EYES Licencee for Numounti Full-roe Frames, The Newest In Eye-Wear Max Heilb DON'T MISS THIS SALE! EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelery Repairing:, Hand Engraving CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment roner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties COAT SALE Latest Fall and Winter Styles Reduced m aeWeVSB 30 JJ Up lo j0 Fur Trimmed Caracal .Untrimmcd . Sport Not obsolete coats but new fall arrivals which have proven so popular. Tailored models. A style for every taste and a price for every purse. Offered in the very heart of the season. 9 Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert THIRD AVE. Next to Heiibroner's Phone BLUE 907 WVWWAWAWAVW.V MacKenzies Furniture 4-piece Bedroom Suite Vanity dresser, chiffonier, 7C AA upholstered bench, fullsize bed v D.Uu 8 other Bedroom Suites to choose from. Purchase now for Christmas, we will hold it for you. Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE RAILWAY I UNES l T.AtfJ. few CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S S. "Princes.1 Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct Oct. 28th, Nov. 7th, 18th, 23th, Dec. 9th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Oct. 24th, Nov. 3rd. 14th, 24th Dec. 5th ' WINTER EXCURSION FARE, VANCOUVER and RETURN CQC Oft TJcket3 on Sale November 1st, 1940, to Feb. '23th, tpuu.VV mi Final return limit March 31st, 1941. Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent - Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. mtmiKmKmtmmtmitmmmmmmmammmmmmmm sxxtMsMMsVsMessssBHSBjsa Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.8.B. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY. 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Dae Vancouver. Thurs. pjn. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 561 If you lose anything, advertise for it, J2Stie Reception Held By Engineers Informal Gathering Last Night for Capt Carson and Mr. j Swansborough Last night an informal reception : was held at Royal Canadian Engineers headquarters in honor of Captain R. J. Carson and J. Swans-borough who are leaving for Vic-) torla on the Prince Rupert tonight. A very enjoyable time was spent by all and many memories were re- called by Captain Carson who was stationed here for some time before ; being transferred several months ago. Bridge Party By Parents Of Boys' Band Is Enjoyed A successful bridge party was held In the Eagles' Hall by the Parents' Association of the Boys' Band. There were eleven tables of bridge and prize-Winners were: ladies" first, Mrs, A. Norton; second, Mrs. Angelo Astori; men's first George Scott; second, J. P. Milner. Mrs. Han ford Perkins was con vener and assisting were Mrs. A. Thomas, Mrs. H. Wanamaker, Mrs. R. E. Eyolfsen, Mrs. L. Husoy and Mrs. F. W. Grimble. Angelo Astori was master of ceremonies and Mrs. Sorrenti presided at the door. Mike Colussl favored the gathering with a couple of acceptable ac-cordlan solos. Special Winter Steamer Fares Reduced Rates Between Vancouver and Prince Rupert Will Be On Again This Winter J. STAFFORD Dibb Printing Co. Besner oesner Block biuck f Phone none W 234 An Invitation Miss Rose Bell, our manager, Is returning from the East with a brand new stock of fur goods. It will be one of the largest and finest we have ever had. An invitation Is extended to all to call at the store and see our stock. We take orders to measure for any kind of fur coats. GOLDBLOOM ... Tbe Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good m daily mnra kisstyour;- TIRED. FEELING GOODBYE! T Pepleu Many Suffer Low Blood CountAnd Don't Know It. . Th baffillng thing about low blood count U that you ran weigh about aa much a you ever did even look healthy and strong, yet you can feci as if you had lead la your Irga, dopey, tired and nrplrsa, Uw blood count meant yott haeent rot enough red blood corpuscles. It U their vital b to carry life-giving oxygen from your ngs throughout your body. And Just aa It take oxygen to explode ganolin in your car and make the power to turn tbe wheeia, m you must hare plenty of oxygen to explode the energy in your body and give you going power. Get Dr. Williams rink Pills today. They are world-famous for the help they give in increasing the number and strength of red corpuscles. Then with your blood count up. you'll feel like bounding up tbe stairs as if you were floating on air. Ask your druggist for Dr. Williams rink rills today. j Prince Rupert, it is announced to-Iday. Effective November 1 with ticket sale up to February 28 ana return limit March 31, the round trip fare Vancouver to Prince Rupert and return will be $36. In the reverse direction Prince Rupert to Vancouver and return there will be a similar round trip fare, tickets selling December 10 to 31 with Jan uary 17 return limit. Daily News classified advertisements can't make customers but they usually can find them.' Try one. (tf) LAUGHTON ANDLEIGH Two Celebrities of Screen Co-Starred in -Sidewalks of London" Co-starrine two 01 ine leaamsi celebrities of the screen. Charles Laughton and Vivien Leigh, "Side- walks of London." a storyof the old show days of the British metropolis, Is the feature picture on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here tonight and Friday. Laughton and Miss Leigh are presented as "busker" sweethearts who lead a precarious but picturesque existence entertaining queues of patrons outside the legitimate theatres. The "romance hits a squall when it becomes apparent that the Drofession of "buskers" Is doomed to rapid extinction. Miss Leieh decides to ditch It and blast her way to fame In the theatre but Laughton maintains that street entertaining Is still good as a career. After a series of battles, reconciliations and scrapes, Miss Leigh has a spectacular rise to the top while Laughton remains a down and out busker. The story reaches a dra matic climax when Miss Leigh tries to open the door to her former sweetheart. "Sidewalks of London" is a British production. i IT i The bet I, there- 5 1 1 You re standing i i Special round trip steamship ex- 11 j minute I I 5 curslon rates will be operative again l I A lor3 d'awn minu 1 I 5 this winter between Vancouver and 1 1 Seems a Ycat I I I' ' I A ull '- M W II mwiniiir.'-jmmim m saBBaBBT:; sassssw.- 'b i V)kM LAGER VWS i WV?V- '-St;!.-.- hmWj ' , aa Olhrr fmmnut Wall Brrrrmf isasaVv M 2"'-' flS j ..-.. B ffJ!jfiy M EXPERT REPAIRS ' W silver srmyG stout jjsjggjK Typewriters C0AST B0REWERES ,(( k 1 Adding Machines limited (vSt ' Cash Registers VanNewVwetminurria jySjf si I I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Llquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER Thursday 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains Leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares, etc., Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE. PHONE 2G0 Acents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Thursday October. 'TOGETHER Tbe Screen's Greatest Stars! Laughton, tbe Incomparable, triumphs again . . ., and with an actress as great as himself Vivien Leigh, tbe world's most talked about star, scoring in a gay, vivacious role! i CHARLES LAUGHTON VI VI IN HIGH Winner- of tbe Academy Award for her performance as Scarlett O'llara in "Gone With Tbe Wind." Sidewalks Or LONDON A Harf-JTit OraM WfwwTaw tsaaW Added LATEST WORLD NEW S "POPULAR SCIENCE" WHAT'S YOUR I.Q? Having on board a total of 65 passengers Including nine who els- Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Oray, j bound, was in port from 8:30 to 10 o'clock S WATPU For Your New 14 (At 1:36 and 9:36) TONIGHT and FRIDAY 2 Shows Nightly, 7:00 and! N fh MftfM mi T. V X 1 1 1 1 111 tit Tl LJ Y A. Ji-llit iuvutui. iuui aAKitcia " adveivrnent it! ; ii rx a vii Suocr T)eive Taxi Fleet Call- i- lO' ' Vat 'IX.. aA . 6 V For Service And Dependability B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture 4 Reconditioned Oil Ranges -Complete with jj0 1 50 avuaa.LV UIIU mult, sViVUi. 1 Electric Washer In perfect shape. Special 6 Heaters-In perfect condition. gQ TO 12.00 J2.00 6 Radios- 3 Special Typewriters Of various makes. 22 50 T 2700 From S22.50 12.95 New Furniture 6 Unpalnted Display Tables Very durable 075 and strongly constructed 21 Table Lamps Latest styles and CI Qg T0 3.95 finest shades, real values 2 Chlffrobes-Wlth 1 round mirror and 1 full length wardrobe and plenty of drawer space. . 39.00 Regular $15.00, now 30 Sprlnn-filled Felt Mattresses Of the very finest jj J(j,50 materials and patterns, rcg. $22.50, now . 25 Felt Mattresses-In all sizes. 7.50 Special . 12 Chesterfield Suites Latest styles and colors In the fln makes. one TO COQ .(1(1 From Phone BLACK 321 Next Door to B.C. Clothiers THIRD