t';? ouniry. preaeniea a aimpiMwi f'-tanr.Ul course for the Canadian t iP of state It wat the pioduct . tn examination that sUrted In November. 1937. Tim report records Canada's pro-g f . v, nationhood. It outlines a bt ad plan calculated to remove of friction and financial dlt-f u.ites and to permit the preaer-vat of the Ideals of the Fathers of c nfederatlon. For the first time In 73 years the p?c of Canada bad a chance to k a 'hemaelvea. In IU report. V nmmtukm recommended the brir.? ng up to date of the machln-tr trirounh which the Fathers of I federation uht to obtain r ends of national unity And rrr ADOflinted In AmtMt. 1037. ttoo tp-'ng commlssawaj comoossxl rf ur dl 'neolsJhjd ,C7 ri rorutttutlonal and aominutra- " .aw at Laval Untvtrslty. chalr-r.tr John W. Dafoe. edltor-tn-of the Wtnnlp Free Press: t- B A Mar Kay. Halifax, profea-rr government at Dalhopsl r scr'lty. and II F Angus. Van-,t: professor of economic at r .'rtitv of British Columbia. I' original chairman. Hon. New- W Ilowell. retired on account health after most ot the pub-' hearings had been completed. A; 'hT original member. Mr. Jus-' :e Thlbaudeau Rlnfret of the Supreme Court ot Canada, retired be-n .e of Illness before the hearings bgan bflng succeeded by Dr. Slr-dr. The commissioners worked for mire thsn a year eomDllIng their 1' 2hv report after sitting In pubis'.,' for the last Ume In December. 1838, Federal Control Tr.p rtfmmlaslon'a long-range p'sn In general, would shuffle the f'rancial powera and repontblll-tc of Canada's vartoua government for the attainment of "real autonomy" for the provinces In lo Bulletins OTTAWA IN SLSSION OTTAWA Enactment ot a measure "to etablih unemployment tnsuranqe on a national ncale" was the only specific legislation forecast contained in the Speech from the Throne read to the opening of Parliament today by Sir Lyman Duff, Administrator of Canada in the absence ot the Coventor General. Premier William Lyon Mackenzie Kins; appealed for support and co-operation of all members in the government's heavy task of carrying On the t,i prompt Mftturaiiee of aid frem Hon. It. It. titnwn, the new Conservative lioue leader. cal matter and give effective icq- erat control in field where national " r?eret U Mramount. Jurisdiction, granu, as they are termed, would .V, rtiSSd amunt 10 $500.000 annually at present, according to calculations The sweeping financial plan, common's research staff of the which n U u the ine core of the commU- , r "... after appraising the economies slon. would cost tne tne aur . proposals, fh. nlnw of the nine approxl- and taxable capacities Dominion government year under P to ad. present condition. I " , ,hiPh would bp The plan .call, tor Dominion as- fiWf " 1 -ot re.po.ulbll ty e.ttlre sumption flVfi .:ears cmer. inr raiur at am ninvpf l l-miihui - ASKS HII.UON DOI.I.AIt PMNIS WASHINGTON, I. C An armada of fifty thousand warplanrs was advocated by President Franklin I), Itoosevelt in a personal message to Congress today asking 11,182,000,000 emergency national defence program for the United States. He also aims tor a modern, well-equipped army. NF.LS AMOTII DIES VICTORIA Nels Amolh, aged j 55, formerly of Prince Itupert, died here yesterday. He was with the Fishermen's Naval Heserve In , the boat Takla. Naval honors will ' be accorded at the funeral in Esquimau. TO KESCUE OF MONTREAL qUEREC The government Introduced a bill in Legislative Assembly today placing the city of Montreal, long beset by financial troubles, under "survejance and control" of the Quebec municipal commission. scheme would lm- tax fields, which could be expect- Lrove the position of every prov- ed tn vl1r4 nVirtiif &. A3 000.000 II1, lu.uri'Urtri.rhmpnt. ; altnougn m vtn, rt. ..u tin . i . iw,. rpi-vnrt claimed.) jvm. wuuiu uiu mc 4icjf varying uesrec. . , their uresent rlaht to subsidies T wnnirt nrovlde a secure and re-; , (Continued on PaJ': sl) NAMED TO CABINET Further Appointments Announced By Premier Churchill I.ONDON. Mav 16: (CP) Prime Minister Winston Churchill com peted the new government last night with the following & KAtinV DrU II 13 W1IU1U u 't, - able-, which would have meant uu prlses ln the postl-Oeoffrey Uoyd. added Dominion expenditure of to meet temW Jl Pavmaster General - Viscount $50.000400 in 1939. It also calU for P ". x.jj " Cranborne. he federal government taking over every year. i v province eugio u 1W e Advocate Thomas M Coop-1 . involv- ewan is the o y all existm. nrnvlnclal debt, ing service" charges of around $60,- for such aaomona r'aMltortwtti- Sir William 000.000 a year. ketnl onT m the commission VJowltt. To cdmpensale the Dominion. i conauions. , 'ne provincial governments woum.' Fulure i inure h. o.t. . ...uuam fmm hi In. Safeguaras come, corporation and inheritance Secretary for Mines David R. Grenfell. Secretary of the Department of Overseas Trade Harcourt John stone. Kc-Aipolntments rof Postmaster General W. S. Mor- from the Dominion which average iatlvcly stable financial future for J Minist.r 0f Pensions Sir Walter around t20.000.000 a vear. since the most flue- Mnmprsiev. Where this transfer did not en- tuatlns taxes would be absorbed Attorney General Sir Ronald able all provincial governments to Dy tne Dominion with us Druumr somerwcll. Provide a national standard of tnx Dase. Solicitor General for Scotland services and balance their budgets, Th.e nv transfer would permit tame. n. S. Reld. without excessive local taxation, ' a muc, simplified public finance. nnanciai secretary to the Treas' the federal authority would pro-utructurc which in turn ouia ury-.Capt. Harry Crookshank,. j T'ae supplementary funds to take pcrmlt more unified "seoi, iMc oi me ociiciency. These national adjustment CivU Lord of AdmlraltyAustln U. M. Hudson. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. THREE TO ONE FOR RIUTISH lOXDON The Air Mlnlttry announced today that the -toll ont at more than inflicted on enemy alrrralt is working three lo one In our favor" in western front fUhllne. This statement wan made co-lncldentally with another declarins that the Itoval Air Force has unleashed the Rrealest bomhlnt attack on military objectives In Germany eat of the Rhine and has thrown its power Into Belgian fithtlne with retentive attacks on Nl Iroop concentrations and communication lines." Many tons of bombs" were released 'In attacks that lasted thromh-out the nlr.nl." the Air Ministry announced SMr German plane were brought down durinr. the nltht'a raid ins. The t iradions were t ent out. each with definite objective. One British squadron lost one plane. Another lost two. GUARD AGAINST PARACHUTISTS LONDON The Ministry of Home Security said that -there now i risk of enemy parachutists attempting to Und in this country" and warned motorists to keep their ears out of Ger-rrn hands. All car owners should see from dusk to dawn that vehicles cannot be taken away. The ministry recommended kckinj gars In garages and removing spark plugs. Meantime the round-up of enemv aliens between 16 and 68 years of age har been extended from certain areas along the east coast to all of L'ngland. Up to an early hour this morning alleged "fifth columnists" had been taken Into custody In London alone. GOT MUCH GOLD HEULIN It Is claimed here that, in the conquest of Holland, the Germans seized $101,000,000 ot Dutch gold. SWISS SITUATION TENSE SHArrtlAUSFN. Switzerland Swiss and'-German military authorities closed the Swiss and German frontier on the Rhine on bo,t sides from IUe to Lake Constance. A ftur.cH dissatch said that a Swiss anti-aircraft battery, had fait a German bombing plane over Swiss territory but the plane had landed In . riermany. Britons residing In SwHietan4,jLavf.bn-iki'l,v .-.; -Ti-iSMAZ -ii . V'.. ea lo leave ine cnnniry. ine nninn iritwn icrii nu burned II records. GERMANY STAKES ALL PARIS The Allied Supreme War Council met here today. Premier Paul Reynaud told the Chamber of Deputies that Germany has "decided to stake its alP on a western front offensive and will he defeated." He declared that the German thrust through the low country was aimed "at the heart of France," "When all can seem lost," declared Reynaud "the world will see what France Is capable of." He said: "Life counts for nothing. Only one thing counts. That is to maintain France." MEANTIME IN BALKAN'S ATHENS Greece poured troop reinforcements today into the mountainous frontier region faring Albania. The Greek Premier, George Matasas, has taken the lead in an effort to keep the Balkans out ot war. Russia would support such a move. ITALY AND UNITED STATES WASHINGTON United States diplomatic authorities advised American citizens to leave Italy as soon as possible. Ambassador William Phillips yesterday delivered a message from President Franklin I). Roosevelt to the Italian authorities. The message, believed to have been sent personally to Premier Mussolini, Is said to be in an effort to prevent the spread of war by Italy's entry. Reservists To Victoria Another draft of members of Tomorrow's Tides Aeafher Forecast mm High 8:55 a.m. 18.0 ft. Prince Ilupcrt and Queen Char-lone 22:18 pm. 20 A It. Islands Fresh south to Low 3:35 ajn. 5.9 tt. louthwest winds, cloudy and cool 15:50 pjn 5.7 It. with showers. NOItTHKRN AND CENTRA I, BRITISH COLCJMHIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIX . No. 110. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940. Battle COMMISSION REPORT PROPOSES z&Jm HMD Tide CHANGES JN F&NEB Provinces Would Give Up Income, Corporation Taxing Authority: Dominion Would Assume Provincial Debt OTTAWA, May 10: (CIM A revamped Confederation set-up to smooth the path for full realization of objectives laid down in 1SG7 was envisioned today in a historic report of the Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations presented at opening of Iirliament. Four commissioners, bolstered by a staff of experts which in- r-jded some ot the best brains of Turning To Allies FINAL BULLETINS Allies Are Holding Out All ! Along Line Today With Nazi I Attacks Having Huge Losses NAZIS ARE WiffiSTOOD BY ALLIES Gunfire ol Terrific Battle In Bel-guim and France Shake Houses As Far A'.ray as Deal, England British Air Force Might ir Proving One of Mot Embirrass- inf Stumbling Blocks in Way of German Drive tfccks holding ldlng tween Namur and Sedan the Nails are being held In check as the full French General at Sedan Claims His Forces Are m Complete Control British Assist Belgians in Throwing Enemy Out of Louvain PARIS, May 16: (CP) The French general in immediate command of the Sedan sector advised headquarters tonight that his forces "are complete masters of the situation" and will regain full control of their front within one w eek. A war ministry spokesman said that the Germans are under counter attack by French air forces and German columns will be "rounded up shortly." Major Allied and German forces came Into contact last l.LtLtl JJ k night between Antwerp and Na- OF ITALY1 -non -belllgefency fiunure irojg oaines rasjinR w . BeUlum and France shook houses at Deal on the southeast coast of Vivrrrs V lofjio England. UgOuiaYld East of the Rhine the British Air q j r , Force started late yesterday and oOUIlUS UUl continued all last night the heaviest . . air attack so far in the war, in- (lpplr StSIid. fllctlng heavy damage upon the enemv's lines of communtiatlon and troop .concentrations. The German advances were definitely slowed jwed down. flown. The regular bridges had been des- ------ French. RFT.r.RADR Mav 16: CP) the local unit of the Royal Cana-'""" , .Vrianketl i kT dlan Naval Volunteer Reserve leftiucc" "c""" " ""c Sedn- The order ol the into,ncar ..eleven proto today for Esquimau to go A new threat tt to the Allied lines Dutch commander-in-chief, Gen- naval barracks. training at They . mamma facroprtl V f mm O IfPriTian 1 W nlralmAn Vi-o c f n IlV rtntxm were Able Seamen William Mur- ' " " V'" ' - between Namur. Belgium. but In Zeeland rust arms everywhere dock and Norman McLeod, Ordln- ary Seamen James McO. Irvine.' a"Q OCUJ"' """"" . " n ine nvc 01 M""s C E. Irvine, C. E. Mills M. J. T. 'ance. flnesnurrncucutuum- a smau pan oi our ucaumm was cneckea oy a uerman C0Untry." Fortune. George Brown, Robert the river south of address by yesterday McKay J C Shelford and R C advance across a radio .Sedan and reduced a ten-mile Ger- Queen Wllhelmina from London McNab,. Stoker H. C. Ross and Victualling Assistant Dan McDon ald. HALIBUT SALES Summary American 40,000 pounds, and 7.5c. Canadian 59,000 pounds, and 7c to 10.1c and 7c. American Resolute, 40,000, 9.6c and 9.6c 9.8c 7.5c, Canadian Nornen, 8,000, 10.1c and 7c, Advance II, 11,500, 10.1c and 7c, Storage. Mother II Pacific. Helen II, 14,500, 9.9c and 7c, At- lln. Polaris M., 5,000, . 9.6c and Atlln.'., rtj Reward,- 10,500, ,'lbc and Edmunds Si Walker. 7c, 7c, man saueni to tour raues. iat. reiterated mat wt uutcn resist-night the Germans are reported to ance to Germany following the have made at least three crossings barbarous invasion of an Inoffen- north of the main passage of the sive and peace-loving nation, ; Meuse River near Sedan. which had made every effort to German motorized units yester- preserve its neutrality, would con day "penetrated deeply Into the tlnue at the side of the Allies. French defence system at Sedan, the French High Command an nounced. In the presence of this new situation the French had launched a "war of movement," It was stated. ..German tanks broke through the Allied positions on the !west bank of the Meuse and Allied forces withdrew to new positions. 10.500. 9.8c and 7c, A war ministry spokesman at that time saia. ine iinuai uwmiuh Is serious but not critical." Details Of Meuse Situation The German motorized forces which broke through hear Sedan and penetrated the French defence system were supported oy pianes mur along a line that runs roughly east of Louvain to Gembloux and Namur. oDenlng a second large scale j battle concurenUy with the conflict ..... still raging along the Meuse, a gen-Americans vi, Advised to Travel Ia v j. i , M ,-j. a stalf spokesman said today. French Port of Bordeaux Rather sector front now Than Genoa The northern lies between the Scheldt River at Antwerp and the Meuse at Namur, I Hitonr of itome slxtv miles. Ger- GtHEVA, May U: iuri-ine uw, -- - .LONDON. May 15: CP-An of- lted Slates consuiate has been in- ari orces-hurled aBainst tnl line, flclal bulletin from the Brithh War ttnjCtd by Washington to advise ere repulsed at all points, the Olfisc announced that the British Amf.ricans leaving European coun- spokesman declared. Expedlton-ryFonre tn D'ls um.at- ulC! (or home l0 concentrate at On the front between Namur and tu hard llshUns. had secceifuUy Bordeaux instead of Oenoaiappar- Sedan, German motorized divisions wuiiioja a v tea ut u,iunu eni& left lvaiy sxiouia au-uuvn wuiw swtn-.u ..wv.-. Vnirn- sipvin is renorted reliablv to present." have sounded out Greece on what in Belgium Liege forts are o. still nfflstanee Greeks mWlt Eive out. All along the line be- heads Testabnshed by them on the left bank of the Meuse, moving 'ahead without supporting Infantry. Regarding this sector, the High commarai's morning communique jsaid the battle has "assumed character of a war of movement with 'motorized and air forces particlpat-i ing on both sides." In the highest ; Interest of the conduct of opera-, tiens. no precise information on ac tions in progress can be given at on au i rones ine uermans are now being held with enormous loas- in the event of an . Italian .. attack, lfa k es to the enemy. Meantime It was reported from the British Expeditionary Force In Iieagea war niuremcuv ut.cw ana a general Daiue unumus u"- Belgium that hand-to-nand Ilgni-H-avy Allied counter attacks con- man anc French tanks. Infantry lng oi the fiercest kind swept tlnue. and planes then began. throueh Louvain this morninz as Unless resistance from Brussels Is a military spokesman said It was picked troops counter threatened to bomb the Belgian umns naa advanced fairly deeply attacked three times to throw out the Ger- mains who gained a foothold on capital again. in:o the French defences out ne the eastern fringe of the town. In Paris admits mat tne uermans said, they were not backed by large late atemoon the British were busy have succeeded in getting thirty ailainry forces since the Oerman digging In after a day of furious ton tanks across the Meuse River, inrnntrv u-su: eneaeed bv the k i .v,i-v, nn .o,i rsoo L.viilUrtto ill muv.li ail (U4ii ufciuinu .... auiauiiaKC vao uiiivwuiv utsuiassa iae ine Germans oermans threw tnrew even even greater greater had had withdraw withdrawn outside the town troyea ana u ma nui urc c- nri t hn , enpn nnnnprn uc vsr mam t it..n n..i.tm.riT. iriinrt .Ma . .... . .. " mites man iiuu"j "fc""'"" ana artiuery on ootn lnerv could have been transported m-hcp nnp between Namur and u..o.. -. Ulaoj. I across on DOntOOn bridges. StHn mnkin? the trreatrst effort m. 'The camoalgn (tenerally is assum- m the Sedan area where the lng the.aspect of open wanare. break-through occurred. Military spokesmen emphasize Tne Netherlands surrender to again that the ' Maglnot Line has make way for the German occu- sides was Klne Leopold Issued a proclama tion to Liege fortress defenders today urging them to "resist to the utmost for the Fatherland. The atmosphere was tense ln the Bel gian capital as it awaited possible German air bombardment which had been threatened in a Berlin announcement. The Nazi high command threatened to bomb Brussels unless troop movements and work on fortifications in the city be suspended Immediately. Lieut James Bryant' R.ON.V.R., transferred to Victoria in the naval service, left today for the south. Mrs. Bryant will leave on the Princess Adelaide tomorrow night. Allied Planes Effective In Breaking Up Enemy Tank And Troop Concentrations In War LONDON. May 16. The Air Ministry announced that 150 Allied planes attacking German forma-tions in the Low Countries broke up large tank and troop concentrations and blocked the roads. A Reuters' despatch announces' that the Germans have occupied Amsterdam and other Dutch cities.