Thursday. October, 24, 1840, f rcVEHYWlIERE, Canadian fruit Mores arc displaying th pick of Canada's famous applo crop. TIic ripe, rid, ricli with flavour unci goodness is now in jour nearest store. Canadian apples are good to eat anytime. That's why most ftliopprrrt keepi a good supply ia tin house, so that children and grown-ups may help themselves at any time of day. There's nothing more refreshing than n hig, ItiM-ious Canadian Apple, tenderly ripe and laden with juice. Order a generous quantity they are now at their lc8t, Marketing Service DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE,. OTTAWA Honourable Jameu G. Gardiner, Ministrr u Thetf'Ae GOOD and GOOD FOR YOU Easy Reading JOIN OUR RENTAL LIBRARY 75c for one month Change Your Hook as Often as You Wish' -(Double Subscription 50c Per Month Extra) These are late additions--We add one new book a day Mr and Mrs. Melgs;...... Corbett The Family 1.. ,fS..'. Fcdorova You Can't Go Home Again ... -r Wolfe Dig River to Cross Burman Moon Tide -' Robertson Mr Llttlejohn 4 Flavln Count Ten von Storm The Dragoni' Teeth - Queen House of Lee Atherton Quietly My Captain Walts 'Eaton Three Cities - Murray Dark Lightning Miller World's End -v Sinclair The Ghost Plane, 4-- Stringer A Lion in the Gardenia...,,... ...'- i. Stern Raleigh's Eden . Fletcher Rental IibrsiVyStiQnvy , MaeMvsM RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage frtnt Ripen Co. Ltd. Brittsn Colombia LOCAL NEWS NOTES . . 1 i.- ' Just say "Three Two please." - Just say "Three. Two please." Tonight's train, aue from the tast at. 11 o'clock, was reported, his afternoon to. be on. time. Mrs. T. W. Brown returned to the I city on the Prince Rupert yesterday' afternoon from a, trip, to Vancouver Dr. Bertram Thomas, O.B.E., dis tinguished Arabian explorer, will address a public meeting In the Legion Hall a,t 8. p.m. Thursday. western Mediterranean, Silver col lection. , (250) B, C. Women's Service Corps will accept recruits at the Armouries Friday. Nov. 1, 7:45 to 8:15. Prospective, recruits wplrome as onlook ers at regular parade, Friday, Oct 25, 8 to 9 p.m. (250J Harry Bonnell, general manager of the Vancouver Tobacco Co., is paying one of his periodical visits to the. local Grotto Cigar Store business.. He arrived from the south en the; Prince Rupert yesterday af ternoon and will be returning to Vancouver on the same vessel to morrow night. Capt. and Mrs. R. J. Carson of Ottawa arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from: Vancouver. Capt. Carson IS here Hn the course of an Inspection trip In connection with his duties with the Rpyal Canadian Engineers. Mrs. Carson will visit for a couple of weeks with her Mr. and WCCIb W It'll 14CTV- parents, UUlClikOi IVU . 111U Announcements All advertisements in tills ccl-timn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Gyro Hallowe'en Hoedown, 31. P. T. A. Telephone Bridge, 25. Irish Auxiliary Dance. Armory Barracks. October 25. Dry Canteen Tea, October 26. Canadian Legion Bazaar Nov. I. Cambral Dance, November 1, Oddfellows' Hall. Salvation Army Sale, Nov. 6. Anglican Bazaar. November 7.. Sonja's Bazaar, November 8. Moose Hall. 102nd Auxiliary Dance. Armory, November 8. 14. Presbyterian Bazaar November Hospital tea and dance. 15. Lutheran Circle Bazaar. Metro- pole Hall. November 16. Red Cross Tea, Legion Hall, Saturday, November 16. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, 21, United W. A. Sale November 21. Eastern Star Ball, November 22. Moose Hall. Valhalla Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, November 22. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Coltoit, D.CFh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 646 "JET" STOVE POLISH Kirn Steel Stove Tops Bright, It doesn't blacken, and cleans them while hot ALL H. C. STORES J. H, Engelke. returned to the city on. the. Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from a brief trip to Van- r couver. THI ixitish columiia distillery CO. LTD. MIW WfSTMIMSTU c TKii difrtitmnt ii not published or ditplty.d X) 'y (l" Liquor Control Bo.rd or by U ' Government of British Columbia George Franklin, manager here for the Canadian Express Co., returned to the city 0n the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. W. M. Roxborough and Mm. t t x Major T. W. Sutherland of thei Royal Army Medical Corps has ar rived in the city to take command of the station hospital and Royal Army Medical Corps detachment 5n Prince Rupert. Major Sutherland was formerly practising In Mrs. M". C.'MadtiV returned ty, the city o, the. Prinze Rupert yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. Inspector Ernest Gammon, provincial" police, left on last evening's train for Red Pass Junction enroute to Vancouver. William Trotter returned to the city on tha Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Miss Vivian Wrathall returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon, from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Miss Jean Dalzell, who has been 'nn n t ri rv t rt VAniviiiv.r rot,, msttl i n the city from, the south on thr- Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon. R. O. Van der, Sluys, returned to the city on the Princess Louise; this morning from a three weeks' tilp south,, having motored from Van couver into the Okanagan country and elsewhere in the southern In i terlon Major W. T. Brown of the Irish Fusiliers was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Ruoert Rotary Club. Dr. Meal M. Carter, the president,, was in the chair and there was a good attend ance of members with several guests. Lieut. Confmander and Mrs. P. M. Ray, following their recent mar riage In Victoria, the bride having formerly been Miss Willa Dyer of this city, arrived on. the. Princess Louise this morning from the sonth Walter Eggert of Atlin, who have and will take un residence ia the ml M Heilbro, er. Cant. Carson oeen a .' were Pen-,B3sner Apartments. They aro re ...,.., .;.w tgersaooaratne wincess Louise this ceiviris the hearty congratulations iu mrnlnn t,,rr,lr,. r.n irn. ! .. . .. .... SCOLDS RELIEVED FAST Put 3-purpose Va-tro-nol up each nostril . ( 1 ) It shrinks swollen membranes; (2) Soothes Irritation', 13) Helps flush out nasal, passages, clearing clogging mucus. V1CKSVATRONQL uiUimi6 Kiuuuuj iiviui Hum " tana Dest wisnes oi meir numerous COUVer. f rlpnrl M. H. McLean, manager of the ( Dr. Bertram Thomas,, for years n" ?CkT rteduet',on piant , prominent" in" the affairs of Arabia Port Edward, returned to the city and an authorlty on international "U 'J ai-. maUers affecUng the Medlterran ternoon from a brief trip U Van-ean n re aml tne ear. East.14 : couver on business. r t the. course of i tour under the auspices of the Can adlan Club. He arrived from Van couver on the Prince Rupert yes terday afternoon and win return south on tle sajpe., vessel tonight. Last night he spoke .before a dinner of the local Women's Canadian Club and tonight will speak at a meeting in the Canadian Legion HalL $et far you! FRY'S COCOA Writi foe Recipe Book, Tirooriti Cocoa tai CbocsUta Radptt," sat tot rrj-Ciftirj Llt Mn(Tiii COUGHS & COLDS Ormcs t Horehound and Honey 1 50c Kcxall White Pine and Tar 25c anl 50c Rexall Bronchial Syrup 50c Ormes Ltd. Z&iA Pioneer Druqgiits The Reiall Store Phonti II ' gj Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 P.m. CMity That Satisfies "SAIADA TEA G. G. Balrd, Canadian. National , y,ars ago and who Is now located Railways land commissioner from ' at Mission in the Fraser Valley, ar-Winniper, on the prlnce Rupert. yester- In the course of a west-!" uiieruuon irom ine suuui. lie . . . , . , ,. . i.uay 3rn tour, arrived in tha city from k for a brIer Vancouver oi). th Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon anc proceeded last by the eyening train. He was accompanied, by Mrs, Balrd. old city police In Prince Rupert market. in the city will, renew many rld acquaintances. 1 POUND. YORK, Oct. 24. The British Provincial Constable Hugh. Mc- pound sterling is quoted a )4.02V2 Glinchy, who was a member o the on the New York foreign exchange Size 3 PEAS V i mi The addition of a can of RCYAlCrrY .1 sweet, tender Peaa adds a high! ' M nourishment and mineral saltaj W f value to any meal) t ' Used Furniture Srpiece Dining Room Suite Buffet, round table with three leaves and six chairs Iron Single Bed. Spring and Mattress Dressers, Buffets, Wash Stands, Rocking Chairs Kitchen Range Fitter with Impeerial Oil Burner Kitchen Range For burning coal or wood Oil Heater, Coal Heater, Wood Heater Large Mirror Size 52"x 53" Electric Singer Sewing Machine, table model Electric Hoover Vacuum Cleaner, Bealty, Premier . Spic Span Bridge Lamps, Standard Lamps, Table Lamps Remington Standard Typewriter, No. 10 Speed-0 Print Machine R.C.A. Victor Radio Watches 21 jewels Waltham, 17 jewels and 7 jewels Wall Clock, Electric Irons, Electric Shaving Outfit Come, Look .Around Our Used Furniture Department. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING Phone Green 916 THIRD AVENUE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pjn, Every now and then we wish to rail the attention of the. public ta the fact that our coal is MCeyau very tire Wet f A ft'' VBuU'Uk THE WAV y TuEYTfceATYoo a "hot proposition The coal we sell is as full of the proper heat as our ton Is as full of the proper pounds. You can quickly prove this to your own satisfaction by phoning Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 652