PAGE FOUR -j j THE DAILY NXWS Anniversary Is Observed i t French Balm-Price . . . ... Ilasol Price company, of a handsome silver ,dWL Mr. and Mrs. McKlnky both replied suitably. Mr. MeKlnley be-itnf in particularly good cheer delate Mm bed.ridden. j Those present were Mr. and Mrs. 1 Friendi Cither Friday Xight To.jamef Clark. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.. Honor Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Murray. Mrs. James Hampton. Mrs. McKinlcy jD. C. Stuart. Mrs. D. CMeRae. Mrs. Harry Calderwood. Mrs. John Dyb- . A group of well-wishing friends ham. Mrs. O. A. Rogers. Mrs F gathered last night at the home W. Hart. Mrs. J. C. Officer and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. J W. MeKtaley, .Gordon Daniels. Foarth Avenue East, to help them j J celebrate their thirty -first wed-, i ding anniversary and a happy par- j Fire thoujira r.. Rupert ty ensued. Bridge was played and people read the Daily Nsws. It; the presentation was made by Mrs. 'pays to let them know what rot James Clark, on behalf of the have to sell 25c and Jasmine or Gardenia Skin Softener 50c 50c Lemon Cocoa Butter Lotion Offn Price OOK 50c Ormes Ltd. TZtut Pioneer Drvtqp ists The Ilexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. OOOOOOOO0OOOOQOOOtIOOOOOOOOOOOO3OOOOHJOOOHJOOOOKJOOO Coal! Coal! Coal! Winter wJndsdeain And your- needs I DW Foothills Bulklcy Valley Nanaimo-Wellington U'e are equipped to supply any of these coals promptly, carefully screened and graded to size Phones 651 52 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. USED 25-CalIon U'aler Tank-Nearly new , Library Table In light oak English Pram-Like new Gurncy Ilange Same enamel SIcClary Quebec Heater For , Bed Complete Coll spring and FURNITURE mattress Congoleum Kug 9xlOVi 4 Studio Lounge Opens to a double bed Seamless Axminsler Carpet OxlOVi 8-Picce Dining ICoom Suite For .'. I-I'iccc Bedroom Suite Consists of Bed, Chiffonier Vanity and Bench Green Cork Linoleum-Square yard White Sewing Machine At Wcstinghouse Radio 11 tubes, good condition S7.50 S7.50 S17.50 $29.50 S12.50 $15.00 $4.50 $20.00 $25.00 $39.50 $45.00 75c $12.50 $17.50 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE firecn SIC Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. THIRD AVENUE o handling it. will be Waterfront Whiffs Local Dry Dock Receives Confirmation of Contract Herring Seining to Close In Local Harbor LINZEY DAVIES PHONES 585 586 Grapefruit Large. 25C Anjou Pears QHl Per dozen 0,131 ."Mellow Sweet Turnips OC0 10 lbs. New Potatoes OO 3 lbs, for Lettuce Large Q heads ctrcr 15c to 20c Spinach 90 2 lbs, for A0 Bunch Carrots nFn 3 for Endive A rn A0U Each FIRST GRADE Qpl tul BUTTER 3 lbs IS! & ft r Brentwood Niblet Corn 2 for Beef Steak Sauce Per bottle Purity Flour-no. 49'd Non - Premium OATS 18c Silverware OATS 28c Buy Heinz Large Ketchup 2 bottles for 11c 25c 30c $1.85 43c I f. . D.f. I Mr u-niilrf h Harine been delaved br heavy g' constructed at Prince Rupert. Can-' traf fic lor Island points, C. N. R. g'adian National Railways officials ,teamei" Prtnc John- Capt. JamM D . Will inhriJ tr. Mrf at mUntoht t tt i- , ui Kie xiays urreK ana o continuing pn a su&stantiai scale in Westview bridges for the city g Prince Rupert harbor with many white absent in the south, the g seiners and packers engaged in Bonllla was given an overhaul and closed down has been engaged In towing logs . from Johnstone Straits camps as well as towing herring scows to the Namu reduction plant. The steam, tug Fearless, Reg Oreen, and power tug Pach ena. Capt. Oscar Sather. returned to port today from Anyox bringing in one hundred creosoted piles which the Armour company has purchased from the wreckage of the old smelter plant, also a 20,-000 gallon oil tank and a scowload of mining material to be transshipped over the Canadian National Railways to Vanderhoof. At the end of last week the , Pachena towed back to Tanoo In-let. Queen Charlotte Islands, two camp tenders for the Kellcy Log- MINERAL AC1 Notlr. To iMllnqurnt Co-infr T John W. Aldfn .nd Gander lUrkf-Und of battle. W.thlncton, V. R. A. WHEREAS ttre m owner, other thsn myiwlf to tb extent of more -tv&n om qiwrter interat la tich sad U of the 8Ur No. 1. Blu No. 3. Stir No. 3, 8tr No. 4. 8ur No. 8. BUr No. 8 Kr No 7. BUt No. 8. SUr No, 9 GENERAL CONTRACTORS CASEY and M0RRETT0 Stone Masonary, Brick or Concrete Work Excavation and Landscape Gardening Macadam Roads or Sidewalks f Phone 35 for Morretto or Green 527 for Casey SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA iCambrai Valentine g g; 0 building of two 170-foot steel mine sweepers at a cost of iian pre D a a a o a a a a a 0 o o o o 8 o o 0 a a O a a o a o 0 0 o 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 o- 0 0 0 o 0 a o o o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o O D FOR Chapped Hands 0 0 O 0 O o a o some $1,250,000. Another conftrma-, tion came in a message from Hon P wefk' er - ly heavy run at the first of the week W. J. A&selstlne, minister t of trade J . when aj mucn 2.000 tons was -and ldustries at Victoria, that, of hauled in on a single night g I fourteen mines wet pers to be built In 2 British Columbia, two Dance Was Happy Affair Thursday On Thursday evening Cambrai Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of Empire, held its Annual Valentine Ball There were 15 couples nresent and music was by Jean De 1 Carlo s Orchestra. Johnny Ooma- J dina was master of ceremonies. Thomas Boulter, superintendent of the Prince Rupert miss Muriel Vance was in charge dry dock, late yesterday afternoon received confirmation of the decorating which w111 of announcements received in other quarters earlier in the v'lent LUJ7h. : day that the Prince Rupert dry dock had been awarded miue and Miss Margaret MMKHMMft I contracts from the federal War Purchasing Board for the!MCLcod and mi& Margaret McLach- presided at the door. gtng Co. which had been receiving. overhaul and engine lnswuiauon here and at the first of the week went to Oil Island to pick up and take to Georgetown 80400 feet of 'togs from a hand logging opera -Ition of the late Harry Scott o at Vancouver earlier In the day: "r Z Tv. The Armour Salvage Co.'s noat- the! g had said they were unable to nig Vancouver rto inJ which has been g firm the report that their dry dock iT" tlTZ the removal of the g was handling two mine sweepers.,11 I" nm ,outh Northern Construction Co', out- 9 Evidently, thev did receive word fit at Frederick Point where the caung this. Burrard and Vancouver shipbuilding companies point of Watcher Island. Browning at Vancouver each said they would i Passage, Smith Sound, is announc employ seven to eight hundred men on, their contracts. The Prince Ru- ncrt contract will Involve three er from a lantern on a pole months' preparatory work and work th concrete foundation at an o'on actual construction for some five " tniry-nve leet. oi S'""""' hundrpd men lui for about eight t. I i PHI? Al i: 00; Unsubdlvided portion Lot 2199. R. 5. C. D.. 142 acres, and cottage. Estate Nell McCarthy. $300.00; Assd. Lot A of Lot 5. Blk. 2, and Assd. Lot A of Lot 6. Blk. 2, D. L. 45. Port Estington. Estate Mary D. Holland. $200.00; Unsold portion Lot 3822. Cassiar Alice Arm), and cottage. Estate John W. Strombeck. $500.00.- Officlal Administrator, Prince! Rupert. B. C. tf.l i&4 sur No to uinenl cuinu iittuu TWO bargains for quick sale ua sue ncrui woe oi rurcoer uiuu in Chlunore Pumc .bout pCO feet from the bmcb In the Skeen. Mlnlaj DiTUlon. Province of BrlU!i CoiumbU: TAKE NOTICE Ui&. unleM you d3 par viuun 90 dar from the dat hereof the rum of 11537-50 being your proportion of the expenditure required for the year. 1937. 1938 and 1939 by BecUon 28 of the VUceral Act, R. S B. C 1939. Chapter 161. together with WANTED Girl an cohu of thia notice, to the under-mirned. the regtateTed owner of aaid Sllneral Claims, your lnterert on aatd Mineral Claim ahall be forfeited and become voted in trie undersigned who ha. made the required expenditure. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C. thu inn day of J Jly 1939 X S. BERNKT One automatic electric range, enam-! elled flnUh. $27 00. Thor electric I lroner. $28.00. Phone 238. Edward I Lipsett Ltd. (Mi I WANTED to do general housework and cooking for fam-1 lly of four, out of town. Apply Box 32 Dally News. 47l BOARD AND ROOM FIRST CLASS board and room close In. Phone Black" 965. tf PERSONAL HOW TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk. Customs Examiner. Clerk. Etc. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No Agents. YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Wlnnl-peg. Manitoba. tf. 8AVE k On DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES If It's made of rubber, we have It. Price List and Booklet "Perfection In Protection" free on request, in Plain, Sealed envelope. IMPERIAL IMPORTS (Western) P. O. Box 227 Vancouver, B.C. INCREASE YOUR INCOME SELL Shoes, Highest Commissions, Free Selling Equipment. Write II. Ritchie Shoe Company, 455 Craig, Street West, Montreal. Bruce takes the part of Dr. Wat-. .son while Oeorge Zucco Is the , fiendish villain of the piece. Ida .Luplno and Ida Marshal have the leading romantic roles and the cast also includes Terry KUburn. Henry Stephenson and E. E. CUve I A popular companion picture for "Sherlock Holmes" on this .double bill is another of the al- accepUbie Jones -apt. poo sAi.ETfrmi: strict! ciih-1 series "Quick MUltans" in which Lots 9-10. Blk. 11. D. L. 3W, lamuy heads for the Grand Terrace. Hugh M. Adams Estate. 'Canyon on a gold hunt and en (500.00; Sub Lot 1 of Lot 1439. ousters Indian hosts. lake aeolo-Range 5, C. D. Lakelsc Road, 10 Kits. bullets, bandits and gun-acres. Peter De Boer r.ate, tlghU but no gold The familiar $100.00; Lot 20. Blk. U S. 6. cast U seen each member In the Prince Rupert. George Mac kiln customary rote, with the little Estate $900.00.' Lot 4. Blk. 37. (Comedian. Bddto Collins. In a Sec. 5. Prince Rupert. J. D. Peel spwlalt part Estate. $125.00; Lot 3053, Cas-, star, 103 acres, situate near Aly-ansh, Wm. Stewart Estate, $100 - Try a Classified Advertisement. NEW CKNTRAI. HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartment Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) Saturday, Febm-? 24 3 SISTERS CAFE THE SHOW-WORLD WONDER. ..n Technicolor! iBpfiD wot " GARLAND MORcm bolcer.uhr.hS5y " suTMtnmcMuiis fTa 4 Wt Kw,, UJ CAPITOL Starts Monday DAYS SPECIAL MATINEES MON. - TI ES, at U:, TONIGHT ONLY 2 Complete Shows 7:00 & 0 BASIL RATI I BONE in 'Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' GOOD BILL .8:03 snd 10 Ml Jones Family in "Quick Millions" O:00 and 9 30) AT CAPITOL s vi I "- - - .... a a. saw tw. rv- ... . later. Mr. Boulter's message indi-1 Establishment of a new new un- un- I&ruIlcauon contract wna shfrlock Holmes And Jonw family North North watched watched light light 0n on the the northwest northwest ?Itm1 Jl'TTTl . iL! ' Sfcn Tonight Only In neen compiew. ( Etcellenl mm rrotram tun this moraine to settle on a ed by the Department of Trans- " JfTf ... nl. it wTs! Admtwres of Sherl Sherlock port It is a white acetylene flash- ?JJ LJSJJ1 t'i day and bring her in for repairs. the title rate of the master- detective, comes to the screen 1 During the first wek to March 'the Capitol Theatre here as the i u .nurf to the DOwr.Itare otterint tonight Thu g ;r Armour Busy tL Paehema. and Bonllta to Van- f solution months. Yarrows and the Victoria, The of'of with dabolica! Armour Salvage Co. fleet fourowload. a series plotted o Machinery Depot have abo recerv-ha, been busy these days on a wta, Sen ot by the A R turtnlng and the uper ortme of g ed contracts, two each. 'variety of Jobs. The company's WtUiam, Machinery Co. in wTeck- - the theft of $15,000 000 Brltub g ' " power tug Bonllla. Capt. Henry . (h. AnVM rAant and a eow-1 crown jewels from the Tnwer f 'g "nl" ,teame' Cf(dena' due Pot 6 o'clock 2d of Xt whieh the Nor-Londnn In addition a powerful o John t Boden. arrived in port t at 5 this evening from Vancouver after th.rn construction Co has been tove sU5ry runs through the plot g o ciocKims morning iromuvesoutn an absence since December. She usln)S on tlv fortification contracts " the picture is not without and sailed at 8 ajn. on her return hHnoincr - - v.wnu ... . v rv-Ms 0 here a to Vancouver and waypoints. containing 350.000 feet of creosot- to be used in the con- o;' f . i ed ed Umber timber g' a Ijerrjng -- -o ieining, whkh has been struction suuii cornea jr inciaenu a.i wen. nigri HAK (toil) LONDON. CP. l prtet- of bar gold market was uv.:f,r H per f.:.- is now orrx ior nrsiNrss Family S Yur Patronage u apprer;j' Thank Yoa BBSm SBBBH BH SB VjsT S 111 Lvv)nviw,1"ivj nnJM ti .ti Mill Thii alt tff.lscT.e .1 or d:ipUr4 tj f , ? Dosrd or by ths C : DrlUia C. is. '.. 3 I DOR A Roller Rink Dally Session i r Mnn . Tues . Wett Thurs. 7 to 9 30. V . FrldaT 6 to 8.30 K 8at Children to 2 to i fQ- fl to 8 3i Special Arrangen.' Made for Priv..- Part.''.. MacKenzie's Furniture COMMUMtCArKtfiS I BLANKETS AH wool, while and grey Mannrletie Sheets Per pair $2.50, $3.00, 83.50 Phone 773 CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports 8J3. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 10 p m To Vancouver Direct 8.8. "PRINCESS LOUI8E" Feb. 15th, 26th, March 7th. 18ih. M"1 U Inter l.xcurnlon Fare Vancouver and Itcturn Tickets on Sale to February 29th. 1940. Fm Return Limit March 3Ut, 1940 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific 8r",'c Tickets and Reservations From W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Itupert, IVf Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAJRY PHONE 657 Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S I-Dallv at 4 P-m TROTIER'S DOCK