PAGE BDC THE DAILY NEW3 EXPERT Optometrist & Watch Maker Now in Charge of Optical Parlors and Repair Bench M ax neilbroner JEWELLERY DIAMONDS For Finest CHINA, GLASSWAKE and NOVELTIES Visit The Basement Store DROWNS IN &KiwNaR. Reuben Wcs.ey Loses Life Near Skeena Crossing. And Brother, Edward, Has Narrow Escape SKEENA CROSSING, April 25:-Reuben Wesley, fifteen year old son of Joseph Wesley of Kitse-gukla, was drowned in the cap-sizal of a canoe in the swift-running waters of the Skeena River at 8:39 Monday morning of this week and his brother. Edward, is in the Har-elton Hospital suffering from the effects of cold and shock after havine had a narrow escape with 'his life. Reuben and Edward were fol fiKGOLEUM RUG COHGOLEUM RUGS MacKenzie'i lowing a deer which they had wounded and chased into the river. Intent upon the pursuit, they euowed their frail craft to be caught in the river rapids and it struck a snag, capshting immediately. Reuben attempted to Jump clear but his fe$t were entangled in a net. He was never seen again after falling into the water. Edward clung to the canoe and was ricked up about thirty minutes later by Mathias Wesley a mile and a half down the river. Several crews of men have been drrs-eing the eddjes dawn the river 'n the endeavour to recover the bodv of Reuben Wesley but so far without avail. A firty cei. ciasoiiieQ ad. often make yo.. many dollar a, -if - No. 4 dealer's ? Then be sure Gold Seal on this prize-Miiiiiing rug I But do It SPECIAL Skagway "Street Car" Operator On Way Back Home Martin Itjln, operator of Skag-way's famous "street car" and one of the colorful personalties of Alaska dating back to the "Soapy" Smith days, was here aboard the Princes Louise -this morning returning north after an extended i : during the past two or three rronthi tc various oarts of the United State all the wnv between New Yoik and California. Mr. It-tin met numerous people whose ac quaintance he had mae over a per iod of many wars durlna the Al- 8 ka tourist seasons. From what he could hear. Mr. Itlln said that this promises to be a record year for tourist travel, to Alaska. It will h. I limited only by the number of boats . M 1 a a ttvauaDie 10 nanaie me traulc. Canada At War 25 Years Ago April 25. 1915- King George V. in a message to the Duke of Con-naught, Governor-General of Canada, expressed admiration of the "gallant stand" made by Canadians at Ypres. Australian landed at Oaba Tepeh as general attack on the Dardanelles was renewed. i MARCH. Eng.. April 23: (CP) A nightmare is believed to have caused the death of this Cambridgeshire v'l'nge s oldest inhabitant. W Chaoman. 90. He died from shock following a fall during his sleep. ' Ar Are you you going going to to be be the the tirf 111' IS'Wrfi -guT 1 OI,C one IO to take take home homcthe .the Blr w&&$k 'V ""nLrt f- 1 ,iiag"'fint magnificent 6 6 9 9 foot foot S m f. SO" 1 I S 1 C""ole" Congoleum Gold Gold Seal Seal 7 Tlf g5T $ Cwhcm - HiiR-on Hugion display display at at jour vour P.Qn I M , JWL i , jJ to '"t"'" turn in Jour your guess guess as as ( fl m ' 1 WpLKlMg'M. to to t,,e the correct correct number number cifU ' WKMRl 'itMfi, hidden hidden beneath beneath the the big big XS right mcuy for there are only a few days left and we want y ou to have a chance as much as anybody else! Hemembcr, it eosts yu nothing hut a moment's time, so vhy not run in to see your dealer today? Just a glimpse of his fine stock or these famous G.ngolcum Hugs will make you all the more anxious to win and if you prefer one of his patterns in stock to the prize-winning rug, why the choice is yours ! The contest closes at noon Saturday, so please .... i ucxay any jongcr. The winning number w" ,,c Ios,c'' your dealer's window at I p.m. aime aiicrnoon. Kiel an entry form and register your guess today! CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONTItntL OFFER if you purrl,ae a genuine Congoltum Cold Snl to l.e tli winnrr of the Jroe prile rug. you have he opnon of taking the nriie rig or of hiving ihl. bought refunded . Tl.i. I, yur onportunit, of r TsV'A'IM P ALL SIZES CONGOLEUM V Hi ilH II TP KUGS-Scc McKcnzic's Regard. a ts m m v nig Free Hug STRANGE BOOSTER IN FRENCH BARN u-' btw.i to piay . sr.po r;.- a. ..!. a. my ;a war. artillery mf:. , id.:k-i t . ulce n-i "i. waling their weapons Th; h n.ei oi the Binv :.cvy is cleverly hidden in a ban. that once was 1 1 1 home of F. nch paultry The side of the barn his oevn lemovro VANDERKOOF STEWART The Sisters of Charity of Provl- The Canadian Otrh tn Train inn denee have become Interested in 0f Stewart held a suco-vfal tea the establishment of a hospital at last Saturday after ;v -n j Vanderhoof and will, it is expect- I ed. build and equip an institution Ncrann Mansbridr. wh If ft Just north of the bride across the stewaf last tall far P-tl, id Nechako River. It will b a two- nnm emploved in an alrr.t'i a- store7 twenty-six bed structure sembly pi-.nt in th old r -un . The sitr consists of twenty acres and l.s rnjoying good health madp avallabh by the municipality . of Vanderhoof. jh- urn rssocD ht h.. n- avalUM" for work m 'hp n ir k M M. Connellv. M. L. A. far e. win dam at Stewart Th.. w i. Omineca Is leavu Fort Fraaer H be i-arricd on from the p,,.. shortly fo- Vktoria to take up ?'e operatkma ceased .ome umo Mth tv nment matter af- ago. fectlng his Jdlng. , " A -(in limp has bn irnfalM m David W. Donald of Vandrhof the Stewart Oenrra! Ho,Pn.ti iiMd has sold his auarW nf a -Ho i now ready for the use or n Uetlt ' " Pli dWrtrt neaf Vanderhoof to Charlea H. Orn- Mrs. O. P. Helnck-y auj fa,r,i t of M, Mrf r,r. formerly of Stewart, are now rri ! renter are now at MsseU nrenar- i? in Victoria. bavlnt moved then Mr. Oarxntw ' n hrntr of Mr. Arnold Smrdley 0f Vanderhoof. Cyril Larae. technocracy sxntrt f-w Wmnnt'm W a1!! touring central Rrttlah Columbia. A nf tb nawnfihin "TIM Orm" h b-n -nrd at. nek- rr im. or Anfienmn W prednt: Mrs. 0"ifn. v'c- . and Mrs. Gunnar Moran lng at Brdko with Mr. and Mrs Matthew CaldwcJl. ; Alex Stariyer was fast fej;entlv a HlHhdav rmrfw in hnnor of his mother.. Mrs. Fred Stanyer. About twenty friends were present ! WHAT OOFS IIP I STOKE NEWINOTON. Eng.. Ap-(ril 25: (CP)A partly-deflated ibr.-a7e balloon came down on a factory roof here when Its cable foutol a factory chimney. It was emntiPd and removed by R. A. P. and Air Raids Precaution officials. r Whiff lets From The Waterfront -;,J Taking up regular service for in. u. uii on the Alaska route. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise. Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived In port a i v ocioc this morning from Vancouver and sUed an hour nH rv. nn r. .Punter, nastor hw lr for Skagway and other of h vsn-rhnnf tinltpd Churrh. northern points whence she is due hnn r- s roti from th vr- back here Monday afternoon rwHnt, nf itrn, , rsHVr southbound. The vessel had on rtH. ws take chare thri. b&rd 120 raasenirers of whom four (.crly In July, disembarked at Prince Rupert, one I iRomg aooaro here for the north. v-ara alnerl t Port Frawr on1 Twelve halibut vessels sol-the Canadian Nstlnrwi Rsiiiv catches totil'int 17S.000 pounds at r"d l-t wk in Princ SeatUe yesterday, the prevailing rir Up hj)f, rejHin, ,n r,rice being 9.8c and 9c with sales Prince George for the past couole follows: Alenttn. 40.000 pounds. of vears- ,Sn Juan. 9c straight: Argo 13.- ;nno Whl. 9 Ac and c: Bergen Mrs Pnl rirnidamour is 1W) nh Sb ani a. n 8.000. San Juan, fle straleht: t.ii ,13.000, New Enend. 9.8c and ,Pr-r.s 14.500. Wahipton. 9 8c The Udles' Aid Society met yes- and 9c: Evolution. 7500, Dressel-terd-v afternoon at the home of miilm nHr nnd 9"- Arn moon Mrs. J. W. Campbell. jSebaitlsn. 9.8 and 9c: Anirelus 18.600. nooth. 9 8c and 9c: Lincoln I M. w D. Hvde hai closed the re-!rwi. Ktmh. ne. and 9c: Aloh taurant which hs has been operat-i""0 whk 98 and Oc- niana ln.T here for the past' year. m M"Cfl11um. 9 8c and 9c.' j "hs of mlH brought 2c Maintenance of way men ot the1 -""H. A K-hlVnn yesterday Canadian National Railways for: "00 nounds nf halibut sold a he area betwee" Endako and) 7.8c and 5.8c while salmon nrlc" nwce uporge neia a meeting In' nnn o. th week.i'nrt the Canadian Legion Hall here re cently. halibut at Juneau fbV 8 '4c and 5c AUMV HOnilOWINn CHATHAM. Eng.. April 15: CP) -For "conduct to the prejudice of military discipline and good order"!, e., borrowlna? manv (mm - u - . . me iawcr ranics, a battery quarter inastcr-scrgeant was reduced the ranks. to If you hive BonietuinK to swan try a Classified Ad, Jim iMMORTAi' Clfxn p. A 1 THE MOTION 0s..IU rCTUM VTUnE Bfl Or THE GREAT . . . GAlltRy M H ' d""tlo romonc. o on. A . I TOM' UT and niin.w INSPIRING ROMANCE T" "The Stor of Alrundrr firaham licir ShoMluc at Capitol Theatre An pnic drama of inventorial ac-compiuhment Inspired by a great love. "The Story of Alexander G ra gavo the world the power to span oceans and continents with the hu man voice by talking through a wire, possibly not manv nwrnle know that It was the deafness of i ,t v . I " ma r.i um r. ..t..r. : :ii: the lovely Mbri Hubbard :til Spired Alexandrr Ouhm U miraculous achirvrnn"!!: of entioh of the telfphmif Olhera featured m in c Cruriet COborn. Ornc Loctturt S fit Jig Bjrlngton MIMA OEE SKiNAl NEWCASTLE. tOTl Burst nf nurhi u at'-mim fire ltn attracted ti .m Rnii uiih rvu, iMHh is. ttraeteu etta Young and Henry Fonda ahar- h0""w"h"5 Kt0 tr whcn ina stellar honors, come, as the . sin- 8'l riast feature picture to the screen of the .J' 'fr-'fttUa " 0 off v, Ihr Z, Z n'd ,truck tomorrow. It 1 the dramatic ro-," manre of one who dreamed and struKKled. loved and achieved. 81m- ulc human and inspiring, the pir-turc uavs homage to the cenlus of the inventor and the devotion of the woman. Dell's story is that of the obscure young scientist, his dlscouraglnc struggles, his Invention of the tele-1 phone, his desperate battle against ' public ridicule and powerful oppon- nta and his ultimate trlumnh. the flame of his genius having been kept alight by the love and faith of the woman he adored. It Is dLscloscd how the romance KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! P,pl... Many Suffer l.oW Count-And Don t Know!' UfltHac tklne ""' " U iht jo ra w'tli ah-. "'J'" m mJ aa If yixi 1 lrM Imi m Ikhki mm fwri mwn. nnurh lw ml blood WrlniKl" 1; lhrt " ieb to rarrr Hft-ilWaa - " , lann throuiliwit your fc"l you mail ban uttnlr ot o " " , lha anarajr In oor bodr t Vr. William. M r . ara orld-famoua for U 'i' ,h''k' Inrrraalnc K nurnkar a.l V' corpwarin. Thrll ll '" 1 ' you'll M Ilka houndlnc w rna wr flnaataa " air. Ak ); "' " tnr pr. Wllllama Oak TUU (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 i Can Uldc for Price of One