Meantime, Japanese Start New Of tensive Involving Important Treaty Port of Nlngpo LONDON, July 16: Authoritative ;country. lrcles said yesterday tnat ureat At Chungking, Oerlerallsslmo Oil ing Kai-Shek han Issued a state ment declaring China will keep up he war until the Japanese are driv en completely out of China. There are fresh disorders pt dispatches they have been send pt out Japanese forces air, naval and bllltary have started a siege of Pangchow Bay. Just south of fhanghal, Involving the Important rty port of Nlngpo. There are 'Ports in Tokyo that the present government of Japan may resign. RESPONSE WAS GOOD Wirt the War" Show Drew Good crowds Proceeds Here Amounted to S691 VANCOUVER. Julv 16: (CP)-Ev- meaire in Vancouver was jam Pn m thn Mnmm Inf. n nht Tftt fllP Win the War" shows staged by thel ne 'Win the War" show, the pro ds being $691. BASEBALL' SCORES National League Brooklyn 10-3, Pittsburg 1-4. New York 3, phkago 5. Philadelphia 2, Cincinnati 3. Boston 2, St. Louis 12. American League Chicago 3, New York 2. St Louis 6, Boston '10. '" t Detroit 9, Philadelphia 8. ,.i Cleveland 6, Washington 8. Latvia And Lithuania WASHINGTON, D. C, July 16: rltaln has informed Japan thatJWT TT? khe might close only routes by irhleh war supplies reach the Chin-, ese Central Government for three nonths If Japan would use that klme to seek peace in the war with China. Oreat Britain, It has al-- eady been intimated, Is prepared to bffer concessions to Japan over tne Burma railroad and also In Hong toni in the hope that it will lead ( lit. . 1 . nr. lo a general se.iwemcu. ucni China and Japan. It is reported khat in spite of these concessions, breat Britain will retain her treaty lighU and industrial Interests In lhe Far East Meantime. China Is protesting ligoroasly to Oreat Britain at any tore to close the Burma road. This rould be a most unfriendly act. ft definite undertaking has yet been given to Japan, official circles 11 Y Ju JLlXi 1BATISTA ITALIANS .The United States government is moving to "freeze" assets in this country of Esthonla, Latvia and .Lithuania like it has done with (those of other countries which have become the victims of from falling into the hands of invaders. I Lithuania on Sunday voted into I office -a new Parliament pledged! to carry out Sovletlsm in the; IN CRASH ELECTED Outcome Of Cuban Election On Sunday Appears Now To Be ' ( Certain I HAVANA, July 16: -With about ARE DOWN Engagement With Royal Air Force Torbruk Oil Tanks Hit ALEXANDRIA, July 1G: (CD At least twenty Italian bombing planes were shot down in the Bri-tish-italian naval clash off southern Italy Tuesday, according to a communique issued today. Fifteen were brought down by anti-aircraft fire and five bombers were destroyed by British naval fighter planes. Direct hits on two large naval oil tanks are reported In a Royal Air Force communique on British 411 L & v." -..I . . . . . . I IIVinfT 1n,.,an l, HF,, nr ( '1 Tl f 1 '.1 , w It . -xaiHW n V & V V M j i i .iiarii nil luurun, owntown theatres and hundreds rom. suburban houses. Less than III I . j . nnnt,A tho ... iium aitci uw.a vjjt..w, hfatres were filled. r v uiou nau a bwu i,ovtv Planes penetrated 300 miles into Libya, within sixty miles of Italian headquarters at Benghasi. WITHDRAWAL AT M0YALE LONDON, July 16: (CP)- Ex change Telegraph News Agency confirms ln a report from Nairobi, Kenva that the beleaguered Bri- . . . . ...I.U . ' tlsh garrison at Moyaie nas undrawn. Moyale Is a frontier out- post on the Kenya-Italian Dorner in East Africa. The witnarawai mm conducted ( It was announced by plan after a two weeks' siege in the course of which the enemy suffered heavy losses. The post, It & stated, is of no strategic value. LONDON, July 16: (CP) The new British Army Corps, of which Lieutenant General A. O. L. Mc-Naughton, who last December led Canada's First Division overseas, is now in command, Includes all Canadians now In the United Kingdom and will ultimately become an all- i Canadian organization. GERMANY i HIT HARD Many Objectives Struck By Royal Air Force In Heavy Raids Nazis Drive On Civilians LONDON, July 16: (CP) The Air Ministry announced last night Plane Struck Rocky Bluff In Cali-!that the Royal Air Force attacked fornla And Three Men And Ivarlous objectives In Germany and Two Women Are Victims Holland during the night .and 'during the forty-eight hours had MARKLEEVILLE, Cal., July 16:, bombed twenty-two enemy alr-(CP) Five persons were killed in dromes. The largest objectives in-the crash of an airplane against eluded a factory at Bremen, air-a rocky bluff near here. The craft stores at Paderborn, oil bodies were brought to Marklee- plants at Gelsenkirchen and oil ville and Included three men and 'refineries at Hamburg and Bre-two women. jmcn. Two British planes were I missing. . Widespread raids of the Air - Force,. last night .included Ber- ( lin, Munich, Vienna and, points in Belgium, Norway and Den-. mark. A large air base near Copenhagen was attacked. The ' fact of twelve German of Ger-. man-controlled radio stations I being off the air last night in dicated that widespread raids were in progress. Last night only a few planes flew over northeast pH..-j England but nail Vi we iuiiyw w ........ . - ' ui... , T..M..- - .if they dropped no bombs uiu auacxea soiaiers uoi. ruigcxiciu iwu o - Japanese ,". wer" At lea t four p .-. sons re tni killed ear there. There bombings of Mexico appears evident. He has I a newspaper office, supposedly by a lead of about two to one. "''Td bv German apanese sympathizers, in demon-, It was a violent election "leT?estoy "fL raiders tratlon against United States several l persons killed and a nm-j2 JJJJ newspapermen against whom com-jber injured. northwest coasts. iuw nas Deen maae ior ine type Z : nn nerson was reDorted killed and several injured by bombs dur. ing the daylight raid of a lone Nazi plane on a town ln southeivt 'England. Several houses were de stroyed, f A British plane pursued the raider. A few enemy aircraft 'staged I No Less Than Twenty Destroyed in minor raids Sunday night but damage was small. Intensive air fighting took place i i i man and British air forces. Little J ! bombing was reported along the. -English coast and seven German bombers were shot down either through aerial engagements or by antl-alrcra'lt fire. WAITING TO TAKE LEAD I Great Britain Was Never More Powerfully Armed Than It Is Today, Says Churchill LONDON, July 16; (CP)-'-Prime Minister Winston Churchill, in his speech to the world Sunday night, said that Great Britain is armea more powerfully on land, sea and air tndav thar.iat any. tune in nis- torv. She Is liadtf lor a long war and waiting for the day even if It does not come Until 1912 wnen she can take the 'offensive. FOR MALINGERING LONDON, July 18: (CP) Court martlalled, a 21-year-old private In the Royal Scots Fusiliers was sen tenced to nine months' 1 LIBRARY IviCTOBlArBJ Swill Bulletins NEW ZEALAND WAR CABINET AUCKLAND The New Zealand government formed a five-man war cabinet today Including three members of. the government and two of the opposition: PENNSYLVANIA MINE DISASTER CONMAN, Pa., Death toll was set at 63 today as a result of an explosion in Hoppers, bituminous coal mine and rescue workers are ftill exploring the workings for i others who mar possibly have . been trapped I said that all had been brought out. Only twenty-one men escaped from the mine alive. The cause is believed to have been explosion of gas or coal dust. LIGHTKEEPER DROWNED Point, was drowned last night when he fell into the water off Calamity Point from a rowboat in which he and his dog were riding. Half an hour later the body was recovered by a tug. SOLDIER DIES KAMLOOPS Thomas Donnelly, 32, Vancouver, who enlisted recently In the Rocky 'Mountain Rangers, local regiment, collapsed and died on a Kamloops city street last night. mer JACK DEMPSMt WJNS PENALTIES PROVIDED OTTAWA Regulations In connection with the national registration next month are There will be stiff penalties for failure "c tn rerister. Fines of ment or both are provided with $10 per day penalties after the registration period closes. Giving of false information will also be punishable. STILL UNCERTAINTY There still con- LONDON C ai are v w - ports that the two ships had been damaged were definitely denied by the British Admiralty. Since then there .have been fresh dispatches, ostensibly emanating from Gibraltar, saying they were damaged. It is possible these may have been propaganda-Inspired. A further statement from the Admiralty may be anticipated. PROTEST OVER EVACUATION LONDON A storm of protest and Indignation developed in the House of Commons today when Lord Privy Seal Clement Atlee announced postponement of the government scheme for evacuation of children to Canada and the United States. Labor members protected that thousands of children from wealthy homes had been moved while poor children had been forced to stay under war conditions. MOVIES COST MORE LONDON, July 16: (CP) seats have gone up ln price as the recently announced new'tava-tlon on the moving picture Interests has been put into effect. BAR GOLD LONDON, tCP) The Montreal detention price of bar gold on the London for wilfully tendering himself un-i market was unchanged today at fit Ior service. 137.5 per line ounce. I Tomorrows Tides Vrince Rupert and . mtte Islands- Moderate to High 12:20 pjn. 183 ft. .outheast to south winds, cloud Low . 6:05 ajn. 2.9 ft. and cool with showers. 18:08 7.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V01. XXIX. No. 166. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1940. TOICE: S CENTS Attack Upon Britain Is Deferred CHINA IS INDIGNANT OVER MOVE Irioiinr of Burma Kailroad Would I Be "Most uninenaiyj tci British Government Is Told Chiang Kai-Shek FREEZING 'Will Ultimately OF ASSETS Be M Canadian This Is Plan for British Army Corps United Stales Government Takes Action In Regard To Eslhonla. t .f. h,cl? lieutenant General 10 W rlffnt Ull v Bressor nations. This would pro O tect tect their their assets assets In in lhl this rnnntn country. i mciaugiiiuii is in tummiiiia j SUPPLIES F0RARMY Big System Working to Feed Service Men of Dominion OTTAWA. July 16: (CP) Res ponsibility for the feeding of all the j armed forces in Canada, which each month consume tons of butter.1 meats, cereals and Jam, belongs to! the foodstuffs section of the Muni-! tions and Supply Department, re-1 ferred to at time as Canada's greal-. petite of the army, navy and air force can be erasDed from a suddIv VANCOUVER Alex McLeod, I department statement that 305 tons lighthouse keeper at Brockton of butter were purchased to feed Fish in Variety Hitler and Generals Have Disagreed On Latest Thrust In War Expeditionary Force of 600,000 Men. and Hundreds of Ships Said to be Ready for Attack Which May Come Friday Night ROME. .Tulv lfi: (CP) While dinlomatic circles e1Tnveoynf 'here heard that Chancellor Adolf Hitler was preparing Like any groun oi haithv nsaitny, hard nara- . . . . -n r l j? m nrnno. p,aHa'. or.,,.- to make a "last offer to Great Britain for a war settle- off iciais, however, !famiIy ot soldiers, sailors and fly- merit, reports from Berlin indicating that he might ad- ers works up a big appetite during dress the Reichstag within a few days, the French pro-each day's operations and comes vincial newspaper Le Petit Dauphinois at Grenoble said back clamoring for its three husky., j r )that Germany was reported In for- meals. 'n AAnnrm rri leign diplomatic quarters of Switzer- Some Idea of the gargantuan ap- Uf If 11 L 1 L I I iand to have assembled an expe- IN DEMAND Canada's armed forces during the i three months ended June 30. Chicago Mayor Says He Is Kind Like any conclentlous housekeep- Of Man That Mankind Needs 'er, the Supply Department has Its hand full In buying the best dual- CHICAGO, July 16: (CP) As ilty products and seeing that its boys the Democratic national conven-. single monthr3erlhW"1heupaaP af ternoofi 1 DETROIT Jack DeApsey. for- , , Department, includes in tonVn'f to draw up a platform which Is fo . world's heavyweight champ- corn ,ef 49 tons0f vegetables l35 be presented Wednesday night. ion, knocked out Bull Currie, wrestler, in the second round of a bout here last night. Dempsey says he Is willing to meet Arturo Godoy in six rounds in Argentina or elsewhere In South America In September providing the bout js no more than six rounds. tons of potatoes, three tons of. compulsory military service, i honey. i2 tons of cracked and roll- clause will, it is believed, be drop- ! ditionarv force of 600.000 men and hundreds of ships for an attack on Great Britain. The paper said, that an attack had been planned on the night of July 9-10 but had been delayed because of a disagreement be- tween Hitler and his generals. It is now claimed that a modified plan may be launched on Friday night. Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy iget well-balanced meals and plenty tlon convened yesterday, a demand ' premier Molotov of Russia may I of pure, wholesome food. that President Franklin D. Roose- be ass0ciated with the new peace Every product must come up to velt be drafted for a third term move m connecti0n with which It specifications based on government "because he is the kind of man ; that Itallah'Foreigh Minister standards, and supplies are reckon- that mankind needs" was sound- ciano may g0 again to Berlin, to ed In tons .and gallons Instead of ed during the first hour by Mayor confer with Hitler pounds and quarts. .Edward J. Kelly of Chicago. 1 . t Rlinnllptt fnr n larger rrrmrlv 1 A oredomlnantlv New Deal reso-i ' stocked to last one ca"mD for a. rutlons committee ot seventeen ; itWARNEDOFF COASTLINES ed wheat, 9V2 tons of Jam and two Ped but It is expected mere win Danger Zones Declared Both By tons each of tea and coffee. pianics favoring increased am Italy And Great Britain In The Supply Department has nine for Qreat Britain in the war and .Mediterranean buying centres across the Domin- condemnation of Nazi and Fascist Ion to facilitate its food purchases, aggression. There will, no doubt, ) LONDON, July 16: (CP) The Tenders are Issued specifying quan- be a f'Sht over the adoption of the Admiralty gave notice last night titles and qualities, delivery datei latter. that any ship operating within and Dolnts of delivery. Un,ess the Platform contains a thirty miles of the Italian coast- pianit pieusmg suwuif ui' line oia so at its own nsK as It For example, the tender forms for Brltain ln the war to a polnt. only was presumed Italian waters had fish list a dozen varieties of fresh short of sendln armed forc" been mined by the British Navy fish, including halibut, haddock, Bbr'iad' Senator Claude Pepper of A thlrty miie danger zone has alsd i ... ,a or. i-v.-.i . ,. rionaa aeciares. ne wm taw, u been cieciared around Malta ana SZ0O or three monins imprison- mlt,L fllletc - smoked fish. ., . Ti j,sue to the floor of the conven-:ther frch and It states the exact form of each type tto11. with or without head and fins and other culinary details and con eludes by specifying that the quality must meet with the approval of the officer to whom- It Is delivered. Milk sner.lfiratlons Include exact! . ----- i . t flictlnr renort. as to what, if any standards ior everyming irom dui-' Sunday over the Channel and tne .,.-. , lVPal are mirchased. as well as can Strait of Dover between the Ger- the Mediterranean . - Sea. ;- Early - n- ned food; ranglng from butter an. and RETURNING TO STATES United States Ambassador France To Report To Roosevelt On Situation LISBON, July 16: William C. Bullitt, United States Ambassador to France, left Lisbon today by CllDDer plane for the United States, He Is due ln New York Wednesday and will Immediately! proceed to the White House at. New York to make a report to; CratUont TTrnnlrlin D Pftrwevelt' . ILO.UVl.. ....... v. . ' on the European situation. Tonight's train, due from the Kast at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. AIR FORCE DARTMOUTH, Nova Scotia, July fruit to soups, boiled dinners and i6;Two members of the rioyal beef stews. Canned foods are large- Canadian Air Force F. J. A. La-, ly destined for naval use, and are I particularly useful on the smaller craft engaged in defending Canadian shores, the supply department said. crashed. Canadian soldiers top off their I meals with such items as apples, ,jam, raisins, corn syrup, prunes, molasses, honey and maple syrup.' Canadian 58,000 pounds, 9c and I7c to 10c and 7c. To'lln. American Sherman, 17,000, 10c and 7.5c, At- Canadian British Mediterranean pos sessions. All shipping has been warned away fro mthe coast on peril of being attacked by naval forces. MEN KILLED WAS TENTH damage, may have been sustained ter-fat content to pasteurization Two Canadian Army Fliers Lose by the aircraft carrier Ark Royal temperatures. xher ucs At Dartmouth, j . . i .... i , i.i , . . and the battle cruiser Hood In ah sianaara cuius o mcai. eAtcjJi, Nova Scotia I CT TDM AD IMP This Number Has Been Lost By Royal Navy Since Commence ment Of War London. Julv 16: (CP) The londe of Outremont, Quebec, and 600.ton submarine Shark, which Corporal M. J. Armltage of South ,h Admiralty announces to be March, Ontario, were killed near overdue anc; presumably lost, Is here yesterday when their plane th t nth submarlne of the Royal Halibut Sales Navy to be lost since the start of 'the war. SAFE WITH JEWELS LONDON, July 16: (CP) One woman refugee from France arrived Summary at a British Southeast Port with American 17,000 pounds, 10c and $44,500 worth of jewels In her session. SOUND WAR BABIES CAPE TOWN, July 16: (CP) This South African metropolis' health (officials have reported a decrease In infant mortality rates amont Eur- Cape Spencer, 6,500, 9.5c and 7c,lopeans here jn recent months. Storage. , . 2- Neptune II., 15,000, 9.4c and 7c, 1 NAMES CHATTERBUGS Pacific, LONDON. July 18: (CP) A Lon Fredella III, 11,500, 9.6c and 7c, d .lt sueests a new name for Brl- AUin. ! tain's chatterbug folk who talk Oregon, 6,000, 9c and 7C, biorage. t of turn about thlngs of natlon-Atll, 11,000, 10c and 7c, Booth. I al importance "vocal defence vol-Morrls H, 8,000, 10c and 7c, Royal. ynteers " CANNON FOR SCRAP HALLING, Eng., July 15: WET IN AFRICA, TOO CAPE TOWN, July 16: "(CP)-Re- (CP) cent heavy rains ln various parts of The parish church of this Kent soutn Ainca win seriously aueci ' village Is sacrificing a cannon, delivery or the malzs find bean relic of a former war, for scrap, crops, say reports from up country.