bride, who lived In Prince j LESSONS in .typewriting. Also high Rupert since early girlhood, was a I speed typewriting and shorthand graduate pf the Prince Rupert Gen- given mornings, afternoons pr era! Hospital training school for J evenings. Phone ' Red " 923. J nurses and held the position of op-, . '-. . ' 1 '1 eratlne room suDervlsor In the local 1 hofnro'cVio loft 4nr frHll Thjs Summer Z'tu!i& wPrk. PhoneBlack 322. (168) a sU,on at prlnce A It has been decided to get the WANTED To rent by September Victorian Order of Nurses. nil News KT ft iirc nut. out earlv durlne ' 1st to 10th unfurnished bouse or apartment. Centrally located reliable tennant permanent. Phone Green 899. 066) Dally News Classified Ads Oring results. Fresli Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHi VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNx tsr CENTR.AL HQTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water) Shower Baths Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress IJ, H. BULGER Optpmetrjst &n) r?M vtf NEW ROYAL HOTEL i, Zarelll Proprie, th HOMK AWAT TRPM liOMB" Rates 75c up 60 Rooms Hot tt Cold Water v Prince Rupert. B.C. Pbone 281 P.O. Bos 111 Bare Legs Ay The War Chest British Plant Permits Girls ,Put Stockings Money Into Savin js TP stockjngs and as a result 250 girls hope to put $4,450 a year into Na tional Savings by going bare legged. when they were asked to start a savings group, Gladys Thompson Prince Rupert p. J. Rogers, city; H. Selfjord, Vancouver; E. Prescott, W. M. Carr ,,,nj. Slow punlnp CIGARETTE PAPEIS NONI flNU Pf I T ' 11 MTrrffT CHAPEL EN LE FRITH, Eng., Rfiflp-F.lprl1 July 16: (CP) Management of a factory here has relaxed its years- Piiron Nnnuiroi old ban on girls not wearing vi vi j Mrs. C. Jensen Is Hostess' In Honor Of Miss tranche Jensen A verv deliehtful miscellaneous called the girls together and sug-,811" TO,n JU6i,lr g'ested working without stockings. fhe home of Mrs. C Jensen., 33? sbcth East tahonor of Avenue A persuaded the deputation man- " . . ... Mfe R1anVio Tonon wnnso mar. agement to annul tne prommtion 7" r- t., onstocklngle'ssl?gs. rlage takes place shortly - . . . : The room was prettily decorated UATn Iwlth pink and white streamers ADDnr Al C fJU 1 L.L. JKtfLfllY centred with a white wedding bell. The evening was spent Jh play ing whist and banko, Wiflnejrs in whist were: first, Mrs. H. Gren- second, Mrs. M. Hvedlng; and Gust Larsen, city; J. T. Davis, M-i.j Mr, ii9,inn(1 Ukply; E. A.. Murphy and Lance winners In banko were: first. Cpl and Mrs. J. T. Allan, city. Mrs H Lindseth; second', Miss' M. Central Johnson; third, Miss B. Jensen, Helmer Anderson, Dlgby; O. Berg- Delicious refreshments were' seth, city; Gnr. Gojolch, Dundas. served, the table being centred ly1 with pink and white roses. Then M.fiavanovich,FraserLake; stan a beautiful decorated basket was Johanson. Vancouver; Lance Bdr. brought In by Miss Auslaug Holk'e-J. O. Poissant, and Mrs. G. White. stad and Miss Mlmmy Johnson. It cl,ty; J. p. Clark and A. R. Seaton, contained many beautiful and ue-Frederjck Point; W. Notation and ful gifts. F. Ferguson, Port Edward; H. N.f Those present were Mrs. A. Wick, Seaton. parrett point. iMfs. j. Johnson, Mrs. M. Jensen. O. W. Crjpps. provincial assessor.; Mrs. IJ. Erickson, Mrs. O. Jerstaid.-Is sailing this afternoon on the Ca- Mrs. J. Eilertsen, Mrs. E. Eyensen, tala for a business trip to Vancou-.Mrs. H. Halland, Mrs. H. jQrhJ-yer. He .will pay a visit to the Bella strand, Mrs. V. Fossumr Mrs. N. Coola district while returning north, i Luth. Mrs. O. Wick, Mrs. F. ,Calr IN FOR BAD TIME PIJRHAM, Eng, J.uly lfi; (CP) Shpuld German parachutists land in this mining .district, said Presi dent W. JLawther of the Mlnework-; ers FeAeratlon. miners will deal with tiiem ".with jthe best material they are able to handle." derone, Mrs. P. Lien, Mrs. M, Hvedlng, Mrs. C. Johnson, Mrs. V. Soleen, Mrs. ,J. Iv.arsen. itys. S. Skog, Mrs. (0. Eilertsen, Mr?. Q. Klldal, Mrs. B. Pedersen. Mrs. H. Lindseth, Mrs. R. Fossum, Mrs. C. Jensen, Miss A. Holkestad,. Mrs. 8. Luth, Miss R. Klldal. Miss j Johnson, Miss B. Jensen, jirs. Qlp Skog and Miss S. Jensen. ' Excellent for Chafing, Chapping and Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding Bottle Free with each purchase Both for 40c Ormes Ltd. Xh Pioneer Drttqgiats The Rexall Store Phones 81 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 0 p.m. & 82 Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to ? p.m. pAMAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for : ' VANCOjLTVEri on Saturday 4 p.m. .calling Ocean Fajls. . .,C4 Monday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Friday at 11 a.m. mSSSm Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares, etc., Call cr Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 TIIIAD AVE. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines 1