J'S m "...it . U if PAQK FOUR THE DAILY NKWS SALAD A STAMP CLUB SPECIAL THIS WEEK 25 D5ffAeL DENMARK STAMPS Send only 2 tea-pot trade-marks from half-pound packets of Salada Tea, to Salada Stamp Club, 461 Kinf St. Toronto, and vou will receive the above stamps uromptly. BURNS - SPORK It's New It's Tasty COLD or HOT "SPORK" HITS THE SPOT the Meat Of Many Uses Try This New Delicious Cooked Meat On Sale at Your Local Dealer rilONE 116 Also Introducing BURNS- Meat Balls BURNS Steak & Kidney BURNS' Steak & Onions BURNS' Beef Dinner And' Many Other Iteady-to-Serve Canned Meats At Reasonable Prices MacKenzies Furniture alas Reilmore Mattresses- Bi . !or sieep, are reliable; .' built for .sleep Priced from T Phone 5 COAL $18.75 NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaf fery Ltd. HIONE 117 1 The Daily News is a member ot tb Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership In these-organizations. OX. LIMITED Ms'AVE HOME In London on limited leave from Frar. up his pipe on the station platform prep.i around to surprise the family. i SPORT CHAT I Despite the war, plans proceed throughout Canada for a big racing season, headed, by the 81st run nlng of the King's Plate at Toronto! Indications point to normal purses and crowds and a larger i hopeful list as trainers place their charges on a rigid training diet. The field will take further trimming and by post time about 11 or 12 will answer the starter's bell to- match speed and stamina in the mile-and-a-furlong event. The big- race, oldest continually run race on the continent. Is fashion ed for three-year olds foaled In Ontario which have never won a race other than those exclusively for two-year olds. Owner of the winner will receive 50 Guineas, lonated by the Kine. a silver cuo and the major portion of a $7,500 idded purse. Old Country Soccer .MIdhnd Walsall 3, West Bromwich Al bion 2, South A Norwich. 3, Southend 2. South n Jeuibojn-6 RiKfintr'2. South C Mlllwall 0. Arsenal 2. Portsmouth 1, Westham 1. South D Brighton 2, Aldershot 2, Crystal Palace 2. Queens Park 2; .Midland Luton 3, Northampton 2. Wolverhampton 5, West Brom- Mch Albion 4. East Midland i Notts Forest 1, Orlmsby 1. West " Manchester 6, Crewe 2. Portvale 3, New Brighton.O. Wrexham 3, Manchester , United 2. Tranmere 5, Stoke 1, Northwest Blackpool 11, Oldham 2. Southport 1, Bolton 8. Southwest Cardiff 4, Newport 1. Plymouth 4, Bristol 1. Swansea 6 .Bristol city 2, Scottish West Airdrleonlans 4, St. Mlrren 2. Scottish East Dunfermline 3, St Bernards 1. Baseball Scores I National League Pittsburg 2, New York 5. Cincinnati 5, Brooklyn 2. Chicago X Boston 0. SL Louis 3, Philadelphia 6. fc JJlLBWBtW SA(UC I . S utory t dropping Prince Rupert Wins Shooting Carded H91 Out Of Possible 1500, It Is Announced In Montreal MONTREAL. May 16: CP-It ,1s announced here that the Cana dian National Recreation Assocla- number of participating thorough- 'tion of Prince Rupert successfully breds. Racing fever mounts as the 'defended, the western district cream o' the Ontario-foaled three- crown with a score of 11 out of year old crop turns Into the drive 1,1500 points In the annul Dom-leadlng to the King's Plate this lnlon senior small bore rifle leasrue Saturday. A. lat spring retarded -championship and will now com- tralnlng but, with the advent of pete in the final retold for thai clear warm weather, conditioning Dominion title which they 'Prince of the ellgibles was accelerated, j Rupert i hold. About a score of the 33 horses nominated for the classic at Woodbine Park remain on the FOOTBALL TONIGHT fi: 43 Navy vs. Dry Dock K. G. Helgerson . Limited 21C Sixth Street Prince Rupert..B.C. We have on our Ibts the fallowing good buys: 5.KOOM HOUSE Fully modern. 741 1st Avenue Weft. $1,503 Cash. 8-KOOM IIOUS -Suitable for rooming hew. 703 Pulton 8treet. SlfeO. $1000 Cash, 9800 terms. APARTMENT HOUSE Four flat.-. 6 rooms each, with bath. $1000. $2500 cash. $750 a ypar for two years. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. PboncZSl P.O. Box 191 THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different , , Plant Food . ...Contains Vitamin B The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild insertiride and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant lile. try a Packet Today 10c. 25c Wholesale Distributors WH. Maikin Co. IML) Ltd. SPEAKS ON WAR TOPIC Event so Far of Little Sitnincancsi Canada Should Be Doinr Betten Declarer Col, Nirhftilt 1 There was a large attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert branch of the Can adian Leg ion in. the clubrooms last evming and; after the-usual business session, the members heard' an interesting talk by Col. T. W, Nkh olLr. In addressing tho veterans Col; Nicholls said he was among his old comrades and enjoyed talking to them on various aspect! or the war situation as he saw It In different parts of Canada and' the United states. The speaker asserted that such things as the withdrawal from noiauv and withdrawing to new positions ag was being done in Bel isiurn were but incidents Seen In their proper perspective, they were f little significance. Viewed from the point of view-of men who had actually taken, part in and even planned In. a snail way military tactics they were only, a means ofJ making a more successful and effective way of combatting the en emy." There "wa no room, for anything but pralso for the fine work of the navy, of the air force and the fighting men of their leaders. As far as Canada was concerned there was room for great dissatisfaction, declared Col. NleholU. Veterans were-not satisfied with- the- effort being made. There was lack of I leadership, lack of drive, lack of appreciation of .the situation. "We by JOHN CLINTON Remember Isit time you drove a brand new auto out of tha dealer's shw room and into trsffUT R- roemlwr bow w you were that sometWnc roing to rratrh it or bsnr it up? It f4s like tht nrt dy you went barefoot as a kid. Wtll, oat of ow ctwloman wteU m Ittttr tht cthr day tbovt .kt Kapptntd to hr new to. All hinln tnd lortly It mtt, j in prlitd II ortld (ckeol whlla-h wnt bovt htt btlntn. And some younptj-r Mt aieehlg wax erayen in tfc treat seat. It waa'a rrrir hot day, and the mui and the mym got Uzrthn with the rt-sH that tkf waa one of lh fiant mfMfi of f 00 you evr saw on tfce brand new front at ti the lady's brand new car. Sljhtly , tkta hytitH cat, nd on U vtrjt ot tn. iS oVevt into Ualoa OH ttnrlca lUUon. "Oh look," ih tlmort Mbbtdt And uit man on duty at Die tint looktdl Wel She writes: "He worked on It a long time, using many aidj, but mwtly elbow pwwe. For all thla Ubor he made no charja, and xfui pay ot any kind...l appreciate this type of K-rvirt i 1 U pm the word along to all my friend." And the point ol thl, wKol. tKUt It -Union O, I rfttltn tfssllpf.il, ke. .And II oa.,w .yo; on ihs tsal el Vo s.tomobils Mp In and its ons ol fm UNION OIL COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Handyman Home Service Paintlnc, Repairing Gardenlni Liiht Dellrerles Have that neglected Job done :ow Phone (Jreen W for the Handyman, i - ' .i -i -' don't know In Canada that there la, a, wan on and it is up to some such organization as the Legion to see the wishe-fof the people snould be made known to the government and una necessary impetus supplied for a. practlcalr organized, concerted drive that will get results,'.' said Col; Nicholls. This might be supplied at the forthcoming Canadian Leg Ion Dominion convention In Montreal. In this connection! a rrsolu tlon was unanimously adopted.! urg lng the Dominion-Command to see that the necessary steps were taken to control all enemy ajiens n tho country. Appreciation ot Co. Nlcholl's ad dress was voiced by President Jack Preece and. enthusiastically endors ed, Following adjournment re freshments, were served. Business Session Ati tho business session the mat- tec of employment' of veterans was again taken up, Another item that aroused much discussion was the executive's re. port on the circumstances of the funeral; or the late C F Josltn. A resolution was muted and a sneclal beetlnff of) Uie executive will be held this Friday to discuss further proceedings. The president will rep resent, the LeuJon.al the next meet- In of the- Boy Band Association -, bjX "I ftJ MSO-Vftd t.t.ll .. . rwih.umiiiIWittli;;: Itftla tumt ."J by taking out x Simply mdJ KT.tU . whit; with a bcotn fbmui( bow, ui f tasting rtulk. 1 ,x :-' every occatUst. r your ttoctr 1 im Cr i nWUUUl- t 11' IIL-X.- I) ONE DANGCROl'S .tCf ; SAN FRANc IS. and..wlsup)oet the move to obtain I fie a&eid suitable instruments for the boy. nore, th ;r The annual, picnic will be held tolsoHdlv Dig-by Bland' on June Ifl and'com- bile became m!ttee1l make arrangemenU tolcallfamia r hiaka it as sur-essful as possible points out. B. C. Furniture Co, New and Used Furniture 1 Play fiate At 3 lUby CHb From 1 large Mlie lawn Mower In perfect . .41,1 t Complete Bed 4-C. Prom , . t Selon g'-day Chime Clock Real snap U Camera Prom 12 Studio Couch styles. Special fbone BLACK 151 S5.50 S12.50 S2.00 In repp, latest colors and 21 three-piece Chesterfields Of all new materials and designs, from $69.00 Next Door to RC. Clothier 83,50 S8.50 S9.50 S16i" 89.95 S1O.00 NEW FURNITURE fl Courhet and Pads Can be made Into double bed or single. From 5 Pelt Mattrwin all sizes ,. . $14.50 S18.50 86.95 $36.50 $98,001 THini) AVDT1 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! it OCEAI FALLS ud POWELL RIVEi Steamer learcs Princ Rupert rcrj THURSDAY, ll.lSp.m. Train Ictw PHno Rupert for the Eait Mondaj, Wodneadaj, Friday, 6 p.m. . Stestmer for Ketchikan and Stewart erery WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. Fmr fmr, te., call or trf14 atr TUktt Office, UI 9rd A UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Rteamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver TJJ. CATALA EVERT TUF- T.S.S. CARDENA DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pjn. Doe Vancouver. Tfaurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Jlondsj If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office rurther Information! Regarding Reservations and Tickets rt i iwi.m t. oninntu, rrince itupert Ajenu inira VH5 id