PACK BET. Expert Optical Service Watcli, Clock and Jewelery Repairing, Hand En(raving CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in1 Charge Licensee for Numounts The very latest in eye-wear Thoiie ?GLfor Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STORE OF MANY GIFTS Just Arrived A Large Shipment of New China and Glassware Visit Our Itascment Floor for China, Cut Glass and Novelties of All Kinds SMITHERS Mr. Clark, chief dispatcher for the Canadian National at Smithers. ha.- been transferred to Edson and is leaving Immediately to take up hi; duties at his new post. Mr. and Mrs. Clark arrived in Smithers last fall when, lie was transferred to this place from Kamloops. His successor at Smithers will be Mr. Triplet who will come here from Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gibson of Prince Rupert have arrived in Smithers to take up their residence. Mr. Gibson having succeeded I.; Martin as Forest Ranger at this j place. Mr. Martin, who was trans- ferred to Pouce Coupe, left here! last week for his new office and his family will follow him there hortly. Stan Heavysides, who is now a member of the Canadian foir tr-rlved In Smithers last week for a k -ouCK DRIVER W MACHN!SI THE SSSKiir short visit to his old friends, being on holiday from Kingston, Oniar-la where he is at present in training. Mr. Heavysides was formerly an employee of the Canadian National Railways at Smithers and ji one of the first to Join the Searchlight Battery In Prince Ru-ert last fall. Later he was sent to .ungston where he is still In traln-ng but hoping to be sent overseas in the near future. He left on Tuesday morning to return to Kingston. He was entertained at a Smoker In the Legion Hall on Monday evening by a large numter at his frie.ids who gathered to welcome him back to Smithers nd to wish him gw.-d luck for the fut'je 4fc or hnklt,'Lonftr tltmt mprarrmfnfj. t siboul lis Horn Improvement Ftmn. DEAR OLD LONDON BLACKPOOL, Eng., May 16: (CP) Crowded by summer visitors in this seashore resort on the British west coast, 3,000 civil servants brought here for safety during the winter are clamoring to return to the London offices. Inquiries Inviiid Loans such at these U9 being arranged through The Royal Bank by home owners all over Canada, nho want to repair, extend or modernize their property, lust see the Manager of your nearest Royal Bank branch who will be delighted to talk it over with you. Drop In next time you are passing. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA OWR tOO BRANCHES IN ALL PARTS OT CANADA OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOM0OOOOOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD ? Announcement f 0 I V SMITH and MALLETT LIMITED I 0 We Wish to Announce that the Name of this Firm has Been Changed to 1 Smith and Eikins Limited S he chance is in name only and the ownershlo and manarement g will be the tame as during the past twenty years. o 3 We take this opportunity of tliankfn; the public of Prince Rupert o 2 and District for their patronage for over thirty years and trust 2 5 that pleasant business relations will continue under the new name g SMITH and ELKINS LIMITED f g '0. Box 271 I'LUAIIIING AND III1ATING Phone 171 gj iwooaoooooooooooooocoooooooooooeHSDoaoaDoaDoanDoootiaooj SOMETHING DIFFERENT One of the most distinctive and colorful as well as entirely delightful discourses ever presented 'in Prince Rupert was that of Miss Gaultier de la Verendry. noted French Canadian lecturer on early Canadian aand aboriginal folklore ana arts and sciences, who ppear-ed before some 120 persons at a dinner last night of the Women s Canadian Club. Miss Gaultier was appropriately costumed in Acadian Seventeenth Century peasant garb, entirely handmade In the fashion of the country. Her discourse was divided Into three distinct sections first an address on early French Canadian and Acadian traditions and customs: second, a rendition of traditional folk songs of the early Frencn settlers of Quebec and Acadia in sweet voice with self-accompaniment on the cetah. an instrument of the table harp type, and, third, the presentation and explanation of a diversified and highly interesting collection of French colonial and aboriginal handicraft and art. Miss. E. M. Earl, president of the Women's Canadian Club, was In the chair. uui Uauluer spoke of research' work along extensive lines which she had carried out. French Canada and Old France she had fnimrf were lnseparaably linked up m THE DAILT NEWS CALLED TO DEFEND THEIR COUNTRY Behind a defence line north of Oslo, the Norwegian uvwern-ment rallied the country to resistance against a Otrman at my of occupation and mobilized reserves in the interior. Norwegian troops are shown at a military telephone exchange during recent winter manoeuvres. T ZTnTfA: Canadian, and the Acadian.. Most French-Canadians of Quebec and.0' J 8Un je the Acadlans of the Maritime who rhytlm worfc, lu 'h Rions of the French had had come from different parts of France. The songs and legends of be"Lre?td,in le8Cnd 500(5 and urto The language was even French Canada had been found French than lhat of ParU-French Miss Gaultier purcr said, to be purer 70 describc nabltant Ftench' than those of Old France Itse'lf. Much thP same mi.h Canadian ialect as a "patios" was was . i f, ... in error. Miss Oaultier then mi nain., i , - ceeded to sing for her appreciative atlve lor unltv of th French r-' Mi OaulUer first described In " ;. . lih Provinces which she felt . a tin thot rina PRESCRIBED 'r m RABY SPECIALISTS YEAR Plan Your Holiday INow. . The SANOAN CAMP near Mas-sett offers a splendid holiday for young and old good bathing 2 minutes walk from River or Sea, a beautiful spot with separate Cottages or Tents fully equipped. Excellent meals served In Dining Room at reasonable rates. Store on premises for campers. Badminton, out-door games, beach and boat picnics. Bring your friends land enjoy a real vacation with your 'famines Children over 8 years without parents carefully looked after and given a good time. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN SANGAN KIVKU HOLIDAY CAMP Nr. Mas.selt, B. C. DIES WHILE HOME JURNS William Demque Suceumtrs to Heart Attacks at Walcott audience many typical folk songs ones t-v ... v.... . bn been excellence of th " rmoii firm in cAccucnce oi me ancient nt arts j imqu. a larmer in we h. waicotl v.iM and . , I T Tie handicrafts of the aboriginal In--of th Fre,nch"Canadlan and the district, on Sunday. An overheated dians and Eskimos of Canada .r?"0 shant ngt of th incubator wt fir to the house and. anrf . lumbermen and then som Indian wn , , . . bla which she said were un- an E"m 80nR8, "din the household eifecta, Ur. Dtmoue excelled. I01 tn Nootkas on the Weat Coast asoarenUv colUnd n4 AimmA im. mi r.,iM, , j. .'of Vancouver Island. .. .JT . . . .. mediately, probably from heart faU-, ure. COMMISSION REPORT PROPOSES CHANGES (Continued lrom Page One) tnrv and Monomlc nolicles In Ca nada. They would be reflected In the general welfare of the Canadian taxpayer. The present "inefficient and wasteful'- tax structure, the commission reported, "sabotages" efforts to increase the national Income and even depresses that Income. While the proposed plan would not involve reduction of the abso!ut t. x level. th eom-p v it w uld permit substantial Increase in the national income, which would make .the present tax load relatively lighter. The commission suggetcd that, the added revenue required by the Dominion to carry this fiscal plan might be obtained by broadening the income tax base by substantially increasing the load In the lower and middle brackets, and increasing succession duties. It recommended the progressive elimination of the sales tax Municipalities benefit directly by being relieved of the relatively heavy relief burden, amounting to about 20.000 .000 a year. 80 percent of which comes from real estate taxation The commlaskm also recommended that the provinces exercise greater control over municipal borrowing and budget ln. Provincial Responsibility Since the Dominion assumes responsibility for unemployment -. um-u a. relief, kindred phase of the same problems such as unemployment ...... insurance, a national employment - -- ... senrlee and rffht to catabtiert basic UAt minimum wa and maximum ' eptrut hours would also be placed under " Dominion jurisdicaofi It did n i All other welfare services, the WMe lttofr I Tt nnllltxt mtttk TONIGHT and .j . m vIWi w wiieic ncr . . .... - . aefajniwl na oecome so cemented in time - nusoand had been at work. wtr. K . " " - . Special Stai(e , Screen Show Dance R IIOOSOX IMVriw ' L'li mis.... 01 crisis Detween old France and i found him dead upon the troond ' .i-vwuui.i u rM England. The aboririnal neonl. i1"1 for WOf"en. men and child- The hfvl house M. wa, totally r? deUrw-ed . . ,pro ipropoaal to w merfe merge m the mariiltnt niarinmt dead aeaa hfta nana of Canada wre ennallv as anxloui "" were made mclu'llnK the to loin In the battle. Miss GaulUer. , , V" u"au' ana me were wwe in remarkt alon-r this Hn wa iTO,onnK- ownng. all a" by hand nana and ana a all from rom si I p.f. noon Opfn i but some of the household effect'"" w 0 ine pram inry waMT saved provinces Into another unit, but lutlpn oapab. ' Mr nn . wWanHi -vrnnlH onlj tbrmiaji resources necullar td the country and 7,.7 n7 - ' 001,1(1 be effected y. estabrUhlfijteri. but thto.i Itself. The Ingenuity and the re- ,rislL Z 'or tne Mart-Kwe8 to me. " 1 ourreftilneas of the colonial and , .il . nnti h prairie. and problem- 1 aboriginal peonies alone these 11 chSL I The cnmmllon renorted find- to arttf incid. lines was effectively depleted.1 ZZZ ground for popuUr unforseeaWe Aoart from the Clothlne. Mlml .tllCTirn I iv run.,-.. l-nmntalnta nf imi vsilo thnwivh hofor I ho rv' (GaulUer also exhibited such ar-1 CANBERRA, May IS: (CP) Of- duplication of government ser- year ago. .tide as basketrv. nenknlfe statu- fldal figures of Australia's fight- irh'u ""olntlmt but several "We havr 1 arv. mint incs etc. The exhibits of Ins fnrpps in 'other (other noasible possible eause causes of of waste lanxtouslr wh- natlve painting were a revela-1 120JOOO men arm v lnoom .there Mad tlon. showlne tchnTvwa Ul.-t talent 1 a. I a a ... . a whkh prob-1 10,000 and air force 10,069. ui uif mosi ni me luteners had never realised mUht exist amon. TONS or AUSSIE FRUIT the aboriginal peoples even todav CANBERRA, May 16: ICP FOGGY NOKTII SKA LONDON. Mav 16: (HPi Arm. includln 8 000 tons of rnoRA Roller Rink Oally Sessions as Follows: Monday and Thursday Pal Sites, 7 to II Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 to 11 Friday, 6 to 11 Sat.. Children 10 to 12 a.n. 3 to 1:30 p.m. 6 to 8:30 p.m. 8:30 to II p.m. 8pecial Arrangements Can Be Made for Private 8katlng Parties. If You Want QUALITY GROCERIES Low Prices Prompt Delivery Leave a Trial Order With Us MussallenVs Kconotny Store "Where DolU; Have More Cents" are palttlcallv Penlar Conferenre '.are hopeful H, Reeomteing the difficulties In politically im;' -very federal structure of main- cue we think ' talnlnc maximum eo-ooeratnn he- nort a consider W..w.H narr imp nwac ior uiei'ween Bovemmenia. tne commis- people 01 tai a lunnea Kingoom lor 2400 ton of Hon u'"! Oomlnlon-nrovtnclal any lesser dep . nuwsiian onro vine iruiu crop, mmerenr e- a eWiiif inrri ,to dlstrou3 tvu ALL SKATS RritRTQ CmI Kit. V. ut iiwa Bin it T' . IS Ulllfe O-rn ft, II Noon la S n t t :. 7 M to MS Special Childre n - Mat Si- Alornlnr 4 1 commuHion aaserted, snouid re- P- SMITHERS. May 1,6. - Tragedy ' m,n "Ponsibility of Utt NUrvm atmck at th home of William I P1"". wy always have Uw ane b , I iwo wo tldtnr tendenr intmaru Of to the possible effect of uncon- hre(or trolled rtvalry between railway Canadian n . , and highways in Canada, eonsld- wurr '"' ering the situation a "menae to 7"' cmfr the flnanenil solvency of Canada througii iu It voiced no opinion on the predate a e . Acadian ..,. costume , which . . . Mr. rwnu u.. , -n rlrwjr amaltamntton. .rhtnr, should .. h one lante family j emul-.he ...... she was w!Jhe5se" I1"5 ?.nd oppoait side of the house and !hoWn lhtU V" itakle 1U rv,,,,.,,, utiiu imw autu aurcirs as -h j . . scope, doi urzea an eariv eaneral . i i i r oj mining s , I'r.U' i , . -lSll .11,. . , i """H 1 lUHTIvt. 'lu i mmc i imi i i IIAkl I , .. Ill I .V .11 II 'Ml in "The Light mai railed One Compltte si, ,, jchilr generals are reminded that ,and 15 000 to" of sultanas. i-o in the past, it observed, "the not be allowed ' the North Sea Is the foggiest area j i - uu carin in me spring. U. S. TROS AM) CON'S . SYDNEY.'N. S. W., May 16: (CP) J I America Is strongly anti-Soviet. ' anti-Nazi and pro-Allies, but not . at present strongly pro-British, said Mrs. Linda Llttlejohn. prom-! inent Australian feminist, return-. lng home from the United State.' ucffS fflL tfOURMMMr TO MEET 00 vtMtwsoiYowvrAifry Among groins, wheat stands' high In nourishment volue. Sr-:edd Wheat Is 100 whole wheat h Its most delicious, most d gi! bl form. This famous cereal with milk and fruit, conloini these t M essential food elemenfst Three Vitamins (A, Bi and C), Prote n. Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus and Carbohydrates. Here's vital nourishment to meel wartime demands on your v 'ol i In one simple breokfast that's mighty good lo laste. Order t3 or three packages of Shredded Wheat from your grocer il equo" nutritious for lunch or as a bedtime snock. tHI CANADIAN SHIID0I0 WMfAT COMrANX ItO; H-fn M. C- 71'! Il l "' . I Ml II IMIll II M Willi I I r..'i I J-ivl IMflMKl i iia l M M1M I 'J ill mm